This directory contains routines for converting from various types of atmospheric forcing datasets to a format that is understood by HYCOM. It has been tested mainly with the NERSC version of HYCOM. Available data sets are Synoptic forcing: option era40 - ERA40 datasets Option ncepr - NCEP reanalysis Option ecmwf Option metno Option ecnc - These are various ecmwf operational datasets Climatology : option era40 - Climatology based on ERA40 forcing Option old - Old climatology based on COADS, Legates & Vilmott ++ For running this, you need to have a for the NERSC version of HYCOM (it contains forcing information). You also need to set up paths locally to the atmospheric forcing data sets. Run the routine where you run your model, and forcing.* - files will be created. You will also need bathymetry and model grid: regional.grid.[ab] regional.depth.[ab] Call the routine like this: synoptic_forcing-2.1 [synoptic option] [climatology option] Example: synoptic_forcing-2.1 era40 era40 The forcing will then be created for the time period specified in This version is meant for NERSC HYCOM version 2.1 - For newer versions you should use the version in Synoptic_Forcing-2.2