SUBROUTINE rHeRo(du,dv,dlat,dlon,nxd,nyd) c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Author Knud Simonsen, NERSC,2/12 1993. c --- ------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Reads the psuedo wind stresses from Hellerman and Rosenstein c --- and converts to physical units. The stored pseudo stresses c --- are tx=sqrt(c*rho)*u, ty=sqrt(c*rho)*v, where c=1.5E-6 is c --- the atmospheric dragcoefficient, rho=1025 a density and (u,v) c --- the wind velocity. c --- Ref.:Subroutine WIND in OPYC, p. 89 in OPYC-manual. c --- The values are checked if they are within allowed physical c --- range. If not in the allowed range, then the value is set equal c --- to -999. c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Input: c --- nxd,nyd: size of data file. c --- Ouput: du: u-component of the windsress. c --- dv: v-component of the windsress. c --- dlon: contains the longitudes. c --- dlat: contains the lattitudes c ---------------------------------------------------------------- REAL du(nxd,nyd,12),dv(nxd,nyd,12), + dlat(nyd),dlon(nxd) CHARACTER filen*15 REAL a,b,vmin,vmax,valu,valv,tu,tv,drrho INTEGER x,y,k,mo,iu(180),iv(180),nxd,nyd IF(nxd.NE.180.OR.nyd.NE.90)STOP 'Check rHeRo' filen='Data/UVGLOB' a=5000. drrho=SQRT(1025.*1.5E-6) !SQRT(rho*dragcoeff.) vmin = - 30. !Min. value (-20 m/s) vmax = 30. !Max. value (20m/s) WRITE(*,*)'Read datafile: ',filen OPEN(89,FILE=filen,ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',FORM='FORMATTED') !The first block of data contains READ(89,600)(iu(x),x=1,nxd) !tha annual mean. These data are READ(89,600)(iv(x),x=1,nxd) !dumped. DO mo = 1,12 !For all 12 months do: DO y=1,nyd !For all lat. do: ! (y=1 == 89S READ(89,600)(iu(x),x=1,nxd) !Read all values at all long. READ(89,600)(iv(x),x=1,nxd) !(x=1 == GRW, read eastw.) DO x=1,nxd !Store from 1E to 359E valu = (iu(x)-a) / a !Calc. u-comp valv = (iv(x)-a) / a !Calc. v-comp c tu = valu*SQRT(valu*valu+valv*valv) !Wind stresses c tv = valv*SQRT(valu*valu+valv*valv) tu =valu/drrho !Wind velocities tv =valv/drrho IF(tu.LT.vmin.OR.tu.GT.vmax) THEN tu = -999. !If not in accepted range. ENDIF IF( THEN tv = -999. !If not in accepted range. ENDIF du(x,y,mo)= tu dv(x,y,mo)= tv ENDDO ! x-loop !Now the data are rearanged. !Now we start from -179E and DO x=1,90 !end at 179E. k=x+90 valu= du(x,y,mo) !Shift u-values du(x,y,mo) = du(k,y,mo) du(k,y,mo) = valu valv= dv(x,y,mo) !Shift v-values dv(x,y,mo) = dv(k,y,mo) dv(k,y,mo) = valv ENDDO !x-loop ENDDO !y-loop ENDDO ! mo-loop CLOSE(89) DO y=1,90 !Calc. lattitude dlat(y)= -89. + FLOAT(y-1)*2. ENDDO DO x=1,180 !Calc. longitude. dlon(x) = -179. + FLOAT(x-1)*2. ENDDO write(*,*)'ok rHeRo.f' 600 FORMAT(20I4) RETURN END