This directory contains routines for comparing model data with observations. The routines are: argocmp : Reads a argo profile netcdf file and interpolates hycom data to argo positions. Data is dumped to text files in directory ArgoCmp. Can also feed the hycom data into the argo profile file. : Automates the processing of argo profiles with argocmp. Input is a hycom file (DAILY or WEEKLY), and the script will look for argo profiles for a matching date locally (on disk) or remotely (ifremer ftp site). Upon successful download, the argocmp routine is run. : Same as the above, but only for DAILY files. argoreduce : Uses output data from argocmp (or the two shell scripts above) and calculates RMS and bias for temperature and salinity for a given region. Depth intervals and time interval(s) are given as arguments to the program, whereas the region definitions are specidief by the file "". Output is files named "argoreduce.XX.locations" and "argoreduce.XX.timeseries" where "XX" are the names. see more info on below mldcmp : Compares mixed layer climatology to model fields. The climatology is the de Boyer Munteguet climatology. The path to this dataset must be specified in environment variable "MLD_PATH". This routine also uses the file to create regional statistics slacmp : Compares observed sla fields to model fields. The sla fields are those given by the Aviso/DUACS merged msla data sets. The routine can use opendap access if enabled in netcdf libraries, in this case only a hycom file is specified. it can also use netcdf files from DUACS ftp, in this case the hycom file and duacs msla file is given as input. : Automates the process of retrieving sla files from duacs. Input is a hycom daily file. uses slacmp above Other routines: argo_mersea : used to process a argocmp-processed argo profile (with -ncdump). Sets some parameters needed by MERSEA file standards. : Used to create plots/thumbnails of salinity/temp from argocmp output. transfers them to NERSC webserver where they are presented using google maps. : Used by the above script. Needs the scipy python package. Converts files in ArgoCmp directory (created by argocmp) to plots of salinity/temperature. ############################################################################### Most of these routines require (in addition to hycom/obs files): regional.depth.[ab] regional.grid.[ab] FORMAT of files - these files should contain the following: 2 # Number of regions in file 4 TEST1 # Number of points and name of 1st region (name=TEST1) -30 40 # lon/lat pair - 1st point 30 40 # lon/lat pair - 2nd point 30 60 # lon/lat pair - 3rd point -30 60 # lon/lat pair - 4th point 4 TEST2 # Number of points and name of 2nd region (name=TEST2) -30 20 # etc etc ... 30 20 30 60 -30 60 ... ... ... Note that the regions must be traversed clockwise or anticlockwise. They can consist of as many points as you want, but the region defined by the corners must be Convex - see . (Or, to be pedantic, it must be geodesic Convex on the sphere :