subroutine psmooth(a,margin_smooth) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none include 'common_blocks.h' c integer margin_smooth real a(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) c c --- ragged boundary version of basic 9-point smoothing routine. c --- this routine is set up to smooth data carried at -p- points. c c --- see also psmooth_ice and psmooth_dif. c c --- util1 used as workspace, so array a can't be util1 c integer i,ismth,j,jsmth,msmth real qc,sh c real c(-1:1,-1:1) save c data c / 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, & 2.0, 4.0, 2.0, & 1.0, 2.0, 1.0 / c qc = 1.0/sum(c(:,:)) c msmth = min(margin_smooth,nbdy-1) c if ( then c --- update the halo call xctilr(a,1,1, msmth+1,msmth+1, halo_ps) endif c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC) do j=0-msmth,jj+msmth+1 do i=0-msmth,ii+msmth+1 util1(i,j) = a(i,j) enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i,sh,jsmth,ismth) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC) do j=1-msmth,jj+msmth do i=1-msmth,ii+msmth if (ip(i,j).eq.1) then sh = 0.0 do jsmth= -1,1 do ismth= -1,1 if (ip(i+ismth,j+jsmth).eq.1) then sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*util1(i+ismth,j+jsmth) else sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*util1(i, j) endif enddo enddo a(i,j) = sh*qc endif !ip.eq.1 enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO return end subroutine psmooth subroutine psmooth_new(a,b,margin_smooth) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none include 'common_blocks.h' c integer margin_smooth real a(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & b(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) c c --- ragged boundary version of basic 9-point smoothing routine. c --- this routine is set up to smooth data carried at -p- points. c --- input in a, output in b. c c --- see also psmooth. c c --- a and b must not be the same array. c integer i,ismth,j,jsmth,msmth real qc,sh c real c(-1:1,-1:1) save c data c / 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, & 2.0, 4.0, 2.0, & 1.0, 2.0, 1.0 / c qc = 1.0/sum(c(:,:)) c msmth = min(margin_smooth,nbdy-1) c if ( then c --- update the halo call xctilr(a,1,1, msmth+1,msmth+1, halo_ps) endif c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i,sh,jsmth,ismth) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC) do j=1-msmth,jj+msmth do i=1-msmth,ii+msmth if (ip(i,j).eq.1) then sh = 0.0 do jsmth= -1,1 do ismth= -1,1 if (ip(i+ismth,j+jsmth).eq.1) then sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*a(i+ismth,j+jsmth) else sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*a(i, j) endif enddo enddo b(i,j) = sh*qc endif !ip.eq.1 enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO return end subroutine psmooth_new subroutine psmooth_ice(a,margin_smooth) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none include 'common_blocks.h' c integer margin_smooth real a(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) c c --- ragged boundary version of basic 9-point smoothing routine. c --- this routine is set up to smooth data carried at -p- points. c --- it also smooths covice=1.0 and covice=0.0 regions separately, c --- leaving areas with fractional covice untouched. note that c --- covice must be valid in the halo out to margin_smooth. c c --- see also psmooth and psmooth_dif c c --- util1 used as workspace, so array a can't be util1 or covice c integer i,ismth,j,jsmth,msmth real qc,sh,ci c real c(-1:1,-1:1) save c data c / 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, & 2.0, 4.0, 2.0, & 1.0, 2.0, 1.0 / c qc = 1.0/sum(c(:,:)) c msmth = min(margin_smooth,nbdy-1) c if ( then c --- update the halo call xctilr(a,1,1, msmth+1,msmth+1, halo_ps) endif c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC) do j=0-msmth,jj+msmth+1 do i=0-msmth,ii+msmth+1 util1(i,j) = a(i,j) enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i,sh,ci,jsmth,ismth) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC) do j=1-msmth,jj+msmth do i=1-msmth,ii+msmth if (ip(i,j).eq.1) then ci = covice(i,j) if (ci.eq.0.0 .or. & ci.eq.1.0 ) then !full sea or full ice sh = 0.0 do jsmth= -1,1 do ismth= -1,1 if ( ip(i+ismth,j+jsmth).eq.1 .and. & covice(i+ismth,j+jsmth) ) then sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*util1(i+ismth,j+jsmth) else sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*util1(i, j) endif enddo enddo a(i,j) = sh*qc endif !full sea or full ice endif !ip.eq.1 enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO return end subroutine psmooth_ice subroutine psmooth_dif(a,aklist,k,margin_smooth) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none include 'common_blocks.h' c integer k,margin_smooth real a( 1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & aklist(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) c c --- ragged boundary version of basic 9-point smoothing routine. c --- this routine is set up to smooth vcty carried at -p- points. c --- it return the maximum of the original and smoothed value and c --- ignores locations where k > aklist(i,j). c c --- see also psmooth and psmooth_ice. c c --- util1 used as workspace, so array a can't be util1 c --- assumes that aklist's halo is valid out to msmth+1. c integer i,ismth,j,jsmth,msmth real qc,sh c real c(-1:1,-1:1) save c data c / 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, & 2.0, 4.0, 2.0, & 1.0, 2.0, 1.0 / c qc = 1.0/sum(c(:,:)) c msmth = min(margin_smooth,nbdy-1) c if ( then c --- update the halo call xctilr(a,1,1, msmth+1,msmth+1, halo_ps) endif c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC) do j=0-msmth,jj+msmth+1 do i=0-msmth,ii+msmth+1 util1(i,j) = a(i,j) enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i,sh,jsmth,ismth) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC) do j=1-msmth,jj+msmth do i=1-msmth,ii+msmth if ( ip(i,j).eq.1 .and. & aklist(i,j).ge.k ) then sh = 0.0 do jsmth= -1,1 do ismth= -1,1 if ( ip(i+ismth,j+jsmth).eq.1 .and. & aklist(i+ismth,j+jsmth).ge.k ) then sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*util1(i+ismth,j+jsmth) else sh = sh + c(ismth,jsmth)*util1(i, j) endif enddo enddo a(i,j) = max( a(i,j), sh*qc ) endif !ip.eq.1 enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO return end subroutine psmooth_dif