PROGRAM RLXMSK USE MOD_ZA ! HYCOM array I/O interface IMPLICIT NONE C REAL SPVAL PARAMETER (SPVAL=2.0**100) C C OUTPUT ARRAYS C REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: RMU(:,:) C C OTHER ARRAYS. C INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: IRMU(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: DEPTH(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: PLON(:,:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: PLAT(:,:) integer :: rmaxx_i,rmaxx_j real :: celldist,rdist,rmaxx C C OTHER VARIABLES. C REAL RMUMIN,RMUMAX,HMINA,HMINB,HMAXA,HMAXB CHARACTER PREAMBL(5)*79,CLINE*80 C C NAMELIST INPUT. C CHARACTER*79 CTITLE INTEGER IF(999),IL(999),JF(999),JL(999) REAL EFOLD(999) NAMELIST/MASK/ CTITLE,IF,IL,JF,JL,EFOLD CKAL -- Special points... integer nrpoints, ipoint, nrpointsmax parameter (nrpointsmax = 200 ) real pointlon(nrpointsmax), pointlat(nrpointsmax) real pointrad(nrpointsmax) real :: pntlon,pntlat,prad character*3 pointname(nrpointsmax) logical pointflag(nrpointsmax) logical pflag integer ifst,ilst,jfst,jlst integer ios, ios2, ioall logical lok, ex, lflag ,recflag character*3 char3 real, external :: spherdist C C********** C* C 1) CREATE A HYCOM RELAXATION MASK C C 2) PARAMETERS: C C MODEL GRID SPECIFICATION (W.R.T. PRESSURE GRID): C C IDM = 1ST DIMENSION OF MAJOR (HYCOM) MODEL ARRAYS C JDM = 2ND DIMENSION OF MAJOR (HYCOM) MODEL ARRAYS C C 3) NAMELIST PARAMETERS C C /MASK/ C CTITLE - 2ND LINE OF OUTPUT PREAMBL C (1ST LINE IS ALWAYS 'Relaxation Mask') C IF,IL,JF,JL - ARRAY BOX WHERE EFOLD RELAXATION IS APPLIED C = 4*0.0; END OF BOX LIST C EFOLD - RELAXATION E-FOLDING TIME IN DAYS C = 0.0; NO RELAXATION C C THE ALLOWED RANGE FOR IF,IL IS 1 TO IDM-1 C THE ALLOWED RANGE FOR JF,JL IS 1 TO JDM-1 C C 4) INPUT: C ON UNIT 5: NAMELIST INPUT C ON UNIT 51: BATHYMETRY FILE C OUTPUT: C ON UNIT 21: RELAXATION MASK C C 5) ALAN J. WALLCRAFT, NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY, JUNE 2000. C* C********** C INTEGER I,ISF,ISL,ISEC,J,K REAL*4 RVAL,RVMIN,rvmax,rvscale C CHARACTER*1 C(-1:9) DATA C / '*', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' / C CKAL --- Efold time and number of boundary cells logical,allocatable :: block(:,:) integer :: nbnd=7 integer :: nbnd_pnt=3 real :: efoldtime=20.0 logical :: least=.true. logical :: lwest=.true. logical :: lsouth=.true. logical :: lnorth=.true. CKAL --- statement function for boundary relaxation real :: rvalxx,bndrmu,jxx integer :: nbndxx bndrmu(jxx,nbndxx,rvalxx) = & rvalxx*(nbndxx-jxx)/float(nbndxx-1) C bndrmu(jxx,nbndxx,rvalxx) = 1.0 CKAL --- The above is a linear function for rmu C CALL XCSPMD ALLOCATE( RMU(IDM,JDM) ) ALLOCATE( IRMU(IDM,JDM) ) ALLOCATE( DEPTH(IDM,JDM) ) ALLOCATE( BLOCK(IDM,JDM) ) C C NAMELIST INPUT. C CKAL --- Namelist not used in simplified version CKAL DO K= 1,999 CKAL IF( K) = 0 CKAL IL( K) = 0 CKAL JF( K) = 0 CKAL JL( K) = 0 CKAL EFOLD(K) = 0.0 CKAL ENDDO CKAL READ( 5,MASK) CKAL WRITE(6,MASK) CKAL ---- Instead we do this : !block=.false. inquire(exist=ex,file='') if (ex) then open(567,file='') ioall = 0. ! Read boundary flags (on/off) read(567, *,iostat=ios) least ; ioall = ioall+abs(ios) read(567, *,iostat=ios) lwest ; ioall = ioall+abs(ios) read(567, *,iostat=ios) lsouth ; ioall = ioall+abs(ios) read(567, *,iostat=ios) lnorth ; ioall = ioall+abs(ios) ! Read boundary width read(567, *,iostat=ios) nbnd ; ioall = ioall+abs(ios) ! Read relaxation time scale read(567, *,iostat=ios) rval ; ioall = ioall+abs(ios) read(567, *,iostat=ios) nbnd_pnt ; ioall = ioall+abs(ios) if (ioall /= 0 ) then print *,'Error reading' stop end if ! Read Points to use ios2=0 nrpoints=0 do while (ios2==0) read(567, *,iostat=ios2) char3, pflag, pntlon, pntlat!, prad if (ios2==0) then lok=.false. if (char3=='END') then ios2=-9999 else nrpoints=nrpoints+1 pointname(nrpoints)=char3 !pointrad (nrpoints)=prad pointflag(nrpoints)=pflag pointlon (nrpoints)=pntlon pointlat (nrpoints)=pntlat end if !else ! print *,'read error on -- make sure ' ! print *,'you have a working version' ! stop end if end do print *,'extra point read is :',nrpoints,pointname(1), & pointflag(1),pointlon(1),pointlat(1) ! Read rectangle overrides ios2=0 do while (ios2==0) read(567,*,iostat=ios2) ifst,ilst,jfst,jlst,recflag if (ifst<=idm .and. ifst>0 .and. & ilst<=idm .and. ilst>0 .and. & jfst<=jdm .and. jfst>0 .and. & jlst<=jdm .and. jlst>0 .and. ios2==0 ) then do i=ifst,ilst do j=jfst,jlst block(i,j) = .not.recflag end do end do !else if (ios2==0) then ! print *,'Invalid region specified for rectanlge' ! print *,'Grid dimension (idm,jdm):',idm,jdm ! print *,'ifirst,ilast:',ifst,ilst ! print *,'jfirst,jlast:',jfst,jlst ! stop end if end do close(567) else print *,'No present' stop end if C C TOPOGRAPHY INPUT. C CALL ZAIOST C CALL ZHOPNC(51, 'regional.depth.b', 'FORMATTED', 'OLD', 0) CALL ZAIOPF('regional.depth.a', 'OLD', 51) !CALL ZHOPEN(51, 'FORMATTED', 'OLD', 0) !CALL ZAIOPN('OLD', 51) READ (51,'(A79)') PREAMBL READ (51,'(A)') CLINE CLOSE(UNIT=51) WRITE(6,'(/(1X,A79))') PREAMBL,CLINE C I = INDEX(CLINE,'=') READ (CLINE(I+1:),*) HMINB,HMAXB C CALL ZAIORD(DEPTH,IRMU,.FALSE., HMINA,HMAXA, 51) CALL ZAIOCL(51) C Added by KAL WHERE(DEPTH>0.5*2.0**99) DEPTH=0. C IF (ABS(HMINA-HMINB).GT.ABS(HMINB)*1.E-4 .OR. & ABS(HMAXA-HMAXB).GT.ABS(HMAXB)*1.E-4 ) THEN WRITE(6,'(/ a / a,1p3e14.6 / a,1p3e14.6 /)') & 'error - .a and .b topography files not consistent:', & '.a,.b min = ',HMINA,HMINB,HMINA-HMINB, & '.a,.b max = ',HMAXA,HMAXB,HMAXA-HMAXB CALL ZHFLSH(6) STOP ENDIF C C INITIALIZE MASK TO ZERO C DO J= 1,JDM DO I= 1,IDM RMU(I,J) = 0.0 ENDDO ENDDO C C INITIALIZE SPECIFIED PATCHES. C CKAL RVMIN = 1.E20 CKAL DO K= 1,999 CKAL IF (MIN(IF(K),IL(K),JF(K),JL(K)).GT.0 .AND. CKAL + EFOLD(K).GT.0.0 ) THEN CKAL IF (IF(K).GT.IL(K) .OR. CKAL + IF(K).LT.1 .OR. CKAL + IL(K).GT.IDM-1 ) THEN CKAL WRITE(6,9000) K,IF(K),IL(K),IDM-1 CKAL CALL ZHFLSH(6) CKAL STOP CKAL ENDIF CKAL IF (JF(K).GT.JL(K) .OR. CKAL + JF(K).LT.1 .OR. CKAL + JL(K).GT.JDM-1 ) THEN CKAL WRITE(6,9100) K,JF(K),JL(K),JDM-1 CKAL CALL ZHFLSH(6) CKAL STOP CKAL ENDIF C CKAL RVAL = 1.0/(EFOLD(K)*86400.0) CKAL DO J= JF(K),JL(K) CKAL DO I= IF(K),IL(K) CKAL IF (DEPTH(I,J).NE.SPVAL) THEN CKAL RMU(I,J) = MAX(RMU(I,J),RVAL) CKAL ENDIF CKAL ENDDO CKAL ENDDO CKAL RVMIN = MIN( RVMIN, RVAL ) CKAL ENDIF CKAL ENDDO C C C C CKAL --- A simpler masking method; Applied on boundaries CKAL --- where depth 2 points away from border is > 0 CKAL --- e.g. depth(2,j) > 0 and depth(itdm-1) > 0 rval=1.0/(efoldtime*86400.0) rvmin=1e20 do i=2,idm-1 if (lsouth) then if (depth(i,2)>0.5.and..not.block(i,1)) then do j=2,nbnd if (depth(i,j)>0.5) then rmu(i,j)=bndrmu(float(j-1),nbnd,rval) end if !print *,'east:',i,j,j,nbnd,rmu(i,j) end do end if end if if (lnorth) then if (depth(i,jdm-1)>0.5.and..not.block(i,jdm)) then do j=2,nbnd if (depth(i,jdm-j+1)>0.5) then rmu(i,jdm-j+1)=max(bndrmu(float(j-1),nbnd,rval), & rmu(i,jdm-j+1)) end if !print *,'west:',i,j,j,nbnd, rmu(i,jdm-j+1) end do end if end if end do do j=2,jdm-1 if (lwest) then if (depth(2,j)>0.5.and..not.block(1,j)) then do i=2,nbnd if (depth(i,j)>0.5) then rmu(i,j)=max(bndrmu(float(i-1),nbnd,rval),rmu(i,j)) end if !print *,'south:',2,j,i,nbnd,rmu(i,j) end do end if end if if (least) then if (depth(idm-1,j)>0.5.and..not.block(idm,j)) then do i=2,nbnd if (depth(idm-i+1,j)>0.5) then rmu(idm-i+1,j)=max(bndrmu(float(i-1),nbnd,rval), & rmu(idm-i+1,j)) end if !print *,'north:',idm-1,j,i,nbnd, rmu(idm-i+1,j) end do end if end if end do CKAL --- End of simple mask... CKAL --- Start more complex mask: -- Mediterranean inflow C ALLOCATE(PLON(IDM,JDM)) ALLOCATE(PLAT(IDM,JDM)) CALL ZHOPNC(31, 'regional.grid.b', 'FORMATTED', 'OLD', 0) CALL ZAIOPF('regional.grid.a', 'OLD', 31) C READ(31,*) ! skip idm READ(31,*) ! skip jdm READ(31,*) ! skip mapflg C READ(31,*) ! skip plon C CALL ZAIOSK(31) C READ(31,'(A)') CLINE I = INDEX(CLINE,'=') READ (CLINE(I+1:),*) HMINB,HMAXB CALL ZAIORD(PLON,IRMU,.FALSE., HMINA,HMAXA, 31) IF (ABS(HMINA-HMINB).GT.ABS(HMINB)*1.E-4 .OR. & ABS(HMAXA-HMAXB).GT.ABS(HMAXB)*1.E-4 ) THEN WRITE(6,'(/ a / a,1p3e14.6 / a,1p3e14.6 /)') & 'error - .a and .b grid files not consistent (plat):', & '.a,.b min = ',HMINA,HMINB,HMINA-HMINB, & '.a,.b max = ',HMAXA,HMAXB,HMAXA-HMAXB CALL ZHFLSH(6) STOP ENDIF C READ(31,'(A)') CLINE I = INDEX(CLINE,'=') READ (CLINE(I+1:),*) HMINB,HMAXB CALL ZAIORD(PLAT,IRMU,.FALSE., HMINA,HMAXA, 31) IF (ABS(HMINA-HMINB).GT.ABS(HMINB)*1.E-4 .OR. & ABS(HMAXA-HMAXB).GT.ABS(HMAXB)*1.E-4 ) THEN WRITE(6,'(/ a / a,1p3e14.6 / a,1p3e14.6 /)') & 'error - .a and .b grid files not consistent (plat):', & '.a,.b min = ',HMINA,HMINB,HMINA-HMINB, & '.a,.b max = ',HMAXA,HMAXB,HMAXA-HMAXB CALL ZHFLSH(6) STOP ENDIF C --- Find closest point to med (spherdist) do ipoint = 1,nrpoints if (pointflag(ipoint)) then !rmaxx=1e20 rmaxx_i = -200 rmaxx_j = -200 rmaxx=600000 ! 600 km print *, 'processing '//pointname(ipoint) DO j=1,JDM DO i=1,IDM rdist=spherdist(pointlon(ipoint),pointlat(ipoint), & plon(i,j),plat(i,j)) if (rdist0.5) then rmu(i,j)=max(rmu(i,j),bndrmu(celldist-1,nbnd_pnt,rval)) end if end do end do end if end do C CKAL WRITE(6,*) CKAL DO K= 1,999 CKAL IF (MIN(IF(K),IL(K),JF(K),JL(K)).GT.0 .AND. CKAL + EFOLD(K).GT.0.0 ) THEN CKAL RVAL = 1.0/(EFOLD(K)*86400.0) CKAL WRITE(6,6200) IF(K),IL(K),JF(K),JL(K), CKAL + EFOLD(K),RVAL,RVAL/RVMIN CKAL CALL ZHFLSH(6) CKAL ENDIF CKAL ENDDO C C WRITE OUT THE MASK C CTITLE = 'Relaxation mask created with program rmunew' PREAMBL(1) = 'Relaxation Mask' PREAMBL(2) = CTITLE PREAMBL(3) = ' ' PREAMBL(4) = ' ' WRITE(PREAMBL(5),'(A,2I5)') + 'i/jdm =', + IDM,JDM C CALL ZAIOPN('NEW', 21) CALL ZAIOWR(RMU,IRMU,.FALSE., RMUMIN,RMUMAX, 21, .FALSE.) CALL ZAIOCL(21) C CALL ZHOPEN(21, 'FORMATTED', 'NEW', 0) WRITE(21,4101) PREAMBL WRITE(21,4102) ' rmu',RMUMIN,RMUMAX CLOSE(UNIT=21) C WRITE(6, *) WRITE(6, 4101) PREAMBL WRITE(6, 4102) ' rmu',RMUMIN,RMUMAX WRITE(6, *) CALL ZHFLSH(6) C C PRINTOUT THE MASK C rvmin=minval(rmu,rmu>0.) rvmax=maxval(rmu,rmu>0.) rvscale=(rvmax-rvmin) WRITE(6,6000) IDM,JDM,RVMIN ISEC = (IDM-1)/100 + 1 DO K= 1,ISEC ISF = (K-1)*100 + 1 ISL = MIN(IDM, ISF+100-1) WRITE(6,6050) ISF,ISL DO J= JDM,1,-1 DO I= ISF,ISL C IF (DEPTH(I,J).EQ.SPVAL) THEN IF (DEPTH(I,J) <0.5) THEN IRMU(I,J) = -1 ELSEIF (RMU(I,J).EQ.0.0) THEN IRMU(I,J) = 0 ELSE CKAL IRMU(I,J) = MIN( 9, NINT( RMU(I,J)/RVMIN ) ) IRMU(I,J)=MIN(9,NINT(1+8*(RMU(I,J)-RVMIN)/rvscale)) ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(6,6100) J,(C(IRMU(I,J)),I=ISF,ISL) ENDDO ENDDO STOP C 4101 FORMAT(A79) 4102 FORMAT(A,': range = ',1P2E16.7) 6000 FORMAT(1H1 / 30X,'RELAXATION MASK FOR AN',I5,' BY',I5,' MESH.' + / 31X,'LAND = *, OCEAN = NINT(RMU /',1PE9.2,')' ) 6050 FORMAT(/ / / 21X,'I =',I5,' TO',I5,' :' / /) 6100 FORMAT(4X,'J =',I5,5X,10(10A1,1X)) 6200 FORMAT('IF,IL,JF,JL =',4I5,' EFOLD,RVAL =',F6.1,1PE12.3, + ' (',0PF4.1,')') 9000 FORMAT('ERROR - ILLEGAL IF OR IL FOR K =',I3, + ' MUST HAVE 1<=IF(K)<=IL(K)<=IDM-1' / + 'IF(K),IL(K),IDM-1 = ',3I5 /) 9100 FORMAT('ERROR - ILLEGAL JF OR JL FOR K =',I3, + ' MUST HAVE 1<=JF(K)<=JL(K)<=JDM-1' / + 'JF(K),JL(K),JDM-1 = ',3I5 /) END