module m_indxj contains subroutine indxj(jpt,jf,jl,js) use mod_common c c --- input array jpt contains 1 at grid point locations, 0 elsewhere c --- output is arrays jf, jl, js where c --- jf(i,k) gives column index of first point in row i for k-th section c --- jl(i,k) gives column index of last point c --- js(i) gives number of sections in row i (maximum: ms) c implicit none c integer jpt(idm,jdm),jf(idm,ms),jl(idm,ms),js(idm) c integer i,j,k,l c do 1 i=1,ii js(i)=0 do 4 k=1,ms jf(i,k)=0 4 jl(i,k)=0 j=1 k=1 3 if (jpt(i,j).ne.0) go to 2 j=j+1 if (j.le.jj) go to 3 go to 1 2 if ( then write (lp,'('' error in indxj - ms too small at i,j ='',2i5)') i,j write (lp,'('' i-th line of jpt array:'',/(7(1x,10i1)))') . (jpt(i,l),l=1,jj) stop '(indxj)' end if jf(i,k)=j 6 j=j+1 if (j.le.jj) go to 5 jl(i,k)=jj js(i)=k go to 1 5 if (jpt(i,j).ne.0) go to 6 jl(i,k)=j-1 js(i)=k k=k+1 go to 3 1 continue return end subroutine indxj end module m_indxj