program confmap_gmap use mod_za use mod_confmap implicit none c c create an array index map to a diferent-grid subregion from a c full region hycom file. c c subregion grid is arbitrary, but must be based on confmap c Source grid must be a confmap grid c Files: c : conformal mapping configuration c file for input grid c regional.grid.[ab] : hycom grid files for target grid c c Based on routine isuba_gmapi by Alan J. Wallcraft. c c character*80 :: chead character*256 :: flnm_map,flnm_reg c !real, allocatable :: plat_in( :,:),plon_in( :,:) real, allocatable :: plat_out(:,:),plon_out(:,:), & x_out(:,:), y_out(:,:) integer, allocatable :: m_out(:,:) integer :: idm_in, jdm_in, nir, nor, icnt, i, j, ipiv, jpiv, no, l real :: hmina,hminb,hmaxa,hmaxb, & deg2rad,dist,dist_max,plat_max,plat_min, & dx,dy,qdx,xp,yp, lat_n, lon_n,x ,y logical :: ongrid c call blkdat( chead, flnm_map) call xcspmd call zaiost allocate( plat_out(idm,jdm), plon_out(idm,jdm), m_out(idm,jdm) ) allocate( x_out(idm,jdm), y_out(idm,jdm)) c c c read the input and output grid locations (no error checking). c nir = 24 call zaiopf('regional.grid.a','old', nir) call zaiord(plon_out,m_out,.false., hmina,hmaxa, nir) call zaiord(plat_out,m_out,.false., hmina,hmaxa, nir) call zaiocl(nir) c --- Initialize mapping of input grid call initconfmap(idm_in,jdm_in,.true.) c --- Go through target grid, and map from source grid. Find nearest point icnt=1 do j=1,jdm do i=1,idm call ll2gind(plon_out(i,j),plat_out(i,j),x,y) ipiv=floor(x) jpiv=floor(y) if (ipiv>=1.and.jpiv>=1.and.ipiv<=idm_in.and.jpiv<=jdm_in) then ongrid=.true. x_out(i,j) = x y_out(i,j) = y m_out(i,j)=1 else ongrid=.false. x_out(i,j) = 0 y_out(i,j) = 0 m_out(i,j)=0 ! Uncomment this if you want diagnostic output in gmap ab files print *,"Target point is outside of source grid:",i,j stop end if if (mod(icnt,10000)==0) C if (mod(icnt,1)==0) & print '(2i6, 4f14.4,l12)',i,j,plat_out(i,j),plon_out(i,j), & x,y,ongrid C icnt = icnt + 1 end do end do no = 15 l = len_trim(flnm_map) open (unit=no,file=flnm_map(1:l-2)//'.b',form='formatted', . status='replace',action='write') call zaiopf(flnm_map(1:l-2)//'.a','replace', no) c write(no,'(a)') trim(chead) call flush(no) write(6, *) write(6, *) write(6, '(a)') trim(chead) call flush(6) c call zaiowr(x_out,m_out,.true., hmina,hmaxa, no, .false.) write(no,'(a,2f12.4)') 'xmap: min,max =',hmina,hmaxa call flush(no) write(6, '(a,2f12.4)') 'xmap: min,max =',hmina,hmaxa call flush(6) c call zaiowr(y_out,m_out,.true., hmina,hmaxa, no, .false.) write(no,'(a,2f12.4)') 'ymap: min,max =',hmina,hmaxa call flush(no) write(6, '(a,2f12.4)') 'ymap: min,max =',hmina,hmaxa call flush(6) c close(no) call zaiocl(no) write(6, '(a,2f12.4)') 'xmap: min,max =',hmina,hmaxa call flush(6) end program subroutine blkdat( chead, flnm_map) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none character*80 :: chead character*256 :: flnm_reg,flnm_map c c --- read blkdat.input for interpolated subregion. c c --- 'flnm_map' = output grid map filename c --- 'chead ' = single line header for grid map file c read( *,'(a)') flnm_map write(6,'(a)') trim(flnm_map) write(6,*) read( *,'(a)') chead write(6,'(a)') trim(chead) write(6,*) call flush(6) c c --- 'idm ' = output longitudinal array size c --- 'jdm ' = output latitudinal array size c --- 'maxinc' = maximum input array index jump on target grid c !call blkini(idm_out, 'idm ') !call blkini(jdm_out, 'jdm ') !call blkini(maxinc, 'maxinc') write(6,*) call flush(6) c return end subroutine blkdat