CKAL -- Stolen without shame from hycom ALL routines c C subroutine pastel(nbase,ibase) C integer nbase,ibase(2) C C --- define 2 pastel colors C C parameter (ncol=2) C real rgb(3,ncol) C data rgb/ C . 0.8,1.0,0.9, ! pale blue C . 0.8,0.7,0.5 ! beige C . / Ccc . 0.5,0.8,0.7, ! pale blue Ccc . 1.0,0.9,0.7, ! beige Ccc . 0.9,0.8,0.6, ! beige C C if (ibase(1).ne.0) then C write(*,101) 'existing pastel color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C return C endif C ibase(1) = nbase C ibase(2) = nbase+ncol C nbase = ibase(2) C write (*,101) 'defining pastel color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C do i=1,ncol Ccc write (*,100) i+ibase(1),(rgb(l,i),l=1,3) C call gscr(1,i+ibase(1),rgb(1,i),rgb(2,i),rgb(3,i)) C enddo C return C100 format (' color index',i4,' <==> rgb combination',3f7.3) C101 format(a32,a,i5,a,i5) C end c c subroutine sstpal(IWKID,nbase,ibase) implicit none integer IWKID integer nbase ! Number of colors integer ibase ! Offset in color table c c --- initialize sst color table c integer, parameter :: ncol=64 integer rgb(3,1:ncol) data rgb / . 24, 1,30, 18, 1,30, 14, 1,30, 10, 1,30, 1, 1,30, 1, 1,28, . 1, 1,26, 1, 1,24, 1, 1,22, 1, 1,19, 1, 4,15, 1, 7,13, . 1,10,13, 1,13,14, 1,12,15, 1,13,19, 1,15,20, 1,17,20, . 1,19,21, 1,21,21, 1,23,23, 1,25,25, 1,27,27, 1,28,28, . 1,29,29, 1,30,30, 1,30,27, 1,29,25, 1,29,18, 1,28,14, . 1,27,15, 1,25,15, 1,23,14, 1,22,10, 1,20,10, 1,18,10, . 1,16,10, 1,18, 7, 1,17, 1, 7,19, 1, 7,21, 1, 9,23, 1, . 11,25, 1, 14,26, 1, 17,27, 1, 20,28, 1, 24,29, 1, 29,29, 1, . 28,28, 1, 28,26, 1, 28,23, 1, 28,20, 1, 28,17, 1, 28,14, 1, . 28,11, 1, 28, 8, 1, 28, 5, 1, 27, 1, 1, 25, 1, 1, 22, 1, 1, . 19, 1, 1, 16, 1, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1/ real, parameter :: scale=.03125 integer :: i,l0,l1 real :: rind,w0,w1 c write (*,101) 'defining sst color table:',' entries', . ibase,' --',nbase c CKAL Do a linear interpolation of color table to number of entries CKAL specified do i=1,nbase rind=float(ncol-1)*float(i-1)/float(nbase-1) l0=min(floor(rind)+1,ncol-1) l1=l0+1 w0=l1-1-rind w1=1.-w0 print '(i5,f10.2,i4,f10.2,i4,f10.2)',i+ibase,rind,l0,w0,l1,w1 call gscr(IWKID,i+ibase, . scale*(w0*rgb(1,l0)+w1*rgb(1,l1)), . scale*(w0*rgb(2,l0)+w1*rgb(2,l1)), . scale*(w0*rgb(3,l0)+w1*rgb(3,l1))) C end do C do i=1,ncol Ccc write (*,100) i+ibase(1),(scale*rgb(l,i),l=1,3) C call gscr(IWKID,i+ibase, C . scale*rgb(1,i),scale*rgb(2,i),scale*rgb(3,i)) C enddo return 100 format (' color index',i4,' <==> rgb combination',3f7.3) 101 format(a32,a,i5,a,i5) end c c subroutine gaudy(IWKID,nbase,ibase) implicit none integer nbase,ibase,IWKID C --- initialize 'gaudy' color table integer :: num,ncol parameter (num=8,ncol=100) real red(num),grn(num),blu(num) data red/0.,0.,1.,1.,0.,0.,1.,1./ data grn/0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1./ data blu/0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,1.,1.,1./ C --- 'expo' controls color interpolation. The larger the value, the C --- more abrupt the transition between the prescribed color values real :: expo data expo/1.0/ integer :: i,m real :: x,r,g,b,xx write (*,101) 'defining gaudy color table:',' entries', . ibase,' --',nbase !do i=1,ncol ! x=1.+float((num-1)*(i-1))/float(ncol-1) do i=1,nbase x=1.+float((num-1)*(i-1))/float(nbase-1) m=min(num-1,int(x)) x=x-float(m) if ( then xx=.5*(2.*x)**expo else xx=1.-.5*(2.*(1.-x))**expo end if r=red(m)*(1.-xx)+red(m+1)*xx g=grn(m)*(1.-xx)+grn(m+1)*xx b=blu(m)*(1.-xx)+blu(m+1)*xx ccc write (*,100) i+ibase(1),r,g,b call gscr(1,i+ibase,r,g,b) enddo return 100 format (' color index',i4,' <==> rgb combination',3f7.3) 101 format(a32,a,i5,a,i5) end C C C subroutine twoton(nbase,ibase) C integer nbase,ibase(2) C C --- initialize table of 2-tone (blue and red) shades C C parameter (ncol=64) C data satur/1./ C C if (ibase(1).ne.0) then C write(*,101) 'existing 2-tone color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C return C endif C ibase(1) = nbase C ibase(2) = nbase+ncol C nbase = ibase(2) C write (*,101) 'defining 2-tone color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C if (mod(ncol,2).eq.0) then C ncolx=ncol-1 C else C ncolx=ncol C endif C ii=0 C do i=1,ncolx C x=1.-satur*abs(float(i-(ncolx+1)/2))/float((ncolx+1)/2-1) C if (i.le.(ncolx+1)/2) then C r=x C g=x C b=1. ! blue shades C else C r=1. ! red shades C g=x C b=x C endif C ii=ii+1 Ccc write (*,100) ii+ibase(1),r,g,b C call gscr(1,ii+ibase(1),r,g,b) C if ( .and. i.eq.ncol/2) then C ii=ii+1 Ccc write (*,100) ii+ibase(1),r,g,b C call gscr(1,ii+ibase(1),r,g,b) C endif C enddo C return C100 format (' color index',i4,' <==> rgb combination',3f7.3) C101 format(a32,a,i5,a,i5) C end C C C subroutine fc100(nbase,ibase) C integer nbase,ibase(2) C C --- initialize table of 100 false colors. C C parameter (ncol=100) C real rgb( 3,1:ncol) C real rgb0(3,10) C real rgb1(3,10) C real rgb2(3,10) C real rgb3(3,10) C real rgb4(3,10) C real rgb5(3,10) C real rgb6(3,10) C real rgb7(3,10) C real rgb8(3,10) C real rgb9(3,10) C equivalence (rgb(1, 1),rgb0(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,11),rgb1(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,21),rgb2(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,31),rgb3(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,41),rgb4(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,51),rgb5(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,61),rgb6(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,71),rgb7(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,81),rgb8(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,91),rgb9(1,1)) C data rgb0 / C . 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, C . 0.9763, 0.9235, 0.9955, C . 0.9567, 0.8603, 0.9918, C . 0.9371, 0.7970, 0.9880, C . 0.9175, 0.7338, 0.9843, C . 0.8979, 0.6705, 0.9806, C . 0.8783, 0.6073, 0.9769, C . 0.8586, 0.5440, 0.9731, C . 0.8390, 0.4808, 0.9694, C . 0.8194, 0.4175, 0.9656 / C data rgb1 / C . 0.7998, 0.3543, 0.9619, C . 0.7802, 0.2910, 0.9582, C . 0.7606, 0.2278, 0.9544, C . 0.7410, 0.1645, 0.9507, C . 0.7241, 0.0380, 0.9736, C . 0.6615, 0.0127, 0.9807, C . 0.5988, 0.0000, 0.9860, C . 0.5362, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.4892, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.4422, 0.0000, 0.9900 / C data rgb2 / C . 0.3800, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.3178, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.2556, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.1934, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.1312, 0.0000, 0.9702, C . 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.9286, C . 0.0030, 0.0287, 0.5463, C . 0.0101, 0.1262, 0.2249, C . 0.0217, 0.2002, 0.2851, C . 0.0333, 0.2741, 0.3453 / C data rgb3 / C . 0.0537, 0.3375, 0.4587, C . 0.0686, 0.3867, 0.5140, C . 0.0803, 0.4279, 0.5393, C . 0.0983, 0.4944, 0.5544, C . 0.1221, 0.5670, 0.5852, C . 0.1457, 0.6150, 0.6241, C . 0.1692, 0.6629, 0.6629, C . 0.1941, 0.7005, 0.7005, C . 0.2190, 0.7382, 0.7382, C . 0.2439, 0.7758, 0.7758 / C data rgb4 / C . 0.2892, 0.8330, 0.8330, C . 0.3223, 0.8724, 0.8724, C . 0.3567, 0.9080, 0.9080, C . 0.3911, 0.9435, 0.9435, C . 0.4317, 0.9800, 0.9800, C . 0.3912, 0.9701, 0.9302, C . 0.3478, 0.9537, 0.8740, C . 0.2950, 0.9455, 0.7796, C . 0.2442, 0.9291, 0.6784, C . 0.2083, 0.9067, 0.6100 / C data rgb5 / C . 0.1755, 0.8390, 0.5624, C . 0.1427, 0.7714, 0.5149, C . 0.1113, 0.6867, 0.4606, C . 0.0661, 0.6170, 0.3500, C . 0.0530, 0.5317, 0.2928, C . 0.0400, 0.4464, 0.2657, C . 0.0282, 0.3873, 0.2226, C . 0.0746, 0.4577, 0.1220, C . 0.1522, 0.4797, 0.0000, C . 0.1886, 0.5369, 0.0000 / C data rgb6 / C . 0.2021, 0.5941, 0.0000, C . 0.2454, 0.6513, 0.0000, C . 0.2903, 0.7080, 0.0000, C . 0.3362, 0.7643, 0.0000, C . 0.3901, 0.7873, 0.0000, C . 0.4449, 0.8102, 0.0000, C . 0.5006, 0.8330, 0.0000, C . 0.5573, 0.8558, 0.0000, C . 0.6150, 0.8785, 0.0000, C . 0.6700, 0.9012, 0.0000 / C data rgb7 / C . 0.7334, 0.9238, 0.0000, C . 0.8022, 0.9407, 0.0000, C . 0.8774, 0.9480, 0.0000, C . 0.9500, 0.9500, 0.0000, C . 0.9150, 0.8946, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.8390, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.7797, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.7185, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.6570, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.5959, 0.0000 / C data rgb8 / C . 0.8996, 0.5350, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.4741, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.4132, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.3522, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.2913, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.2304, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.1695, 0.0000, C . 0.8875, 0.1216, 0.0000, C . 0.8754, 0.0736, 0.0000, C . 0.8392, 0.0000, 0.0000 / C data rgb9 / C . 0.7820, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.7152, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.6499, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.5846, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.5092, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.4239, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.3386, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.2532, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.1679, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0000 / C C if (ibase(1).ne.0) then C write(*,101) 'existing fc100 color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C return C endif C ibase(1) = nbase C ibase(2) = nbase+ncol C nbase = ibase(2) C write (*,101) 'defining fc100 color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C do i=1,ncol Ccc write (*,100) i+ibase(1),(rgb(l,i),l=1,3) C call gscr(1,i+ibase(1),rgb(1,i),rgb(2,i),rgb(3,i)) C enddo C return C100 format (' color index',i4,' <==> rgb combination',3f7.3) C101 format(a32,a,i5,a,i5) C end C C C subroutine ifc100(nbase,ibase) C integer nbase,ibase(2) C C --- initialize inverted table of 100 false colors. C C parameter (ncol=100) C real rgb( 3,1:ncol) C real rgb0(3,10) C real rgb1(3,10) C real rgb2(3,10) C real rgb3(3,10) C real rgb4(3,10) C real rgb5(3,10) C real rgb6(3,10) C real rgb7(3,10) C real rgb8(3,10) C real rgb9(3,10) C equivalence (rgb(1, 1),rgb0(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,11),rgb1(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,21),rgb2(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,31),rgb3(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,41),rgb4(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,51),rgb5(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,61),rgb6(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,71),rgb7(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,81),rgb8(1,1)), C . (rgb(1,91),rgb9(1,1)) C data rgb0 / C . 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, C . 0.9763, 0.9235, 0.9955, C . 0.9567, 0.8603, 0.9918, C . 0.9371, 0.7970, 0.9880, C . 0.9175, 0.7338, 0.9843, C . 0.8979, 0.6705, 0.9806, C . 0.8783, 0.6073, 0.9769, C . 0.8586, 0.5440, 0.9731, C . 0.8390, 0.4808, 0.9694, C . 0.8194, 0.4175, 0.9656 / C data rgb1 / C . 0.7998, 0.3543, 0.9619, C . 0.7802, 0.2910, 0.9582, C . 0.7606, 0.2278, 0.9544, C . 0.7410, 0.1645, 0.9507, C . 0.7241, 0.0380, 0.9736, C . 0.6615, 0.0127, 0.9807, C . 0.5988, 0.0000, 0.9860, C . 0.5362, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.4892, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.4422, 0.0000, 0.9900 / C data rgb2 / C . 0.3800, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.3178, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.2556, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.1934, 0.0000, 0.9900, C . 0.1312, 0.0000, 0.9702, C . 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.9286, C . 0.0030, 0.0287, 0.5463, C . 0.0101, 0.1262, 0.2249, C . 0.0217, 0.2002, 0.2851, C . 0.0333, 0.2741, 0.3453 / C data rgb3 / C . 0.0537, 0.3375, 0.4587, C . 0.0686, 0.3867, 0.5140, C . 0.0803, 0.4279, 0.5393, C . 0.0983, 0.4944, 0.5544, C . 0.1221, 0.5670, 0.5852, C . 0.1457, 0.6150, 0.6241, C . 0.1692, 0.6629, 0.6629, C . 0.1941, 0.7005, 0.7005, C . 0.2190, 0.7382, 0.7382, C . 0.2439, 0.7758, 0.7758 / C data rgb4 / C . 0.2892, 0.8330, 0.8330, C . 0.3223, 0.8724, 0.8724, C . 0.3567, 0.9080, 0.9080, C . 0.3911, 0.9435, 0.9435, C . 0.4317, 0.9800, 0.9800, C . 0.3912, 0.9701, 0.9302, C . 0.3478, 0.9537, 0.8740, C . 0.2950, 0.9455, 0.7796, C . 0.2442, 0.9291, 0.6784, C . 0.2083, 0.9067, 0.6100 / C data rgb5 / C . 0.1755, 0.8390, 0.5624, C . 0.1427, 0.7714, 0.5149, C . 0.1113, 0.6867, 0.4606, C . 0.0661, 0.6170, 0.3500, C . 0.0530, 0.5317, 0.2928, C . 0.0400, 0.4464, 0.2657, C . 0.0282, 0.3873, 0.2226, C . 0.0746, 0.4577, 0.1220, C . 0.1522, 0.4797, 0.0000, C . 0.1886, 0.5369, 0.0000 / C data rgb6 / C . 0.2021, 0.5941, 0.0000, C . 0.2454, 0.6513, 0.0000, C . 0.2903, 0.7080, 0.0000, C . 0.3362, 0.7643, 0.0000, C . 0.3901, 0.7873, 0.0000, C . 0.4449, 0.8102, 0.0000, C . 0.5006, 0.8330, 0.0000, C . 0.5573, 0.8558, 0.0000, C . 0.6150, 0.8785, 0.0000, C . 0.6700, 0.9012, 0.0000 / C data rgb7 / C . 0.7334, 0.9238, 0.0000, C . 0.8022, 0.9407, 0.0000, C . 0.8774, 0.9480, 0.0000, C . 0.9500, 0.9500, 0.0000, C . 0.9150, 0.8946, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.8390, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.7797, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.7185, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.6570, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.5959, 0.0000 / C data rgb8 / C . 0.8996, 0.5350, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.4741, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.4132, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.3522, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.2913, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.2304, 0.0000, C . 0.8996, 0.1695, 0.0000, C . 0.8875, 0.1216, 0.0000, C . 0.8754, 0.0736, 0.0000, C . 0.8392, 0.0000, 0.0000 / C data rgb9 / C . 0.7820, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.7152, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.6499, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.5846, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.5092, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.4239, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.3386, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.2532, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.1679, 0.0000, 0.0000, C . 0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0000 / C C if (ibase(1).ne.0) then C write(*,101) 'existing ifc100 color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C return C endif C ibase(1) = nbase C ibase(2) = nbase+ncol C nbase = ibase(2) C write (*,101) 'defining ifc100 color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C do i=1,ncol C ii=ncol+1-i Ccc write (*,100) i+ibase(1),(rgb(l,i),l=1,3) C call gscr(1,i+ibase(1),rgb(1,ii),rgb(2,ii),rgb(3,ii)) C enddo C return C100 format (' color index',i4,' <==> rgb combination',3f7.3) C101 format(a32,a,i5,a,i5) C end C C C subroutine fc20(nbase,ibase) C integer nbase,ibase(2) C C --- initialize table of 20 false colors. C C parameter (ncol=20) C real rgb( 3,1:ncol) C data rgb / C + .00,.38,.50, .00,.50,.63, .00,.63,.75, .00,.75,.88, C + .00,.88,1.0, .00,1.0,1.0, .20,.99,.99, .40,.99,.99, C + .60,.99,.99, .80,.99,.99, .99,.99,.00, .99,.88,.00, C + .99,.75,.00, .99,.63,.00, .99,.50,.00, .99,.38,.00, C + .99,.25,.00, .99,.13,.00, .75,.00,.00, .50,.00,.00 / C C if (ibase(1).ne.0) then C write(*,101) 'existing fc20 color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C return C endif C ibase(1) = nbase C ibase(2) = nbase+ncol C nbase = ibase(2) C write (*,101) 'defining fc20 color table:',' entries', C . ibase(1)+1,' --',ibase(2) C do i=1,ncol Ccc write (*,100) i+ibase(1),(rgb(l,i),l=1,3) C call gscr(1,i+ibase(1),rgb(1,i),rgb(2,i),rgb(3,i)) C enddo C return C100 format (' color index',i4,' <==> rgb combination',3f7.3) C101 format(a32,a,i5,a,i5) C end C C