subroutine mxkrta(m,n) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer m,n c c --- hycom version 1.0 c --- original slab mixed layer c real, save, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & depnew c integer i,j,l cdiag integer k cdiag real totem,tosal,tndcyt,tndcys c c --- store 'old' t/s column integral in totem/tosal (diagnostic use only) c cdiag totem=0. cdiag tosal=0. cdiag do k=1,kk cdiag totem=totem+temp(itest,jtest,k,n)*dp(itest,jtest,k,n) cdiag tosal=tosal+saln(itest,jtest,k,n)*dp(itest,jtest,k,n) cdiag end do c 103 format (i9,2i5,a/(32x,i3,2f8.2,f8.2,2f8.1)) cdiag write (lp,103) nstep,itest+i0,jtest+j0, cdiag. ' entering mxkrt: temp saln dens thkns dpth', cdiag. (k,temp(itest,jtest,k,n),saln(itest,jtest,k,n), cdiag. th3d(itest,jtest,k,n)+thbase,dp(itest,jtest,k,n)*qonem, cdiag. p(itest,jtest,k+1)*qonem,k=1,kk) c c --- --------------- c --- new mixed layer c --- --------------- c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j) !$OMP& SHARED(m,n) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin call mxkrtaaj(m,n, j, depnew) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c cdiag write (lp,103) nstep,itest,jtest, cdiag. ' exiting mxkrta: temp saln dens thkns dpth', cdiag. (k,temp(itest,jtest,k,n),saln(itest,jtest,k,n), cdiag. th3d(itest,jtest,k,n)+thbase,dp(itest,jtest,k,n)*qonem, cdiag. p(itest,jtest,k+1)*qonem,k=1,kk) c c --- compare 'old' with 'new' t/s column integral (diagnostic use only) c cdiag tndcyt=-totem cdiag tndcys=-tosal cdiag do k=1,kk cdiag tndcyt=tndcyt+temp(itest,jtest,k,n)*dp(itest,jtest,k,n) cdiag tndcys=tndcys+saln(itest,jtest,k,n)*dp(itest,jtest,k,n) cdiag end do cdiag write (lp,'(i9,2i5,3x,a,1p,3e12.4/22x,a,3e12.4)') cdiag. nstep,itest+i0,jtest+j0, cdiag. 'total saln,srf.flux,tndcy:',tosal/g,salflx(itest, cdiag. jtest)*delt1,tndcys/g,'total temp,srf.flux,tndcy:',totem/g, cdiag. surflx(itest,jtest)*delt1,tndcyt*spcifh/g c c --- --------------- c --- momentum mixing c --- --------------- c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j) !$OMP& SHARED(m,n) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin call mxkrtabj(m,n, j, depnew) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c c --- fill mixed layer arrays c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) dpbl( i,j)=dpmixl(i,j, n) tmix( i,j)=temp(i,j,1,n) smix( i,j)=saln(i,j,1,n) thmix(i,j)=th3d(i,j,1,n) enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c return end subroutine mxkrtaaj(m,n, j, depnew) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface c c --- hycom version 1.0 c --- single row, part A. implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer m,n,j real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & depnew c integer i,k,ka,k0,k1,ktr,l c real tdp(idm),sdp(idm),dtemp(idm),dsaln(idm) real dpth,ekminv,obuinv,ex,alf1,alf2,cp1,cp3,ape,cc4,spe, . thknss,ustar3,buoyfl,dsgdt,tmn,smn,tup,sup, . dtemp2,q,swfold,thet,alfadt,betads, . swfrac,sflux1,tmin,tmax,smin,smax,trmin,trmax, . thkold,thknew,t1,t2,s1,s2,tr1,tr2,dp1,dp2,dtrmax, & beta_b,frac_b c real ea1, ea2, em1, em2, em3, em4, em5 data ea1, ea2, em1, em2, em3, em4, em5 . /0.60,0.30,0.45,2.60,1.90,2.30,0.60/ ! Gaspar coefficients c include 'stmt_fns.h' c c --- --------------------- c --- set the vertical grid c --- --------------------- c c --- store in -p- a set of interfaces that depict stratification the way a c --- "pure" isopycnic model would. -dpmixl- is physical mixed layer depth. c --- store variables averaged over -dpmixl- in layer 1. c do 1 l=1,isp(j) c do 10 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) klist(i,j)=-1 c c --- start building up integral of t and s over mixed layer depth tdp(i)=temp(i,j,1,n)*dp(i,j,1,n) sdp(i)=saln(i,j,1,n)*dp(i,j,1,n) util1(i,j)=dp(i,j,1,n) util3(i,j)=th3d(i,j,1,n) p(i,j,2)=dp(i,j,1,n) pu(i,j,2)=dp(i,j,1,m) 10 continue c do 11 k=2,kk do 11 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) p(i,j,k+1)=p(i,j,k)+dp(i,j,k,n) pu(i,j,k+1)=pu(i,j,k)+dp(i,j,k,m) c c --- if mixed layer base is very close to interface, move it there if (abs(p(i,j,k+1)-dpmixl(i,j,n)).lt. . max(onecm,.001*dp(i,j,k,n)) ) then dpmixl(i,j,n)=p(i,j,k+1) endif c c --- watch for density decrease with depth (convective adjustment of c --- the mixed layer) - convection occurs for both time steps to c --- prevent mid-time and new mixed layer thicknesses from diverging if (klist(i,j).le.-1 .and. & p(i,j,k+1).gt.dpmixl(i,j,n) .and. & p(i,j,k ).le.dpmixl(i,j,n) ) then if (locsig) then tup=tdp(i)/util1(i,j) sup=sdp(i)/util1(i,j) alfadt=0.5* & (dsiglocdt(tup,sup,util1(i,j))+ & dsiglocdt(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n),util1(i,j)))* & (tup-temp(i,j,k,n)) betads=0.5* & (dsiglocds(tup,sup,util1(i,j))+ & dsiglocds(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n),util1(i,j)))* & (sup-saln(i,j,k,n)) if( then dpmixl(i,j,n)=p (i,j,k+1) klist(i,j)=-2 end if else th3d(i,j,1,n)=sig(tdp(i)/util1(i,j),sdp(i)/util1(i,j)) & -thbase if(th3d(i,j,1,n).gt.th3d(i,j,k,n)) then dpmixl(i,j,n)=p (i,j,k+1) klist(i,j)=-2 endif end if end if c if (p(i,j,k+1).le.dpmixl(i,j,n)) then tdp(i)=tdp(i)+dp(i,j,k,n)*temp(i,j,k,n) sdp(i)=sdp(i)+dp(i,j,k,n)*saln(i,j,k,n) util1(i,j)=util1(i,j)+dp(i,j,k,n) c else if (p(i,j,k).lt.dpmixl(i,j,n)) then klist(i,j)=k end if 11 continue c do 12 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) temp(i,j,1,n)=tdp(i)/util1(i,j) saln(i,j,1,n)=sdp(i)/util1(i,j) th3d(i,j,1,n)=sig(temp(i,j,1,n),saln(i,j,1,n))-thbase * if (klist(i,j).eq.-2) then * util3(i,j)=th3d(i,j,1,n) * do 122 k1=2,kk * if (p(i,j,k1+1).le.dpmixl(i,j,n)) then * th3d(i,j,k1,n)=th3d(i,j,1,n) * endif *122 continue * end if 12 continue c c --- unmix t, s, and tracer c c --- the first guesses for upper sublayer values are the old-time mixed c --- layer values saved in hybgen plus all changes that have occurred c --- since then c c --- prevent spurious maxima or minima from being generated in the lower c --- sublayer, then adjust upper sublayer values if necessary to conserve c --- vertical averages c do 13 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) if(klist(i,j).ge.2) then k=klist(i,j) k0=min(k+1,kk) dp1=dpmixl(i,j,n)-p(i,j,k) dp2=p(i,j,k+1)-dpmixl(i,j,n) q=-dp1/dp2 if(k.eq.nmlb(i,j,n)) then t1=t1sav(i,j,n)+temp(i,j,k,n)-tmlb(i,j,n) s1=s1sav(i,j,n)+saln(i,j,k,n)-smlb(i,j,n) else t1=temp(i,j,k-1,n) s1=saln(i,j,k-1,n) nmlb(i,j,n)=k end if tmin=min(t1,temp(i,j,k,n),temp(i,j,k0,n)) tmax=max(t1,temp(i,j,k,n),temp(i,j,k0,n)) smin=min(s1,saln(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k0,n)) smax=max(s1,saln(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k0,n)) t2=temp(i,j,k,n)+q*(t1-temp(i,j,k,n)) s2=saln(i,j,k,n)+q*(s1-saln(i,j,k,n)) temp(i,j,k,n)=min(tmax,max(tmin,t2)) saln(i,j,k,n)=min(smax,max(smin,s2)) util4(i,j)=th3d(i,j,k,n) th3d(i,j,k,n)=sig(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n))-thbase t1=t1+(t2-temp(i,j,k,n))*dp2/dp1 s1=s1+(s2-saln(i,j,k,n))*dp2/dp1 tdp(i)=tdp(i)+t1*dp1 sdp(i)=sdp(i)+s1*dp1 temp(i,j,1,n)=tdp(i)/dpmixl(i,j,n) saln(i,j,1,n)=sdp(i)/dpmixl(i,j,n) th3d(i,j,1,n)=sig(temp(i,j,1,n),saln(i,j,1,n))-thbase do ktr= 1,ntracr tr1=1.0 ! THIS MAY BE WRONG FOR MULTIPLE TRACERS trmin=min(tr1,tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr),tracer(i,j,k0,n,ktr)) trmax=max(tr1,tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr),tracer(i,j,k0,n,ktr)) tr2=tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr)+q*(tr1-tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr)) tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr)=min(trmax,max(trmin,tr2)) enddo end if 13 continue c c --- set the new grid c do 14 k=1,kk do 14 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) 14 p(i,j,k+1)=max(dpmixl(i,j,n),p(i,j,k+1)) c 1 continue c c --- ---------------------------------------- c --- slab mixed layer entrainment/detrainment c --- ---------------------------------------- c do 85 l=1,isp(j) c do 86 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) c c --- determine generation due to wind stirring c --- ustar computed in subr. -thermf- c --- buoyancy flux (m**2/sec**3), all fluxes into the ocean c --- note: surface density increases (column is destabilized) if buoyfl < 0 thkold=dpmixl(i,j,n) ustar3=ustar(i,j)**3 tmn=.5*(temp(i,j,1,m)+temp(i,j,1,n)) smn=.5*(saln(i,j,1,m)+saln(i,j,1,n)) dsgdt=dsigdt(tmn,smn) buoyfl=-g*thref*(dsigds(tmn,smn)*salflx(i,j)*thref+ & dsgdt *surflx(i,j)*thref/spcifh) c c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c --- option 1 : k r a u s - t u r n e r mixed-layer t.k.e. closure c ccc em=0.8*exp(-p(i,j,2)/(50.*onem)) ! hadley centre choice (orig.: 1.25) ccc en=0.15 ! hadley centre choice (orig.: 0.4) ccc thermg=-0.5*((en+1.)*buoyfl+(en-1.)*abs(buoyfl)) ccc turgen(i,j)=delt1*(2.*em*g*ustar3*qthref+thkold*thermg)*qthref**2 c c --- find monin-obukhov length in case of receding mixed layer (turgen < 0). c --- the monin-obukhov length is found by stipulating turgen = 0. c ccc if (turgen(i,j).lt.0.) then ccc depnew(i,j)=-2.*em*g*ustar3/min(-epsil,thref*thermg) ccc else ccc depnew(i,j)=thkold ccc end if c c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c --- option 2 : g a s p a r mixed-layer t.k.e. closure c dpth=thkold*qonem ekminv=1./hekman(i,j) obuinv=buoyfl/max(epsil,ustar3) ex=exp(min(50.,dpth*obuinv)) alf1=ea1+ea2*max(1.,2.5*dpth*ekminv)*ex alf2=ea1+ea2*ex cp1=((1.-em5)*(alf1/alf2)+.5*em4)*athird cp3=max(0.,(em4*(em2+em3)-(alf1/alf2)*(em2+em3-em3*em5))*athird) ape=cp3*ustar3-cp1*dpth*buoyfl c if( then ! detrainment turgen(i,j)=(g*delt1*qthref**3)*ape depnew(i,j)=min(thkold,g*cp3/(thref*cp1*max(epsil,obuinv))) c else ! entrainment cc4=2.*em4/(em1*em1) * alf1*alf1 spe=(em2+em3)*ustar3-0.5*dpth*buoyfl turgen(i,j)=(g*delt1*qthref**3)*(sqrt((.5*ape-cp1*spe)**2 . +2.*cc4*ape*spe)-(.5*ape+cp1*spe))/(cc4-cp1) depnew(i,j)=thkold end if c c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c --- util1,util2 are used to evaluate changes during entrainment util1(i,j)=util3(i,j)*dp(i,j,1,n) util2(i,j)=util3(i,j)*dp(i,j,1,n)**2 pu(i,j,2)=dp(i,j,1,n) 86 continue c c --- find thknew in case of mx.layer deepening (turgen>0). store in -depnew-. c --- entrain as many layers as needed to deplete -turgen-. c do 85 k=2,kk ka=k-1 do 85 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) pu(i,j,k+1)=pu(i,j,k)+dp(i,j,k,n) if (k.eq.2) then thstar(i,j,ka,1)=util3(i,j) endif if (locsig) then alfadt=0.5* & (dsiglocdt(temp(i,j,ka,n),saln(i,j,ka,n),pu(i,j,k))+ & dsiglocdt(temp(i,j,k ,n),saln(i,j,k ,n),pu(i,j,k)))* & (temp(i,j,ka,n)-temp(i,j,k,n)) betads=0.5* & (dsiglocds(temp(i,j,ka,n),saln(i,j,ka,n),pu(i,j,k))+ & dsiglocds(temp(i,j,k ,n),saln(i,j,k ,n),pu(i,j,k)))* & (saln(i,j,ka,n)-saln(i,j,k,n)) thstar(i,j,k,1)=thstar(i,j,ka,1)-alfadt-betads thet=thstar(i,j,k,1) else if (,j)) then thet=th3d(i,j,k,n) else thet=util4(i,j) endif endif thknew=max(dpmixl(i,j,n),min(pu(i,j,k+1), . (2.0*turgen(i,j)+thet*pu(i,j,k)**2-util2(i,j))/ . max(epsil,thet*pu(i,j,k) -util1(i,j)))) c --- stop iterating for 'thknew' as soon as thknew < k-th interface pressure if (,j,k)) thknew=depnew(i,j) c --- substitute 'thknew' for monin-obukhov length if mixed layer is deepening if (turgen(i,j).ge.0.) then depnew(i,j)=thknew endif c util1(i,j)=util1(i,j)+thet*(pu(i,j,k+1) -pu(i,j,k) ) 85 util2(i,j)=util2(i,j)+thet*(pu(i,j,k+1)**2-pu(i,j,k)**2) c dtrmax = (onem*dtrate/86400.0) * delt1 do 26 l=1,isp(j) c do 42 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) c cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) then cdiag if (turgen(i,j).lt.0.) then cdiag write (lp,'(i9,2i5,a,1p,2e13.5)') nstep,i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. ' m-o length (m), turgen:',depnew(i,j)*qonem,turgen(i,j) cdiag else cdiag write (lp,'(i9,2i5,a,1p,2e13.5)') nstep,i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. ' new depth (m), turgen:',depnew(i,j)*qonem,turgen(i,j) cdiag endif cdiag endif c c --- don't allow mixed layer to get too deep or too shallow. mixed layer c --- detrainment rate limited to dtrate m/day depnew(i,j)=min(p(i,j,kk+1)-onem, . max(thkmin*onem,pu(i,j,3),dp(i,j,1,n)+onemm, . depnew(i,j),dpmixl(i,j,n)-dtrmax)) 42 continue c do 43 k=2,kk do 43 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) thknew=depnew(i,j) c --- integrate t/s over depth range slated for entrainment into mixed layer tdp(i)=tdp(i)+temp(i,j,k,n)*(min(thknew,p(i,j,k+1)) . -min(thknew,p(i,j,k ))) 43 sdp(i)=sdp(i)+saln(i,j,k,n)*(min(thknew,p(i,j,k+1)) . -min(thknew,p(i,j,k ))) c do 26 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) thkold=p(i,j,2) thknew=depnew(i,j) thknss=max(thknew,thkold) c cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) write (lp,'(i9,2i5,a,2f10.4)') cdiag. nstep,i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. ' old/new mixed layer depth:',thkold*qonem,thknew*qonem c c --- distribute thermohaline forcing over new mixed layer depth c --- flux positive into ocean if(pensol) then c c --- penetrating solar radiation (all redfac in mixed layer) if (,j,kk+1)-onecm) then if (jerlv0.eq.0) then beta_b = qonem*( akpar(i,j,lk0)*wk0+akpar(i,j,lk1)*wk1 & +akpar(i,j,lk2)*wk2+akpar(i,j,lk3)*wk3) frac_b = max( 0.27, 0.695 - 5.7*onem*beta_b ) else beta_b = betabl(jerlov(i,j)) frac_b = 1.0 - redfac(jerlov(i,j)) endif if (-thknew* then swfrac=frac_b*exp(-thknew*beta_b) else swfrac=0.0 endif else c --- mixed layer reaches the bottom swfrac=0.0 endif sflux1=surflx(i,j)-sswflx(i,j) dtemp(i)=(sflux1+(1.-swfrac)*sswflx(i,j))*delt1*g/ & (spcifh*thknew) dsaln(i)=salflx(i,j) *delt1*g/ & thknew cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) then cdiag write(lp,104) nstep,i+i0,j+j0,k,0.,1.-swfrac,dtemp(i),dsaln(i) cdiag endif 104 format(i9,2i5,i3,'absorbup,dn,dtemp,dsaln ',2f6.3,2f10.6) c else c dtemp(i)=surflx(i,j)*delt1*g/(spcifh*thknew) dsaln(i)=salflx(i,j)*delt1*g/ thknew c end if c c --- calculate average temp, saln over max(old,new) mixed layer depth temp(i,j,1,n)=tdp(i)/thknss saln(i,j,1,n)=sdp(i)/thknss p(i,j,2)=dp(i,j,1,n) 26 continue c c --- homogenize water mass properties down to max(old,new) mixed layer depth c --- Asselin time smoothing of mixed layer depth c do 9 l=1,isp(j) c do 19 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) thknss=max(depnew(i,j),dpmixl(i,j,n)) dpmixl(i,j,n)=depnew(i,j) depnew(i,j)=thknss dpmixl(i,j,m)=wts1*dpmixl(i,j,m)+wts2*(dpmold(i,j) + . dpmixl(i,j,n) ) 19 continue c do 9 k=2,kk do 9 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) p(i,j,k+1)=p(i,j,k)+dp(i,j,k,n) q=max(0.,min(1.,(depnew(i,j)-p(i,j,k))/(dp(i,j,k,n)+epsil))) temp(i,j,k,n)=temp(i,j,k,n)+q*(temp(i,j,1,n)-temp(i,j,k,n)) saln(i,j,k,n)=saln(i,j,k,n)+q*(saln(i,j,1,n)-saln(i,j,k,n)) do ktr= 1,ntracr tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr)=tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr) & +q*(tracer(i,j,1,n,ktr)-tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr)) enddo 9 continue c c --- add in surface thermohaline forcing over the new mixed layer depth c --- add penetrating solar radiation do 79 l=1,isp(j) do 79 k=1,kk do 79 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) thknss=dpmixl(i,j,n) q=max(0.,min(1.,(thknss-p(i,j,k))/(dp(i,j,k,n)+epsil))) if(q.eq.1.) then temp(i,j,k,n)= temp(i,j,k,n)+dtemp(i) saln(i,j,k,n)=max(saln(i,j,k,n)+dsaln(i),0.0) !must be non-negative th3d(i,j,k,n)=sig(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n))-thbase else temp(i,j,k,n)= temp(i,j,k,n)+q*dtemp(i) saln(i,j,k,n)=max(saln(i,j,k,n)+q*dsaln(i),0.0) if(pensol) then c c --- heat layers beneath mixed layer due to c --- penetrating solar radiation (all redfac in mixed layer) if (p(i,j,k+1).lt.p(i,j,kk+1)-onecm) then if (jerlv0.eq.0) then beta_b = qonem*( akpar(i,j,lk0)*wk0+akpar(i,j,lk1)*wk1 & +akpar(i,j,lk2)*wk2+akpar(i,j,lk3)*wk3) frac_b = max( 0.27, 0.695 - 5.7*onem*beta_b ) else beta_b = betabl(jerlov(i,j)) frac_b = 1.0 - redfac(jerlov(i,j)) endif if (-max(thknss,p(i,j,k))* then swfold=frac_b*exp(-max(thknss,p(i,j,k ))*beta_b) swfrac=frac_b*exp( -p(i,j,k+1) *beta_b) dtemp2=(swfold-swfrac)*sswflx(i,j)*delt1*g/(spcifh* & max(onemm,p(i,j,k+1)-max(thknss,p(i,j,k)))) else dtemp2=0.0 endif elseif (p(i,j,k).lt.p(i,j,kk+1)-onecm) then c --- deepest non-zero layer if (jerlv0.eq.0) then beta_b = qonem*( akpar(i,j,lk0)*wk0+akpar(i,j,lk1)*wk1 & +akpar(i,j,lk2)*wk2+akpar(i,j,lk3)*wk3) frac_b = max( 0.27, 0.695 - 5.7*onem*beta_b ) else beta_b = betabl(jerlov(i,j)) frac_b = 1.0 - redfac(jerlov(i,j)) endif if (-max(thknss,p(i,j,k))* then swfold=frac_b*exp(-max(thknss,p(i,j,k))*beta_b) dtemp2= swfold *sswflx(i,j)*delt1*g/(spcifh* & max(onemm,p(i,j,k+1)-max(thknss,p(i,j,k)))) else dtemp2=0.0 endif else dtemp2=0.0 endif temp(i,j,k,n)=temp(i,j,k,n)+(1.-q)*dtemp2 cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) write (lp,104) nstep,i,j,1, cdiag& 1.-swfold,1.-swfrac,(1.-q)*dtemp2 end if th3d(i,j,k,n)=sig(temp(i,j,k,n),saln(i,j,k,n))-thbase end if 79 continue return end subroutine mxkrtabj(m,n, j, depnew) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface c c --- hycom version 1.0 c --- single row, part B. implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer m,n,j real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & depnew c integer i,k,k1,l c real dp1,dp2,q,uv1,uv2,uvmin,uvmax c c --- --------------- c --- momentum mixing c --- --------------- c c --- homogenize -u- down to max(old,new) mixed layer depth c do 32 l=1,isu(j) c do 33 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) util1(i,j)=min(depthu(i,j)-onem,max(dpu(i,j,1,n),thkmin*onem, . .5*(depnew(i,j)+depnew(i-1,j)))) c c --- if mixed layer base is very close to interface, move it there if (abs(util1(i,j)-dpu(i,j,1,n)).lt..001*dpu(i,j,1,n)) then util1(i,j)=dpu(i,j,1,n)+onecm endif c uflux(i,j)=u(i,j,1,n)*dpu(i,j,1,n) util2(i,j)=dpu(i,j,1,n) 33 pu(i,j,2)=dpu(i,j,1,n) c do 34 k=2,kk do 34 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) pu(i,j,k+1)=pu(i,j,k)+dpu(i,j,k,n) c c --- if mixed layer base is very close to interface, move it there if (abs(pu(i,j,k+1)-util1(i,j)).lt. . max(onecm,.001*dpu(i,j,k,n)) ) then util1(i,j)=pu(i,j,k+1) endif c if (pu(i,j,k+1).le.util1(i,j)) then uflux(i,j)=uflux(i,j)+u(i,j,k,n)*dpu(i,j,k,n) util2(i,j)=util2(i,j)+ dpu(i,j,k,n) end if 34 continue c do 35 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) 35 u(i,j,1,n)=uflux(i,j)/util2(i,j) c c --- unmix u c --- first guess for upper sublayer value is the value from the layer c --- immediately above the one containing the mixed layer base do 36 k=2,kk k1=min(k+1,kk) do 36 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) if (pu(i,j,k ).lt.util1(i,j) .and. . pu(i,j,k+1).gt.util1(i,j) ) then if( then dp1=util1(i,j)-pu(i,j,k) dp2=pu(i,j,k+1)-util1(i,j) uv1=u(i,j,k-1,n) uvmin=min(uv1,u(i,j,k,n),u(i,j,k1,n)) uvmax=max(uv1,u(i,j,k,n),u(i,j,k1,n)) uv2=u(i,j,k,n)-(uv1-u(i,j,k,n))*dp1/dp2 u(i,j,k,n)=min(uvmax,max(uvmin,uv2)) uv1=uv1+(uv2-u(i,j,k,n))*dp2/dp1 u(i,j,1,n)=(uflux(i,j)+uv1*dp1)/util1(i,j) end if end if 36 continue c do 32 k=2,kk do 32 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) cdiag uold=u(i,j,k,n) q=max(0.,min(1.,(util1(i,j)-pu(i,j,k))/(dpu(i,j,k,n)+epsil))) u(i,j,k,n)=u(i,j,k,n)+q*(u(i,j,1,n)-u(i,j,k,n)) cdiag if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest) write cdiag. (lp,'(i9,2i5,i3,a,f9.3,2f8.3)') nstep,i+i0,j+j0,k, cdiag. ' dpu, old/new u ',dpu(i,j,k,n)*qonem,uold,u(i,j,k,n) 32 continue c c --- homogenize -v- down to max(old,new) mixed layer depth c do 52 l=1,isv(j) c do 53 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) util1(i,j)=min(depthv(i,j)-onem,max(dpv(i,j,1,n),thkmin*onem, . .5*(depnew(i,j)+depnew(i,j-1)))) c c --- if mixed layer base is very close to interface, move it there if (abs(util1(i,j)-dpv(i,j,1,n)).lt..001*dpv(i,j,1,n)) then util1(i,j)=dpv(i,j,1,n)+onecm endif c vflux(i,j)=v(i,j,1,n)*dpv(i,j,1,n) util2(i,j)=dpv(i,j,1,n) 53 pv(i,j,2)=dpv(i,j,1,n) c do 54 k=2,kk do 54 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) pv(i,j,k+1)=pv(i,j,k)+dpv(i,j,k,n) c c --- if mixed layer base is very close to interface, move it there if (abs(pv(i,j,k+1)-util1(i,j)).lt. . max(onecm,.001*dpv(i,j,k,n)) ) then util1(i,j)=pv(i,j,k+1) endif c if (pv(i,j,k+1).le.util1(i,j)) then vflux(i,j)=vflux(i,j)+v(i,j,k,n)*dpv(i,j,k,n) util2(i,j)=util2(i,j)+ dpv(i,j,k,n) end if 54 continue c do 55 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) 55 v(i,j,1,n)=vflux(i,j)/util2(i,j) c c --- unmix v c --- first guess for upper sublayer value is the value from the layer c --- immediately above the one containing the mixed layer base do 56 k=2,kk k1=min(k+1,kk) do 56 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) if (pv(i,j,k ).lt.util1(i,j) .and. . pv(i,j,k+1).gt.util1(i,j) ) then if( then dp1=util1(i,j)-pv(i,j,k) dp2=pv(i,j,k+1)-util1(i,j) uv1=v(i,j,k-1,n) uvmin=min(uv1,v(i,j,k,n),v(i,j,k1,n)) uvmax=max(uv1,v(i,j,k,n),v(i,j,k1,n)) uv2=v(i,j,k,n)-(uv1-v(i,j,k,n))*dp1/dp2 v(i,j,k,n)=min(uvmax,max(uvmin,uv2)) uv1=uv1+(uv2-v(i,j,k,n))*dp2/dp1 v(i,j,1,n)=(vflux(i,j)+uv1*dp1)/util1(i,j) end if end if 56 continue c do 52 k=2,kk do 52 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) cdiag vold=v(i,j,k,n) q=max(0.,min(1.,(util1(i,j)-pv(i,j,k))/(dpv(i,j,k,n)+epsil))) v(i,j,k,n)=v(i,j,k,n)+q*(v(i,j,1,n)-v(i,j,k,n)) cdiag if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest) write cdiag. (lp,'(i9,2i5,i3,a,f9.3,2f8.3)') nstep,i+i0,j+j0,k, cdiag. ' dpv, old/new v ',dpv(i,j,k,n)*qonem,vold,v(i,j,k,n) 52 continue c 31 continue c return end c subroutine mxkrtb(m,n) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface c c --- hycom version 1.0 -- alternative slab mixed layer model implicit none c c integer m,n c integer j c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j) !$OMP& SHARED(m,n) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin call mxkrtbaj(m,n, j) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j) !$OMP& SHARED(m,n) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin call mxkrtbbj(m,n, j) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c return end c subroutine mxkrtbaj(m,n, j) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface c c --- hycom version 1.0 -- alternative slab mixed layer model c --- single row, part A. implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer m,n,j c real dpth,ekminv,obuinv,ex,alf1,alf2,cp1,cp3,ape,cc4,spe, & ustar3,thkold,thknew,value,q,tdp,sdp,trdp(mxtrcr), & tem,sal,rho,thet,alfadt,betads, & ttem(kdm),ssal(kdm),ttrc(kdm,mxtrcr),dens(kdm),densl(kdm), & pres(kdm+1),delp(kdm),sum1,sum2,buoyfl,dsgdt,tmn,smn cdiag real totem,tosal,tndcyt,tndcys integer kmxbot integer i,k,ka,ktr,l c c --- abs.bound (m/day) and rel.bound (percent/day) on detrainment rate: ccc real bound1, bound2 ccc data bound1, bound2 /200.0, 0.10/ c real ea1, ea2, em1, em2, em3, em4, em5 data ea1, ea2, em1, em2, em3, em4, em5 . /0.60,0.30,0.45,2.60,1.90,2.30,0.60/ ! Gaspar coefficients c include 'stmt_fns.h' c do 1 l=1,isp(j) do 1 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) c c --- extract single column from 3-d fields pres(1)=p(i,j,1) do 7 k=1,kk ttem(k)=temp(i,j,k,n) ssal(k)=saln(i,j,k,n) dens(k)=th3d(i,j,k,n) do ktr= 1,ntracr ttrc(k,ktr)=tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr) enddo delp(k)=dp(i,j,k,n) 7 pres(k+1)=pres(k)+delp(k) c 103 format (i9,2i5,a/(33x,i3,2f8.3,f8.3,f8.2,f8.1)) cdiag if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest) cdiag. write (lp,103) nstep,itest+i0,jtest+j0, cdiag. ' entering mxlayr: temp saln dens thkns dpth',(k, cdiag.ttem(k),ssal(k),dens(k)+thbase,delp(k)*qonem,pres(k+1)*qonem,k=1,kk) c c --- store 'old' t/s column integral in totem/tosal (diagnostic use only) cdiag totem=0. cdiag tosal=0. cdiag do k=1,kk cdiag totem=totem+ttem(k)*delp(k) cdiag tosal=tosal+ssal(k)*delp(k) cdiag end do c tdp=ttem(1)*delp(1) sdp=ssal(1)*delp(1) do ktr= 1,ntracr trdp(ktr)=delp(1) enddo c kmxbot=1 do 11 k=2,kk c c --- watch for density decrease with depth (convective adjustment) tem=(tdp+ttem(k)*delp(k))/pres(k+1) sal=(sdp+ssal(k)*delp(k))/pres(k+1) rho=sig(tem,sal)-thbase if (locsig) then alfadt=0.5*(dsiglocdt(tem,sal,pres(k+1))+ & dsiglocdt(ttem(k),ssal(k),pres(k+1)))*(tem-ttem(k)) betads=0.5*(dsiglocds(tem,sal,pres(k+1))+ & dsiglocds(ttem(k),ssal(k),pres(k+1)))*(sal-ssal(k)) if( then ttem(1)=tem ssal(1)=sal dens(1)=rho tdp=tdp+ttem(k)*delp(k) sdp=sdp+ssal(k)*delp(k) do ktr= 1,ntracr trdp(ktr)=trdp(ktr)+ttrc(k,ktr)*delp(k) enddo kmxbot=k end if else if (rho.le.dens(1)) then ttem(1)=tem ssal(1)=sal dens(1)=rho tdp=tdp+ttem(k)*delp(k) sdp=sdp+ssal(k)*delp(k) do ktr= 1,ntracr trdp(ktr)=trdp(ktr)+ttrc(k,ktr)*delp(k) enddo kmxbot=k end if endif if ( then go to 12 endif 11 continue 12 continue c do 10 k=2,kmxbot ttem(k)=ttem(1) ssal(k)=ssal(1) dens(k)=dens(1) do ktr= 1,ntracr ttrc(k,ktr)=ttrc(1,ktr) enddo 10 continue c c --- ---------------------------------------- c --- slab mixed layer entrainment/detrainment c --- ---------------------------------------- c c --- determine generation due to wind stirring c --- ustar computed in subr. -thermf- c --- buoyancy flux (m**2/sec**3), all fluxes into the ocean c --- note: surface density increases (column is destabilized) if buoyfl < 0 thkold=pres(kmxbot+1) ustar3=ustar(i,j)**3 tmn=.5*(temp(i,j,1,m)+temp(i,j,1,n)) smn=.5*(saln(i,j,1,m)+saln(i,j,1,n)) dsgdt=dsigdt(tmn,smn) buoyfl=-g*thref*(dsigds(tmn,smn)*salflx(i,j)*thref+ & dsgdt *surflx(i,j)*thref/spcifh) c c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c --- option 1 : k r a u s - t u r n e r mixed-layer t.k.e. closure c ccc em=0.8*exp(-pres(2)/(50.*onem)) ! hadley centre choice (orig.: 1.25) ccc en=0.15 ! hadley centre choice (orig.: 0.4) ccc thermg=0.5*((en+1.)*buoyfl+(en-1.)*abs(buoyfl)) ccc turgen(i,j)=delt1*(2.*em*g*ustar3*qthref+thkold*thermg)*qthref**2 c c --- find monin-obukhov length in case of receding mixed layer (turgen < 0). c --- the monin-obukhov length is found by stipulating turgen = 0. c ccc if (turgen(i,j).lt.0.) then ccc thknew=-2.*em*g*ustar3/min(-epsil,thref*thermg) ccc else ccc thknew=thkold ccc end if c c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c --- option 2 : g a s p a r mixed-layer t.k.e. closure c dpth=thkold*qonem ekminv=abs(corio(i,j))/max(epsil,ustar(i,j)) obuinv=buoyfl/max(epsil,ustar3) ex=exp(min(50.,dpth*obuinv)) alf1=ea1+ea2*max(1.,2.5*dpth*ekminv)*ex alf2=ea1+ea2*ex cp1=((1.-em5)*(alf1/alf2)+.5*em4)*athird cp3=max(0.,(em4*(em2+em3)-(alf1/alf2)*(em2+em3-em3*em5))*athird) ape=cp3*ustar3+cp1*dpth*buoyfl c if( then ! detrainment turgen(i,j)=(g*delt1*qthref**3)*ape thknew=min(thkold,g*cp3/(thref*cp1*max(epsil,obuinv))) c else ! entrainment cc4=2.*em4/(em1*em1) * alf1*alf1 spe=(em2+em3)*ustar3+0.5*dpth*buoyfl turgen(i,j)=(g*delt1*qthref**3)*(sqrt((.5*ape-cp1*spe)**2 . +2.*cc4*ape*spe)-(.5*ape+cp1*spe))/(cc4-cp1) thknew=thkold end if c c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c --- sum1,sum2 are used to evaluate changes during entrainment sum1=dens(1)*thkold sum2=dens(1)*thkold**2 c c --- find thknew in case of mx.layer deepening (turgen>0). store in -thknew-. c --- entrain as many layers as needed to deplete -turgen-. c do 85 k=2,kk ka=k-1 if (locsig) then if (k.eq.2) then densl(ka)=dens(ka) endif alfadt=0.5* & (dsiglocdt(ttem(ka),ssal(ka),pres(k))+ & dsiglocdt(ttem(k ),ssal(k ),pres(k)))*(ttem(ka)-ttem(k)) betads=0.5* & (dsiglocds(ttem(ka),ssal(ka),pres(k))+ & dsiglocds(ttem(k ),ssal(k ),pres(k)))*(ssal(ka)-ssal(k)) densl(k)=densl(ka)-alfadt-betads thet=densl(k) else thet=dens (k) endif if (pres(k+1).gt.thkold) then value=(2.*turgen(i,j)+thet*pres(k)**2-sum2)/ & max(epsil,thet*pres(k) -sum1) c --- stop iterating for 'thknew' as soon as thknew < k-th interface pressure if ( then value=thknew endif c --- substitute 'thknew' for monin-obukhov length if mixed layer is deepening if (turgen(i,j).ge.0.) then thknew=value endif c sum1=sum1+thet*(pres(k+1) -max(pres(k),thkold) ) sum2=sum2+thet*(pres(k+1)**2-max(pres(k),thkold)**2) end if 85 continue c cdiag if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest .and. turgen(i,j).lt.0.) cdiag. write (lp,'(i9,2i5,a,f8.2,1p,e13.3)') nstep,itest+i0,jtest+j0, cdiag. ' monin-obukhov length (m),turgen:',thknew*qonem,turgen(i,j) c c --- don't allow mixed layer to get too deep or too shallow. ccc q=max(bound1*onem,thkold*bound2)*delt1/86400. ccc thknew=min(pres(kk+1),max(thkmin*onem,delp(1),thknew,thkold-q)) thknew=min(pres(kk+1),max(thkmin*onem,delp(1),thknew)) c c --- integrate t/s over new mixed layer depth c tdp=ttem(1)*delp(1) sdp=ssal(1)*delp(1) c do 15 k=2,kk if (pres(k).lt.thknew) then q=min(thknew,pres(k+1))-min(thknew,pres(k)) tdp=tdp+ttem(k)*q sdp=sdp+ssal(k)*q end if 15 continue c cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) write (lp,'(i9,2i5,a,2f9.3)') cdiag. nstep,i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. ' old/new mixed layer depth:',thkold*qonem,thknew*qonem c c --- distribute thermohaline forcing over new mixed layer depth c ttem(1)=(tdp+surflx(i,j)*delt1*g/spcifh)/thknew ssal(1)=(sdp+salflx(i,j)*delt1*g )/thknew dens(1)=sig(ttem(1),ssal(1))-thbase c c --- homogenize water mass properties down to new mixed layer depth c do 14 k=2,kk if (pres(k+1).le.thknew) then ttem(k)=ttem(1) ssal(k)=ssal(1) dens(k)=dens(1) do ktr= 1,ntracr ttrc(k,ktr)=ttrc(1,ktr) enddo else if (pres(k).lt.thknew) then c cdiag if (i.eq.itest.and.j.eq.jtest) cdiag. write (lp,'(i9,2i5,i3,a,3f9.3,25x,2f9.3)') cdiag. nstep,i+i0,j+j0,k, cdiag. ' p_k,thknew,p_k+1,t_1,t_k=',pres(k)*qonem,thknew*qonem, cdiag. pres(k+1)*qonem,ttem(1),ttem(k) c ttem(k)=(ttem(1)*(thknew-pres(k)) . +ttem(k)*(pres(k+1)-thknew))/delp(k) ssal(k)=(ssal(1)*(thknew-pres(k)) . +ssal(k)*(pres(k+1)-thknew))/delp(k) dens(k)=sig(ttem(k),ssal(k))-thbase do ktr= 1,ntracr ttrc(k,ktr)=(ttrc(1,ktr)*(thknew-pres(k)) & +ttrc(k,ktr)*(pres(k+1)-thknew))/delp(k) enddo end if 14 continue c cdiag if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest) write (lp,103) nstep,itest,jtest, cdiag.' exiting mxlayr: temp saln dens thkns dpth',(k, cdiag.ttem(k),ssal(k),dens(k)+thbase,delp(k)*qonem,pres(k+1)*qonem,k=1,kk) c c --- compare 'old' with 'new' t/s column integral (diagnostic use only) c cdiag if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest) then cdiag tndcyt=-totem cdiag tndcys=-tosal cdiag do k=1,kk cdiag tndcyt=tndcyt+ttem(k)*delp(k) cdiag tndcys=tndcys+ssal(k)*delp(k) cdiag end do cdiag tndcyt=tndcyt-surflx(i,j)*delt1*g/spcifh cdiag tndcys=tndcys-salflx(i,j)*delt1*g cdiag write (lp,'(2i5,a,1p,2e16.8,e9.1)') i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. ' mxlyr temp.col.intgl.:',totem,tndcyt,tndcyt/totem cdiag write (lp,'(2i5,a,1p,2e16.8,e9.1)') i+i0,j+j0, cdiag. ' mxlyr saln.col.intgl.:',tosal,tndcys,tndcys/tosal cdiag write (lp,'(i9,2i5,3x,a,1p,3e10.2/22x,a,3e10.2)') cdiag. nstep,i+i0,j+j0,'total saln,srf.flux,tndcy:',tosal/g, cdiag. salflx*delt1,tndcys/g,'total temp,srf.flux,tndcy:', cdiag. totem/g,surflx*delt1,tndcyt*spcifh/g cdiag endif c c --- put single column back into 3-d fields do 8 k=1,kk temp(i,j,k,n)=ttem(k) saln(i,j,k,n)=ssal(k) th3d(i,j,k,n)=dens(k) do ktr= 1,ntracr tracer(i,j,k,n,ktr)=ttrc(k,ktr) enddo 8 continue c dpmixl(i,j,n)=thknew c c --- fill mixed layer arrays c dpbl(i,j)=dpmixl(i,j,n) tmix(i,j)=temp(i,j,1,n) smix(i,j)=saln(i,j,1,n) thmix(i,j)=th3d(i,j,1,n) 1 continue return end c subroutine mxkrtbbj(m,n, j) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface c c --- hycom version 1.0 -- alternative slab mixed layer model c --- single row, part B. implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer m,n, j c real zup,zlo,s1,s2,s3,smax,smin,sup,slo,q integer i,k,l,ja,km c real small parameter (small=1.e-4) c c --- --------------- c --- momentum mixing c --- --------------- c c --- homogenize -u- down to new mixed layer depth c ja=mod(j-2+jj,jj)+1 c do 32 l=1,isu(j) c do 33 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) klist(i,j)=-1 util1(i,j)=max(dpu(i,j,1,n),.5*(dpmixl(i,j,n)+dpmixl(i-1,j,n))) uflux(i,j)=u(i,j,1,n)*dpu(i,j,1,n) util2(i,j)=dpu(i,j,1,n) 33 pu(i,j,2)=dpu(i,j,1,n) c do 34 k=2,kk do 34 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) pu(i,j,k+1)=pu(i,j,k)+dpu(i,j,k,n) if (pu(i,j,k+1).le.util1(i,j)) then uflux(i,j)=uflux(i,j)+u(i,j,k,n)*dpu(i,j,k,n) util2(i,j)=util2(i,j)+ dpu(i,j,k,n) else if (pu(i,j,k).lt.util1(i,j)) then c --- divide layer k into 2 sublayers. upper one belongs to mixed layer zup=util1(i,j)-pu(i,j,k) zlo=dpu(i,j,k,n)-zup s1=u(i,j,k-1,n) s2=u(i,j,k, n) if (k.eq.kk .or. ( .and. dpu(i,j,k+1,n).lt.onemm)) then s3=2.*s2-s1 else s3=u(i,j,k+1,n) end if c --- define 'bounding box' smax=max(s1,s2,s3) smin=min(s1,s2,s3) if ( .or. then sup=s2 slo=s2 else slo=s3 sup=(s2*dpu(i,j,k,n)-slo*zlo)/zup if ( .and. then go to 36 endif sup=s1 slo=(s2*dpu(i,j,k,n)-sup*zup)/zlo if ( .and. then go to 36 endif cdiag write (lp,100) cdiag. nstep,i+i0,j+j0,' possible',' error in unmixing u', cdiag. dpu(i,j,k,n)*qonem,zup*qonem,zlo*qonem,s1,s2,s3, cdiag. (s2*dpu(i,j,k,n)-slo*zlo)/zup,(s2*dpu(i,j,k,n)-sup*zup)/zlo sup=s2 slo=s2 end if 36 uflux(i,j)=uflux(i,j)+sup*zup util2(i,j)=util2(i,j)+ zup util3(i,j)=u(i,j,k,n) u(i,j,k,n)=slo klist(i,j)=k end if 34 continue 100 format (i9,2i5,2a,3f9.3/3f10.4,2(2x,2f10.4)) c do 35 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) 35 u(i,j,1,n)=uflux(i,j)/util2(i,j) c do 32 k=2,kk do 32 i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) q=max(0.,min(1.,(util1(i,j)-pu(i,j,k))/(dpu(i,j,k,n)+epsil))) if (q.eq.0. .and. k.eq.klist(i,j)) then u(i,j,k,n)=util3(i,j) else u(i,j,k,n)=u(i,j,1,n)*q+u(i,j,k,n)*(1.-q) end if 32 continue c c --- homogenize -v- down to new mixed layer depth c do 52 l=1,isv(j) c do 53 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) klist(i,j)=-1 util1(i,j)=max(dpv(i,j,1,n),.5*(dpmixl(i,j,n)+dpmixl(i,ja ,n))) vflux(i,j)=v(i,j,1,n)*dpv(i,j,1,n) util2(i,j)=dpv(i,j,1,n) 53 pv(i,j,2)=dpv(i,j,1,n) c do 54 k=2,kk do 54 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) pv(i,j,k+1)=pv(i,j,k)+dpv(i,j,k,n) if (pv(i,j,k+1).le.util1(i,j)) then vflux(i,j)=vflux(i,j)+v(i,j,k,n)*dpv(i,j,k,n) util2(i,j)=util2(i,j)+ dpv(i,j,k,n) else if (pv(i,j,k).lt.util1(i,j)) then c --- divide layer k into 2 sublayers. upper one belongs to mixed layer zup=util1(i,j)-pv(i,j,k) zlo=dpv(i,j,k,n)-zup s1=v(i,j,k-1,n) s2=v(i,j,k, n) if (k.eq.kk .or. ( .and. dpv(i,j,k+1,n).lt.onemm)) then s3=2.*s2-s1 else s3=v(i,j,k+1,n) end if c --- define 'bounding box' smax=max(s1,s2,s3) smin=min(s1,s2,s3) if ( .or. then sup=s2 slo=s2 else slo=s3 sup=(s2*dpv(i,j,k,n)-slo*zlo)/zup if ( .and. then go to 56 endif sup=s1 slo=(s2*dpv(i,j,k,n)-sup*zup)/zlo if ( .and. then go to 56 endif cdiag write (lp,100) cdiag. nstep,i+i0,j+j0,' possible',' error in unmixing v', cdiag. dpv(i,j,k,n)*qonem,zup*qonem,zlo*qonem,s1,s2,s3, cdiag. (s2*dpv(i,j,k,n)-slo*zlo)/zup,(s2*dpv(i,j,k,n)-sup*zup)/zlo sup=s2 slo=s2 end if 56 vflux(i,j)=vflux(i,j)+sup*zup util2(i,j)=util2(i,j)+ zup util3(i,j)=v(i,j,k,n) v(i,j,k,n)=slo klist(i,j)=k end if 54 continue c do 55 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) 55 v(i,j,1,n)=vflux(i,j)/util2(i,j) c do 52 k=2,kk do 52 i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) q=max(0.,min(1.,(util1(i,j)-pv(i,j,k))/(dpv(i,j,k,n)+epsil))) if (q.eq.0. .and. k.eq.klist(i,j)) then v(i,j,k,n)=util3(i,j) else v(i,j,k,n)=v(i,j,1,n)*q+v(i,j,k,n)*(1.-q) end if 52 continue c return end c c> Revision history: c> c> May 2000 - conversion to SI units c> May 2000 - changed dimensions of turgen in light of its use in loop 85 c> Oct 2000 - added mxkrtaaj and mxkrtabj to simplify OpenMP logic c> Nov 2000 - added alternative slab mixed layer model (mxkrtb*) c> May 2002 - buoyfl (into the ocean), calculated here