module m_julday contains subroutine julday (itimes,stime,utc) c c...purpose: to convert between calendar day and julian date (utc). c c output: c utc double precision julian date c c input: c itimes integer array containing month, day, year, hour, minute c stime floating point seconds c cGE implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension itimes(5) c jd = itimes(2)-32075+1461*(itimes(3)+4800+(itimes(1)-14)/12)/4+367 * *(itimes(1)-2-(itimes(1)-14)/12*12)/12-3*((itimes(3)+4900+ * (itimes(1)-14)/12)/100)/4 c utc = dble(float(jd))-0.5d+0+dble(float(itimes(4)))/24.0d+0+ * dble(float(itimes(5)))/1440.0d+0+dble(stime)/86400.0d+0 c end subroutine end module