module m_qsw0 contains subroutine qsw0(radfl0,cawdir,clouds,rlat,time,daysinyear) use mod_xc implicit none real, dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), intent(out) :: & cawdir,radfl0 real, dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), intent(in) :: & clouds,rlat real*8, intent(in) :: time integer, intent(in) :: daysinyear real pi2,deg,rad,eepsil integer ifrac,npart real fraci,absh2o,s0,day,dangle,decli,sundv real cc,sin2,cos2,cosz,scosz,stot,bioday,biohr,hangle real srad,sdir,sdif,altdeg,cfac,ssurf integer i,j,l real*8 :: daysinyear8 ! Average number of days in year over a 400-year cycle (Gregorian ! Calendar) real, parameter :: daysinyear400=365.2425 daysinyear8=daysinyear c --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- c --- compute 24 hrs mean solar irrradiance at the marine surface layer c --- (unit: w/m^2) c --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- c --- set various quantities !print *,'calling qsw0' pi2=8.*atan(1.) ! 2 times pi deg=360./pi2 ! convert from radians to degrees rad=pi2/360. ! convert from degrees to radians eepsil=1.e-9 ! small number ifrac=24 ! split each 12 hrs day into ifrac parts fraci=1./ifrac ! 1 over ifrac absh2o=0.09 ! --- absorption of water and ozone s0=1365. ! w/m^2 solar constant c --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- c --- compute 24 hrs mean solar radiation at the marine surface layer c --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- CKAL ttime=time+dt/86400. CKAL? day=aint(time*365./360.) !accumulated day number (jan1=0,364,..) !day=aint(time/float(daysinyear)) !accumulated day number (jan1=0,364,..) day=dmod(time,daysinyear8) !0 < day < 364 day=floor(day) dangle=pi2*day/float(daysinyear) !day-number-angle, in radians if (day<0. .or. day>daysinyear+1) then if (mnproc==1) then print *,'qsw0: Error in day for day angle' print *,'Day angle is ',day,daysinyear,time end if call xcstop('(qsw0)') stop end if c --- compute astronomic quantities -- decli=.006918+.070257*sin(dangle) -.399912*cos(dangle) $ +.000907*sin(2.*dangle)-.006758*cos(2.*dangle) $ +.001480*sin(3.*dangle)-.002697*cos(3.*dangle) sundv=1.00011+.001280*sin(dangle) +.034221*cos(dangle) $ +.000077*sin(2.*dangle)+.000719*cos(2.*dangle) c --- scan through each of the grid cells !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,cc,sin2,cos2,scosz,stot,bioday, !$OMP& npart,biohr,hangle,srad,sdir,sdif,altdeg,cfac,ssurf, !$OMP& cosz) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ilp(j,l),ii+margin) c --- compute cloudiness fraction C KAL cc=clouds(i,j,l0)*w0+clouds(i,j,l1)*w1 C KAL. +clouds(i,j,l2)*w2+clouds(i,j,l3)*w3 cc = clouds(i,j) c --- compute astronomic quantities sin2=sin(rlat(i,j))*sin(decli) cos2=cos(rlat(i,j))*cos(decli) c --- split each day into ifrac parts, and compute the solar radiance for c --- each part. by assuming symmetry of the irradiance about noon, it c --- is sufficient to compute the irradiance for the first 12 hrs of c --- the (24 hrs) day (mean for the first 12 hrs equals then the mean c --- for the last 12 hrs) scosz=0. stot=0. do npart=1,ifrac bioday=day+(npart-.5)*fraci*.5 biohr=bioday*86400. !hour of day in seconds biohr=amod(biohr+43200.,86400.) !hour of day; biohr=0 at noon hangle=pi2*biohr/86400. !hour angle, in radians cosz=amax1(0.,sin2+cos2*cos(hangle)) !cosine of the zenith angle scosz=scosz+cosz ! ..accumulated.. srad =s0*sundv*cosz !extraterrestrial radiation !print *,i,j,npart,srad,cosz,eepsil ! obs: .7^100 = 3x10^-16 , an already ridicolously low number ... sdir=srad*0.7**(min(100.,1./(cosz+eepsil))) !direct radiation component ! sdir=srad*0.7**(1./(cosz+eepsil)) !direct radiation component ! sdir=srad * exp(-0.356674943938732447/(cosz+eepsil)) sdif=((1.-absh2o)*srad-sdir)*.5 !diffusive radiation component altdeg=amax1(0.,asin(min(1.0,sin2+cos2)))*deg !solar noon altitude in degrees cfac=(1.-0.62*cc+0.0019*altdeg) !cloudiness correction ssurf=(sdir+sdif)*cfac stot=stot+ssurf enddo scosz=scosz*fraci !24-hrs mean of cosz radfl0(i,j)=stot*fraci !24-hrs mean shortw rad in w/m^2 !cawdir(i,j)=1.-amax1(0.15,0.05/(scosz+0.15)) !cawdir(i,j)=1.-amax1(0.03,0.05/(scosz+0.15)) !Rettelse - Mats cawdir(i,j)=1.-amin1(0.15,0.05/(scosz+0.15)) !Rettelse 2 :-) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !print *,time,day,dangle,decli,sundv,radfl0(63,95) !co-albedo over water for dir light ! Test shortwave flux Cdiag if (i0<27.and.i0+ii>27 .and. j0<71.and.j0+jj>71 ) then Cdiag open(10,file='swflxtst.dat',position='append') Cdiag write(10,*) time,daysinyear,radfl0(27-i0,71-j0), Cdiag& clouds(27-i0,71-j0) Cdiag close(10) Cdiag end if end subroutine qsw0 end module m_qsw0