module m_pivotp_micom implicit none contains ! F. Counillon (adapted from an algorithm of Mats Bentsen) ! This subroutine search the pivot point for a given observations ! The search is linear moving toward the neigboring grid cell that minimize ! the distance to the obs. This search is in the worst case in O(n). The input ! ipiv, jpiv corresponds to the pivot point from the previous search. If there ! is a kind of order in the way the observation are given the search will be ! very fast. ! subroutine pivotp_micom(lon, lat,modlon,modlat, ipiv, jpiv, nx, ny,min_d,r_bdy) ! use m_spherdist ! use mod_grid real, intent(in) :: lon, lat integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny integer, intent(out) :: r_bdy real, intent(in), dimension(nx,ny) :: modlon,modlat integer, intent(inout) :: ipiv, jpiv real*8, intent(out) :: min_d real*8 :: d integer :: i, j, ito, jto logical :: piv_on_bdy real, external :: spherdist min_d = spherdist(modlon(ipiv,jpiv), modlat(ipiv,jpiv), lon, lat) ito = ipiv+1 jto = jpiv+1 do while ( .not. (abs(ipiv-ito)<.001 .and. abs(jpiv - jto)<.001)) !do while (ipiv==ito .and. jpiv==jto) ! print *,'new loop',ipiv,ito,jpiv,jto,abs(ipiv-ito),abs(jpiv - jto) ito = ipiv jto = jpiv ! i = max(ipiv-1,1) i = ipiv-1 if (i <1) i=nx j = jpiv d = spherdist(modlon(i,j), modlat(i,j), lon, lat) if ( then ! print * ,'i-1', d,min_d,ipiv,jpiv ipiv = i jpiv = j min_d = d endif ! i = min(ipiv+1,nx) i=ipiv+1 if(i>nx) i=1 j = jpiv d = spherdist(modlon(i,j), modlat(i,j), lon, lat) if ( then ! print * ,'i+1', d,min_d,ipiv,jpiv ipiv = i jpiv = j min_d = d endif j = max(jpiv-1,1) i = ipiv d = spherdist(modlon(i,j), modlat(i,j), lon, lat) if ( then ! print * ,'j-1', d,min_d,ipiv,jpiv ipiv = i jpiv = j min_d = d endif i = ipiv j = min(jpiv+1,ny) d = spherdist(modlon(i,j), modlat(i,j), lon, lat) if ( then ! print * ,'j+1', d,min_d,ipiv,jpiv ipiv = i jpiv = j min_d = d endif enddo piv_on_bdy = (ipiv==1 .or. jpiv==1 .or. ipiv==nx .or. jpiv==ny ) if (piv_on_bdy) then r_bdy = bdy_index(ipiv,jpiv,nx,ny) else r_bdy = 0 end if end subroutine pivotp_micom integer function bdy_index(i,j,nlon,nlat) !! this function gives points on the boundary of a 2d array !! an index of 1 for (1,1), 2 for (2,1) !! and continuing anticlockwise implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i,j,nlon,nlat integer :: r,r1,r2,r3,r4 !r = 1 : (i,j) = (1,1) r1 = nlon !r = r1: (i,j) = (nlon,1) r2 = nlon+(nlat-2) !r = r2: (i,j) = (nlon,nlat-1) ok r3 = 2*nlon+(nlat-2) !r = r3: (i,j) = (1,nlat) r4 = 2*nlon+2*(nlat-2) !r = r4: (i,j) = (1,2) if (j==1) then r = i elseif (i==nlon) then r = nlon+j-1 elseif (j==nlat) then r = r3+1-i else!i==1 r = r4+2-j end if bdy_index = r end function bdy_index end module m_pivotp_micom