VPATH= .:TMP .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .o .F90 .f90 .F .f .H .h .c include ../Make.Inc/make.inc # This is the hycom utility library # NB: Path is relative to TMP dir LIBS:= -L../../../lib/ -lhycnersc $(LIBS) # This is the hycom utility includes (modules) # NB: Path is relative to TMP dir INCLUDE:= -I../../../include/ $(INCLUDE) .f.o: cd TMP; $(CF77) -c $(FFLAGS) $(F77FLG) $(INCLUDE) -o $*.o ../$*.f OBJS= \ fillup.o \ rNODC.o \ tecle2.o \ intpol.o\ reddat.o\ levini.o \ TARGET=old_levini $(TARGET): $(OBJS) cd TMP; $(CF77) -o ../$(TARGET) $(LINKFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) all : $(TARGET) install : all mkdir -p ../../bin_setup/ cp $(TARGET) ../../bin_setup/ clean: rm TMP/*.o $(TARGET)