module mod_advem use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_pipe ! HYCOM debugging interface implicit none c --- module for advem only private !! default is private public :: advem c integer, public, save, dimension (0:4) :: & mbdy_advtyp = (/ 2, !PCM & 5, !MPDATA & 5, !FCT2 & 0, !N/A & 5 /) !FCT4 c logical, parameter :: lpipe_advem=.false. !extra checking (when pipe on) logical, parameter :: lconserve =.false. !explicitly conserve the field c real, save, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & fmx,fmn ! local max,min & ,flx,fly ! fluxes & ,fldlo ! lo order solution & ,fmxlo,fmnlo ! local min & ,fax,fay ! fluxes & ,rp,rm ! FCT/MPDATA terms & ,flxdiv ! flux divergence & ,tx1,ty1 ! MPDATA terms & ,fldao,fldan ! total field quantity (old/center, new) contains subroutine advem(advtyp,fld,fldc,u,v,fco,fcn,posdef, & scal,scali,dt2) implicit none c integer, intent(in) :: advtyp real, intent(in) :: posdef,dt2 real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(inout) :: fld real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(in) :: fldc,u,v,fco,fcn,scal,scali c c --- wrapper for advection schemes c c --- a recent text on advection schemes is: c --- D.R. Durran (1999): Numerical Methods for wave equations in c --- geophysical fluid dynamics, Springer. c c --- advtyp= 0 for 1st order PCM (Donor Cell) c --- advtyp= 1 for 2nd order MPDATA (old to new, as in 2.1.03) c --- advtyp= 2 for 2nd order FCT (Leapfrog time step) c --- advtyp= 4 for 4th order FCT (Leapfrog time step) c c --- time steps are "old", "center" and "new". c c --- fld - scalar field, at old time step on input but new on output c --- fldc - scalar field, at center time step c --- u,v - mass fluxes satisfying continuity equation (old to new) c --- fco - thickness of the layer at old time step c --- fcn - thickness of the layer at new time step c --- posdef - offset for MPDATA to make the field positive c --- scal - spatial increments (squared) c --- scali - inverse of scal c --- dt2 - temporal increment (from old to new, i.e. two time steps) c c on return, fld's valid halo will be 0 wide. c real offset real*8 sumold,sumnew,sumcor integer i,j,l c if (advtyp.eq.0) then call advem_pcm( fld, u,v,fco,fcn, scal,scali,dt2) elseif (advtyp.eq.1) then call advem_mpdata(fld, u,v,fco,fcn,posdef,scal,scali,dt2) elseif (advtyp.eq.2) then call advem_fct2( fld,fldc,u,v,fco,fcn, scal,scali,dt2) elseif (advtyp.eq.4) then call advem_fct4( fld,fldc,u,v,fco,fcn, scal,scali,dt2) else if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4 /)') & 'error: advem called with advtyp =',advtyp endif call xcstop('advem') stop 'advem' endif c if (lconserve) then !usually .false. c c --- explicit conservation of tracer (should not be needed). c call xcsum(sumold, fldao,ip) call xcsum(sumnew, fldan,ip) c if ( then offset = (sumold-sumnew)/sumnew else offset = 0.0 endif c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,offset) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1,jj do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1,ifp(j,l)),min(ii,ilp(j,l)) fld(i,j)=fld(i,j)*(1.0+offset) c cdiag fldan(i,j) = fld(i,j)*fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(fld, ip,'ad:oset:fld ') endif c cdiag call xcsum(sumcor, fldan,ip) cdiag if (mnproc.eq.1) then cdiag write(lp,'(a,1p4e16.8)') cdiag& 'advem: ',sumold,sumnew,sumcor,offset cdiag endif endif !lconserve return end subroutine advem subroutine advem_mpdata(fld,u,v,fco,fcn,posdef,scal,scali,dt2) implicit none c real, intent(in) :: posdef,dt2 real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(inout) :: fld real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(in) :: u,v,scal,scali,fco,fcn c c LeapFrog 2nd order MPDATA. c combined monotone scheme, for details see section 3.3 (eqs. 34 to 37) c in smolarkiewicz and clark, 1986, j.comput.phys.,67,no 2, p. 396-438 c and smolarkiewicz and grabowski, 1989, j.comput.phys. and recently c P.K. Smolarkiewicz and L.J. Margolin (1998): MPDATA: A finite c difference solver for geophysical flows, J.Comput.Phys. 140 459-480. c c time steps are "old", "center" and "new". c c fld - scalar field, must be >0, old input but new output c u,v - mass fluxes satisfying continuity equation (old to new) c fco - thickness of the layer at old time step c fcn - thickness of the layer at new time step c posdef - offset to make the field positive c scal - spatial increments (squared) c scali - inverse of scal c dt2 - temporal increment (from old to new) c c on return, fld's valid halo will be 0 wide. c real, parameter :: onemu=9806.e-12 !very small layer thickness c real fcn2,fco2,flxdn,flxdp,flydn,flydp,q integer i,j,l,ia,ib,ja,jb,mbdy_a c integer itest,jtest,ittest,jttest common/testpt/itest,jtest,ittest,jttest save /testpt/ c mbdy_a = mbdy_advtyp(1) ! = 5 c c --- compute low-order and part of antidiffusive fluxes c c --- rhs: u, v, fld+ c --- lhs: flx, fly, fmx, fmn c margin = mbdy_a - 1 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q,jb,ja,ib,ia) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin c do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) tx1(i,j)=.5*abs(u(i,j))*(fld(i,j)-fld(i-1,j)) if (u(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i-1,j) else q=fld(i ,j) endif flx(i,j)=u(i,j)*(q+posdef) enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) ty1(i,j)=.5*abs(v(i,j))*(fld(i,j)-fld(i,j-1)) if (v(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i,j-1) else q=fld(i,j ) endif fly(i,j)=v(i,j)*(q+posdef) enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) ia=i-1; if (ip(ia,j).eq.0) ia=i ib=i+1; if (ip(ib,j).eq.0) ib=i ja=j-1; if (ip(i,ja).eq.0) ja=j jb=j+1; if (ip(i,jb).eq.0) jb=j fmx(i,j)=max(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb))+posdef fmn(i,j)=min(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb))+posdef enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(tx1, iu,'ad:11:tx1 ', & ty1, iv,'ad:11:ty1 ') call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:11:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:11:fly ') call pipe_compare_sym1(fmx, ip,'ad:11:fmx ') call pipe_compare_sym1(fmn, ip,'ad:11:fmn ') endif c c --- rhs: u, v, fld+ c --- lhs: flx, fly, fmx, fmn c margin = mbdy_a - 1 c do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) if (ifp(j,l).ge. 1-margin) then flx(ifp(j,l) ,j)=0.0 endif if (ilp(j,l).lt.ii+margin) then flx(ilp(j,l)+1,j)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !j c do i=1-margin,ii+margin do l=1,jsp(i) if (jfp(i,l).ge. 1-margin) then fly(i,jfp(i,l) )=0.0 endif if (jlp(i,l).lt.jj+margin) then fly(i,jlp(i,l)+1)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !i if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:22:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:33:fly ') endif cdiag if ( .and. then cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(a,2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag. 1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') cdiag. 'advem (1)',i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. fld(i-1,j),u(i,j),fld(i,j-1),v(i,j), cdiag. fld(i,j),v(i,j+1),fld(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fld(i+1,j) cdiag endif c c --- rhs: flx+, fly+, fco, fmn, fmx, fcn c --- lhs: fld c margin = mbdy_a - 2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) !...........lo order Donor Cell step flxdiv(i,j)=((flx(i+1,j)-flx(i,j))+ & (fly(i,j+1)-fly(i,j)) )*dt2*scali(i,j) q=(fld(i,j)+posdef)*(fco(i,j)+onemu)-flxdiv(i,j) !max,min should only be active for very thin layers fldlo(i,j)=max( fmn(i,j), min( fmx(i,j), & q/(fcn(i,j)+onemu) )) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(fldlo, ip,'ad:610:fldlo') call pipe_compare_sym1(flxdiv, ip,'ad:610:flxdv') endif c c --- finish computation of antidiffusive fluxes c c --- rhs: tx1, u, ty1, v, flxdiv+, fco+, fcn+ c --- lhs: flx, fly c margin = mbdy_a - 2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,fcn2,fco2) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin fco2=0.0 fcn2=0.0 do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) fco2=fco(i,j)+fco(i-1,j) ! inforce order on flx calc fcn2=fcn(i,j)+fcn(i-1,j) ! inforce order on flx calc flx(i,j)=tx1(i,j)-u(i,j)*(flxdiv(i,j)+flxdiv(i-1,j)) & /((fco2+fcn2)+onemu) enddo !i enddo !l if (fco2*fcn2.eq.1.e30) flx(1-nbdy,j)=0.0 ! prevent removal of fc*2 do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) fco2=fco(i,j)+fco(i,j-1) ! inforce order on fly calc fcn2=fcn(i,j)+fcn(i,j-1) ! inforce order on fly calc fly(i,j)=ty1(i,j)-v(i,j)*(flxdiv(i,j)+flxdiv(i,j-1)) & /((fco2+fcn2)+onemu) enddo !i enddo !l if (fco2*fcn2.eq.1.e30) flx(1-nbdy,j)=0.0 ! prevent removal of fc*2 enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad: 8:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad: 8:fly ') endif c c --- limit antidiffusive fluxes c --- rp and rm used to be called flp and fln c c --- rhs: fmx, fmn, fldlo, fcn, flx+, fly+ c --- lhs: rp, rm c margin = mbdy_a - 3 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,flxdn,flxdp,flydn,flydp) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) flxdp=min(0.0,flx(i+1,j))-max(0.0,flx(i,j)) flxdn=max(0.0,flx(i+1,j))-min(0.0,flx(i,j)) flydp=min(0.0,fly(i,j+1))-max(0.0,fly(i,j)) flydn=max(0.0,fly(i,j+1))-min(0.0,fly(i,j)) rp(i,j)=(fmx(i,j)-fldlo(i,j))*(fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j))/ & ((onemu-(flxdp+flydp))*dt2) rm(i,j)=(fldlo(i,j)-fmn(i,j))*(fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j))/ & ((onemu+(flxdn+flydn))*dt2) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(rp, ip,'ad:16:flp ') call pipe_compare_sym1(rm, ip,'ad:16:fln ') endif c c --- rhs: flx, fly, rp+, rm+ c --- lhs: flx, fly c margin = mbdy_a - 4 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) flx(i,j)=max(0.0,flx(i,j))*min(1.0,rp(i,j),rm(i-1,j)) & +min(0.0,flx(i,j))*min(1.0,rp(i-1,j),rm(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) fly(i,j)=max(0.0,fly(i,j))*min(1.0,rp(i,j),rm(i,j-1)) & +min(0.0,fly(i,j))*min(1.0,rp(i,j-1),rm(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:18:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:18:fly ') endif c cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(''advem (2)'',2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag.1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') i,j,fldlo(i-1,j),u(i,j),fldlo(i,j-1), cdiag.v(i,j),fldlo(i,j),v(i,j+1),fldlo(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fldlo(i+1,j) c c --- rhs: flx+, fly+, fldlo, fcn, fmx c --- lhs: flxdiv, fld c margin = mbdy_a - 5 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) fldao(i,j) = fld(i,j)*fco(i,j)*scal(i,j) c !...........apply antidiffusive flux correction flxdiv(i,j)=((flx(i+1,j)-flx(i,j))+ & (fly(i,j+1)-fly(i,j)) )*dt2*scali(i,j) !max,min should only be active for very thin layers fld(i,j)=max( fmn(i,j), min( fmx(i,j), & fldlo(i,j)-flxdiv(i,j)/(fcn(i,j)+onemu) )) fld(i,j)=fld(i,j)-posdef c fldan(i,j) = fld(i,j)*fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(flxdiv, ip,'ad:620:flxdv') call pipe_compare_sym1(fld, ip,'ad:1620:fld ') endif return end subroutine advem_mpdata subroutine advem_pcm(fld,u,v,fco,fcn,scal,scali,dt2) implicit none c real, intent(in) :: dt2 real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(inout) :: fld real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(in) :: u,v,scal,scali,fco,fcn c c Piecewise Constant Method (Donor Cell, Upwind) c Over two time steps (may require half the normal time step for stability). c c time steps are "old", "center" and "new". c c fld - scalar field, need not be >0, old input but new output c u,v - mass fluxes satisfying continuity equation (old to new) c fco - thickness of the layer at old time step c fcn - thickness of the layer at new time step c scal - spatial increments (squared) c scali - inverse of scal c dt2 - temporal increment (from old to new) c c on return, fld's valid halo will be 0 wide. c real, parameter :: onemu=9806.e-12 !very small layer thickness real, parameter :: onecm=98.06 !one cm in pressure units c real q integer i,j,l,ia,ib,ja,jb,mbdy_a c integer itest,jtest,ittest,jttest common/testpt/itest,jtest,ittest,jttest save /testpt/ c c --- rhs: u, v, fld+ c --- lhs: flx, fly c mbdy_a = mbdy_advtyp(0) ! = 2 c margin = mbdy_a - 1 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin c do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) if (u(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i-1,j) else q=fld(i ,j) endif flx(i,j)=u(i,j)*q enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) if (v(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i,j-1) else q=fld(i,j ) endif fly(i,j)=v(i,j)*q enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) ia=i-1; if (ip(ia,j).eq.0) ia=i ib=i+1; if (ip(ib,j).eq.0) ib=i ja=j-1; if (ip(i,ja).eq.0) ja=j jb=j+1; if (ip(i,jb).eq.0) jb=j fmx(i,j)=max(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb)) fmn(i,j)=min(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:11:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:11:fly ') endif c do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) if (ifp(j,l).ge. 1-margin) then flx(ifp(j,l) ,j)=0.0 endif if (ilp(j,l).lt.ii+margin) then flx(ilp(j,l)+1,j)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !j c do i=1-margin,ii+margin do l=1,jsp(i) if (jfp(i,l).ge. 1-margin) then fly(i,jfp(i,l) )=0.0 endif if (jlp(i,l).lt.jj+margin) then fly(i,jlp(i,l)+1)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !i if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:22:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:33:fly ') endif cdiag if ( .and. then cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(a,2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag. 1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') cdiag. 'advem (1)',i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. fld(i-1,j),u(i,j),fld(i,j-1),v(i,j), cdiag. fld(i,j),v(i,j+1),fld(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fld(i+1,j) cdiag endif c c --- rhs: flx+, fly+, fld, fco, fcn c --- lhs: flxdiv, fld c margin = mbdy_a - 2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) fldao(i,j) = fld(i,j)*fco(i,j)*scal(i,j) c flxdiv(i,j)=((flx(i+1,j)-flx(i,j))+ & (fly(i,j+1)-fly(i,j)) )*dt2*scali(i,j) q=fld(i,j)*(fco(i,j)+onemu)-flxdiv(i,j) !max,min should only be active for very thin layers fld(i,j)=max( fmn(i,j), min( fmx(i,j), & q/(fcn(i,j)+onemu) )) c fldan(i,j) = fld( i,j)*fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(fld, ip,'ad:610:fld ') call pipe_compare_sym1(flxdiv, ip,'ad:610:flxdv') endif c cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(''advem (2)'',2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag.1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') i,j,fld(i-1,j),u(i,j),fld(i,j-1), cdiag.v(i,j),fld(i,j),v(i,j+1),fld(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fld(i+1,j) return end subroutine advem_pcm subroutine advem_fct2(fld,fldc,u,v,fco,fcn,scal,scali,dt2) implicit none c real, intent(in) :: dt2 real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(inout) :: fld real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(in) :: fldc,u,v,scal,scali,fco,fcn c c Leapfrog 2nd order FCT c S.T. Zalesak (1979): Fully multidimensional flux-corrected c transport algorithms for fluids, J.Comput.Phys. 31 335-362. c c time steps are "old", "center" and "new". c c fld - scalar field, need not be >0, old input but new output c fldc - scalar field at center time step c u,v - mass fluxes satisfying continuity equation (old to new) c fco - thickness of the layer at old time step c fcn - thickness of the layer at new time step c scal - spatial increments (squared) c scali - inverse of scal c dt2 - temporal increment (from old to new) c c on return, fld's valid halo will be 0 wide. c real, parameter :: onemu=9806.e-12 !very small layer thickness real, parameter :: epsil=1.e-20 c real flxdn,flxdp,flydn,flydp,q integer i,j,l,ia,ib,ja,jb,mbdy_a c integer itest,jtest,ittest,jttest common/testpt/itest,jtest,ittest,jttest save /testpt/ c real :: fhx, fhy, fqmax, fqmin, famax, famin real :: qdt2, qp, qm, fact mbdy_a = mbdy_advtyp(2) ! = 5 c c --- compute low-order and part of antidiffusive fluxes c c --- rhs: u, v, fld+ c --- lhs: flx, fly, fmx, fmn c margin = mbdy_a - 1 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q,jb,ja,ib,ia) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin c do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) if (u(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i-1,j) else q=fld(i ,j) endif flx(i,j)=u(i,j)*q enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) if (v(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i,j-1) else q=fld(i,j ) endif fly(i,j)=v(i,j)*q enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) ia=i-1; if (ip(ia,j).eq.0) ia=i ib=i+1; if (ip(ib,j).eq.0) ib=i ja=j-1; if (ip(i,ja).eq.0) ja=j jb=j+1; if (ip(i,jb).eq.0) jb=j fmx(i,j)=max(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb)) fmn(i,j)=min(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. ! call pipe_compare_sym2(tx1, iu,'ad:11:tx1 ', ! & ty1, iv,'ad:11:ty1 ') ! call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:11:flx ', ! & fly, iv,'ad:11:fly ') endif c do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) if (ifp(j,l).ge. 1-margin) then flx(ifp(j,l) ,j)=0.0 endif if (ilp(j,l).lt.ii+margin) then flx(ilp(j,l)+1,j)=0.0 endif enddo !i enddo !j c do i=1-margin,ii+margin do l=1,jsp(i) if (jfp(i,l).ge. 1-margin) then fly(i,jfp(i,l) )=0.0 endif if (jlp(i,l).lt.jj+margin) then fly(i,jlp(i,l)+1)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !i if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:22:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:33:fly ') endif cdiag if ( .and. then cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(a,2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag. 1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') cdiag. 'advem (1)',i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. fld(i-1,j),u(i,j),fld(i,j-1),v(i,j), cdiag. fld(i,j),v(i,j+1),fld(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fld(i+1,j) cdiag endif c c --- rhs: flx+, fly+, fld, fmx, fmn, fco, fcn c --- lhs: fldlo, fmxlo, fmnlo, flxdiv c margin = mbdy_a - 2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) !...........lo order Donor Cell step flxdiv(i,j)=((flx(i+1,j)-flx(i,j))+ & (fly(i,j+1)-fly(i,j)) )*dt2*scali(i,j) q=fld(i,j)*(fco(i,j)+onemu)-flxdiv(i,j) !max,min should only be active for very thin layers fldlo(i,j)=max( fmn(i,j), min( fmx(i,j), & q/(fcn(i,j)+onemu) )) fmxlo(i,j) = max(fld(i,j),fldc(i,j),fldlo(i,j)) fmnlo(i,j) = min(fld(i,j),fldc(i,j),fldlo(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(fldlo, ip,'ad:610:fldlo') call pipe_compare_sym1(flxdiv, ip,'ad:610:flxdv') endif c !.....Leapfrog step using high order scheme c c --- rhs: u, v, fld+, flx, fly c --- lhs: fax, fay c margin = mbdy_a - 2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q,jb,ja,ib,ia,fhx,fhy) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) fhx=u(i,j)*0.5*(fldc(i,j)+fldc(i-1,j)) ! 2nd order in space fax(i,j)= fhx-flx(i,j) ! anti-diffusion x-flux enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) fhy=v(i,j)*0.5*(fldc(i,j)+fldc(i,j-1)) ! 2nd order in space fay(i,j)= fhy-fly(i,j) ! anti-diffusion y-flux enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) if (ifp(j,l).ge. 1-margin) then fax(ifp(j,l) ,j)=0.0 endif if (ilp(j,l).lt.ii+margin) then fax(ilp(j,l)+1,j)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !j c do i=1-margin,ii+margin do l=1,jsp(i) if (jfp(i,l).ge. 1-margin) then fay(i,jfp(i,l) )=0.0 endif if (jlp(i,l).lt.jj+margin) then fay(i,jlp(i,l)+1)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !i !======================================================== c c --- finish computation of antidiffusive fluxes c c --- rhs: fmnlo+,fmxlo+,fax+,fay+,fldlo,fcn,scal c --- lhs: rp, rm c margin = mbdy_a - 3 c qdt2 = 1.0/dt2 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,ia,ib,ja,jb, !$OMP& fqmax,fqmin,famax,famin,qp,qm) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) ia=i-1; if (ip(ia,j).eq.0) ia=i ib=i+1; if (ip(ib,j).eq.0) ib=i ja=j-1; if (ip(i,ja).eq.0) ja=j jb=j+1; if (ip(i,jb).eq.0) jb=j fqmax = max(fmxlo(i,j),fmxlo(ia,j),fmxlo(ib,j), & fmxlo(i,ja),fmxlo(i,jb)) fqmin = min(fmnlo(i,j),fmnlo(ia,j),fmnlo(ib,j), & fmnlo(i,ja),fmnlo(i,jb)) famax = max(0.0,fax(i, j) ) - min(0.0,fax(ib,j) ) + & max(0.0,fay(i, j) ) - min(0.0,fay(i, jb)) famin = max(0.0,fax(ib,j) ) - min(0.0,fax(i, j) ) + & max(0.0,fay(i, jb)) - min(0.0,fay(i, j) ) if (famax > 0.0) then qp = (fqmax-fldlo(i,j)) *fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j)*qdt2 rp(i,j) = min(1.0, qp/famax) else rp(i,j) = 0.0 endif if (famin > 0.0) then qm = (fldlo(i,j)-fqmin) *fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j)*qdt2 rm(i,j) = min(1.0, qm/famin) else rm(i,j) = 0.0 endif fmx(i,j) = fqmax !less restrictive maximum fmn(i,j) = fqmin !less restrictive minimum enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c c --- rhs: rp+, rm+ c --- lhs: fax, fay c margin = mbdy_a - 4 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,fact) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) if (fax(i,j) < 0.0) then fact = min(rp(i-1,j),rm(i,j)) else fact = min(rp(i,j),rm(i-1,j)) endif fax(i,j) = fact*fax(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) if (fay(i,j) < 0.0) then fact = min(rp(i,j-1),rm(i,j)) else fact = min(rp(i,j),rm(i,j-1)) endif fay(i,j) = fact*fay(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:18:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:18:fly ') endif c cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(''advem (2)'',2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag.1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') i,j,fldlo(i-1,j),u(i,j),fldlo(i,j-1), cdiag.v(i,j),fldlo(i,j),v(i,j+1),fldlo(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fldlo(i+1,j) c c --- rhs: fax+, fay+, fld, fcn, fmx, fmn c --- lhs: fld c margin = mbdy_a - 5 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) fldao(i,j) = fld(i,j)*fco(i,j)*scal(i,j) c !...........apply antidiffusive flux correction flxdiv(i,j)=((fax(i+1,j)-fax(i,j))+ & (fay(i,j+1)-fay(i,j)) )*dt2*scali(i,j) !max,min should only be active for very thin layers fld(i,j)=max( fmn(i,j), min( fmx(i,j), & fldlo(i,j)-flxdiv(i,j)/(fcn(i,j)+onemu) )) c fldan(i,j) = fld(i,j)*fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(flxdiv, ip,'ad:620:flxdv') call pipe_compare_sym1(fld, ip,'ad:1620:fld ') endif return end subroutine advem_fct2 subroutine advem_fct4(fld,fldc,u,v,fco,fcn,scal,scali,dt2) implicit none c real, intent(in) :: dt2 real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(inout) :: fld real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & intent(in) :: fldc,u,v,scal,scali,fco,fcn c c Leapfrog 4th order FCT c S.T. Zalesak (1979): Fully multidimensional flux-corrected c transport algorithms for fluids, J.Comput.Phys. 31 335-362. c c time steps are "old", "center" and "new". c c fld - scalar field, need not be >0, old input but new output c fldc - scalar field at center time step c u,v - mass fluxes satisfying continuity equation (old to new) c fco - thickness of the layer at old time step c fcn - thickness of the layer at new time step c scal - spatial increments (squared) c scali - inverse of scal c dt2 - temporal increment (from old to new) c c on return, fld's valid halo will be 0 wide. c real, parameter :: onemu=9806.e-12 !very small layer thickness real, parameter :: epsil=1.e-20 c real, parameter :: ft14= 7.0/12.0, !4th centered inner coeff & ft24=-1.0/12.0 !4th centered outer coeff c real flxdn,flxdp,flydn,flydp,q integer i,j,l,ia,ib,ja,jb,mbdy_a c integer itest,jtest,ittest,jttest common/testpt/itest,jtest,ittest,jttest save /testpt/ c real :: fhx, fhy, fqmax, fqmin, famax, famin real :: qdt2, qp, qm, fact mbdy_a = mbdy_advtyp(4) ! = 5 c c --- compute low-order and part of antidiffusive fluxes c c --- rhs: u, v, fld+ c --- lhs: flx, fly, fmx, fmn c margin = mbdy_a - 1 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q,fhx,fhy,jb,ja,ib,ia) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin c do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) if (u(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i-1,j) else q=fld(i ,j) endif flx(i,j)=u(i,j)*q enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) if (v(i,j).ge.0.0) then q=fld(i,j-1) else q=fld(i,j ) endif fly(i,j)=v(i,j)*q enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) ia=i-1; if (ip(ia,j).eq.0) ia=i ib=i+1; if (ip(ib,j).eq.0) ib=i ja=j-1; if (ip(i,ja).eq.0) ja=j jb=j+1; if (ip(i,jb).eq.0) jb=j fmx(i,j)=max(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb)) fmn(i,j)=min(fld(i,j),fld(ia,j),fld(ib,j), & fld(i,ja),fld(i,jb)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. ! call pipe_compare_sym2(tx1, iu,'ad:11:tx1 ', ! & ty1, iv,'ad:11:ty1 ') ! call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:11:flx ', ! & fly, iv,'ad:11:fly ') endif c do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) if (ifp(j,l).ge. 1-margin) then flx(ifp(j,l) ,j)=0.0 endif if (ilp(j,l).lt.ii+margin) then flx(ilp(j,l)+1,j)=0.0 endif enddo !i enddo !j c do i=1-margin,ii+margin do l=1,jsp(i) if (jfp(i,l).ge. 1-margin) then fly(i,jfp(i,l) )=0.0 endif if (jlp(i,l).lt.jj+margin) then fly(i,jlp(i,l)+1)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !i if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:22:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:33:fly ') endif cdiag if ( .and. then cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(a,2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag. 1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') cdiag. 'advem (1)',i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. fldc(i-1,j),u(i,j),fldc(i,j-1),v(i,j), cdiag. fldc(i,j),v(i,j+1),fldc(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fldc(i+1,j) cdiag endif c c --- rhs: flx+, fly+, fld, fmx, fmn, fco, fcn, flxdiv c --- lhs: fldlo, fmxlo, fmnlo, flxdiv c margin = mbdy_a - 2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) !...........lo order Donor Cell step flxdiv(i,j)=((flx(i+1,j)-flx(i,j))+ & (fly(i,j+1)-fly(i,j)) )*dt2*scali(i,j) q=fld(i,j)*(fco(i,j)+onemu)-flxdiv(i,j) !max,min should only be active for very thin layers fldlo(i,j)=max( fmn(i,j), min( fmx(i,j), & q/(fcn(i,j)+onemu) )) fmxlo(i,j) = max(fld(i,j),fldc(i,j),fldlo(i,j)) fmnlo(i,j) = min(fld(i,j),fldc(i,j),fldlo(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(fldlo, ip,'ad:610:fldlo') call pipe_compare_sym1(flxdiv, ip,'ad:610:flxdv') endif c !.....Leapfrog step using high order scheme c c --- rhs: u, v, fldi++, flx, fly c --- lhs: fax, fay c margin = mbdy_a - 2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,q,jb,ja,ib,ia,fhx,fhy) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) if (i.eq.ifu(j,l) .or. i.eq.ilu(j,l)) then ! 2nd order time centered fhx=u(i,j)*0.5*(fldc(i,j)+fldc(i-1,j)) else ! 4th order time centered fhx=u(i,j)*(ft14*(fldc(i, j)+fldc(i-1,j))+ & ft24*(fldc(i+1,j)+fldc(i-2,j)) ) endif fax(i,j)= fhx-flx(i,j) ! anti-diffusion x-flux enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) if (i.eq.ifv(j,l) .or. i.eq.ilv(j,l)) then ! 2nd order time centered fhy=v(i,j)*0.5*(fldc(i,j)+fldc(i,j-1)) else ! 4th order time centered fhy=v(i,j)*(ft14*(fldc(i,j) +fldc(i,j-1))+ & ft24*(fldc(i,j+1)+fldc(i,j-2)) ) endif fay(i,j)= fhy-fly(i,j) ! anti-diffusion y-flux enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) if (ifp(j,l).ge. 1-margin) then fax(ifp(j,l) ,j)=0.0 endif if (ilp(j,l).lt.ii+margin) then fax(ilp(j,l)+1,j)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !j c do i=1-margin,ii+margin do l=1,jsp(i) if (jfp(i,l).ge. 1-margin) then fay(i,jfp(i,l) )=0.0 endif if (jlp(i,l).lt.jj+margin) then fay(i,jlp(i,l)+1)=0.0 endif enddo !l enddo !i !======================================================== c c --- finish computation of antidiffusive fluxes c c --- rhs: fmnlo+,fmxlo+,fax+,fay+,fldlo,fcn,scal c --- lhs: rp, rm c margin = mbdy_a - 3 c qdt2 = 1.0/dt2 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,ia,ib,ja,jb, !$OMP& fqmax,fqmin,famax,famin,qp,qm) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) ia=i-1; if (ip(ia,j).eq.0) ia=i ib=i+1; if (ip(ib,j).eq.0) ib=i ja=j-1; if (ip(i,ja).eq.0) ja=j jb=j+1; if (ip(i,jb).eq.0) jb=j fqmax = max(fmxlo(i,j),fmxlo(ia,j),fmxlo(ib,j), & fmxlo(i,ja),fmxlo(i,jb)) fqmin = min(fmnlo(i,j),fmnlo(ia,j),fmnlo(ib,j), & fmnlo(i,ja),fmnlo(i,jb)) famax = max(0.0,fax(i, j) ) - min(0.0,fax(ib,j) ) + & max(0.0,fay(i, j) ) - min(0.0,fay(i, jb)) famin = max(0.0,fax(ib,j) ) - min(0.0,fax(i, j) ) + & max(0.0,fay(i, jb)) - min(0.0,fay(i, j) ) if (famax > 0.0) then qp = (fqmax-fldlo(i,j)) *fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j)*qdt2 rp(i,j) = min(1.0, qp/famax) else rp(i,j) = 0.0 endif if (famin > 0.0) then qm = (fldlo(i,j)-fqmin) *fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j)*qdt2 rm(i,j) = min(1.0, qm/famin) else rm(i,j) = 0.0 endif fmx(i,j) = fqmax !less restrictive maximum fmn(i,j) = fqmin !less restrictive minimum enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c c --- rhs: rp+, rm+ c --- lhs: fax, fay c margin = mbdy_a - 4 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,fact) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) if (fax(i,j) < 0.0) then fact = min(rp(i-1,j),rm(i,j)) else fact = min(rp(i,j),rm(i-1,j)) endif fax(i,j) = fact*fax(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) if (fay(i,j) < 0.0) then fact = min(rp(i,j-1),rm(i,j)) else fact = min(rp(i,j),rm(i,j-1)) endif fay(i,j) = fact*fay(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym2(flx, iu,'ad:18:flx ', & fly, iv,'ad:18:fly ') endif c cdiag i=itest cdiag j=jtest cdiag write (lp,'(''advem (2)'',2i5,f22.3/1pe39.2/0pf21.3,1pe9.2,0pf9.3, cdiag.1pe9.2,0pf9.3/1pe39.2/0pf39.3)') i,j,fldlo(i-1,j),u(i,j),fldlo(i,j-1), cdiag.v(i,j),fldlo(i,j),v(i,j+1),fldlo(i,j+1),u(i+1,j),fldlo(i+1,j) c c --- rhs: fax+, fay+, fld, fcn, fmx, fmn c --- lhs: fld c margin = mbdy_a - 5 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) fldao(i,j) = fld(i,j)*fco(i,j)*scal(i,j) c !...........apply antidiffusive flux correction flxdiv(i,j)=((fax(i+1,j)-fax(i,j))+ & (fay(i,j+1)-fay(i,j)) )*dt2*scali(i,j) !max,min should only be active for very thin layers fld(i,j)=max( fmn(i,j), min( fmx(i,j), & fldlo(i,j)-flxdiv(i,j)/(fcn(i,j)+onemu) )) c fldan(i,j) = fld( i,j)*fcn(i,j)*scal(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (lpipe .and. lpipe_advem) then c --- compare two model runs. call pipe_compare_sym1(flxdiv, ip,'ad:620:flxdv') call pipe_compare_sym1(fld, ip,'ad:1620:fld ') endif return end subroutine advem_fct4 c end module mod_advem subroutine tsadvc(m,n) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_pipe ! HYCOM debugging interface use mod_advem ! defined above implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer m,n c c --- --------------------------------------------------- c --- thermodynamic variable(s): advection and diffusion. c --- --------------------------------------------------- c logical, parameter :: lpipe_tsadvc=.false. !extra checking (when pipe on) c real, parameter :: onemu=9806.e-12 !very small layer thickness c real, save, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & sold,told,q2old,q2lold real, save, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,mxtrcr) :: & trold c logical latemp,lath3d,ldtemp,ldth3d integer i,isave,j,jsave,k,ktr,l,ia,ib,ja,jb,mbdy,mdf real sminn,smaxx,flxdiv,th3d_t & ,factor,pold,pmid,pnew,wts2dp real xmin(kdm),xmax(kdm) real sminny(jdm),smaxxy(jdm) c character*12 text,textu,textv c c --- for mpdata, select posdef: c --- 1. as a power of 2 c --- 2. so that the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of c --- each field is approximately the same: c --- 0 for -saln-, 256 for -temp-, 32 for -th3d-, c --- 0 for -tracer-, 1 for -q2- real pdzero,pdtemp,pdth3d,pdq2 parameter (pdzero=0.0, pdtemp=256.0, pdth3d=32.0, pdq2=1.0) c real harmon,a,b include 'stmt_fns.h' c c --- harmonic mean harmon(a,b)=2.*a*b/(a+b) c mbdy = mbdy_advtyp(abs(advtyp)) ! 2-8 depending on advection scheme c if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i3,a /)') & 'error: nbdy (dimensions.h) must be at least', & mbdy,' for the advection scheme indicated by advtyp' endif call xcstop('tsadvc') stop 'tsadvc' endif c l = mbdy call xctilr(saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1),1,2*kk, l,l, halo_ps) call xctilr(temp( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1),1,2*kk, l,l, halo_ps) call xctilr(th3d( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1),1,2*kk, l,l, halo_ps) call xctilr(dp( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1),1,2*kk, l,l, halo_ps) call xctilr(dpold( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1 ),1, kk, l,l, halo_ps) call xctilr(uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1 ),1, kk, l,l, halo_uv) call xctilr(vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1 ),1, kk, l,l, halo_vv) do ktr= 1,ntracr call xctilr(tracer( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1,ktr),1,2*kk, l,l, halo_ps) enddo !ktr if (mxlmy) then call xctilr(q2( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,0,1),1,2*kk+4, l,l, halo_ps) call xctilr(q2l( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,0,1),1,2*kk+4, l,l, halo_ps) endif c do 81 k=1,kk c c --- --------------------------------------------------- c --- advection of thermodynamic variable(s) (and tracer) c --- --------------------------------------------------- c c --- for isopycnic vertical coordinates: c --- advect -th3d- and -saln- in the mixed layer (layer 1), c --- advect -saln- only in all other layers c --- for hybrid vertical coordinates: c --- advect -temp- and -saln- in all layers if advflg==0, c --- advect -th3d- and -saln- in all layers if advflg==1 c latemp = k.le.nhybrd .and. advflg.eq.0 ! advect temp lath3d = (k.le.nhybrd .and. advflg.eq.1) .or. & (k.eq.1 .and. isopyc ) ! advect th3d c c --- smooth mixed-layer mass fluxes in lateral direction if(isopyc .and. k.eq.1) then c c --- rhs: vflx+, uflx+ c --- lhs: vflux, uflux c margin = mbdy - 1 c do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) ia=max(i-1,ifv(j,l)) ib=min(i+1,ilv(j,l)) vflux(i,j)=.5*vflx(i,j,1)+.25*(vflx(ia,j,1)+vflx(ib,j,1)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j c do i=1-margin,ii+margin do l=1,jsu(i) do j=max(1-margin,jfu(i,l)),min(jj+margin,jlu(i,l)) ja=max(j-1,jfu(i,l)) jb=min(j+1,jlu(i,l)) uflux(i,j)=.5*uflx(i,j,1)+.25*(uflx(i,ja,1)+uflx(i,jb,1)) enddo !j enddo !l enddo !i endif c c --- rhs: temp, saln, uflux+, vflux+, dp c --- lhs: told, sold, util1, util2, util3, temp, th3d c c --- util1 = fco = thickness of the layer at old time step c --- util2 = fcn = thickness of the layer at new time step c margin = mbdy - 1 ! util[12] at mbdy-2 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,ktr,flxdiv) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) c c --- save for time smoothing if (latemp) then told(i,j)=temp(i,j,k,n) elseif (lath3d) then told(i,j)=th3d(i,j,k,n) endif sold(i,j)=saln(i,j,k,n) do ktr= 1,ntracr trold(i,j,ktr)=tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr) enddo if (mxlmy) then q2old( i,j)=q2( i,j,k,n) q2lold(i,j)=q2l(i,j,k,n) endif c c --- before calling 'advem', make sure (a) mass fluxes are consistent c --- with layer thickness change, and (b) all fields are positive-definite if(isopyc .and. k.eq.1) then flxdiv=((uflux(i+1,j) -uflux(i,j) ) & +(vflux(i,j+1) -vflux(i,j) ))*delt1*scp2i(i,j) else flxdiv=((uflx( i+1,j,k)-uflx( i,j,k)) & +(vflx( i,j+1,k)-vflx( i,j,k)))*delt1*scp2i(i,j) endif util1(i,j)=max(dp(i,j,k,n)+flxdiv,0.0) !old util2(i,j)=max(dp(i,j,k,n), 0.0) !new enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write(text,'(a10,i2)') '49:sold,k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(sold,ip,text) write(text,'(a10,i2)') '49:told,k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(told,ip,text) write(text,'(a10,i2)') '49:utl1,k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(util1,ip,text) write(text,'(a10,i2)') '49:utl2,k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(util2,ip,text) write (textu,'(a9,i3)') 'uflx k=',k write (textv,'(a9,i3)') 'vflx k=',k call pipe_compare_sym2(uflx(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), iu,textu, & vflx(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), iv,textv) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) endif c c --- rhs: temp.[mn], th3d.[mn], saln.[mn], uflx, vflx, util[12] c --- lhs: temp.n, th3d.n, saln.n c if (latemp) then call advem(advtyp,temp( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & temp( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdtemp, scp2,scp2i,delt1) call advem(advtyp,saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdzero, scp2,scp2i,delt1) elseif (lath3d .and. hybrid) then call advem(advtyp,th3d( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & th3d( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdth3d, scp2,scp2i,delt1) call advem(advtyp,saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdzero, scp2,scp2i,delt1) elseif (lath3d .and. isopyc) then ! MICOM-like upper layer call advem(advtyp,th3d( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & th3d( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflux, & vflux, & util1,util2, & pdth3d, scp2,scp2i,delt1) call advem(advtyp,saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflux, & vflux, & util1,util2, & pdzero, scp2,scp2i,delt1) else ! exactly isopycnal layer call advem(advtyp,saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdzero, scp2,scp2i,delt1) endif do ktr= 1,ntracr if (trcflg(ktr).eq.2) then !temperature tracer call advem(advtyp,tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n,ktr), & tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m,ktr), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdtemp, scp2,scp2i,delt1) else #if defined (ECOSM) if (ktr==5.or.ktr==12.or.ktr==21) then !AS use a more diffussive advection on the components that sink. call advem(1,tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n,ktr), & tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m,ktr), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdzero, scp2,scp2i,delt1) else #endif /* ECOSM */ call advem(advtyp,tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n,ktr), & tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m,ktr), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdzero, scp2,scp2i,delt1) #if defined (ECOSM) end if #endif /* ECOSM */ endif !trcflg enddo !ktr if (mxlmy) then call advem(advtyp,q2( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & q2( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdq2, scp2,scp2i,delt1) call advem(advtyp,q2l( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & q2l( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m), & uflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & vflx( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), & util1,util2, & pdq2, scp2,scp2i,delt1) endif c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) endif c c --- rhs: temp.n, th3d.n, saln.n, dpold, dp.m, dp.n, sold, told c --- lhs: temp.n, th3d.n, dp.m, saln.m, temp.m, th3d.m c margin = 0 !after advem c c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,ktr,pold,pmid,pnew,wts2dp) !NOCSD !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) !NOCSD do j=1-margin,jj+margin sminny(j)= 999. !simplifies OpenMP parallelization smaxxy(j)=-999. !simplifies OpenMP parallelization do l=1,isp(j) !DIR$ PREFERVECTOR do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) if (dp(i,j,k,n).gt.onemm) then sminny(j)=min(sminny(j),saln(i,j,k,n)) smaxxy(j)=max(smaxxy(j),saln(i,j,k,n)) endif c c --- Asselin time smoothing of thickness field pold=max(0.0,dpold(i,j,k)) pmid=max(0.0,dp(i,j,k,m)) pnew=max(0.0,dp(i,j,k,n)) dp(i,j,k,m)=pmid*wts1+(pold+pnew)*wts2 c --- Asselin time smoothing of thermodynamic variables (and tracer) c --- Note that this is conservative (i.e. smoothing dp * scalar) pmid=max(0.0,dp(i,j,k,m)) wts2dp=wts2/(pmid+onemu) saln(i,j,k,m)=saln(i,j,k,m) & +wts2dp*(pold*(sold(i,j) -saln(i,j,k,m))+ & pnew*(saln(i,j,k,n)-saln(i,j,k,m)) ) if (latemp) then temp(i,j,k,m)=temp(i,j,k,m) & +wts2dp*(pold*(told(i,j) -temp(i,j,k,m))+ & pnew*(temp(i,j,k,n)-temp(i,j,k,m)) ) th3d(i,j,k,m)=sig(temp(i,j,k,m),saln(i,j,k,m))-thbase c --- update dependent thermodynamic variable after advection th3d(i,j,k,n)=sig(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n))-thbase elseif (lath3d) then th3d(i,j,k,m)=th3d(i,j,k,m) & +wts2dp*(pold*(told(i,j) -th3d(i,j,k,m))+ & pnew*(th3d(i,j,k,n)-th3d(i,j,k,m)) ) temp(i,j,k,m)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k,m)+thbase,saln(i,j,k,m)) c --- update dependent thermodynamic variable after advection temp(i,j,k,n)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k,n)+thbase,saln(i,j,k,n)) else ! exactly isopycnal layer th3d(i,j,k,m)=theta(i,j,k) temp(i,j,k,m)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k,m)+thbase,saln(i,j,k,m)) c --- update dependent thermodynamic variable after advection th3d(i,j,k,n)=theta(i,j,k) temp(i,j,k,n)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k,n)+thbase,saln(i,j,k,n)) endif do ktr= 1,ntracr tracer(i,j,k,m,ktr)=tracer(i,j,k,m,ktr) & +wts2dp*(pold*( trold(i,j, ktr)-tracer(i,j,k,m,ktr))+ & pnew*(tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr)-tracer(i,j,k,m,ktr)) ) enddo !ktr if (mxlmy) then q2( i,j,k,m)=q2( i,j,k,m) & +wts2dp*(pold*(q2old( i,j) -q2( i,j,k,m))+ & pnew*(q2( i,j,k,n) -q2( i,j,k,m)) ) q2l(i,j,k,m)=q2l(i,j,k,m) & +wts2dp*(pold*(q2lold(i,j) -q2l(i,j,k,m))+ & pnew*(q2l(i,j,k,n) -q2l(i,j,k,m)) ) endif enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !NOCSD c xmin(k) = minval(sminny(1:jj)) xmax(k) = maxval(smaxxy(1:jj)) c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.m k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'sold k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(sold,ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.m k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'told k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(told,ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.m k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,m),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) endif c cdiag if ( cdiag.write (lp,'(i9,2i5,i3,'' th,s,dp after advection '',2f9.3,f8.2)') cdiag.nstep,itest,jtest,k,temp(itest,jtest,k,n),saln(itest,jtest,k,n), cdiag.dp(itest,jtest,k,n)*qonem c 81 continue ! k=1,kk c call pipe_comparall(m,n, 'advem, step') c c --- check for negative scalar fields. c 101 format (i9,' i,j,k =',2i5,i3,a,2f8.2) c if (mod(nstep,3).eq.0 .or. diagno) then call xcminr(xmin(1:kk)) call xcmaxr(xmax(1:kk)) c do k= 1,kk sminn=xmin(k) smaxx=xmax(k) c if ( then do j=1,jj do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1,ifp(j,l)),min(ii,ilp(j,l)) if (saln(i,j,k,n).eq.sminn) then write (lp,101) nstep,i+i0,j+j0,k, & ' neg. saln after advem call ', & saln(i,j,k,n) endif enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j call xcsync(flush_lp) endif c if (diagno) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(i9,i3, a,2f7.3, a,1pe9.2,a)') & nstep,k, & ' min/max of s after advection:',sminn,smaxx, & ' (range:',smaxx-sminn,')' call flush(lp) endif endif enddo !k endif !every 3 time steps or diagno c c --- -------------------------------------- c --- diffusion of thermodynamic variable(s) c --- -------------------------------------- c if ( then mdf = 2 !Laplacian call xctilr(saln( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n),1,kk, mdf,mdf, halo_ps) call xctilr(temp( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n),1,kk, mdf,mdf, halo_ps) call xctilr(th3d( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n),1,kk, mdf,mdf, halo_ps) if (mxlmy) then call xctilr(q2( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,0,n),1,kk+2, mdf,mdf, halo_ps) call xctilr(q2l(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,0,n),1,kk+2, mdf,mdf, halo_ps) endif do ktr= 1,ntracr call xctilr(tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n,ktr), & 1,kk, mdf,mdf, halo_ps) enddo !ktr c do k=1,kk c c --- for isopycnic vertical coordinates: c --- diffuse -th3d- and -saln- in the mixed layer (layer 1), c --- diffuse -saln- only in all other layers c --- for hybrid vertical coordinates: c --- diffuse -saln- in all layers c --- diffuse -temp- in all layers if temdfc < 0.0 c --- diffuse -th3d- in all layers if temdfc < 1.0 c --- if 0.0 < temdfc < 1.0: c --- combine -temp- and -th3d- diffusion in density space c ldtemp = k.le.nhybrd .and. ! diffus temp ldth3d = (k.le.nhybrd .and. .or. & (k.eq.1 .and. isopyc ) ! diffus th3d if (ldtemp .and. ldth3d) then ! diffus temp and th3d call tsdff_2x(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n)) call tsdff_1x(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n)) elseif (ldtemp) then ! diffus temp call tsdff_2x(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n)) elseif (ldth3d) then ! diffus th3d call tsdff_2x(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n)) else ! exactly isopycnal layer call tsdff_1x(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n)) endif if (mxlmy) then call tsdff_2x(q2( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n), & q2l( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n)) endif !mxlmy do ktr= 1,ntracr,2 if (ktr+1.le.ntracr) then call tsdff_2x(tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n,ktr), & tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n,ktr+1)) else call tsdff_1x(tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n,ktr)) endif enddo !ktr enddo !k c c non-independent thermodynamic variable c margin = 0 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,k,l,i,ldtemp,ldth3d,th3d_t) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do k=1,kk ldtemp = k.le.nhybrd .and. ! diffus temp ldth3d = (k.le.nhybrd .and. .or. & (k.eq.1 .and. isopyc ) ! diffus th3d do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) if (ldtemp .and. ldth3d) then c --- combine -temp- and -th3d- diffusion in density space th3d_t =sig(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n))-thbase th3d(i,j,k,n)=(1.0-temdfc)*th3d(i,j,k,n) + & temdfc *th3d_t temp(i,j,k,n)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k,n)+thbase, & saln(i,j,k,n)) elseif (ldtemp) then th3d(i,j,k,n)=sig(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n))-thbase elseif (ldth3d) then temp(i,j,k,n)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k,n)+thbase, & saln(i,j,k,n)) else ! exactly isopycnal layer th3d(i,j,k,n)=theta(i,j,k) temp(i,j,k,n)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k,n)+thbase, & saln(i,j,k,n)) endif enddo !i enddo !l enddo !k enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO endif ! c do k=1,kk if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'util1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(util1,ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'util2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(util2,ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,n),ip,text) endif c cdiag if ( then cdiag& write (lp,'(i9,2i5,i3,a,2f9.3,f8.2)') cdiag& nstep,itest+i0,jtest+j0,k, cdiag& ' t,s,dp after isopyc.mix.', cdiag& temp(itest,jtest,k,n),saln(itest,jtest,k,n), cdiag& dp(itest,jtest,k,n)*qonem cdiag& call flush(lp) cdiag& endif c enddo !k return contains c subroutine tsdff_2x(fld1,fld2) real fld1(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & fld2(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) c c --- Laplacian diffusion for two scalar fields c margin = 1 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,factor) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) factor=temdf2*aspux(i,j)* & scuy(i,j)*harmon(max(dp(i-1,j,k,n),onemu) & ,max(dp(i ,j,k,n),onemu)) uflux (i,j)=factor*(fld1(i-1,j)-fld1(i,j)) uflux2(i,j)=factor*(fld2(i-1,j)-fld2(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) factor=temdf2*aspvy(i,j)* & scvx(i,j)*harmon(max(dp(i,j-1,k,n),onemu) & ,max(dp(i,j ,k,n),onemu)) vflux (i,j)=factor*(fld1(i,j-1)-fld1(i,j)) vflux2(i,j)=factor*(fld2(i,j-1)-fld2(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write (textu,'(a9,i3)') 'uflux k=',k write (textv,'(a9,i3)') 'vflux k=',k call pipe_compare_sym2(uflux, iu,textu, & vflux, iv,textv) write (textu,'(a9,i3)') 'uflux2 k=',k write (textv,'(a9,i3)') 'vflux2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym2(uflux2,iu,textu, & vflux2,iv,textv) endif c c --- rhs: dp.n, uflux+, vflux+, uflux2+, vflux2+ c --- lhs: saln.n, temp.n, th3d.n c margin = 0 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,factor) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) factor=-delt1/(scp2(i,j)*max(dp(i,j,k,n),onemu)) util1(i,j)=((uflux (i+1,j)-uflux (i,j)) & +(vflux (i,j+1)-vflux (i,j)))*factor fld1(i,j)=fld1(i,j)+util1(i,j) util2(i,j)=((uflux2(i+1,j)-uflux2(i,j)) & +(vflux2(i,j+1)-vflux2(i,j)))*factor fld2(i,j)=fld2(i,j)+util2(i,j) c cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) then cdiag if (1.le.i .and. i.le.ii .and. cdiag. 1.le.j .and. j.le.jj ) then cdiag. write (lp,100) nstep,i+i0,j+j0,k,'t,s,dt,ds', cdiag. fld1(i,j),fld2(i,j),util1(i,j),util2(i,j) cdiag. call flush(lp) cdiag. endif cdiag. endif c enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'util1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(util1,ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'util2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(util2,ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'fld1.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(fld1(1-nbdy,1-nbdy),ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'fld2.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(fld2(1-nbdy,1-nbdy),ip,text) endif c return end subroutine tsdff_2x c subroutine tsdff_1x(fld1) real fld1(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) c c --- Laplacian diffusion for a single scalar field c margin = 1 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,factor) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) factor=temdf2*aspux(i,j)* & scuy(i,j)*harmon(max(dp(i-1,j,k,n),onemu) & ,max(dp(i ,j,k,n),onemu)) uflux (i,j)=factor*(fld1(i-1,j)-fld1(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) factor=temdf2*aspvy(i,j)* & scvx(i,j)*harmon(max(dp(i,j-1,k,n),onemu) & ,max(dp(i,j ,k,n),onemu)) vflux (i,j)=factor*(fld1(i,j-1)-fld1(i,j)) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write (textu,'(a9,i3)') 'uflux k=',k write (textv,'(a9,i3)') 'vflux k=',k call pipe_compare_sym2(uflux, iu,textu, & vflux, iv,textv) endif c c --- rhs: dp.n, uflux+, vflux+, uflux2+, vflux2+ c --- lhs: saln.n, temp.n, th3d.n c margin = 0 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,factor) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) factor=-delt1/(scp2(i,j)*max(dp(i,j,k,n),onemu)) util1(i,j)=((uflux (i+1,j)-uflux (i,j)) & +(vflux (i,j+1)-vflux (i,j)))*factor fld1(i,j)=fld1(i,j)+util1(i,j) c cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) then cdiag if (1.le.i .and. i.le.ii .and. cdiag. 1.le.j .and. j.le.jj ) then cdiag. write (lp,100) nstep,i+i0,j+j0,k,'t,s,dt,ds', cdiag. fld1(i,j),0.0,util1(i,j),0.0 cdiag. call flush(lp) cdiag. endif cdiag. endif c enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_tsadvc) then c --- compare two model runs. write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'util1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(util1,ip,text) write (text,'(a9,i3)') 'fld1.n k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(fld1(1-nbdy,1-nbdy),ip,text) endif c return end subroutine tsdff_1x c-----end contains end subroutine tsadvc c c Revision history: c c> June 1995 - eliminated setting of salinity in massless layers (loop 46) c> (this is now done in mxlayr.f) c> Aug. 1995 - omitted t/s/dp time smoothin, case of abrupt mxlayr.thk.change c> Sep. 1995 - increased temdf2 if mixed layer occupies >90% of column c> Mar. 2000 - removed 'cushn' and added logic to assure global conservation c> Apr. 2000 - conversion to SI units c> Apr. 2000 - changed i/j loop nesting to j/i c> Aug. 2000 - temp advection and diffusion only for hybrid vertical coordinate c> Nov. 2000 - nhybrd T&S advection layers, kdm-nhybrd S advection layers c> Nov. 2000 - T&S or th&S advection/diffusion based on advflg c> Feb. 2001 - placed advem in a module c> May 2002 - diffusion coefficent based on max(sc?x,sc?y) c> Aug. 2003 - separate PCM and MPDATA versions (advtyp) c> Aug. 2003 - added FCT2 and UTOPIA advection options. c> Nov. 2003 - per layer diffusion routine for 1 or 2 scalar fields c> Feb. 2008 - fixed famin,famax bugs in FCT2/4 c> Jun. 2008 - fixed q2,q2l halo update bug