force/coads/README.force.coads: Interpolation of Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) format COADS wind/flux files on "native" grid to HYCOM model grid. COADS in this format is available from the HYCOM ftp site, see: README.force.coads this file COADS thermal forcing script coads_mon_flux.log csh >& coads_mon_flux.log COADS wind forcing script coads_mon_wind.log csh >& coads_mon_wind.log zero precipitation script precip_zero.log csh >& precip_zero.log The interpolation program (in hycom/ALL/force/src) reads COADS wind/flux files in NRL format (see ../README.force). It currently ignores the header record dates, since it is processing 12 monthly records. The wind_stat command (see hycom/ALL/bin) summarizes the native data set: ajax 90> wind_stat coads_mon_taqaqrqppc.d COADS monthly Ta,Ha,Qr,Qr+Qlw,Pc 366 day IWI,JWI = 360, 180 XFIN,YFIN = 0.50, -89.50 DXIN,DYIN = 1.000, 1.000 NREC = 12 WDAY = 1111.00 1142.00 1171.00 1202.00 1232.00 1263.00 1293.00 1324.00 1355.00 1385.00 1416.00 1446.00 1477.00 12 RECORD CLIMATOLOGY STARTING ON 16.00/1904 COVERING 366.00 DAYS ajax 91> wind_stat uwm_coads_monmn_unsm.d COADS mnth clim, 366 day, unsmooth, MKS IWI,JWI = 360, 180 XFIN,YFIN = 0.50, -89.50 DXIN,DYIN = 1.000, 1.000 NREC = 12 WDAY = 1111.00 1142.00 1171.00 1202.00 1232.00 1263.00 1293.00 1324.00 1355.00 1385.00 1416.00 1446.00 1461.00 12 RECORD CLIMATOLOGY STARTING ON 16.00/1904 COVERING 350.00 DAYS The output consists of the COADS fields interpolated to the HYCOM grid, in HYCOM 2.0 array (.a) and header (.b) format. For example: ajax 96> cat tauewd.b COADS monthly, MKS i/jdm,iref,reflon,equat,gridsz/la = 57 52 1 -97.000 11.00 2.000 0.000 tau_ewd: month,range = 01 -1.3818002E-01 2.1997201E-01 tau_ewd: month,range = 02 -1.3790721E-01 1.8771732E-01 tau_ewd: month,range = 03 -1.3121982E-01 1.4483750E-01 tau_ewd: month,range = 04 -1.1269118E-01 8.3349183E-02 tau_ewd: month,range = 05 -1.0441105E-01 7.3009044E-02 tau_ewd: month,range = 06 -1.3582233E-01 6.2626213E-02 tau_ewd: month,range = 07 -1.4753306E-01 5.9464872E-02 tau_ewd: month,range = 08 -1.0999266E-01 6.8312079E-02 tau_ewd: month,range = 09 -1.0449981E-01 1.0520227E-01 tau_ewd: month,range = 10 -9.0205058E-02 1.4911072E-01 tau_ewd: month,range = 11 -8.7021284E-02 1.7461090E-01 tau_ewd: month,range = 12 -1.2721729E-01 1.9768250E-01 ajax 97> hycom_range tauewd.a 57 52 min, max = -0.13818002 0.21997201 min, max = -0.1379072 0.18771732 min, max = -0.13121982 0.1448375 min, max = -0.11269118 0.08334918 min, max = -0.10441105 0.073009043 min, max = -0.13582233 0.06262621 min, max = -0.14753306 0.059464871 min, max = -0.10999266 0.06831208 min, max = -0.10449981 0.10520227 min, max = -0.09020506 0.14911072 min, max = -0.087021283 0.1746109 min, max = -0.1272173 0.1976825 12 FIELDS PROCESSED