subroutine evptohycom use mod_common_ice , only : iceU, iceV, tauxice, tauyice use mod_evp implicit none integer :: i,j real :: sumupoint,sumvpoint ! Ocean and wind velocities in EVP u-point c --- TODO: tauxice/tauyice should perhaps be on p-grid imargin=min(imargin,nbdy-1) !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-imargin,jj+imargin do i=1-imargin,ii+imargin C CKAL - This can create artificial convergence when going between CKAL different grids. Important when HYCOM does the advection. iceU(i,j) = 0.5*(uvel(i-1,j-1) + uvel(i-1,j ) ) iceV(i,j) = 0.5*(vvel(i-1,j-1) + vvel(i ,j-1) ) C CKAL - tauxice - not weighted with conc. tauxice(i,j) = - 0.5*( strocnx(i-1,j ) + strocnx(i-1,j-1)) tauyice(i,j) = - 0.5*( strocny(i-1,j-1) + strocny(i ,j-1)) C end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call xctilr(iceU ( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy),1, 1, 6,6, halo_uv) call xctilr(iceV ( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy),1, 1, 6,6, halo_vv) call xctilr(tauxice( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy),1, 1, 6,6, halo_uv) call xctilr(tauyice( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy),1, 1, 6,6, halo_vv) ! end subroutine evptohycom