SUBROUTINE fillup(fd,nx,ny,iflg,nt,mean) c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Fill up in model grid points with no data. c --- Author Knud Simonsen, NERSC, 2/12 1993. c --- The routine is based on the routine FILLUP in the OPYC code. c --- In case of no data then the value in the same point in the field c --- (month) just before is inserted as an initial value for the c --- interpolation. If this point do not contains data, then the "mean" c --- value is inserted as initial interpolation value. c --- c --- Input: fd: Datafile c --- nxm,nym: Grid size. c --- iflg: Land/sea mask c --- nt: Number of fields (fi 12 months: nt=12) c --- mean: A value which is set into missing points before c --- the interpolations starts. c --- Output: fd: filled datafile c -------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL fd(nx,ny,nt),we,ww,wn,ws,mean,mean1 INTEGER nx,ny,i,ii,j,mn,ms,mw,me,k,l,f,mo, + ip,im,jp,jm,mb !include 'dimension.h' !INTEGER kflg(idm,jdm),iflg(idm,jdm),skflg INTEGER kflg(nx,ny),iflg(nx,ny),skflg f=10 !Factor, which the points with !data are weighed more than !cells without data. mb=nt !Save index for the last 'month' DO 10 mo=1,nt !For all months do skflg=0 DO i=1,nx DO j=1,ny IF (fd(i,j,mo).LT.-998.)THEN !Identify no data grid kflg(i,j) = 0 !No data exist flag IF(fd(i,j,mb).GT.-998.) THEN !If data exsist in the mean1= fd(i,j,mb) !field just before, then ELSE !this value is used, else mean1=mean !the mean value is used ENDIF fd(i,j,mo) = mean1*FLOAT(iflg(i,j)) skflg= skflg + iflg(i,j) !Sum up no data sea points ELSE kflg(i,j) = 1 !Data exist flag ENDIF !Flag out land points fd(i,j,mo) = fd(i,j,mo)*FLOAT(iflg(i,j)) - + FLOAT(1-iflg(i,j))*999. kflg(i,j) = kflg(i,j)*iflg(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO !If all sea points contains IF(skflg.EQ.0) GOTO 10 !data then jump!! DO ii=1,50 !Number of iter. DO k=1,-1,-2 !Def dir. of j-iter. ms = (1+k+(1-k)*ny)/2 !j-start (1 or ny) mn = ((1+k)*ny+1-k)/2 !j-stop (ny or 1) DO l=1,-1,-2 !Def dir of i-iter mw = (1+l+(1-l)*nx)/2 !i-start (1 or nx) me = ((1+l)*nx+1-l)/2 !i-stop (nx or 1) DO j=ms,mn,k !For all MD do DO i=mw,me,l !If no data exist and !sea point, then IF(kflg(i,j).eq.0.AND.iflg(i,j).eq.1) THEN ! Ensure that data are ! witin the MD: ip=MIN(i+1,nx) ! =i+1 im=MAX(i-1,1) ! =i-1 jp=MIN(j+1,ny) ! =j+1 jm=MAX(j-1,1) ! =j-1 ! Define weights for ! surrounding points.. ! If land: w=0 ! If data: w=f+1 ! If no data: w=1 we=FLOAT(iflg(ip,j))*FLOAT(kflg(ip,j)*f+1) ww=FLOAT(iflg(im,j))*FLOAT(kflg(im,j)*f+1) wn=FLOAT(iflg(i,jp))*FLOAT(kflg(i,jp)*f+1) ws=FLOAT(iflg(i,jm))*FLOAT(kflg(i,jm)*f+1) fd(i,j,mo)=(we*fd(ip,j,mo) + + ww*fd(im,j,mo) + + wn*fd(i,jp,mo) + + ws*fd(i,jm,mo)) + /MAX((we+ww+wn+ws),0.00001) ENDIF ENDDO ! i-loop ENDDO ! j-loop ENDDO ! l-loop ENDDO ! k-loop ENDDO mb=mo 10 CONTINUE !mo-loop RETURN END