topo/partit/README.topo.partit: How to generate "equal-ocean" tile partitions for use with MPI paralellization. Note that all scripts will need renaming and/or editing for a different region or bathymetry. 1) Edit to contain the desired numbers of processors. 2) Run with: csh >& depth_ATLb2.00_01_2d.log This will create the partition text files: depth_ATLb2.00_01.???. 3) To view the partitions, generate .ppm bitmaps with: csh and display them using xv (or your favorite bitmap viewer). Note that xbathy.pal must be present for this to work. 4) Generate a list of partition statistics with: csh This produces size.lis, for example: npes npe mpe idm jdm ibig jbig nreg minsea maxsea 2 2 1 57 52 33 52 0 821 847 3 3 1 57 52 27 52 0 544 563 4 2 2 57 52 32 26 0 387 465 8 4 2 57 52 24 26 0 196 222 9 3 3 57 52 33 19 0 168 195 16 4 4 57 52 34 15 0 94 110 5) The maximum values in the four columns npe,mpe,ibig,jbig should be entered in src_*_mpi/dimensions.h as iqr,jqr,idm,jdm. This allows any of the partitions to be used with the same executable. If there isn't enough memory for this choice of idm,jdm, then discard the memory hog partitions and base iqr,jqr,idm,jdm on the remaining partitions. See dimensions_ATLb2.00_ompi.h.