! Program to create the files sssrmx.[a,b] read by HYCOM when the value is not constant ! Here, the value follows the following equation: ! sssrmx(:,:)=0.5 !Created by Fanf program sssrmx use mod_xc use mod_za use mod_grid, only : get_grid, depths, plon, plat, qlat, qlon implicit none character(len=24) :: filename integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ip real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: fild integer :: ii,jj real :: hmin, hmax real pi data pi/3.14159265/ ! ! Initialize IO for .ab files CALL XCSPMD() allocate(ip(idm,jdm)) allocate(fild(idm,jdm)) CALL ZAIOST() call get_grid() fild(:,:)=0.5 call zaiopf('sssrmx.a', 'replace', 909) call zaiowr(fild(:,:),ip,.false.,hmin,hmax,909,.true.) open (unit=909, file='sssrmx.b', & status='replace', action='write') write(909,'(a)') 'Threshold above which we do not relax' write(909,'(a)') '' write(909,'(a)') '' write(909,'(a)') '' write(909,'(a,2i5)') 'i/jdm = ',idm,jdm write(909,'(" sssrmx:range = ",2e16.8)') hmin,hmax close(909) call zaiocl(909) end program sssrmx