module m_bigrid contains subroutine bigrid(depth) use mod_dimensions use m_indxi use m_indxj c c --- set loop bounds for irregular basin in c-grid configuration c --- q,u,v,p are vorticity, u-velocity, v-velocity, and mass points, resp. c --- 'depth' = basin depth array, zero values indicate land c implicit none c real depth(idm,jdm) c integer i,j,nfill,nzero,isec,ifrst,ilast character char3*3 c integer nchar character fmt*13 data nchar/120/ data fmt/'(i4,1x,120i1)'/ c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do 17 j=1,jj do 17 i=1,ii ip(i,j)=0 iq(i,j)=0 iu(i,j)=0 17 iv(i,j)=0 c c --- detect (and abort on) single-width inlets and 1-point seas. 16 nfill=0 do 15 j=1,jj1 do 15 i=1,ii1 nzero=0 if (depth(i,j).gt.0.) then if (i.eq.1 .or.depth(i-1,j).le.0.) nzero=nzero+1 if (i.eq.ii1.or.depth(i+1,j).le.0.) nzero=nzero+1 if (j.eq.1 .or.depth(i,j-1).le.0.) nzero=nzero+1 if (j.eq.jj1.or.depth(i,j+1).le.0.) nzero=nzero+1 if ( then write (lp,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i1,a)') + 'warning - dh(',i,',',j,') has ', + nzero,' land neighbours' depth(i,j)=0. nfill=nfill+1 end if end if 15 continue if ( then goto 16 ! write(lp,'(/a/)') ! . 'Must correct bathymetry before running HYCOM' ! call flush(lp) ! stop '(bigrid)' endif c c --- mass points are defined where water depth is greater than zero c --- u,v points are located halfway between any 2 adjoining mass points c --- 'interior' q points require water on all 4 sides. c --- 'promontory' q points require water on 3 (or at least 2 c --- diametrically opposed) sides !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1,jj1 do i=1,ii1 if (depth(i,j).gt.0.) then ip(i,j)=1 endif enddo do i=2,ii1 if (ip(i-1,j).gt.0.and.ip(i,j).gt.0) then iu(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=2,jj1 do i=1,ii1 if (ip(i,j-1).gt.0.and.ip(i,j).gt.0) then iv(i,j)=1 endif enddo do i=2,ii1 if (min(ip(i,j),ip(i-1,j),ip(i,j-1),ip(i-1,j-1)).gt.0) then iq(i,j)=1 elseif ((ip(i ,j).gt.0.and.ip(i-1,j-1).gt.0).or. . (ip(i-1,j).gt.0.and.ip(i ,j-1).gt.0) ) then iq(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo c c --- determine loop bounds for vorticity points, including interior and c --- promontory points call indxi(iq,ifq,ilq,isq) call indxj(iq,jfq,jlq,jsq) c c --- vorticity points on borders c --- 'left' border (j increasing to right) ccc do 6 j=1,jj1 ccc do 6 i=2,ii1 ccc if (iq(i,j).ne.0) go to 6 ccc if (ip(i,j).gt.0.and.ip(i-1,j).gt.0) iq(i,j)=2 ccc 6 continue c --- 'right' border ccc do 7 j=2,jj ccc do 7 i=2,ii1 ccc if (iq(i,j).ne.0) go to 7 ccc if (ip(i,j-1).gt.0.and.ip(i-1,j-1).gt.0) iq(i,j)=3 ccc 7 continue c --- 'top' border (i increasing downward) ccc do 8 j=2,jj1 ccc do 8 i=1,ii1 ccc if (iq(i,j).ne.0) go to 8 ccc if (ip(i,j).gt.0.and.ip(i,j-1).gt.0) iq(i,j)=4 ccc 8 continue c --- 'bottom' border ccc do 9 j=2,jj1 ccc do 9 i=2,ii ccc if (iq(i,j).ne.0) go to 9 ccc if (ip(i-1,j).gt.0.and.ip(i-1,j-1).gt.0) iq(i,j)=5 ccc 9 continue c c --- determine loop indices for mass and velocity points call indxi(ip,ifp,ilp,isp) call indxj(ip,jfp,jlp,jsp) call indxi(iu,ifu,ilu,isu) call indxj(iu,jfu,jlu,jsu) call indxi(iv,ifv,ilv,isv) call indxj(iv,jfv,jlv,jsv) c c --- velocity points on borders c --- 'left' and 'right' border points for v (y pointing right) ccc do 13 i=1,ii1 ccc do 13 j=1,jj1 ccc if (ip(i,j).ne.1) go to 13 ccc if (iv(i,j).eq.0) iv(i,j)=2 ccc if (iv(i,j+1).eq.0) iv(i,j+1)=2 ccc 13 continue c --- 'top' and 'bottom' border points for u (x pointing down) ccc do 14 i=1,ii1 ccc do 14 j=1,jj1 ccc if (ip(i,j).ne.1) go to 14 ccc if (iu(i,j).eq.0) iu(i,j)=2 ccc if (iu(i+1,j).eq.0) iu(i+1,j)=2 ccc 14 continue c c --- write out -ip- array c --- data are written in strips nchar points wide return isec=(ii-1)/nchar do 9 ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(ii,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 write (lp,'(''ip array, cols'',i5,'' --'',i5)') ifrst+1,ilast 9 write (lp,fmt) (j,(10*ip(i,j),i=ifrst+1,ilast),j=jj,1,-1) c return end subroutine bigrid end module m_bigrid