Directory contains routines for converting from .[ab] files to netcdf file ( An evolution of the ExtractNC2D routines h2nc : m2nc will extract data from hycom .[ab] files and put these into netcdf file The fields to extract are specified in extract files which corresponds to the file type you want to extract from (for example extract.daily, extract.restart ...). Sample extract files can be found in Input directory under MSCProgs directory Several files can be specified which results in several time records in the netcdf file Vectors can be rotated, depending on the flags in extract-files (TODO!) usage: h2nc file(s) NB: files contains isopycnal layer values, no vertical interpolation. The main difference between this and m2nc is that relevant fields are dumped into 3D netcdf variables. m2nc will dump everything into 2D variables. Knut Liseter, 23. November 2008 Based on routines initially created by Geir Evensem.