subroutine inikpp use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface c c --- hycom version 1.0 implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer nzehat,nustar parameter (nzehat=890,nustar=192) c real, dimension (0:nzehat+1,0:nustar+1) :: & wmt ! momentum velocity scale table &,wst ! scalar velocity scale table common/kppltr/ wmt,wst save /kppltr/ c c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c --- initialize large, mc williams, doney kpp vertical mixing scheme c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,j real zehat,zeta,am,cm,c22,zetam,as,c33,zetas,usta c data am,cm,c22,zetam/1.257,8.380,16.0,-0.2/ data as,c33,zetas/-28.86,16.0,-1.0/ c include 'stmt_fns.h' c c --- 'vonk' = von karman constant c --- 'zmin,zmax' = zehat limits for velocity scale lookup table, m**3/s**3 c --- 'umin,umax' = ustar limits for velocity scale lookup table c --- 'epsilon' = vertical coordinate scale factor c vonk = 0.4 zmin = -0.4e-6 zmax = 0.0 umin = 0.0 umax = 0.16 epsilon= 0.1 c c --- construct the velocity-scale lookup tables c deltaz = (zmax-zmin)/(nzehat+1) deltau = (umax-umin)/(nustar+1) c do i=0,nzehat+1 zehat=deltaz*i+zmin do j=0,nustar+1 usta=deltau*j+umin zeta=zehat/(usta**3+epsil) if ( then wmt(i,j)=vonk*usta/(1.+c11*zeta) wst(i,j)=wmt(i,j) else if ( then wmt(i,j)=vonk*usta*(1.-c22*zeta)**afourth else wmt(i,j)=vonk*(am*usta**3-cm*zehat)**athird endif if ( then wst(i,j)=vonk*usta*(1.-c33*zeta)**ahalf else wst(i,j)=vonk*(as*usta**3-cs*zehat)**athird endif endif enddo enddo c c --- set derived constants vtc=sqrt(.2/cs/epsilon)/vonk**2/ricr cg=cstar*vonk*(cs*vonk*epsilon)**athird dp0enh=2.0*dp00 c qdif0 =difm0 /difs0 qdifiw=difmiw/difsiw c return end c c c> Revision history: c> c> May 2001 - increased nustar and umax by a factor of 4