SUBROUTINE rgrsp(nxe,nye,nze,ypivo,xpivn,ypivn,gridn) c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Author Knud Simonsen, 10/12 1993, NERSC c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Reads the file 'gridspec.inp', c --- Check if the dimensions in the c --- file corresponds to dimensions in the model. c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Input: nxe,nye,nze: Dim. in the program c --- Output: ypivo The meridiane, which is considered c --- as model 'equator' (ME) c --- xpivn x-index for the ME meridian c --- ypivn y-index for the true equator c --- gridn Gridresolution. c ---------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER nxe,nye,nze,nx,ny,nz,i,j REAL ypivo,xpivn,ypivn,gridn CHARACTER*70 tull OPEN(10,FILE='gridspec.inp') DO i=1,4 READ(10,'(A70)')tull ENDDO READ(10,100)nx,tull READ(10,100)ny,tull READ(10,100)nz,tull READ(10,200)ypivo,tull READ(10,200)xpivn,tull READ(10,200)ypivn,tull READ(10,200)gridn,tull CLOSE(10) write(*,*) write(*,*)'================================================' write(*,*) 'Specifications from "gridspec.inp":' write(*,201) nx,ny,nz write(*,202)ypivo,xpivn,ypivn,gridn write(*,*)'------------------------------------------------' IF( THEN write(*,*) 'Dim. in model' write(*,201) nxe,nye,nze write(*,*)'------------------------------------------------' STOP 'The grid dim. in program and file are not the same' ENDIF write(*,*)'================ Lets Go =======================' 100 FORMAT(I3,A70) 200 FORMAT(f6.1,A70) 201 FORMAT('nx=',I3,' ny=',I3,' nz=',I3) 202 FORMAT('ypivo=',f6.1,' xpivn=', + f6.1,' ypivn=',f6.1,' gridn=',f4.1) RETURN END