SUBROUTINE getflt(mode,iunit,itime,ident,ldata,fdata,igtype,gparam,nfskip,ierr) !// 16 bit input and unpack (not handling 'undefined') !// input: !// mode: 0 = read field !// 1 = read field, skip fields until time > itime !// 2 = read field if field time = itime !// (otherwise next read starts at the same field) !// 100 = read field identification !// (next read starts at the same field) !// 101 = read field identification, skip fields !// until time > itime !// (next read starts at the same (last) field) !// 102 = read field identification, skip fields !// until time >= itime !// (next read starts at the same (last) field) !// 200 = scan rest of the file and read field with !// matching identification, specified identification !// input in ident(1:20) where -32767 means any value !// 201 = scan the whole file and read field with !// matching identification, specified identification !// input in ident(1:20) where -32767 means any value !// -1 = clean up after a file is closed, and the same !// file unit no. is used for another file. !// iunit: file unit no. !// itime: used if mode is 1, 2, 101 or 102. !// itime(1) - year !// (2) - month !// (3) - day !// (4) - hour (utc) !// (5) - forecast time in hours !// (added to previous date and time) !// ident: used if mode is 200 or 201 !// ldata: length of fdata (max field size) !// output: !// ident(20): field identification !// fdata(..): field (unscaled, according to identification) !// igtype: grid type (1=polar. 2=geo. 3+rot.sph. ...) !// gparam(6): grid parameters !// nfskip: no. of fields skipped (for mode=2,101,102) !// ierr = 0: read o.k. !// 1: read error !// 2: read error, end_of_file !// 3: no field returned due to mode=2 and itime spec. !// note: mode=100,101,102 and possibly mode=2 will only read !// a field's identification and not the field (data). !// to avoid (cray) backspace problems, the identification !// is stored until the next read. !// warning: using file unit no. (not file name) to identify !// files when storing field identification. !// If more than one file is opened with the same !// unit, use 'call getflt(-1,...)' after closing !// a file to avoid errors. !// no computer dependant i/o methodes !// ------ !// Does also work with CRAY's from PrgEnv !// and above, provided an assign -F f77 -N ieee u:iunit !// is applied somewhere. !// NTNU/ITEA 1998-06-23 Jorn Amundsen !// ------ !// DNMI/FoU 12.04.1992 Anstein Foss !// DNMI/FoU 19.08.1993 Anstein Foss !// DNMI/FoU 16.04.1998 Anstein Foss ... cray.t3e !// DNMI/FoU 02.07.1998 Anstein Foss ... integer*2 also for Cray IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mfsize=300000 ! Maximum field size, input and output !// input/output INTEGER :: mode INTEGER :: iunit INTEGER :: ldata INTEGER :: igtype INTEGER :: nfskip INTEGER :: ierr INTEGER :: itime(5) INTEGER :: ident(20) REAL :: fdata(ldata) REAL :: gparam(6) !// local INTEGER*2 :: ident2(20),idata2(mfsize) INTEGER :: itimef(5),idents(20) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxsav=5, maxs20=maxsav*20 INTEGER :: iusave(maxsav),idsave(20,maxsav) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mlgeom=50 INTEGER :: lgtype INTEGER*2 :: idgeom(20+1+mlgeom) REAL :: gplast(6) INTEGER :: i,nsave,isave,ios,iexit,iskip,n,ihours,ierr1,ierr2 INTEGER :: nxin,nyin,nword,lgeom,nw,iscale,newgrid,ix,iy,ierror REAL :: scale DATA iusave/maxsav*0/ DATA idsave/maxs20*0/ DATA lgtype/0/ DATA idgeom/71*0/ DATA gplast/6*999999./ IF (iunit < 1 .OR. iunit > 99 .OR.& (mode /= 0 .AND. mode /= 1 .AND. mode /= 2 .AND.& mode /= 100 .AND. mode /= 101 .AND. mode /= 102 .AND.& mode /= 200 .AND. mode /= 201 .AND. mode /= -1)) THEN PRINT *," **getflt** error ** mode,iunit: ",mode,iunit STOP ENDIF IF (mode == 200 .OR. mode.eq.201) THEN DO i=1,20 idents(i)=ident(i) ENDDO ENDIF IF (mode == 201) REWIND(iunit) !// a) read field identification (one record) !// b) read field data (one record) ierr = 0 nfskip = 0 nsave = 0 isave = 0 DO i=1,maxsav IF (iusave(i) > 0) nsave = nsave+1 IF (iusave(i) == iunit) isave = i ENDDO IF (mode == -1) THEN IF (isave > 0) iusave(isave) = 0 GOTO 990 ENDIF IF (mode == 201 .AND. isave > 0) THEN iusave(isave) = 0 isave = 0 nsave = nsave-1 ENDIF IF (isave > 0) THEN DO i=1,20 ident(i) = idsave(i,isave) ENDDO iusave(isave) = 0 nsave = nsave-1 GOTO 30 ENDIF 20 CONTINUE READ(iunit,IOSTAT=ios,ERR=910,END=920) (ident2(i),i=1,20) DO i=1,20 ident(i) = ident2(i) ENDDO !IF (ident(9) == 1010) ident(9) = 1 30 CONTINUE !// ..iexit set to 1 if the next field is not read !// ..iskip set to 1 if the next field is skipped iexit = 0 iskip = 0 IF (mode == 100) THEN iexit = 1 ELSEIF (mode == 200 .OR. mode == 201) THEN n = 0 DO i=1,20 IF (idents(i) == -32767 .OR. idents(i) == ident(i)) n = n+1 ENDDO IF (n /= 20) iskip = 1 ELSEIF (mode /= 0) THEN itimef(1) = ident(12) itimef(2) = ident(13)/100 itimef(3) = ident(13)-(ident(13)/100)*100 itimef(4) = ident(14)/100 itimef(5) = ident(4) CALL hrdiff(0,0,itime,itimef,ihours,ierr1,ierr2) IF (mode == 1 .AND. ihours <= 0) iskip = 1 IF (mode == 2 .AND. ihours /= 0) iexit = 1 IF (mode == 101 .AND. ihours <= 0) iskip = 1 IF (mode == 101 .AND. ihours > 0) iexit = 1 IF (mode == 102 .AND. ihours < 0) iskip = 1 IF (mode == 102 .AND. ihours >= 0) iexit = 1 ENDIF IF (iexit == 1) THEN !// Return without reading the field (data). save identification. IF (nsave == maxsav) iusave(1) = 0 isave = 0 DO n=1,maxsav IF (iusave(n) > 0) THEN isave = isave+1 iusave(isave) = iusave(n) DO i=1,20 idsave(i,isave) = idsave(i,n) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO isave = maxsav iusave(isave) = iunit DO i=1,20 idsave(i,isave) = ident(i) ENDDO ENDIF IF (iexit == 1) THEN ierr = 0 IF (mode == 2) ierr=3 GOTO 990 ENDIF nxin = ident(10) nyin = ident(11) nword = nxin*nyin lgeom = 0 IF (ident(9) >= 1000) lgeom=ident(9)-(ident(9)/1000)*1000 IF (nword > ldata .AND. iskip == 0) THEN PRINT *," **getflt** field length too big, (input ldata too small)" PRINT *," **ldata = ",ldata PRINT *," **ident: ",(ident(i),i=1,11) PRINT *," ** ",(ident(i),i=12,20) PRINT *," **nx,ny,nx*ny: ",nxin,nyin,nword ierr = 1 GOTO 990 ENDIF IF (nword+lgeom > mfsize) THEN PRINT *," **getflt** field length too big, (buffer too small)" PRINT *," **mfsize = ",mfsize PRINT *," **ident: ",(ident(i),i=1,11) PRINT *," ** ",(ident(i),i=12,20) PRINT *," **nx,ny,nx*ny,lgeom: ",nxin,nyin,nword,lgeom ierr = 1 GOTO 990 ENDIF nw = nword+lgeom READ(iunit,IOSTAT=ios,ERR=910,END=920) (idata2(i),i=1,nw) IF (iskip == 0) THEN iscale = ident(20) scale = 10.**iscale !// Following (fast) loop does not handle 'undefined' values DO i=1,nword fdata(i) = scale*idata2(i) ENDDO !//............................................................. !// The next (slow) loop handles 'undefined' values ! DO i=1,nword ! IF (idata2(i) /= -32767) THEN ! fdata(i) = scale*idata2(i) ! ELSE ! fdata(i)=undef ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ENDIF IF (iskip /= 0) THEN nfskip = nfskip+1 GOTO 20 ENDIF IF (ident(9) > 0) THEN newgrid = 0 IF (ident(9) /= idgeom(9)) THEN newgrid = 1 ELSE DO i=15,18 IF (ident(i) /= idgeom(i)) newgrid = 1 ENDDO DO i=1,lgeom IF (idata2(nword+i) /= idgeom(21+i)) newgrid = 1 ENDDO ENDIF IF (newgrid == 1) THEN DO i=1,20 idgeom(i) = ident(i) ENDDO idgeom(10) = 1 idgeom(11) = 1 idgeom(21) = 0 DO i=1,lgeom idgeom(21+i) = idata2(nword+i) ENDDO CALL gridpars(+1,20+1+mlgeom,idgeom,lgtype,ix,iy,gplast,ierror) IF (ierror /= 0) THEN PRINT *,"GETFLT: GRIDPARS ERROR ",ierror idgeom(9) = -9999 ierr = 2 GOTO 990 ENDIF ENDIF igtype = lgtype DO i=1,6 gparam(i) = gplast(i) ENDDO ELSE igtype = ident(9) gparam(1) = ident(15) gparam(2) = ident(16) gparam(3) = ident(17) gparam(4) = ident(18) gparam(5) = 0. gparam(6) = 0. ENDIF ierr = 0 GOTO 990 910 CONTINUE ierr = 1 PRINT *," **getflt** read error. file,iostat: ",iunit,ios IF (mode == 200 .OR. mode == 201) GOTO 940 GOTO 990 920 CONTINUE ierr = 2 PRINT *," **getflt** end_of_file. file,iostat: ",iunit,ios IF (mode == 200 .OR. mode == 201) GOTO 940 GOTO 990 940 CONTINUE DO i=1,20 ident(i) = idents(i) ENDDO 990 CONTINUE RETURN END !******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE putflt(iunit,ident,igtype,gparam,ldata,fdata,scale,ierr) !// 16 bit pack and output (handling 'undefined') !// input: !// iunit: file unit !// ident: field identification, (set ident(20)=-32767 for automatic scaling) !// igtype: grid type !// gparam: grid specification parameters !// ldata: length of the field !// (field size given in identification used when writing the field) !// fdata: the field, unscaled !// scale: additional scaling of the field before output, usually 1 !// (this is in addition to the scaling given in the identification, !// for changing the basic unit) !// output: !// ierr = 0: write o.k. !// 1: write error !// no computer dependant i/o methodes. !// ------ !// Does also work with CRAY's from PrgEnv !// and above, provided an assign -F f77 -N ieee u:iunit !// is applied somewhere. !// NTNU/ITEA 1998-06-23 Jorn Amundsen !// ------ !// DNMI/FoU 12.04.1992 Anstein Foss !// DNMI/FoU 19.08.1993 Anstein Foss !// DNMI/FoU 10.10.1997 Anstein Foss ... added extra geometry ident. !// DNMI/FoU 16.04.1998 Anstein Foss ... cray.t3e !// DNMI/FoU 02.07.1998 Anstein Foss ... integer*2 also for Cray IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mfsize=300000 ! Maximum field size, input and output REAL, PARAMETER :: undef=+1.e+35 REAL, PARAMETER :: udef=undef*0.9 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mldata=mfsize+50 !// input/output INTEGER :: iunit INTEGER :: igtype INTEGER :: ident(20) INTEGER :: ldata INTEGER :: ierr REAL :: gparam(6) REAL :: fdata(ldata) REAL :: scale !// local INTEGER :: idento(20) INTEGER*2 :: ident2(20),idata2(mldata) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mlgeom=50 INTEGER :: lgtype,llgeom INTEGER*2 :: idgeom(20+1+mlgeom) REAL :: gplast(6) INTEGER :: i,newgrid,ix,iy,ierror,lgeom,nxout,nyout,nword INTEGER :: sc,iscale,ifmax,ios REAL :: fmax DATA lgtype,llgeom/-9999,0/ DATA idgeom/71*0/ DATA gplast/6*999999./ DO i=1,20 idento(i) = ident(i) ENDDO IF (igtype > 0) THEN newgrid = 0 IF (igtype /= lgtype) newgrid = 1 DO i=1,6 IF (gparam(i) /= gplast(i)) newgrid = 1 ENDDO IF (newgrid == 1) THEN lgtype = igtype DO i=1,6 gplast(i) = gparam(i) ENDDO ix = 1 iy = 1 CALL gridpars(-1,20+1+mlgeom,idgeom,igtype,ix,iy,gparam,ierror) IF (ierror /= 0) THEN PRINT *,"PUTFLT: GRIDPARS ERROR ",ierror lgtype = -999 ierr = 2 GOTO 990 ENDIF llgeom = 0 IF (idgeom(9) >= 1000) llgeom = idgeom(9)-(idgeom(9)/1000)*1000 ENDIF idento(9) = idgeom( 9) idento(15) = idgeom(15) idento(16) = idgeom(16) idento(17) = idgeom(17) idento(18) = idgeom(18) lgeom = llgeom ELSE !// in case of "something" stored as if it were a field, "geometry" !// identification is left unchanged (extended "geometry" not possible) lgeom = 0 ENDIF nxout = ident(10) nyout = ident(11) nword = nxout*nyout ierr = 0 IF (nword+lgeom > mldata) THEN PRINT *," **putflt** field length too big, (buffer too small)" PRINT *," **mfsize = ",mfsize PRINT *," **mldata = ",mldata PRINT *," **ident: ",(idento(i),i=1,11) PRINT *," ** ",(idento(i),i=12,20) PRINT *," **nx,ny,nx*ny,lgeom: ",nxout,nyout,nword,lgeom ierr = 1 GOTO 990 ENDIF sc = scale IF (sc == 0.) sc = 1. iscale = ident(20) IF (iscale == -32767) THEN !// ..automatic scaling fmax = 0. !// Fast code, not handling undefines values ! DO i=1,nword ! fmax = MAX(fmax,ABS(fdata(i))) ! ENDDO !//............................................................. !// Slow code, handling undefines values DO i=1,nword IF (fdata(i) < udef) fmax = MAX(fmax,ABS(fdata(i))) ENDDO IF (fmax > 0.) THEN fmax = fmax*ABS(sc) iscale = LOG10(fmax)-4. ifmax = NINT(fmax*10.**(-iscale)) IF (ifmax < 3278) THEN iscale = iscale-1 ifmax = NINT(fmax*10.**(-iscale)) ENDIF IF (ifmax > 32766) iscale = iscale+1 iscale = MAX(iscale,-30) ELSE iscale = 0 ENDIF idento(20) = iscale ENDIF !// Scale and 'pack' data sc = sc*10.**(-iscale) !// Fast code not handling undefines values !DO i=1,nword ! idata2(i)= NINT(sc*fdata(i)) !ENDDO !//............................................................. !// Slow code handling undefines values DO i=1,nword IF (fdata(i) < udef) THEN idata2(i) = NINT(sc*fdata(i)) ELSE idata2(i) = -32767 ENDIF ENDDO !//............................................................. !//Fixed scaling, check integer*2 value range !IF (ident(20) /= -32767) THEN ! DO i=1,nword ! idata2(i) = MAX(MIN(idata2(i),+32767),-32768) ! ENDDO !ENDIF !//............................................................. IF (lgeom > 0) THEN DO i=1,lgeom idata2(nword+i) = idgeom(21+i) ENDDO nword = nword+lgeom ENDIF DO i=1,20 ident2(i) = idento(i) ENDDO !// Write field identification and field data WRITE(iunit,IOSTAT=ios,ERR=900) (ident2(i),i=1,20) WRITE(iunit,IOSTAT=ios,ERR=900) (idata2(i),i=1,nword) GOTO 990 900 CONTINUE ierr = 1 PRINT *," **putflt** write error. file,iostat: ",iunit,ios 990 CONTINUE RETURN END !******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE hrdiff(iup1,iup2,itime1,itime2,ihours,ierr1,ierr2) !// Calculate interval in hours between 'itime1' and 'itime2', !// ihours = 'itime2' - 'itime1' (positive,zero or negative) !// itime: year,month,day,time in hours, forecast length in hours !// (positive,zero or negative) !// If iup1=1: 'itime1' is updated to give valid date,time !// If iup2=1: 'itime2' is updated to give valid date,time !// (forecast length = 0) !// ierr1,ierr2: 0 = o.k. itime1,itime2 !// 1 = not o.k. itime1,itime2 !// DNMI/FoU xx.xx.1990 Anstein Foss INTEGER :: itime1(5) INTEGER :: itime2(5) INTEGER :: mdays(12) INTEGER :: it(5,2) DATA mdays/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ DO i=1,5 it(i,1) = itime1(i) it(i,2) = itime2(i) ENDDO !// Put prog.time into year,month,day,time CALL vtime(it(1,1),ierr1) CALL vtime(it(1,2),ierr2) !// 'it' now gives "veryfing" time of 'itime1' and 'itime2' IF (iup1 == 1 .AND. ierr1 == 0) THEN DO i=1,5 itime1(i) = it(i,1) ENDDO ENDIF IF (iup2 == 1 .AND. ierr2 == 0) THEN DO i=1,5 itime2(i) = it(i,2) ENDDO ENDIF IF (ierr1 /= 0 .OR. ierr2 /= 0) THEN ihours = -32767 RETURN ENDIF DO i=1,4 IF (it(i,1) /= it(i,2)) GOTO 55 ENDDO !// No time difference ihours = 0 RETURN 55 CONTINUE nt1 = 1 nt2 = 2 IF (it(i,1) > it(i,2)) THEN nt1 = 2 nt2 = 1 ENDIF nhh = 0 IF (it(1,nt1) == it(1,nt2)) GOTO 70 iy = it(1,nt1) !// Remaining hours first year: DO im=it(2,nt1),12 md = mdays(im) IF (im == 2) THEN IF (iy/4*4 == iy) md = 29 IF (iy/100*100 == iy .AND. iy/400*400 /= iy) md = 28 ENDIF nhh = nhh+md*24 ENDDO nhh = nhh-(it(3,nt1)-1)*24-it(4,nt1) !// One year steps DO iy=it(1,nt1)+1,it(1,nt2)-1 nd = 365 IF (iy/4*4 == iy) nd = 366 IF (iy/100*100 == iy .AND. iy/400*400 /= iy) nd = 365 nhh = nhh+nd*24 ENDDO it(1,nt1) = it(1,nt2) it(2,nt1) = 1 it(3,nt1) = 1 it(4,nt1) = 0 70 CONTINUE IF (it(2,nt1) == it(2,nt2)) GOTO 80 !// Remaining hours first month iy = it(1,nt1) im = it(2,nt1) md = mdays(im) IF (im == 2) THEN IF (iy/4*4 == iy) md = 29 IF (iy/100*100 == iy .AND. iy/400*400 /= iy) md = 28 ENDIF nhh = nhh+(md-it(3,nt1)+1)*24-it(4,nt1) !// One month steps DO im=it(2,nt1)+1,it(2,nt2)-1 md = mdays(im) IF (im == 2) THEN IF (iy/4*4 == iy) md = 29 IF (iy/100*100 == iy .AND. iy/400*400 /= iy) md = 28 ENDIF nhh = nhh+md*24 ENDDO it(2,nt1) = it(2,nt2) it(3,nt1) = 1 it(4,nt1) = 0 80 CONTINUE IF (it(3,nt1) /= it(3,nt2)) THEN nhh = nhh+(it(3,nt2)-it(3,nt1))*24-it(4,nt1) it(3,nt1) = it(3,nt2) it(4,nt1) = 0 ENDIF !// Hours last day nhh = nhh+it(4,nt2)-it(4,nt1) it(4,nt1) = it(4,nt2) IF (nt1 == 1) THEN ihours = nhh ELSE ihours = -nhh ENDIF RETURN END !******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE vtime(itime,ierror) !// 'itime' is updated to give "valid" date,time (with prog.time = 0) !// input: itime(5) - itime(1): year !// itime(2): month (1-12) !// itime(3): day (1-28/29/30/31) !// itime(4): time in hours (00-23) !// itime(5): time in hours of prognosis !// (negative, zero or positive) !// output: itime(5) - as above, itime(5) = 0 !// ierror - 0 = o.k. input date/time !// 1 = not o.k. input date/time !// ('itime' not changed) !// DNMI/FoU xx.xx.1992 Anstein Foss INTEGER :: itime(5) INTEGER :: mdays(12) DATA mdays/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ iy = itime(1) im = itime(2) id = itime(3) ih = itime(4) !// Test input time ierror = 0 IF (im < 1 .OR. im > 12) THEN ierror = 1 ELSE md = mdays(im) IF (im == 2) THEN IF (iy/4*4 == iy) md = 29 IF (iy/100*100 == iy .AND. iy/400*400 /= iy) md = 28 ENDIF IF (id < 1 .OR. id > md) ierror = 1 ENDIF IF (ih < 00 .OR. ih > 23) ierror = 1 IF (ierror /= 0) RETURN ih = ih+itime(5) IF (ih >= 0 .AND. ih <= 23) GOTO 50 IF (ih < 0) GOTO 30 nd = ih/24 ih = ih-24*nd DO n=1,nd id = id+1 IF (id > md) THEN im = im+1 IF (im > 12) THEN iy = iy+1 im = 1 md = mdays(im) ELSEIF (im == 2) THEN md = mdays(im) IF (iy/4*4 == iy) md = 29 IF (iy/100*100 == iy .AND. iy/400*400 /= iy) md = 28 ELSE md = mdays(im) ENDIF id = 1 ENDIF ENDDO GOTO 50 30 CONTINUE nd = (-ih+23)/24 ih = ih+24*nd DO n=1,nd id = id-1 IF (id < 1) THEN im = im-1 IF (im < 1) THEN iy = iy-1 im = 12 md = mdays(im) ELSEIF(im == 2) THEN md = mdays(im) IF (iy/4*4 == iy) md = 29 IF (iy/100*100 == iy .AND. iy/400*400 /= iy) md = 28 ELSE md = mdays(im) ENDIF id = md ENDIF ENDDO 50 CONTINUE itime(1) = iy itime(2) = im itime(3) = id itime(4) = ih itime(5) = 0 RETURN END !******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE gridpars(icall,ldata,idata,igtype,nx,ny,grid,ierror) !// NAME: !// gridpar !// PURPOSE: !// Conversion between integer*2 field identification and !// variables used in programs. Note that some gridtypes also !// has extended (geometry) identification behind the field data. !// SYNOPSIS: !// SUBROUTINE gridpar(icall,ldata,idata,igtype,nx,ny,grid,ierror) !// integer icall,ldata,igtype,nx,ny,ierror !// integer*2 idata(ldata) !// realgrid(6) !// INPUT: !// icall - +1 : from idata to igtype,nx,ny,grid !// -1 : from igtype,nx,ny,grid to idata !// ldata - length of the idata array !// INPUT/OUTPUT: !// idata - field identification, field data (not touched) !// and possibly extra geometry specifications !// (max 20 words in this version) !// igtype - grid type, 1 = polarstereographic grid (true at 60N) !// 2 = geographic !// 3 = spherical rotated grid !// 4 = polarstereographic grid !// 5 = mercator grid (unrotated) !// * = unknown grid type (-32767 to +32 accepted) !// (note that 'codes' are used in the field identifcation !// when extra geometry identification is stored after !// the field data, the reason for the +32 limit) !// nx - no. of gridpoints in x direction (1 - 32767) !// ny - no. of gridpoints in y direction (1 - 32767) !// grid - grid parameters !// igtype=1,4, polarstereographic grid: !// grid(1) = x position of north pole (xp) !// grid(2) = y position of north pole (yp) !// grid(3) = no. of grid units between North Pole and Equator !// grid(4) = grid rotation angle (degrees), positive east, negative west !// grid(5) = projection latitude (degrees), standard is 60 (60 deg. N) !// grid(6) = 0. (not used) !// igtype=2,3, geographic or spherical rotated grid: !// grid(1) = western boundary (degrees) (longitude for x=1) !// grid(2) = southern boundary (degrees) (latitude for y=1) !// grid(3) = longitude increment (degrees) !// grid(4) = latitude increment (degrees) !// grid(5) = longitude position of rotated equator (degrees) !// (0 if geographic grid) !// grid(6) = latitude position of rotated equator (degrees) !// (0 if geographic grid) !// igtype=5, mercator (unrotated) grid: !// grid(1) = western boundary (degrees) (longitude for x=1) !// grid(2) = southern boundary (degrees) (latitude for y=1) !// grid(3) = x (longitude) increment (km) !// grid(4) = y (latitude) increment (km) !// grid(5) = reference (construction) latitude (degrees) !// grid(6) = 0. (not used) !// igtype=*, unknown grid type, only use grid type less than 1 if the !// grid parameters have no meaning: !// grid(1:6) : unknown grid parameters !// OUTPUT: !// ierror - error status: 0 = no error !// 1 = bad value in input identification !// or in input grid parameters etc. !// 2 = ldata too small !// 3 = unknown icall !// 4 = ldata too small for needed extra !// geometry identification (icall=-1), !// but the best possible identification !// is done (see NOTES below) !// DOCUMENTATION: !// Basic document on felt files: !// FILE STRUKTUR FOR "SANNTIDS" LAGRING AV GRID-DATA !// Forskningsavdeling DNMI, oktober 1982 !// See also /usr/local/doc/felt.doc (at DNMI) !// NOTES: !// - This routine maintain compability with old formats !// (see comments in the source code), !// new formats added when required for some reason. !// - Specyfing ldata too short to hold extra geometry identification !// (for icall=-1) will restrict this routine from making this even !// when it seems appropriate. In order to be compatible with !// old unextended (or less extended) formats you then may !// disregard the returned ierror=4 (in special cases). !// - Avoid calling this routine more often than necessary, !// i.e. only after reading the first field or only before output !// of the first field. !// In models with several calling routines you may do a 'setup' call !// and keep (part of) the first 20 words of identification and !// possibly extra geometry specification locally (see note below). !// - The value of nx and ny (in idata if icall=+1) does not influence !// conversion of grid parameters. !// You may then use this routine to convert between field !// identification and grid parameters with nx=ny=1 and possibly !// find extra identification in word 22,23,... in idata. !// (see DOCUMENTATION to find format description). !// DNMI/FoU 05.05.1995 Anstein Foss !// DNMI/FoU 09.06.1995 Anstein Foss !// DNMI/FoU 14.05.1996 Anstein Foss ... mercator (unrotated) !// DNMI/FoU 02.09.1996 Anstein Foss ... gridtype 2012 -> 2 (bad test) !// DNMI/FoU 15.10.1996 Anstein Foss ... even better scaling when needed !// DNMI/FoU 17.02.1997 Anstein Foss ... and again (for 'image' fields) IMPLICIT NONE !// Input/output INTEGER :: icall INTEGER :: ldata INTEGER :: igtype INTEGER :: nx,ny INTEGER :: ierror INTEGER*2 :: idata(ldata) REAL :: grid(6) !// Local INTEGER :: ngw,lgeom,i,igr,ig1,ig2,ld,igscale,kgeom,lgeom1,lgeom2 INTEGER*2 :: igeom1(12),igeom2(20) REAL :: gscale,glog,gws,dglim,dgmax,dgprv,grx REAL :: gw(6),gr(6) ierror = 0 IF (icall == +1) THEN ! idata(ldata) -> igtype,nx,ny,grid(6) igtype = 0 nx = 0 ny = 0 DO i=1,6 grid(i) = 0. ENDDO IF (ldata < 20) THEN ierror = 2 RETURN ENDIF igtype = idata(9) lgeom = 0 IF (igtype > 999) THEN i = igtype igtype = igtype/1000 lgeom = i-igtype*1000 ENDIF nx = idata(10) ny = idata(11) IF (nx < 1 .OR. ny < 1) THEN ierror = 1 RETURN ENDIF IF (igtype == 1 .OR. igtype == 4) THEN !// Polarstereographic (type 1 always true at 60 degrees North) IF (idata(17) > 0) THEN !// The standard grid(1) = idata(15)*0.01 grid(2) = idata(16)*0.01 grid(3) = idata(17)*0.1 grid(4) = idata(18) ELSE !// An old extension grid(1) = idata(15) grid(2) = idata(16) grid(3) = -idata(17)*0.1 grid(4) = idata(18) ENDIF grid(5) = 60. ELSEIF (igtype == 2 .OR. igtype == 3) THEN !// Geographic (2) or spherical rotated grid (3) grid(1) = idata(16)*0.01 grid(2) = idata(15)*0.01 grid(3) = idata(18)*0.01 grid(4) = idata(17)*0.01 ELSEIF (igtype == 5) THEN !// Mercator grid (5) grid(1) = idata(15)*0.01 grid(2) = idata(16)*0.01 grid(3) = idata(17)*0.1 grid(4) = idata(18)*0.1 ELSE !// Unknown/undefined grid type grid(1) = idata(15) grid(2) = idata(16) grid(3) = idata(17) grid(4) = idata(18) ENDIF IF (lgeom > 0) THEN IF (igtype == 1 .OR. igtype == 4) THEN gscale = 100. ngw = 5 ELSEIF (igtype == 2 .OR. igtype == 3) THEN gscale = 10000. ngw = 6 ELSEIF (igtype == 5) THEN gscale = 10000. ngw = 5 ELSE gscale = 100. ngw = 6 ENDIF ld=20+nx*ny IF (lgeom == ngw*2 .AND. ld+lgeom <= ldata) THEN !// First extended method DO i=1,ngw ig1 = idata(ld+1) ig2 = idata(ld+2) ld = ld+2 grid(i) = FLOAT(ig1*10000+ig2)/gscale ENDDO ELSEIF (lgeom == 2+ngw*3 .AND. ld+lgeom <= ldata) THEN !// Second extended method IF (idata(ld+1) == ngw .AND. idata(ld+2) == 3) THEN ld=ld+2 DO i=1,ngw igscale = idata(ld+1) ig1 = idata(ld+2) ig2 = idata(ld+3) ld = ld+3 gscale = 10.**igscale grid(i) = FLOAT(ig1*10000+ig2)*gscale ENDDO ELSE ierror = 2 ENDIF ELSE ierror = 2 ENDIF ENDIF IF (ierror == 0) THEN IF (igtype == 1 .OR. igtype == 4) THEN !// The DNMI "standard" (150km grid => an=grid(3)=79.) IF (grid(3) /= 0.) grid(3) = 79.*150./grid(3) IF (grid(3) == 0. .OR. grid(5) == 0. .OR.& grid(5) < -90. .OR. grid(5) > +90.) ierror = 1 ELSEIF (igtype == 2 .OR. igtype == 3) THEN IF (grid(3) == 0. .OR. grid(4) == 0.) ierror = 1 ELSEIF (igtype == 5) THEN IF (grid(3) == 0. .OR. grid(4) == 0.) ierror = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF (icall == -1) THEN ! igtype,nx,ny,grid(6) -> idata(ldata) IF (ldata < 20) THEN ierror = 2 RETURN ENDIF IF (igtype > 32 .OR. nx < 1 .OR. nx > 32767 .OR. ny < 1 .OR. ny > 32767) THEN ierror = 1 RETURN ENDIF idata(9) = igtype idata(10) = nx idata(11) = ny DO i=1,6 gw(i) = grid(i) ENDDO IF (igtype == 1 .OR. igtype == 4) THEN !// Polarstereographic (type 1 always true at 60 degrees North) IF (gw(3) == 0.) THEN ierror = 1 RETURN ENDIF !// The DNMI "standard" (150km grid => an=grid(3)=79.) gw(3) = 150.*79./gw(3) IF (ABS(gw(1)) < 327.66 .AND. ABS(gw(2)) < 327.66) THEN !// The standard idata(15) = NINT(gw(1)*100.) idata(16) = NINT(gw(2)*100.) idata(17) = NINT(gw(3)*10.) idata(18) = NINT(gw(4)) gr(1) = FLOAT(idata(15))*0.01 gr(2) = FLOAT(idata(16))*0.01 gr(3) = FLOAT(idata(17))*0.1 gr(4) = FLOAT(idata(18)) gr(5) = 60. ELSEIF(ABS(gw(1)) < 32766. .AND. ABS(gw(2)) < 32766.) THEN !// An old extension idata(15) = NINT(gw(1)) idata(16) = NINT(gw(2)) idata(17) = -NINT(gw(3)*10.) idata(18) = NINT(gw(4)) gr(1) = FLOAT(idata(15)) gr(2) = FLOAT(idata(16)) gr(3) = -FLOAT(idata(17))*0.1 gr(4) = FLOAT(idata(18)) gr(5) = 60. ELSE !// Old impossible case idata(15) = 32767 idata(16) = 32767 idata(17) = 32767 idata(18) = 32767 gr(1) = 327.67 gr(2) = 327.67 gr(3) = 3276.7 gr(4) = 32767. gr(5) = 60. ENDIF gscale = 100. ngw = 5 ELSEIF (igtype == 2 .OR. igtype == 3) THEN !// Geographic (2) or spherical rotated grid (3) IF (gw(3) == 0. .OR. gw(4) == 0.) THEN ierror = 1 RETURN ENDIF IF (gw(1) > +180.) gw(1) = gw(1)-360. IF (gw(1) < -180.) gw(1) = gw(1)+360. idata(15) = NINT(gw(2)*100.) idata(16) = NINT(gw(1)*100.) idata(17) = NINT(gw(4)*100.) idata(18) = NINT(gw(3)*100.) gr(1) = FLOAT(idata(16))*0.01 gr(2) = FLOAT(idata(15))*0.01 gr(3) = FLOAT(idata(18))*0.01 gr(4) = FLOAT(idata(17))*0.01 gr(5) = 0. gr(6) = 0. gscale = 10000. ngw = 6 ELSEIF (igtype == 5) THEN !// Mercator grid (5) IF (gw(3) == 0. .OR. gw(4) == 0.) THEN ierror = 1 RETURN ENDIF idata(15) = NINT(gw(1)*100.) idata(16) = NINT(gw(2)*100.) idata(17) = NINT(gw(3)*10.) idata(18) = NINT(gw(4)*10.) gr(1) = FLOAT(idata(15))*0.01 gr(2) = FLOAT(idata(16))*0.01 gr(3) = FLOAT(idata(17))*0.1 gr(4) = FLOAT(idata(18))*0.1 gr(5) = 0. gscale = 10000. ngw = 5 ELSE !// Unknown/undefined grid type idata(15) = NINT(gw(1)) idata(16) = NINT(gw(2)) idata(17) = NINT(gw(3)) idata(18) = NINT(gw(4)) gr(1) = FLOAT(idata(15)) gr(2) = FLOAT(idata(16)) gr(3) = FLOAT(idata(17)) gr(4) = FLOAT(idata(18)) gr(5) = 0. gr(6) = 0. gscale = 100. ngw = 6 ENDIF !// Check if the standard packing above was good enough !// or if the first or second extended method should be used, !// for compability with old formats the least extended is preferred !// A limit to avoid high precision complications dglim = 1.e-8 dgmax = 0. IF (igtype > 0) THEN DO i=1,ngw IF (gw(i) /= 0.) dgmax = MAX(dgmax,ABS((gr(i)-gw(i))/gw(i))) ENDDO ENDIF IF (dgmax > dglim) THEN kgeom = 0 ld = 20+nx*ny !// First extended method, same scaling for all grid parameters !// but don't use it unless it gives better results !// (kept in the code for compability with old formats, possibly !// in models etc. not using this routine) dgprv = dgmax dgmax = 0. lgeom1 = 0 DO i=1,ngw gws = gw(i)*gscale !// Check overflow IF (gws /= 0. .AND. ABS(gws) < 3.e+8) THEN igr = NINT(gws) ig1 = igr/10000 ig2 = igr-ig1*10000 igeom1(lgeom1+1) = ig1 igeom1(lgeom1+2) = ig2 grx = FLOAT(ig1*10000+ig2)/gscale dgmax = MAX(dgmax,ABS((grx-gw(i))/gw(i))) ELSE !// Zero or value not possible for this method igeom1(lgeom1+1) = 0 igeom1(lgeom1+2) = 0 IF (gws /= 0.) dgmax = 1. ENDIF lgeom1 = lgeom1+2 ENDDO IF (dgmax < dgprv) THEN IF (ldata >= ld+lgeom1) THEN kgeom = 1 ELSE ierror = 4 ENDIF ELSE dgmax = dgprv ENDIF IF (dgmax > dglim .AND. ierror == 0) THEN !// Second extended method, good enough for any real*4 precision value !// but don't use it unless it gives better results dgprv = dgmax dgmax = 0. igeom2(1) = ngw igeom2(2) = 3 lgeom2 = 2 DO i=1,ngw IF (gw(i) /= 0.) THEN !// 8 decimals precision (more than enough for real*4) glog = LOG10(ABS(gw(i)))-8. igscale = INT(glog) IF (glog > 0.) igscale = igscale+1 !// Keep scaling within real*4 range igscale = MAX(MIN(igscale,+25),-25) gscale = 10.**(-igscale) igr = NINT(gw(i)*gscale) ig1 = igr/10000 ig2 = igr-ig1*10000 igeom2(lgeom2+1) = igscale igeom2(lgeom2+2) = ig1 igeom2(lgeom2+3) = ig2 grx = FLOAT(ig1*10000+ig2)/gscale dgmax = MAX(dgmax,ABS((grx-gw(i))/gw(i))) ELSE igeom2(lgeom2+1) = 0 igeom2(lgeom2+2) = 0 igeom2(lgeom2+3) = 0 ENDIF lgeom2 = lgeom2+3 ENDDO IF (dgmax < dgprv) THEN IF (ldata >= ld+lgeom2) THEN kgeom = 2 ELSE ierror = 4 ENDIF ! ELSE ! dgmax=dgprv ENDIF ENDIF IF (kgeom == 1) THEN idata(9) = igtype*1000+lgeom1 DO i=1,lgeom1 idata(ld+i) = igeom1(i) ENDDO ELSEIF (kgeom == 2) THEN idata(9) = igtype*1000+lgeom2 DO i=1,lgeom2 idata(ld+i) = igeom2(i) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ELSE !// Wrong icall ierror = 3 ENDIF RETURN END