relax/README.relax.zonal: Generates zonal statistics that can be used to customize the "pdat" array in HYCOM subroutine "poflat", which represents the depth of potential density 21.0, 21.5, ... , 28.0 in a specified latitude range. Note that this is only used for initialization, and only when iniflg=1. 999/README.relax.zonal this file 999/ csh generates blkdat.input 999/blkdat.input input to relax_zon 999/blkdat.template part of blkdat.input specifying sigma range 999/relax.000180 dummy HYCOM archive file of the climatology 999/ primary zonal climatology script 999/relax_zon.log csh >& relax_zon.log 999/sig* ./sig generates zonal tables and plots 999/sig.gnu plot script (requires gnuplot) 999/ plots generated by sig.gnu, inside sig 999/sig_2[1-7].[05] tables generated by sig 999/sig_lat.awk awk script for interpolating to a given latitude 999/ primary zonal values script 999/ edited version of sig_lat.tbl, for poflat.f 999/sig_lat.log csh >& sig_lat.log 999/sig_lat.tbl DATA table, from sig_lat.log using cut and paste The sequence of commands to run is: csh csh >& relax_zon.log ./sig csh >& sig_lat.log Finally use the command: cut -c 13-18 sig_lat.log | paste -s -d ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\n" - | sed -e 's/ *//g' -e 's/^....../ +/' >! sig_lat.tbl to extract sig_lat.tbl from sig_lat.log. This only needs minor editing for use in poflat (see