Setup: ------ Environment: ------------ Scratch/data directories are set in EXPT.src. Scratch directories are where models run, the script will copy necessary files to that location before running the model. Data directories are where model output is stored. The script will move data files from the scratch directory to the data directory. Note that by sourcing the REGION.src file (in the top-level region directory) and the EXPT.src file (in the experiment directory), the shell wil set the variables S and D which point to the scratch and data directories respectively. type cd $S or cd $D to go to the respective directories. initialize flag: ------------- Create an empty file called "INITIALIZE" and start the model. If yrflag<2 in blkdat.input and this file is present you will start from climatology (if clmflg=2 in blkdat.input). The model will be initialized from the time specified in If yrflag==3 in blkdat.input, this allows you to start from a restart file without considering the value of "dtime" which is kept in the restart file header. This is useful when running a spinup, and then using the resulting file to start an experiment with "realistic" forcing (ex era40). Running jobs : -------------- Before jobs are run the scripts must be run, this can be set in the job queue script. You can also run this script from the experiment directory, to make sure you have all data files you need. It should cover most of the data files we use. If you add new data files for the model, you will have to modify so that the script copies them to the scratch directory. Otherwise you must copy them by hand to the scratch directory. copies files from the scratch directory to your data directory. If you find some files are not copied from the scratch directory you will have to modify Also, if a job runs out of time, will not be run. In that case you can run the script interactively to retrieve the files to the data directory. Job scripts will have to be modified from machine to machine, but the / scripts should be able to run on all machines.