program nestbat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! This program reads the global and local depths and newpos files ! and creates a new local depths file which at all boundaries are ! consistent with the global file. ! The files read are ! gdepths???x???.uf ! gnewpos.uf ! ldepths???x???.uf ! lnewpos.uf ! from global grid ! The new depths file is saved on ! ndepths???x???.uf ! ! To use: copy the required files to a new empty directory and ! execute nestbat.... ! NB: This version is for hycom 2.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use mod_confmap implicit none integer nxl,nyl,nxg,nyg real, allocatable :: ldepths(:,:),llon(:,:),llat(:,:),tmp(:,:), & depths2(:,:), depths(:,:) real, allocatable :: gdepths(:,:),glon(:,:),glat(:,:) real, allocatable :: testrel(:,:) real*8, allocatable :: io1(:,:), io2(:,:) character(len=7) tag7 character(len=80) a80,matfile logical ex integer j,i,ipiv,jpiv,inest,l,i2,i0,j2 real lon_n,lat_n,ba1,ba2,ba3,ba4,testrel2 integer,parameter :: chunk = 120 character(len=chunk) cchunk logical, allocatable :: flag(:,:),flag1(:,:) integer :: iter, numpoints, nlandneighbours logical :: lperiodic,inirange,samegrid integer :: igrace, jgrace, ipib, jpib print *,'Type help for help, type enter to continue' read(*,'(a)') a80 if (trim(a80)=='help') then print *,'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print *,'! This program reads the global and local depths and newpos files !' print *,'! and creates a new local depths file which at all boundaries are !' print *,'! consistent with the global file (smoothed towards boundary). This is!' print *,'! necessary for nesting... !' print *,'! !' print *,'! The files read are !' print *,'! gdepths???x???.uf - global depths file !' print *,'! gnewpos.uf - global newpos file !' print *,'! ldepths???x???.uf - local depths file !' print *,'! lnewpos.uf - local newpos file !' print *,'! - grid info for global grid !' print *,'! !' print *,'! User input when running nestbat: !' print *,'! Grid dimensions for global grid !' print *,'! Grid dimensions for local grid !' print *,'! Width of boundary zone (transition zone from global to local grid) !' print *,'! !' print *,'! The new depths file is saved in !' print *,'! ndepths???x???.uf !' print *,'! !' print *,'! Diagnostic files are saved in !' print *,'! nestrelmask.asc -- text file for visual check of the nesting zone !' print *,'! tecnestbat.tec -- tecplot file with old and new local depths !' print *,'! !' print *,'! To use: copy the required files to a new empty directory and !' print *,'! execute nestbat.... !' print *,'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' stop '(nestbat)' end if write(*,'(a)',advance='no')'Chose grid-dimensions for global grid (nx ny): ' read(*,*)nxg,nyg write(*,'(a)',advance='no')'Chose grid-dimensions for local grid (nx ny): ' read(*,*)nxl,nyl write(*,'(a)',advance='no')'Width of boundary zone: ' read(*,*)inest write(*,*) write(*,'(a)')'The following should be set to true for Mercator nesting, false otherwise' write(*,'(a)',advance='no')'T if grids are identical, F if not ' read(*,*)samegrid if (samegrid) then print *,'Assuming the grids are the same' end if allocate(ldepths(nxl,nyl),llon(nxl,nyl),llat(nxl,nyl)) allocate(gdepths(nxg,nyg),glon(nxg,nyg),glat(nxg,nyg)) allocate(depths(nxl,nyl),tmp(nxl,nyl),depths2(nxl,nyl)) allocate(testrel(nxl,nyl)) allocate(flag(nxl,nyl),flag1(nxl,nyl)) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! reading local files allocate(io1(nxl,nyl)) allocate(io2(nxl,nyl)) write(tag7,'(i3.3,a,i3.3)')nxl,'x',nyl inquire(file='ldepths'//tag7//'.uf',exist=ex) if (.not.ex) stop 'ldepths???x???.uf file does not exist' open (unit=10,file='ldepths'//tag7//'.uf',status='old',form='unformatted') !read(10)ldepths read(10) io1 close(10) ldepths=io1 where (ldepths > 1e25) ldepths=0. inquire(file='lnewpos.uf',exist=ex) if (.not.ex) stop 'lnewpos.uf file does not exist' open(10,file='lnewpos.uf',form='unformatted',status='old') !read(10)llat,llon read(10)io1,io2 close(10) llat=io1 llon=io2 print *,minval(io1), maxval(io1) print *,minval(io2), maxval(io2) deallocate(io1,io2) ! reading global files allocate(io1(nxg,nyg)) allocate(io2(nxg,nyg)) write(tag7,'(i3.3,a,i3.3)')nxg,'x',nyg inquire(file='gdepths'//tag7//'.uf',exist=ex) if (.not.ex) stop 'gdepths???x???.uf file does not exist' open (unit=10,file='gdepths'//tag7//'.uf',status='old',form='unformatted') !read(10)gdepths read(10)io1 close(10) gdepths=io1 where (gdepths > 1e25) gdepths=0. inquire(file='gnewpos.uf',exist=ex) if (.not.ex) stop 'gnewpos.uf file does not exist' open(10,file='gnewpos.uf',form='unformatted',status='old') !read(10)glat,glon read(10)io1,io2 close(10) glat=io1 glon=io2 ! print *,minval(io1), maxval(io1) deallocate(io1,io2) ! Check if global grid is periodic - shown by i-boundary values lperiodic=.false. if (any(gdepths(1,:) > 0.1) .and. any(gdepths(nxg,:) > 0.1) ) then print *,'Periodic global grid ' lperiodic=.true. end if !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tmp=ldepths ! Interpolate global grid to local grid if (.not. samegrid) then call initconfmap(nxg,nyg) do j=1,nyl do i=1,nxl call oldtonew(llat(i,j),llon(i,j),lat_n,lon_n) call pivotp(lon_n,lat_n,ipiv,jpiv) !print *,'bef:',i,j,ipiv,jpiv if (lperiodic) then ipib=mod(ipiv,nxg)+1 inirange=.true. else ipib=ipiv+1 inirange=ipiv>=1 .and. ipiv < nxg end if jpib=jpiv+1 ! grace for i igrace=min(nxg-ipiv,ipiv-1) ! negative when ipiv < 1 or ipiv > nxl ! grace for j jgrace=min(nyg-jpiv,jpiv-1) ! negative when jpiv < 1 or jpiv > nxl !print *,'bef2:',i,j,ipiv,jpiv,ipib,jpib if (inirange .and. jpiv >=1 .and. jpiv < nyg ) then !call bilincoeff(glon,glat,nxg,nyg,llon(i,j),llat(i,j),ipiv,jpiv,ba1,ba2,ba3,ba4,lperiodic) call bilincoeff(glon,glat,nxg,nyg,llon(i,j),llat(i,j),ipiv,jpiv,ba1,ba2,ba3,ba4) ! Outside of global model grid -- but inner model has zero depths else if (ldepths(i,j)<0.1) then ! Simply set to land (weights zero) ipiv=max(1,min(ipiv,nxg)) jpiv=max(1,min(jpiv,nyg)) ipib=ipiv jpib=jpiv ba1=0. ; ba2=0.; ba3=0. ; ba4=0. else if (igrace>-50 .and. jgrace > -50 ) then print *,'Warning: Pivot point outside model domain - saved by grace' print *,i,j,ipiv,jpiv ! Simply set to land (weights zero) ipiv=max(1,min(ipiv,nxg)) jpiv=max(1,min(jpiv,nyg)) ipib=ipiv jpib=jpiv ba1=0. ; ba2=0.; ba3=0. ; ba4=0. else print *,'Warning: Pivot point outside model domain - not saved by grace' print *,i,j,ipiv,jpiv stop end if !print *,'aft:',i,j,ipiv,jpiv,ipib,jpib tmp(i,j)=ba1*gdepths(ipiv,jpiv) + ba2*gdepths(ipib,jpiv)& +ba3*gdepths(ipib,jpib) + ba4*gdepths(ipiv,jpib) ! Grace enddo enddo else if (nxg/=nxl .or. nyg/=nyl) then print *,'Samegrid is true but dimensions are different !' call exit(1) end if tmp=gdepths end if ! flag- the logical array to check if the nestmodel domain connects directly to the open ! boundary: to make a smooth transition only in those points. flag=.false. flag1=.false. testrel=0. testrel(1,:)=1. testrel(nxl,:)=1. testrel(:,1)=1. testrel(:,nyl)=1. forall (j=2:nyl-1, ldepths(2,j) > 1.0) flag(2,j)=.true. testrel(2,j)=((1./float(inest-1))**2.-1.)**4. end forall forall (j=2:nyl-1, ldepths(nxl-1,j) > 1.0) flag(nxl-1,j)=.true. testrel(nxl-1,j)=((1./float(inest-1))**2.-1.)**4. end forall do i=3,20 !N of itteration do i2=3,i !points checked for the itteration do j=3,nyl-2 if(.not.flag(i2,j).and.ldepths(i2,j) > 1.0) then if(flag(i2-1,j-1).or.flag(i2-1,j).or.flag(i2-1,j+1).or. & & flag(i2,j-1).or.flag(i2,j+1).or. & & flag(i2+1,j-1).or.flag(i2,j).or.flag(i2+1,j+1)) then flag1(i2,j)=.true. testrel(i2,j)=float(i-1)/float(inest-1) testrel(i2,j)=(testrel(i2,j)**2.-1.)**4. !(i=1)=1,(i=20)=0 endif endif enddo enddo forall (i2=3:i,j=3:nyl-2, flag1(i2,j)) flag(i2,j)=.true. enddo do i=nxl-2,nxl-19,-1 do i2=nxl-2,i,-1 do j=3,nyl-2 if(.not.flag(i2,j).and.ldepths(i2,j) > 1.0) then if(flag(i2-1,j-1).or.flag(i2-1,j).or.flag(i2-1,j+1).or. & & flag(i2,j-1).or.flag(i2,j+1).or. & & flag(i2+1,j-1).or.flag(i2,j).or.flag(i2+1,j+1)) then flag1(i2,j)=.true. testrel(i2,j)=float(nxl-i)/float(inest-1) testrel(i2,j)=(testrel(i2,j)**2.-1.)**4. !(i=1)=1,(i=20)=0 endif endif enddo enddo forall (i2=nxl-2:i:-1,j=3:nyl-2, flag1(i2,j)) flag(i2,j)=.true. enddo flag=.false. !to include the corners in the analysis flag1=.false. forall (i=2:nxl-1, ldepths(i,2) > 1.0) flag(i,2)=.true. testrel(i,2)=((1./float(inest-1))**2.-1.)**4. end forall forall (i=2:nxl-1, ldepths(i,nyl-1) > 1.0) flag(i,nyl-1)=.true. testrel(i,nyl-1)=((1./float(inest-1))**2.-1.)**4. end forall do j=3,20 do i2=3,j do i=3,nxl-2 if(.not.flag(i,i2).and.ldepths(i,i2) > 1.0) then if(flag(i-1,i2-1).or.flag(i,i2-1).or.flag(i+1,i2-1).or. & & flag(i-1,i2).or.flag(i+1,i2).or. & & flag(i-1,i2+1).or.flag(i,i2+1).or.flag(i+1,i2+1)) then flag1(i,i2)=.true. testrel2=float(j-1)/float(inest-1) testrel(i,i2)=max((testrel2**2.-1.)**4.,testrel(i,i2)) !(i=1)=1,(i=20)=0 endif endif enddo enddo forall (i=3:nxl-2,i2=3:j, flag1(i,i2)) flag(i,i2)=.true. enddo do j=nyl-2,nyl-19,-1 do i2=nyl-2,j,-1 do i=3,nxl-2 if(.not.flag(i,i2).and.ldepths(i,i2) > 1.0) then if(flag(i-1,i2-1).or.flag(i,i2-1).or.flag(i+1,i2-1).or. & & flag(i-1,i2).or.flag(i+1,i2).or. & & flag(i-1,i2+1).or.flag(i,i2+1).or.flag(i+1,i2+1)) then flag1(i,i2)=.true. testrel2=float(nyl-j)/float(inest-1) testrel(i,i2)=max((testrel2**2.-1.)**4.,testrel(i,i2)) !(i=1)=1,(i=20)=0 endif endif enddo enddo forall (i=3:nxl-2,i2=nyl-2:j:-1, flag1(i,i2)) flag(i,i2)=.true. enddo open(10,file='nestbnd.dat') do j=nyl,1,-1 write(10,'(i4,40f5.2)') j,(testrel(i,j), i=101,140) enddo close(10) ! Here the actual smoothing to the uter grid takes place ! where(ldepths<=4.)ldepths=0.0 ! where(ldepths>0.0.and.ldepths<=30.)ldepths=20.1 depths=0. do j=2,nyl-1 do i=2,nxl-1 depths(i,j)=(1.0-testrel(i,j))*ldepths(i,j)+testrel(i,j)*tmp(i,j) enddo enddo where(depths<=4.)depths=0.0 where(depths>0.0.and.depths<=30.)depths=20.1 ! Check the depths matrix for points with +three neighbours depths2=depths iter=1 numpoints=1 do while (numpoints>0) numpoints=0 do j=2,nyl-1 do i=2,nxl-1 if (depths(i,j)>0.1) then nlandneighbours=0 if (depths(i+1,j )<0.1) nlandneighbours = nlandneighbours + 1 if (depths(i-1,j )<0.1) nlandneighbours = nlandneighbours + 1 if (depths(i ,j+1)<0.1) nlandneighbours = nlandneighbours + 1 if (depths(i ,j-1)<0.1) nlandneighbours = nlandneighbours + 1 if (nlandneighbours>=3) then depths2(i,j)=0. numpoints=numpoints+1 end if end if enddo enddo depths=depths2 print '(a,i4,a,i7,a)','Iteration ',iter,' has ', numpoints ,' modified points' iter=iter+1 end do ! dumping new depths file allocate(io1(nxl,nyl)) io1=depths write(tag7,'(i3.3,a,i3.3)')nxl,'x',nyl open (unit=10,file='ndepths'//tag7//'.uf',status='unknown',form='unformatted') !write(10)depths write(10)io1 close(10) deallocate(io1) call tecdump(nxl,nyl,nxg,nyg,depths,tmp,ldepths,gdepths,glon,glat,llon,llat) !print'(i4,140l1)',(j,(flag(i,j), i=1,nxl), j=nyl,50,-1) open(10,file='nestrelmask.asc') write(10,*) 'Nesting mask for grid '//tag7 write(10,*) 'Shows how much nesting pulls local bathymetry towards global file' write(10,*) 'Legend: *=land , .=unmodified ocean , [0-9] nestrel strength' do i=1,nxl,chunk cchunk='' write(10,*) 'i chunk ',i,' -- > ',min(nxl,i+chunk) write(10,*) do j=nyl,1,-1 do i2=i,min(nxl,i+chunk) if (depths(i2,j)<5) then cchunk(i2-i+1:i2-i+2)= '*' elseif (testrel(i2,j)>.001) then write(cchunk(i2-i+1:i2-i+2),'(i1.1)') & floor(9.999*(testrel(i2,j))/maxval(testrel)) !floor(9*(1.-testrel(i2,j))/maxval(1.-testrel)) else cchunk(i2-i+1:i2-i+2)='.' end if end do !print *,cchunk write(10,'(a)') cchunk end do write(10,*) end do close(10) print *,'nestrel mask in nestrelmask.asc (visual ascii file)' print *,'new bathymetry in ndepths'//tag7//'.uf' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! contains !KAL - also dumps to netcdf file subroutine tecdump(nxl,nyl,nxg,nyg,depths,tmp,ldepths,gdepths,glon,glat,llon,llat) use netcdf implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nxl,nyl,nxg,nyg real, intent(in) :: depths(nxl,nyl) real, intent(in) :: ldepths(nxl,nyl) real, intent(in) :: tmp(nxl,nyl) real, intent(in) :: llon(nxl,nyl) real, intent(in) :: llat(nxl,nyl) real, intent(in) :: gdepths(nxg,nyg) real, intent(in) :: glon(nxg,nyg) real, intent(in) :: glat(nxg,nyg) integer i,j,k character*2 tag integer :: ierr integer :: ncid, var_id, nxlid,nylid,nxgid,nygid real :: tmpg(nxg,nyg) real :: tmpl(nxl,nyl) open(10,file='tecnestbat.tec',status='unknown') write(10,*)'TITLE = "NESTBAT"' write(10,*)'VARIABLES = "i" "j" "lon" "lat" "depths"' !Global zone write(10,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')' ZONE F=BLOCK T="Global", I=',nxg,', J=',nyg,', K=1' write(10,'(30I4)')((i,i=1,nxg),j=1,nyg) write(10,'(30I4)')((j,i=1,nxg),j=1,nyg) write(10,900)glon(1:nxg,1:nyg) write(10,900)glat(1:nxg,1:nyg) write(10,900)gdepths(1:nxg,1:nyg) ! Old local zone write(10,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')' ZONE F=BLOCK T="Local", I=',nxl,', J=',nyl,', K=1' write(10,'(30I4)')((i,i=1,nxl),j=1,nyl) write(10,'(30I4)')((j,i=1,nxl),j=1,nyl) write(10,900)llon(1:nxl,1:nyl) write(10,900)llat(1:nxl,1:nyl) write(10,900)ldepths(1:nxl,1:nyl) ! tmp local zone write(10,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')' ZONE F=BLOCK T="LocalG", I=',nxl,', J=',nyl,', K=1' write(10,'(30I4)')((i,i=1,nxl),j=1,nyl) write(10,'(30I4)')((j,i=1,nxl),j=1,nyl) write(10,900)llon(1:nxl,1:nyl) write(10,900)llat(1:nxl,1:nyl) write(10,900)tmp(1:nxl,1:nyl) ! New local zone write(10,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')' ZONE F=BLOCK T="New", I=',nxl,', J=',nyl,', K=1' write(10,'(30I4)')((i,i=1,nxl),j=1,nyl) write(10,'(30I4)')((j,i=1,nxl),j=1,nyl) write(10,900)llon(1:nxl,1:nyl) write(10,900)llat(1:nxl,1:nyl) write(10,900)depths(1:nxl,1:nyl) close(10) 900 format(10(1x,e12.5)) if (NF90_CREATE('',NF90_CLOBBER,ncid) /= NF90_NOERR) then print *,'An error occured when opening the netcdf file' stop '(obsstats)' end if ierr=NF90_DEF_DIM(ncid,'nxl',nxl,nxlid) ierr=NF90_DEF_DIM(ncid,'nyl',nyl,nylid) ierr=NF90_DEF_DIM(ncid,'nxg',nxg,nxgid) ierr=NF90_DEF_DIM(ncid,'nyg',nyg,nygid) ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'glon',NF90_Float,(/nxgid,nygid/),var_id) ierr=NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,var_id,glon) ierr=NF90_REDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'glat',NF90_Float,(/nxgid,nygid/),var_id) ierr=NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,var_id,glat) ierr=NF90_REDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'llon',NF90_Float,(/nxlid,nylid/),var_id) ierr=NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,var_id,llon) ierr=NF90_REDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'llat',NF90_Float,(/nxlid,nylid/),var_id) ierr=NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,var_id,llat) ! Global depths ierr=NF90_REDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'gdepths',NF90_Float,(/nxgid,nygid/),var_id) ierr=NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,var_id,'_FillValue',real(-1e14,kind=4)) ierr=NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,var_id,'missing_value',real(-1e14,kind=4)) ierr=NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) tmpg=gdepths; where (tmpg<.1) tmpg=-1e14 ierr=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,var_id,tmpg) ! Original depths ierr=NF90_REDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'ldepths',NF90_Float,(/nxlid,nylid/),var_id) ierr=NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,var_id,'_FillValue',real(-1e14,kind=4)) ierr=NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,var_id,'missing_value',real(-1e14,kind=4)) ierr=NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) tmpl=ldepths; where (tmpl<.1) tmpl=-1e14 ierr=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,var_id,tmpl) ! NEstbat depths ierr=NF90_REDEF(ncid) ierr=NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'ndepths',NF90_Float,(/nxlid,nylid/),var_id) ierr=NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,var_id,'_FillValue',real(-1e14,kind=4)) ierr=NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid,var_id,'missing_value',real(-1e14,kind=4)) ierr=NF90_ENDDEF(ncid) tmpl=depths; where (tmpl<.1) tmpl=-1e14 ierr=NF90_PUT_VAR(ncid,var_id,tmpl) ierr=NF90_CLOSE(ncid) end subroutine tecdump end program