set terminal postscript default color solid set output "" set title "Zonal Isopycnal Depths, ATLa2.00" set xlabel "latitude" set ylabel "depth (m)" plot [-20:65] [0:60] \ "sig_21.0" using 2:3 title "21.0" with lines, \ "sig_21.5" using 2:3 title "21.5" with lines, \ "sig_22.0" using 2:3 title "22.0" with lines, \ "sig_22.5" using 2:3 title "22.5" with lines, \ "sig_23.0" using 2:3 title "23.0" with lines, \ "sig_23.5" using 2:3 title "23.5" with lines plot [-20:65] [0:200] \ "sig_23.5" using 2:3 title "23.5" with lines, \ "sig_24.0" using 2:3 title "24.0" with lines, \ "sig_24.5" using 2:3 title "24.5" with lines, \ "sig_25.0" using 2:3 title "25.0" with lines, \ "sig_25.5" using 2:3 title "25.5" with lines, \ "sig_26.0" using 2:3 title "26.0" with lines plot [-20:65] [0:1600] \ "sig_26.0" using 2:3 title "26.0" with lines, \ "sig_26.5" using 2:3 title "26.5" with lines, \ "sig_27.0" using 2:3 title "27.0" with lines, \ "sig_27.5" using 2:3 title "27.5" with lines