module m_clat_turb contains subroutine clat_turb c c --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- c --- read numerical values of the latent transfer coefficient based c --- on the tabelled values in isemer et al, j clim., p. 1180, 1989 c --- n o t e : c --- i-index gives the wind at 10m height c --- from 0 to 30 m/s in intervals of 2 m/s c --- j-index gives the virtual air-sea temperature difference at 10m height c --- from -7 to +7 deg c in intervals of .5 deg c c --- for all but the equatorial and sub-equatorial waters, virtual temp is c --- close to real temp (see gill, 1982, p. 41) c --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- c use mod_xc use mod_common_ice implicit none REAL d_wind,d_temp,clat1(16,29) integer skip integer i,j logical :: ex c c dimension clat1(16,29) c c --- read data file inquire(exist=ex,file='iwh_tabulated.dat') if (.not.ex) then if (mnproc==1) & write(lp,*) 'clat_turb: iwh_tabulated.dat does not exist' call xcstop ('(clat_turb)') stop '(clat_turb)' end if open(19,file='iwh_tabulated.dat',STATUS= 'OLD') if (mnproc==1) print *,'reading Data/iwh_tabulated.dat' do 100 j=1,29 do 100 i=1,16 read(19,*) d_wind,d_temp,clat1(i,j) clat1(i,j)=clat1(i,j)*1.e-3 100 continue close(19) c c --- let i=1 represents wind speeds in the interval [0, 2) m/s c --- i=2 represents wind speeds in the interval [2, 4) m/s ... c do 111 j=1,29 do 110 i=1,15 110 clat(i,j)=(clat1(i,j)+clat1(i+1,j))*.5 111 clat(16,j)=clat(15,j) c c c --- let j=1 represents temp differences in the interval [-7, -6.5) deg c c --- j=2 represents temp differences in the interval [-6.5, -6) deg c... c do 121 i=1,16 do 120 j=1,28 120 clat(i,j)=(clat1(i,j)+clat1(i,j+1))*.5 121 clat(i,29)=clat(i,28) c end subroutine clat_turb end module m_clat_turb