Knut -- 05072003 : Added gebco bathymetry support Knut -- 13012004 : Moved a lot of old stuff into "OldStuff" Catalogue Knut -- 13012004 : Added CONMAN bathymetry (supplied by Met.No for CONMAN Project) Knut -- 06012005 : Added support for large grids (grid dimensions > 1000). The depths file is encoded with 5 digits for x and y directions. (3 before) Knut -- 02082005 : Fixed "Initconfmap" for certain grid setups. See m_initconfmap.F90 Affects old Barents Sea grid, Pacific grid, more? Knut -- XXXX2005 : "Model-independent" version - no need to re-compile Knut -- 02082005 : bigrid changed - allows for periodic domains Knut -- 23112005 : Added warning when boundaries are open Knut -- 18112008 : Changed main routine to fit into new code setup. It now uses the libconfmap.a library as all other routines using libconfmap are. This should prevent issues occuring with inconsistency between grid confmap and confmap used by other routines (none so far). It also uses the "single makefile include" approach for easier setup on new machines