module mod_waves c use mod_xc implicit none private :: lambda,wc c include 'common_blocks.h' contains c subroutine waves_init ! Load the lookup table of attenuation coefficients c end subroutine waves_init subroutine waves_advect ! Routine for estimating waves-in-ice height from an incident wave ! field and using the attenuation coefficient of Kohout and Meylan (2008). use mod_xc use mod_forcing_nersc use mod_hycom_nersc use mod_advem use mod_evp, only : aice,vice include 'common_blocks.h' integer :: nw=10 c real, intent(out), dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: c & dfloe real, dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & iceh & ,dummy1,dummy2 & ,uwavflx,vwavflx real, dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,nw) :: & tmp,wamp ! Individual wave amplitude [m] real, dimension(nw) :: period,wlng,wspd real :: alpha,aa,bb real :: offset,flxdiv integer :: i,j,k,l,n,w integer, parameter :: nwavesteps=200 real, parameter :: twave=400 real, parameter :: ds=3.5e3 ! grid cell spacing (temporary) real, parameter :: gravity=9.81 character(len=80) :: ncfil do w = 1,nw period(w) = i+5 wlng(w) = gravity*period(w)**2/(2*pi) wspd(w) = 0.5*sqrt(gravity*wlng(w)/(2*pi)) end do wamp = 0.0 tmp = 0.0 print*, 'Wave periods' print*, period print*, 'Wavelenght' print*, wlng print*, 'Wave speed' print*, wspd margin=nbdy C$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i) C$OMP&SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-nbdy,jdm+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,idm+nbdy dummy1(i,j) = tenm dummy2(i,j) = dummy1(i,j) uwavflx(i,j) = 0. vwavflx(i,j) = 0. end do end do C$OMP END PARALLEL DO c --- Set up wave variables as "layered" - so that integrating variable c --- over a layer retrieves origial fields. c --- Set up uwavflx and vwavflx margin=nbdy-1 ! due to i+1,i-1 C$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i) C$OMP&SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin c --- Set up u-fluxes do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) uwavflx(i,j) = uwave(i,j)*scuy(i,j)*dummy1(i-1,j) end do end do c --- Set up v-fluxes do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) vwavflx(i,j) = vwave(i,j)*scvx(i,j)*dummy1(i,j-1) end do end do end do c --- Set up before and after fake layer thickness margin=nbdy-1 ! due to i+1,i-1 C$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,flxdiv,offset) C$OMP&SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) flxdiv=((uwavflx(i+1,j)-uwavflx(i,j)) & +(vwavflx(i,j+1)-vwavflx(i,j)))*twave*scp2i(i,j) dummy2(i,j)=dummy1(i,j)-flxdiv offset=min(0.,dummy1(i,j),dummy2(i,j)) dummy2(i,j)=dummy2(i,j)-offset dummy1(i,j)=dummy1(i,j)-offset end do end do end do C$OMP END PARALLEL DO ! Construction of the wave spectrum ! Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum aa = 8.1e-3*gravity bb = 1.25 do w = 1,nw tmp(:,:,w) = aa*sqrt(period(w)/(2.0*pi))* & exp(-1.*bb*(period(w)/mwp(:,:))**4) wamp(:,:,w) = sqrt(4.0*tmp(:,:,w)*pi/period(w)) end do do n = 1,nwavesteps do w = 1,nw call advem(1,wamp(:,:,w),wamp(:,:,w),wspd(w),wspd(w), & dummy1,dummy2,0.,scp2,scp2i,twave) end do end do !call xcaget(h,swh,0) !call xcaget(t,mwp,0) !call xcaget(lon,plon,0) !call xcaget(lat,plat,0) !call xcaget(icec,aice,0) !call xcaget(icev,vice,0) ! Advect waves (TEST) alpha = 0.002 ! Dump waves-in-ice variables to verify the propagation scheme. !ncfil='' !call xcaget(icec,aice,0) !call ncdraft(trim(ncfil),icec,'icec','clobber') !call xcaget(t,tii,0) !call ncdraft(trim(ncfil),t,'T','') !call xcaget(waves,wamp,0) !call ncdraft(trim(ncfil),waves,'WAMP','') !call xcaget(d,dfloe,0) !call ncdraft(trim(ncfil),d,'dfloe','') ! Tile dfloe !call xcaput(floesize,dfloe(1-nbdy,1-nbdy),1) end subroutine waves_advect real function lambda(period) ! Calculates the waves-in-ice wavelength as a function of the period ! and possibly the ice thickness. use mod_evp implicit none real, intent(in) :: period lambda = gravit*period**2/(2.d0*3.141592) ! Deep water dispersion relation [m] end function lambda real function wc(h,l) ! Calculates the critical wave height over which ice fails in flexion and cracks. use mod_evp implicit none real, intent(in) :: h,l real :: wc1,wc2 real, parameter :: rhoice=930. ! Sea ice density [kg/m^3] real, parameter :: sigmac=0.9e9 ! Flexural ice strength [Pa] real, parameter :: epsilonc=5.0e-5 ! Yield flexural strain [-] real, parameter :: mu=0.6 ! Fatigue parameter [-] wc1 = 2.d0*3.141592*h**2*mu*sigmac/(3.d0*gravit*rhoice*l**2) ! Stress yield amplitude [m] wc2 = l**2*mu*epsilonc/(2.d0*3.141592**2*h) ! Stress yield amplitude [m] wc = min(wc1,wc2) end function wc end module mod_waves