SUBROUTINE cairt(airt,th,iw,nx,ny,mo, + iflg,mlon,mlat) c --- ---------------------------------------------------- c --- Call the routines nessesary to interpolate data from c --- data file to model grid. c --- Positions: mlon,mlat c --- Land mask: iflg c --- Data source: spec by iw INTEGER iw,nx,ny,mo,iflg(nx,ny) REAL airt(nx,ny,mo),mlon(nx,ny),mlat(nx,ny), + th(nx,ny,mo), + a,b,vmin,vmax CHARACTER*15 filen IF(iw.EQ.1) THEN filen= 'Data/AIRGLOB' !Read COADS air temp. In the a=100. !Arctic the data from Shea(1986) b = 273.15-60. !and the Antarctic the data vmin = 211. vmax = 321. CALL lcoads(airt,iflg,nx,ny,mlon,mlat,filen,a,b, + vmin,vmax) !Fillup missing data !and land mask. CALL fillup(airt,nx,ny,iflg,12,271.0) ELSE IF(iw.EQ.2) THEN filen= 'Data/TSC' !Read ECMWF temp a=10000./120. b= 273.16-75. vmin = 211. vmax = 321. CALL lecmw2(airt,iflg,nx,ny,mlon,mlat,filen,a,b, + vmin,vmax) !Fillup missing data !and land mask. CALL fillup(airt,nx,ny,iflg,12,271.0) ELSE IF(iw.EQ.3)THEN !Load/generates air tempdata, !which is a mixture of COADS !EXMWF and coastal weather stations CALL mixairt(airt,th,nx,ny,iflg,mlon,mlat) ELSE WRITE(*,*)'Airt field does not exist' ENDIF c.diag filen='airt.dat' !Dump to tec. c.diag CALL tec1(nx,ny,12,filen,mlon,mlat,airt,273.15) c.diag stop'test' RETURN END