module mod_za_global use mod_xc_global ! HYCOM communication API c implicit none c c --- HYCOM I/O interface. c --- Serial version, for setup only. c integer, save, private :: iarec(999) real*4, save, private, allocatable :: w(:) c c n2drec = size of output 2-d array, multiple of 4096 c spval = data void marker, 2^100 or about 1.2676506e30 c integer, save, private :: n2drec real*4, private, parameter :: spval=2.0**100 c private zaiordd,zaiowrd contains c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c machine dependent I/O routines. c single processor version, contained in mod_za. c c author: Alan J. Wallcraft, NRL. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine zaiopn(cstat, iaunit) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: iaunit character*(*), intent(in) :: cstat c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for opening a file for array i/o. c c must call zaiost before first call to zaiopn. c see also 'zaiope' and 'zaiopf'. c c 2) the filename is taken from the environment variable FORxxxA, c where xxx = iaunit, with default fort.xxxa. c c array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c cstat indicates the file type, it can be 'scratch', 'old', or c 'new'. c all i/o to iaunit must be performed by zaiord and zaiowr. c the file should be closed using zaiocl. c* c********** c integer ios,nrecl character cfile*256,cenv*7 character cact*9 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(16) #endif c c test file state. c if (iarec(iaunit).ne.-1) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c c get filename. c write(cenv,1000) iaunit cfile = ' ' call getenv(cenv,cfile) if (cfile.eq.' ') then write(cfile,1100) iaunit endif * write(6,*) 'zaiopn - iaunit = ',iaunit * call flush(6) c c open file. c inquire(iolength=nrecl) w c if (cstat.eq.'OLD' .or. & cstat.eq.'old' ) then cact = 'READ' elseif (cstat.eq.'NEW' .or. & cstat.eq.'new' ) then cact = 'WRITE' else cact = 'READWRITE' endif #if defined(YMP) if (mod(nrecl,16384).eq.0 .and.*4) then call asnunit(iaunit+1000,'-F syscall -N ieee',ios) else call asnunit(iaunit+1000,'-F cachea:8:16:2 -N ieee',ios) endif if ( then write(6,9050) iaunit write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios call flush(6) stop endif #endif if (cstat.eq.'scratch' .or. & cstat.eq.'SCRATCH' ) then open(unit=iaunit+1000, & form='unformatted', status='scratch', & access='direct', recl=nrecl, action=cact, iostat=ios) else open(unit=iaunit+1000, file=cfile, & form='unformatted', status=cstat, & access='direct', recl=nrecl, action=cact, iostat=ios) endif if ( then write(6,9100) iaunit write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios call flush(6) stop endif iarec(iaunit) = 0 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(16) #endif return c 1000 format('FOR',i3.3,'A') 1100 format('fort.',i3.3,'a') 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiopn - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as available.'/ /) #if defined(YMP) 9050 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiopn - can''t asnunit ',i3, & ', for array I/O.'/ /) #endif 9100 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiopn - can''t open unit ',i3, & ', for array I/O.'/ /) end subroutine zaiopn subroutine zaiope(cenv,cstat, iaunit) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: iaunit character*(*), intent(in) :: cenv,cstat c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for opening a file for array i/o. c c must call zaiost before first call to zaiope. c see also 'zaiopn' and 'zaiopf'. c c 2) the filename is taken from environment variable 'cenv'. c c array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c cstat indicates the file type, it can be 'scratch', 'old', or c 'new'. c all i/o to iaunit must be performed by zaiord and zaiowr. c arrays passed to these routines must conform to 'h'. c the file should be closed using zaiocl. c* c********** c integer ios,nrecl character cfile*256 character cact*9 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(16) #endif c c test file state. c if (iarec(iaunit).ne.-1) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c c get filename. c cfile = ' ' call getenv(cenv,cfile) if (cfile.eq.' ') then write(6,9300) cenv(1:len_trim(cenv)) write(6,*) 'iaunit = ',iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c c open file. c * write(6,*) 'zaiope - iaunit = ',iaunit * call flush(6) * inquire(iolength=nrecl) w c if (cstat.eq.'OLD' .or. & cstat.eq.'old' ) then cact = 'READ' elseif (cstat.eq.'NEW' .or. & cstat.eq.'new' ) then cact = 'WRITE' else cact = 'READWRITE' endif c #if defined(YMP) if (mod(nrecl,16384).eq.0 .and.*4) then call asnunit(iaunit+1000,'-F syscall -N ieee',ios) else call asnunit(iaunit+1000,'-F cachea:8:16:2 -N ieee',ios) endif if ( then write(6,9050) iaunit,cfile(1:len_trim(cfile)) write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios write(6,*) 'cenv = ',cenv(1:len_trim(cenv)) call flush(6) stop endif #endif open(unit=iaunit+1000, file=cfile, & form='unformatted', status=cstat, & access='direct', recl=nrecl, action=cact, iostat=ios) if ( then write(6,9100) iaunit,cfile(1:len_trim(cfile)) write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios write(6,*) 'cenv = ',cenv(1:len_trim(cenv)) call flush(6) stop endif iarec(iaunit) = 0 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(16) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiope - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as available.'/ /) #if defined(YMP) 9050 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiope - can''t asnunit ',i3, & ', for array I/O.' / & 10x,'cfile = ',a/ /) #endif 9100 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiope - can''t open unit ',i3, & ', for array I/O.' / & 10x,'cfile = ',a/ /) 9300 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiope - environment variable ',a, & ' not defined'/ /) end subroutine zaiope subroutine zaiopf(cfile,cstat, iaunit) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: iaunit character*(*), intent(in) :: cfile,cstat c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for opening a file for array i/o. c c must call zaiost before first call to zaiopf. c see also 'zaiopn' and 'zaiope'. c c 2) the filename is taken from 'cfile'. c c array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c cstat indicates the file type, it can be 'scratch', 'old', or c 'new'. c all i/o to iaunit must be performed by zaiord and zaiowr. c arrays passed to these routines must conform to 'h'. c the file should be closed using zaiocl. c* c********** c integer ios,nrecl character cact*9 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(16) #endif c c test file state. c if (iarec(iaunit).ne.-1) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c c open file. c * write(6,*) 'zaiopf - iaunit = ',iaunit * call flush(6) * inquire(iolength=nrecl) w c if (cstat.eq.'OLD' .or. & cstat.eq.'old' ) then cact = 'READ' elseif (cstat.eq.'NEW' .or. & cstat.eq.'new' ) then cact = 'WRITE' else cact = 'READWRITE' endif c #if defined(YMP) if (mod(nrecl,16384).eq.0 .and.*4) then call asnunit(iaunit+1000,'-F syscall -N ieee',ios) else call asnunit(iaunit+1000,'-F cachea:8:16:2 -N ieee',ios) endif if ( then write(6,9050) iaunit,cfile(1:len_trim(cfile)) write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios call flush(6) stop endif #endif open(unit=iaunit+1000, file=cfile, & form='unformatted', status=cstat, & access='direct', recl=nrecl, action=cact, iostat=ios) if ( then write(6,9100) iaunit,cfile(1:len_trim(cfile)) write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios call flush(6) stop endif iarec(iaunit) = 0 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(16) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiopf - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as available.'/ /) #if defined(YMP) 9050 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiopf - can''t asnunit ',i3, & ', for array I/O.' / & 10x,'cfile = ',a/ /) #endif 9100 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiopf - can''t open unit ',i3, & ', for array I/O.' / & 10x,'cfile = ',a/ /) end subroutine zaiopf subroutine zaiopi(lopen, iaunit) implicit none c logical, intent(out) :: lopen integer, intent(in) :: iaunit c c********** c* c 1) is an array i/o unit open? c c 2) must call zaiost before first call to zaiopi. c* c********** c lopen = iarec(iaunit).ne.-1 return end subroutine zaiopi subroutine zaiost implicit none c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for initializing array i/o. c c 2) see also zaiopn, zaiord, zaiowr, and zaiocl. c* c********** c c n2drec = size of output 2-d array, multiple of 4096 c n2drec = ((idm*jdm+4095)/4096)*4096 c c initialize I/O buffer c allocate( w(n2drec) ) c c initialize record counters c iarec(:) = -1 #if defined(TIMER) c c initialize timers. c call xctmrn(16,'zaio**') call xctmrn(17,'zaiord') call xctmrn(18,'zaiowr') #endif return end subroutine zaiost subroutine zaiocl(iaunit) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: iaunit c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for array i/o file closing. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiocl. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c* c********** c integer ios #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(16) #endif c * write(6,*) 'zaiocl - iaunit = ',iaunit * call flush(6) if (iarec(iaunit).lt.0) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c close(unit=iaunit+1000, status='keep') #if defined(T3E) || defined(YMP) call asnunit(iaunit+1000,'-R',ios) #endif iarec(iaunit) = -1 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(16) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiocl - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as open.'/ /) end subroutine zaiocl subroutine zaiofl(iaunit) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: iaunit c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for array i/o buffer flushing. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiocl. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c* c********** c integer irlen character cfile*256 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(16) #endif c if (iarec(iaunit).lt.0) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c inquire(unit=iaunit+1000, name=cfile, recl=irlen) close( unit=iaunit+1000, status='keep') open( unit=iaunit+1000, file=cfile, form='unformatted', & access='direct', recl=irlen) #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(16) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiofl - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as open.'/ /) end subroutine zaiofl subroutine zaiorw(iaunit) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: iaunit c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for array i/o file rewinding. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiocl. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c* c********** #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(16) #endif c if (iarec(iaunit).lt.0) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c iarec(iaunit) = 0 * write(6,*) 'zaiorw - iaunit,rec = ',iaunit,iarec(iaunit) * call flush(6) #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(16) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiorw - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as open.'/ /) end subroutine zaiorw subroutine zaiord3(h, l, mask,lmask, hmin,hmax, iaunit) implicit none c logical, intent(in) :: lmask integer, intent(in) :: l,iaunit integer, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(in) :: mask #if defined(REAL4) real*4, intent(out) :: hmin(l),hmax(l) real*4, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm,l), & intent(out) :: h #else real, intent(out) :: hmin(l),hmax(l) real, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm,l), & intent(out) :: h #endif c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for 3-d array reading. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiord. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c the array, 'h', must conform to that passed in the associated c call to zaiopn. c c 4) hmin,hmax are returned as the minimum and maximum value in the c array, ignoring array elements set to 2.0**100. c if lmask==.true. the range is calculated only where, c with all other values unchanged in h on exit. It is then an c error if anywhere the input is 2.0**100. c* c********** c c this version just calls zaiord l times. c integer k c do k= 1,l call zaiord(h(1,1,k), mask,lmask, & hmin(k),hmax(k), iaunit) enddo c return end subroutine zaiord3 subroutine zaiord(h, mask,lmask, hmin,hmax, iaunit) implicit none c logical, intent(in) :: lmask integer, intent(in) :: iaunit integer, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(in) :: mask #if defined(REAL4) real*4, intent(out) :: hmin,hmax real*4, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(out) :: h #else real, intent(out) :: hmin,hmax real, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(out) :: h #endif c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for array reading. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiord. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c the array, 'h', must conform to that passed in the associated c call to zaiopn. c c 4) hmin,hmax are returned as the minimum and maximum value in the c array, ignoring array elements set to 2.0**100. c if lmask==.true. the range is calculated only where, c with all other values unchanged in h on exit. It is then an c error if anywhere the input is 2.0**100. c* c********** c integer ios, i,j real*4 wmin,wmax #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(17) #endif c * write(6,*) 'zaiord - iaunit,rec = ',iaunit,iarec(iaunit) * call flush(6) if (iarec(iaunit).lt.0) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c iarec(iaunit) = iarec(iaunit) + 1 call zaiordd(w,n2drec, iaunit+1000,iarec(iaunit),ios) if ( then write(6,9100) iarec(iaunit),iaunit write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios call flush(6) stop endif wmin = spval wmax = -spval if (lmask) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& REDUCTION(MIN:wmin) REDUCTION(MAX:wmax) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jdm do i= 1,idm if (mask(i,j).ne.0) then h(i,j) = w(i+(j-1)*idm) wmin = min( wmin, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) wmax = max( wmax, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) endif enddo enddo if (wmax.eq.spval) then write(6,9200) iarec(iaunit),iaunit call flush(6) stop endif else !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& REDUCTION(MIN:wmin) REDUCTION(MAX:wmax) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jdm do i= 1,idm h(i,j) = w(i+(j-1)*idm) if (w(i+(j-1)*idm).ne.spval) then wmin = min( wmin, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) wmax = max( wmax, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) endif enddo enddo endif hmin = wmin hmax = wmax c #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(17) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiord - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as open.'/ /) 9100 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiord - can''t read record', & i4,' on array I/O unit ',i3,'.'/ /) 9200 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiord - record', & i4,' on array I/O unit ',i3, & ' has 2.0**100 outside masked region.'/ /) end subroutine zaiord subroutine zaiordd(a,n, iunit,irec,ios) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: n,iunit,irec integer, intent(out) :: ios real*4, intent(out) :: a(n) c c********** c* c 1) direct access read a single record. c c 2) expressed as a subroutine because i/o with c implied do loops can be slow on some machines. c* c********** c read(unit=iunit, rec=irec, iostat=ios) a #if defined(ENDIAN_IO) call zaio_endian(a,n) #endif return end subroutine zaiordd subroutine zaiosk(iaunit) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: iaunit c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for skipping an array read. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiosk. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c the array, 'h', must conform to that passed in the associated c call to zaiopn. c* c********** #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(16) #endif c * write(6,*) 'zaiosk - iaunit,rec = ',iaunit,iarec(iaunit) * call flush(6) if (iarec(iaunit).lt.0) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c iarec(iaunit) = iarec(iaunit) + 1 #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(16) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiosk - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as open.'/ /) end subroutine zaiosk subroutine zaiowr3(h, l, mask,lmask, hmin,hmax, iaunit, lreal4) implicit none c logical, intent(in) :: lmask,lreal4 integer, intent(in) :: l,iaunit integer, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(in) :: mask #if defined(REAL4) real*4, intent(out) :: hmin(l),hmax(l) real*4, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm,l), & intent(inout) :: h #else real, intent(out) :: hmin(l),hmax(l) real, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm,l), & intent(inout) :: h #endif c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for 3-d array writing. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiord. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c the array, 'h', must conform to that passed in the associated c call to zaiopn. c c 4) hmin,hmax are returned as the minimum and maximum value in the array. c if lmask==.true. the range is only where, with all other c values output as 2.0**100. c c 5) If lreal4==.true. then h is overwritten on exit with real*4 version c of the same array. This is typically used for reproducability on c restart. c* c********** c c this version just calls zaiowr l times. c integer k c do k= 1,l call zaiowr(h(1,1,k), mask,lmask, & hmin(k),hmax(k), iaunit, lreal4) enddo return end subroutine zaiowr3 subroutine zaiowr(h, mask,lmask, hmin,hmax, iaunit, lreal4) implicit none c logical, intent(in) :: lmask,lreal4 integer, intent(in) :: iaunit integer, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(in) :: mask #if defined(REAL4) real*4, intent(out) :: hmin,hmax real*4, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(inout) :: h #else real, intent(out) :: hmin,hmax real, dimension (1:idm,1:jdm), & intent(inout) :: h #endif c c********** c* c 1) machine specific routine for array writing. c c must call zaiopn for this array unit before calling zaiord. c c 2) array i/o is fortran real*4 direct access i/o to unit iaunit+1000. c c 3) iaunit+1000 is the i/o unit used for arrays. array i/o might not c use fortran i/o units, but, for compatability, assume that c iaunit+1000 refers to a fortran i/o unit anyway. c the array, 'h', must conform to that passed in the associated c call to zaiopn. c c 4) hmin,hmax are returned as the minimum and maximum value in the array. c if lmask==.true. the range is only where, with all other c values output as 2.0**100. c c 5) If lreal4==.true. then h is overwritten on exit with real*4 version c of the same array. This is typically used for reproducability on c restart. c* c********** c integer ios, i,j real*4 wmin,wmax #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr0(18) #endif c if (iarec(iaunit).lt.0) then write(6,9000) iaunit call flush(6) stop endif c wmin = spval wmax = -spval if (lreal4) then if (lmask) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& REDUCTION(MIN:wmin) REDUCTION(MAX:wmax) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jdm do i= 1,idm if (mask(i,j).ne.0) then w(i+(j-1)*idm) = h(i,j) wmin = min( wmin, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) wmax = max( wmax, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) else w(i+(j-1)*idm) = spval endif #if defined(REAL4) ! --- h(i,j) = w(i+(j-1)*idm) ! h is already real*4 #else h(i,j) = w(i+(j-1)*idm) ! h is not real*4, so update it #endif enddo enddo else !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& REDUCTION(MIN:wmin) REDUCTION(MAX:wmax) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jdm do i= 1,idm w(i+(j-1)*idm) = h(i,j) if (w(i+(j-1)*idm).ne.spval) then wmin = min( wmin, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) wmax = max( wmax, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) endif #if defined(REAL4) ! --- h(i,j) = w(i+(j-1)*idm) ! h is already real*4 #else h(i,j) = w(i+(j-1)*idm) ! h is not real*4, so update it #endif enddo enddo endif else if (lmask) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& REDUCTION(MIN:wmin) REDUCTION(MAX:wmax) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jdm do i= 1,idm if (mask(i,j).ne.0) then w(i+(j-1)*idm) = h(i,j) wmin = min( wmin, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) wmax = max( wmax, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) else w(i+(j-1)*idm) = spval endif enddo enddo else !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& REDUCTION(MIN:wmin) REDUCTION(MAX:wmax) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jdm do i= 1,idm w(i+(j-1)*idm) = h(i,j) if (w(i+(j-1)*idm).ne.spval) then wmin = min( wmin, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) wmax = max( wmax, w(i+(j-1)*idm) ) endif enddo enddo endif endif do i= idm*jdm+1,n2drec w(i) = spval enddo hmin = wmin hmax = wmax iarec(iaunit) = iarec(iaunit) + 1 call zaiowrd(w,n2drec, iaunit+1000,iarec(iaunit),ios) if ( then write(6,9100) iarec(iaunit),iaunit call flush(6) stop endif #if defined(TIMER) c call xctmr1(18) #endif return c 9000 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiowr - array I/O unit ', & i3,' is not marked as open.'/ /) 9100 format(/ /10x,'error in zaiowr - can''t write record', & i4,' on array I/O unit ',i3,'.'/ /) end subroutine zaiowr subroutine zaiowrd(a,n, iunit,irec,ios) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: n,iunit,irec integer, intent(out) :: ios real*4, intent(in) :: a(n) c c********** c* c 1) direct access write a single record. c c 2) expressed as a subroutine because i/o with c implied do loops can be slow on some machines. c* c********** c #if defined(ENDIAN_IO) call zaio_endian(a,n) ! overwrites a #endif write(unit=iunit, rec=irec, iostat=ios) a return end subroutine zaiowrd #if defined(ENDIAN_IO) subroutine zaio_endian(a,n) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: n integer(kind=4), intent(inout) :: a(n) ! 4-bytes c c********** c* c 1) swap the endian-ness of the array. c c 2) assumes integer(kind=1) and integer(kind=4) ocupy one and four c bytes respectively. c* c********** c integer k integer(kind=4) ii4, io4 ! 4-bytes integer(kind=1) ii1(4),io1(4) ! 1-byte equivalence (ii4,ii1(1)), (io4,io1(1)) ! non-standard f90 c do k= 1,n ii4 = a(k) io1(1) = ii1(4) io1(2) = ii1(3) io1(3) = ii1(2) io1(4) = ii1(1) a(k) = io4 enddo return end subroutine zaio_endian #endif /* ENDIAN_IO */ subroutine zaioempty implicit none c c********** c deallocate(w) return end subroutine zaioempty end module mod_za_global