SUBROUTINE intpol(dd,dlat,dlon,nxd,nyd, + mdata,mlat,mlon,nxm,nym,nt) c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- This routine interpolates the data from any grid onto c --- a cartesian grid. c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- Author: Knud Simonsen, NERSC, 28.03.1996 c --- c --- Input: dd: Data file c --- dlat: Latitude of the data gridcells. c --- dlon: Longitude of the data gridcells. c --- mlat: Latitudes of the model grid. c --- mlon: Longitudes of the model gridcells c --- nxm,nym: Size of the model grid. c --- nxd,nyd: Size of the data grid. c --- nt : number of fields (fi 12 months =12) c --- c --- Output: mdata: Data on model grid. c ---------------------------------------------------------- c --- c --- Weighing of data is dw=1/dwa^x, where dwa=MAX(r/drw,distmin) c --- and x=2 currently. If (dwr/r)^xdwsmin, =>mdata=dps/dws !=0 if dwsmdata=-999 mdata(i,j,mo)=dfl*dps/(dws+1.-dfl) - (1.-dfl)*999. c.diag write(*,*)dfl,dps,dws,mdata(i,j,mo) ENDDO 7 CONTINUE 6 CONTINUE xdw=xde !Shift data point east to west 5 CONTINUE 4 CONTINUE RETURN END