SUBROUTINE rNODC(salt,dlon,dlat,zl,nxd,nyd,nzd,nn) c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c --- Author Knud Simonsen, NERSC 28.3 1996 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c --- Reads the NODC data and convert them to physical units. c --- If the values not are witin the allowd range, then they are c --- set equal tp -999. c --- Levitus data are stored from 0.5 - 359.5 longitude and c --- and from -89.5 to 89.5. In the output the data are stored c --- from -179.5 to 179.5. c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Input: c --- Output: salt: salinities in permill c --- zl: depths in Levitus data c --- dlat: Latitudes of the data c --- dlon: Longitudes of the data c ------------------------------------------------------------------ REAL salt(nxd,nyd,nzd),zl(nzd), + dlat(nyd),dlon(nxd), + smin,smax,tmin,tmax,dums,dumt,dum, + dsaln(10) INTEGER i,j,x ,l,nxd2 c !Fill in zl c DATA zl/0.,10.,20.,30.,50.,75.,100.,125.,150.,200.,250., c + 300.,400.,500.,600.,700.,800.,900.,1000.,1100., c + 1200.,1300.,1400.,1500.,1750.,2000.,2500.,3000., c + 3500.,4000.,4500.,5000.,5500./ dums= 0. dumt= 10. DO i=1,nzd IF(i.GE.4) dumt= 20. IF(i.GE.5) dumt= 25. IF(i.GE.9) dumt= 50. IF(i.GE.12) dumt= 100. IF(i.GE.24) dumt = 250. IF(i.GE.26) dumt=500. zl(i) = dums dums = dums + dumt ENDDO DO j=1,nyd !Initialize fields DO i=1,nxd DO k=1,nzd salt(i,j,k) = -999. ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO nxd2 = nxd/2 smin= 0. !Minimum allowed salinity smax= 100. !Maximum allowed salinity if (nn.eq.1) then OPEN(89,FILE='Data/saln_nodc_srf_1x1deg.dat',form='formatted') write(*,*) 'reading saln_nodc_srf_1x1deg.dat' else close(89) OPEN(89,FILE='Data/temp_nodc_srf_1x1deg.dat',form='formatted') write(*,*) 'reading temp_nodc_srf_1x1deg.dat' endif c read(89,'(4i5)') nxf,nyf,nzf,i17 if (( then write(*,*) nxf,nyf,nzf,nxd,nyd,nzd stop '(..)' endif do k=1,nzf read(89,'(10f8.4)') ((salt(i,j,k),i=1,nxf),j=1,nyf) c do i=1,nxd do j=1,nyd if (salt(i,j,k).lt.-5.) salt(i,j,k)=-999.9999 enddo enddo c enddo c DO i=1,360 !Longitude dlon(i)=-179.5 + FLOAT(i-1) ENDDO DO j=1,180 !Latitude dlat(j) = -89.5 + FLOAT(j-1) ENDDO write(*,*)'NODC data are loaded' ! OPEN(3,FILE='salt.dat') ! write(3,*)'TITLE = "Levitus"' ! write(3,*)'VARIABLES = "X","Y","S"' ! write(3,*)'ZONE I= 360, J=180, F=POINT' ! DO j=1,nyd ! DO i=1,nxd ! write(3,'(4f10.2)')dlon(i),dlat(j),salt(i,j,1) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! CLOSE(3) GOTO 420 400 WRITE(*,*)'Problems to open SALTEMP' GOTO 410 401 WRITE(*,*)'Problems to read data' 410 STOP 'Sorry' 420 RETURN END