module m_CAL06_read_restart use mod_year_info contains subroutine read_restart_calanus(rungen,rt,nflt) use mod_xc ! use mod_hycomfuncs ! use mod_syntheticfloats use mod_CAL06_calnusparticles implicit none !AS logical :: read_restart_calanus type(year_info) , intent(in) :: rt character(len=3), intent(in) :: rungen integer, intent(in) :: nflt character(len=70) :: calname logical ::ex integer :: i,j,iostat type(calfin) :: tmpcal integer :: calanusdd, calanusyy real :: otherdata(15) character*12 :: tmpstr1 character*8 :: tmpstr2 character*45 :: tmpstr3 integer :: itmp, nfl integer :: mortnn, mortdd,mortyy real :: rtmp do i=1,mpop do j=1,3 cfs(i)%pos(j)=-999.0 end do end do !AS read_restart_calanus=.true. calname= & ''//rungen//'CAL_y'//rt%cyy//'_d'//rt%cdd//'_h'//rt%chh//'.uf' inquire(file=trim(calname),exist=ex) if (ex) then open(10,file=trim(calname),form='unformatted',action='read') read(10) nflt !print*, 'nflt', nflt do nfl=1,nflt read(10) cfs(nfl), itmp, itmp ! print*, cfs(nfl)%sv(1) ! stop end do close(10) ! print*, cfs(1) else if (mnproc==1) then write(lp,*) 'Restart file for CALANUS does not exist.' write(lp,*) 'I continue with fields from input file' end if !AS read_restart_calanus=.false. endif CAS if wake-up day is one day restart day, the upated vertical migation flag will not be CAS read because output is only once a day do i=1,nflt if (int(cfs(i)%sv(1)).eq.rt%idd-1) cfs(i)%av(11)=3 end do CAS modify the mortality output files so the data is written in the same place print*, 'Starting mortality read/write' 101 format(a12,i8,a8,i8,a45) iostat=0 open(810,file='tmpmortality_out', & form='formatted', status='replace') open(811,file='mortality_out', form='formatted', status='old', & iostat=iostat) do while (mortdd.le.rt%idd.and.iostat.eq.0) read(811,101,iostat=iostat) tmpstr1, mortnn, tmpstr2, & mortdd, tmpstr3 if (( & .and.iostat.eq.0) then write(810,101) tmpstr1, mortnn, tmpstr2, mortdd, tmpstr3 end if end do close(810) close(811) iostat=0 open(810,file='tmpmortality_out', form='formatted', status='old', & iostat=iostat) open(811,file='mortality_out', form='formatted', status='replace') do while (iostat.eq.0) read(810,101,iostat=iostat)tmpstr1, mortnn, tmpstr2, & mortdd, tmpstr3 if (iostat.eq.0) then write(811,101) tmpstr1, mortnn, tmpstr2, mortdd, tmpstr3 end if end do close(810) close(811) print*, 'Ending mortality read/write' CAS modify the biological mortality output files so the data is written in the same place print*, 'Starting biological mortality read/write' iostat=0 open(810,file='tmpfile',form='unformatted', status='replace') open(811,file='Biol_mortality.dat',form='unformatted', & status='old',iostat=iostat) mortdd=0 do while (mortdd.le.rt%idd.and.iostat.eq.0) read(811,iostat=iostat) mortyy,mortdd read(811,iostat=iostat) zm_cal read(811,iostat=iostat) zn_cal read(811,iostat=iostat) zb_cal if (( & .and.iostat.eq.0) then write(810) mortyy,mortdd,zm_cal,zn_cal,zb_cal endif end do close(810) close(811) iostat=0 open(810,file='tmpfile', form='unformatted', status='old', & iostat=iostat) open(811,file='Biol_mortality.dat', form='unformatted', & status='replace') do while (iostat.eq.0) read(810,iostat=iostat) mortyy,mortdd,zm_cal,zn_cal,zb_cal if (iostat.eq.0) then write(811) mortyy,mortdd write(811) zm_cal write(811) zn_cal write(811) zb_cal end if end do close(810) close(811) print*, 'Ending biological mortality read/write' end subroutine read_restart_calanus end module m_CAL06_read_restart