bin directory has various scripts to generate climatologies for hycom - used for sidewall nudging, surface nudging and initialization. Procedure for generating relaxation assuming experiment number, blkdat.input and topography is already set. 1) Create horizontally interpolated fields (z_*.sh routines). Output is placed in phc or levitus directories ++ 2) Create final climatology with - input is experiment (01.0) and climatology to use (phc or levitus). Output is placed in directory "experiment X 10" for instance 010 if experiment is 01.0). 4) Create relaxation - (TODO:not finished) And if you want X) Try (!) to use plotting routines in plot and plot_save for illustration - this requires some manual labour. There is some info in the hycom user manual Routines in bin directory: ------------- - --------------------------------------------------------- - interpolates levitus climatology horizontally, the fields are suitable for interpolation on vertical model grid. input is KSIGMA (thref in blkdat.input). This routine depends on the grid but not on topography. - Same routine, but uses phc climatology which is better in the Arctic. - uses output from the two above. It reads blkdat.input for an experiment to find levels to interpolate to in the vertical. It also depends on the topography of the experiment (set in EXPT.src and looked up in the topo/ directory). Input is experiment number (ex 01.0) old_lev_nersc - Mainly for surface relaxation for "old" forcing option actually used by old nersc forcing functions. (TODO:needs cleanup) - Sets up relaxation mask - help routine used by