module m_NOR05_resusp contains subroutine NOR05_resusp(icode,dti,n,k_list,tbs) C*** C***BEGIN PROLOGUE RESUSP C***DATE WRITTEN 13/9-95 C***AUTHOR C Henrik Soiland, Institute of Marine Research, C P.O. Box 1870, C N-5024 Bergen-Nordnes, Norway C Email: C***PURPOSE RESUSP performs resuspension of particles from the bottom. C C***DESCRIPTION C C C***ROUTINES CALLED : NONE C C***END PROLOGUE C C Global variables: C C On entry : C C ICODE : = 4 (DIA) C = 5 (FLA) C = 6 (DET) C = 7 (SIS) C = 9 (SED) C =10 (YEL) C =11 (CHA) C TMP : 3D-real, temporary storage, should have a copy of C the field to be sunk on entry use mod_xc use mod_necessary_ecovars C implicit none include 'sedcom.h' include 'common_blocks.h' C integer icode real dti integer,intent(in) :: n integer,intent(in),dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy):: & k_list real,intent(in),dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & tbs C C Local variables C integer :: i,j,k integer :: kmax real :: bflux,bfluxt,wdia,wfla,wcha,sink,rho0,utresh real :: ltresh,fluxfact,tau1,c2,nidet,sisis,sesed real :: p_h,p_l,p_b,s_l,d_sl real :: factor logical :: first save first data first/.true./ C C***FIRST executable statement SEDIMENT rho0=1000.0 C !KAL - Should use existing margin, points up to ii+margin should !KAL - still be valid at this point !margin=0 d_sl=5. !thickness of sediment-contribution C UTRESH is the minimum bottom stress value for resuspension to occur C c Values below are from Pohlmann and Puls 1995 p 378. c Below experimental values from Eberhardt Mayer (See sediment routine also) utresh=0.78/rho0 tau1=0.78/rho0 C C C2 is the slope of the linear increase in bottom flux. C [s/m] C c2=(1.0E-4)*rho0 C C The formulas give the bottom flux in kg/m2, since mg/m3 is used C the flux has to be multiplied by a factor 1000000. c c2=(1.0E+6)*c2 C C FLUXFACT is a factor that CAN beused to tune to give resonable C bottom flux C fluxfact=1.0 C C NIDET is the inverse of the fraction of nitrogen in detritus C SISIS is the inverse of the fraction of silisium in SIS (biogenic opal) nidet=detw/niw sisis=sisw/siw C C C Resuspension only if the total bottom stress is C above a treshold value C if(icode.eq.idet)then C C Resuspension of DET C do j=1-margin,jj+margin do i=1-margin,ii+margin kmax=k_list(i,j) if(bot_layer(i,j,n,idet) .gt. 0.0) then if(tbs(i,j) .gt. utresh) then bfluxt=dti*c2*(tbs(i,j)-tau1) & *bot_layer(i,j,n,idet)/totsed(i,j)*fluxfact C The actual formula looks like this, but NIDET drops out C & *nidet/totsed(i,j)*bio(i,j,kdm+1,n,idet)/nidet*fluxfact bflux=min(bfluxt,bot_layer(i,j,n,idet)) c --- resuspension divided on the lowest 1 m. do k=1,kdm if(dp(i,j,k,n)/ p_h=p(i,j,k) p_l=p(i,j,k+1) p_b=p(i,j,kk+1) s_l=p_b-d_sl*onem if( factor=1. elseif( factor=(p_l-s_l)/(p_l-p_h) else factor=0. endif sink=(bflux/d_sl)*factor*dp(i,j,k,n)/(onem) sink=sink/(dp(i,j,k,n)/onem) else sink=0.0 endif bio(i,j,k,n,idet) = bio(i,j,k,n,idet)+sink enddo bot_layer(i,j,n,idet) = bot_layer(i,j,n,idet)-bflux endif endif enddo enddo C elseif(icode.eq.ifla)then C C Resuspension of FLA C write(*,*)' NO RESUSPENSION OF FLAGELLATES IN THIS VERSION' stop C elseif(icode.eq.idia)then C C Resuspension of DIA C write(*,*)' NO RESUSPENSION OF DIATOMS IN THIS VERSION' stop C elseif(icode.eq.isis)then C C Resuspension of SIS C do j=1-margin,jj+margin do i=1-margin,ii+margin kmax=k_list(i,j) if(bot_layer(i,j,n,isis) .gt. 0.0) then if(tbs(i,j) .gt. utresh) then bfluxt=dti*c2*(tbs(i,j)-tau1) & *bot_layer(i,j,n,isis)/totsed(i,j)*fluxfact C The actual formula looks like this, but SISIS drops out C & *sisis/totsed(i,j)*bio(i,j,kdm+1)/sisis*fluxfact bflux=min(bfluxt,bot_layer(i,j,n,isis)) do k=1,kdm if(dp(i,j,k,n)/ p_h=p(i,j,k) p_l=p(i,j,k+1) p_b=p(i,j,kk+1) s_l=p_b-d_sl*onem if( factor=1. elseif( factor=(p_l-s_l)/(p_l-p_h) else factor=0. endif sink=(bflux/d_sl)*factor*dp(i,j,k,n)/(onem) sink=sink/(dp(i,j,k,n)/onem) else sink=0.0 endif bio(i,j,k,n,isis)=bio(i,j,k,n,isis)+sink enddo bot_layer(i,j,n,isis) = bot_layer(i,j,n,isis)-bflux endif endif enddo enddo C C #if defined (YELLOWSED) elseif(icode.eq.ised)then C C Resuspension of SED C do j=1-margin,jj+margin do i=1-margin,ii+margin kmax=k_list(i,j) if(bot_layer(i,j,n,ised) .gt. 0.0) then if(tbs(i,j) .gt. utresh) then C Note that there is multiplication and division by FACTW, i.e. C it can be omitted, as is done below.(totsed is in mg sed in C2) bfluxt=dti*c2*(tbs(i,j)-tau1) & *bot_layer(i,j,n,ised)/totsed(i,j)*fluxfact bflux=min(bfluxt,bot_layer(i,j,n,ised)) do k=1,kdm if(dp(i,j,k,n)/ p_h=p(i,j,k) p_l=p(i,j,k+1) p_b=p(i,j,kk+1) s_l=p_b-d_sl*onem if( factor=1. elseif( factor=(p_l-s_l)/(p_l-p_h) else factor=0. endif sink=(bflux/d_sl)*factor*dp(i,j,k,n)/(onem) sink=sink/(dp(i,j,k,n)/onem) else sink=0.0 endif bio(i,j,k,n,ised) = bio(i,j,k,n,ised)+sink enddo bot_layer(i,j,n,ised) = bot_layer(i,j,n,ised)-bflux endif endif enddo enddo C elseif(icode.eq.iyel)then C C Resuspension of YEL C do j=1-margin,jj+margin do i=1-margin,ii+margin kmax=k_list(i,j) if(bot_layer(i,j,n,iyel) .gt. 0.0) then if(tbs(i,j) .gt. utresh) then C Note that there is multiplication and division by FACTW, i.e. C it can be omitted, as is done below.(totsed is in mg and C2 in mg bfluxt=dti*c2*(tbs(i,j)-tau1) & *bot_layer(i,j,n,iyel)/totsed(i,j)*fluxfact bflux=min(bfluxt,bot_layer(i,j,n,iyel)) do k=1,kdm if(dp(i,j,k,n)/ p_h=p(i,j,k) p_l=p(i,j,k+1) p_b=p(i,j,kk+1) s_l=p_b-d_sl*onem if( factor=1. elseif( factor=(p_l-s_l)/(p_l-p_h) else factor=0. endif sink=(bflux/d_sl)*factor*dp(i,j,k,n)/(onem) sink=sink/(dp(i,j,k,n)/onem) else sink=0.0 endif bio(i,j,k,n,iyel)=bio(i,j,k,n,iyel)+sink enddo bot_layer(i,j,n,iyel) = bot_layer(i,j,n,iyel)-bflux endif endif enddo enddo #endif /*YELLOWSED*/ C c #ifdef CHATONELLA c elseif(icode.eq.icha)then C C Resuspension of CHA C c write(*,*)' NO RESUSPENSION OF CHATONELLA IN THIS VERSION' c stop c #endif C #ifdef DETPHO elseif(icode.eq.idetp)then C C Resuspension of DETPHO C do j=1-margin,jj+margin do i=1-margin,ii+margin kmax=k_list(i,j) if(bot_layer(i,j,n,idetp) .gt. 0.0) then if(tbs(i,j) .gt. utresh) then bfluxt=dti*c2*(tbs(i,j)-tau1) & *bot_layer(i,j,n,idetp)/totsed(i,j)*fluxfact bflux=min(bfluxt,bot_layer(i,j,n,idetp)) c --- resuspension divided on the lowest 1 m. do k=1,kdm if(dp(i,j,k,n)/ p_h=p(i,j,k) p_l=p(i,j,k+1) p_b=p(i,j,kk+1) s_l=p_b-d_sl*onem if( factor=1. elseif( factor=(p_l-s_l)/(p_l-p_h) else factor=0. endif sink=(bflux/d_sl)*factor*dp(i,j,k,n)/(onem) sink=sink/(dp(i,j,k,n)/onem) else sink=0.0 endif bio(i,j,k,n,idetp) = bio(i,j,k,n,idetp)+sink enddo bot_layer(i,j,n,idetp) = bot_layer(i,j,n,idetp)-bflux endif endif enddo enddo #endif C else C write(*,*)'*** FATAL ERROR in RESUSP ***' write(*,*)'*** UNKNOWN VALUE of ICODE =',ICODE stop endif C return end subroutine NOR05_resusp end module m_NOR05_resusp