bin contains various scripts to create atmospheric forcing climatologies for hycom - used for calculating surface thermal balance and atmospheric stress input to the ocean. Also river forcing routines and routines for creating kpar (watertype) maps (seawifs). Run these routins after you have created topography, blkdat.input - and in some cases after you have created the relaxation fields ( with "old" climatology option) Most routines doesnt depend on topography, except for river routines. Procedure : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Routines for creating wind and atmospheric climatology from various data - based on offline forfun_nersc version and requires file "" in main experiment dir. - Routines for creating wind and atmospheric forcing from various data sets. This is typically used to create synoptic forcing fields, pre-processed for use in a HYCOM run. Create kpar (water quality) climatology - based on seawifs data. - Creates a "zero offset" tau file in offset. Offset files can be used to correct for model biases - not tested. - Create a river forcing file, based on nersc routine "rivers". Requirs a file "rivers.dat" to be present in the main experiment directory. Input is experiment, and two radii giving normal and alongshore length scales for river plumes. - Create a river forcing file, based on ERA40 runoff + TRIP database. Input is experiment number. May require some validation...... - Routines for creating climatology from coads data (not finished) - Routines for creating wind climatology from coads data (not finished) - Routines for creating climatology from era15 data (not finished) - Routines for creating wind climatology from era15 data (not finished) - Routines for creating climatology from era15 data (not finished)