module mod_tides_nersc use mod_xc integer, parameter :: nconst=8 integer, parameter :: nastro=8 logical, save :: ltides ! Tidal flag logical, save :: ltideuv ! Include tidal currents in addition to sea level character(len=3), save :: ctide ! Tidal data (FES or CSR) c --- nconst: Number of tidal constituents c --- nastro: Number of tidal astronomical arguments, c --- Please consult subroutines tide_ast.f c --- and tiderSB.f before you even think about c --- to change nastro!! type tides real sbc(2*(itdm+jtdm),2*nconst) real sbc_u(2*(itdm+jtdm),4*nconst) real freq(nconst) real h(2*(itdm+jtdm)) real u(2*(itdm+jtdm)) real v(2*(itdm+jtdm)) real astro_arg(nconst+1) integer iastro(nastro+1) logical astro_calc logical uv end type type(tides), public :: tide c logical, public :: lslowstart=.true. ! Only used for tidal spinup logical, public :: lastrotide=.true. ! swithc for synoptic tides real, public :: astr_dt=5.0 integer, public :: astr_time real*8, save :: nersctide_time c contains c c --- ------------------------------------------------------- c --- Author: K. Simonsen, June, 1999, neRSC c --- ------------------------------------------------ c --- This routine reads frequencies, amplitude and phases for c --- namph tidal constituents from file xxx/AMPPHA.USR c --- for use in tidal boundary conditions. The input file c --- is prepared by program CSR2mod.f. c --- c --- ------------------------------------------------------- subroutine tiderSB(amp_cnv,v_cnv) !,ctide,ltideuv) implicit none integer, parameter :: apn=2*nconst !16 integer, parameter :: apnu=4*nconst !32 c real dec_conv real, intent(in) :: amp_cnv real, intent(in) :: v_cnv c integer ii,jj integer iif,jjf,kkf,ncf,mtot,i,j,k,m,mm real ap(apn),ap_u(apnu),freqa,freq_cnv,phase_cnv character dummy*80,infname*21,hname*4,astro_name(nastro)*4 logical astro_loc logical ex character(len=22) :: fname_elev ! elevation file character(len=22) :: fname_curr ! current file c if (mnproc==1) then print '(a)','####################################################' print '(a)','Prepare for tides "tiderSB"' end if c c --- ----------------------------- Constituents names. ------ c --- Please consult tide_ast.f c --- before the order below is changed. astro_name(1)='Q1 ' astro_name(2)='O1 ' astro_name(3)='P1 ' astro_name(4)='K1 ' astro_name(5)='N2 ' astro_name(6)='M2 ' astro_name(7)='S2 ' astro_name(8)='K2 ' if (lastrotide) then tide%astro_calc=.true. else tide%astro_calc=.false. endif astro_loc=.false. freq_cnv = datan(1.D0)*8. !2pi rad c c --- ------------------------------ Initialize arrays --------- tide%sbc=-999. tide%sbc_u=-999. tide%h=0.0 tide%u=0.0 tide%v=0.0 tide%freq=0. tide%iastro=nconst+1 c c --- Load Sea Level data from file !fname_elev(1:7)='./Data/' !fname_elev(8:10)=ctide(1:3) !fname_elev(11:22)='obc_elev.dat' fname_elev=ctide(1:3)//'obc_elev.dat' inquire(file=trim(fname_elev),exist=ex) if (ex) then if (mnproc==1)print '(a)','Loading file: '//trim(fname_elev) else if (mnproc==1) & print '(a)','Tidal file does not exist: '//trim(fname_elev) call xcstop('(mod_tides_nersc)') endif open(10,file=trim(fname_elev),STATUS='OLD') read(10,'(a80)')dummy !Read text line c c --- Check model grid dimensions read(10,'(A36,2I4)')dummy(1:36),iif,jjf if ((iif /= itdm).OR.(jjf /= jtdm)) then if (mnproc==1) then write(lp,'(''Model grid dim. (itdm,jtdm):'',2I4)')itdm,jtdm write(lp,'(''OBC data grid dim. (jj,kk):'',2I4)')jjf,kkf end if call xcstop('(mod_tides_nersc)') endif ii=itdm jj=jtdm c c --- Check no off constituents in file read(10,'(A36,I2)')dummy(1:36),ncf if (ncf /= nconst) then if (mnproc==1) then write(lp,'(a,2i5)')'Wrong number of tidal constituents in file' . ,ncf,nconst end if call xcstop('(mod_tides_nersc)') stop endif read(10,'(a80)')dummy !Read text line c c --- Read header info about constituents if (mnproc==1) write(lp,'(''tiderSB: No Name Period (hours) '')') do i=1,ncf read(10,'(A24,A4,f12.9)')dummy(1:24),hname,freqa !Read freq,name if (mnproc==1)write(lp,'(I2,tr2,a3,1x,f12.9)')i,hname,24./freqa c c --- Convert from cyc/day to 2pi /day tide%freq(i)=freqa*freq_cnv c c --- Check if astr. arg. is available astro_loc=.false. do j=1,nastro if (astro_name(j) == hname) then tide%iastro(i)=j astro_loc=.true. endif enddo c if (.not.astro_loc) then if (mnproc==1) & write(lp,'(a)')'tiderSB:Astro. arg. is not available for '// & hname tide%astro_calc=.false. endif enddo c c --- If not all astro argements are available set all indices to zero argument if (.not.tide%astro_calc) then do i=1,nconst tide%iastro(i)=nconst+1 enddo if (mnproc==1) & write(lp,'(a)')'Astro arguments are put to zero!! ' endif read(10,'(a80)')dummy !Read text line mtot=2*(ii+jj) phase_cnv = datan(1.D0)/45. !2pi/360 c if (ctide(1:3) == 'FES') then dec_conv=1.0 else dec_conv=1.0 endif c do i=1,mtot read(10,'(i4,16f8.2)') m,ap do j=1,nconst tide%sbc(i,2*j-1) = ap(2*j-1)*amp_cnv !Amplitude tide%sbc(i,2*j) = ap(2*j) *phase_cnv*dec_conv !Phase !write(*,*)i,j,tide%sbc(i,2*j),tide%sbc(i,2*j-1),ap(2*j) enddo if( if (mnproc==1) & write(lp,'(''tiderSB: Some mismatch in OBC indices'')') call xcstop ('(tiderSB)') stop '(tiderSB)' endif enddo 501 close(10) if (mnproc==1)print '(a)', & '####################################################' c c c --- Load current data from file tide%uv=ltideuv if (tide%uv) then fname_curr(1:7)='./Data/' fname_curr(8:10)=ctide(1:3) fname_curr(11:22)='obc_curr.dat' inquire(file=fname_curr,exist=ex) if (ex) then if (mnproc==1) print *,'Loading file: ',fname_curr OPEN(10,FILE=fname_curr,STATUS='OLD') DO i=1,5+ncf READ(10,'(a80)')dummy ENDDO DO i=1,mtot READ(10,'(i4,32f8.2)') m,ap_u DO j=1,nconst tide%sbc_u(i,4*j-3) = ap_u(4*j-3)*v_cnv !V_max tide%sbc_u(i,4*j-2) = ap_u(4*j-2)*v_cnv !V_min tide%sbc_u(i,4*j-1) = ap_u(4*j-1)*phase_cnv !Net_phase tide%sbc_u(i,4*j) = ap_u(4*j) *phase_cnv !Inclination ENDDO IF(i.NE.m)THEN if (mnproc==1) & WRITE(*,'(''tiderSB: Some mismatch in OBC indices'')') call xcstop('(tiderSB)') stop '(tiderSB)' ENDIF ENDDO close(10) else if (mnproc==1)print '(a)', & 'tiderSB: Tidal file does not exist: ',fname_curr endif else if (mnproc==1) & print '(a)','tiderSB: Tidal boundary currents are not used.' endif end subroutine tiderSB c c c --- ------------------------------------------------------- c --- Author: K. Simonsen, June, 1999, neRSC c --- ------------------------------------------------------- c --- Calculates tidal heights into array h_tide from: c --- freq: tidal frequncies (rad/day) (1) c --- amphaSB: elvation amp and Greenwich Phase Lags (1) c --- time: model time (days) c --- astr_dt: Interval (days) between calculation of c --- astr. arg. See tideast.f for details. c --- (1) see subroutine tiderSB for dimension and details c --- on these data. c --- ------------------------------------------------------- subroutine tide_hgt(time) implicit none real , intent(in) :: time CKAL integer, intent(in) :: astr_time c --- astr_time contained in module, no need to pass as arg c integer mtot,m,n,i real hgt,tide_time,floc(16) real ugt,vgt real, parameter :: pi=3.1415927 logical, save :: lfirst=.true. real, save :: tfirst real, save :: slowstart real v1,v2,vcos,vsin c mtot=2*(itdm+jtdm) c c --- Tidal time if (tide%astro_calc) then tide_time = time-astr_time*1.0 !Time from midinterval do n=1,nconst floc(n)=tide%astro_arg(n)+tide_time*tide%freq(n) enddo else do n=1,nconst floc(n)=tide%freq(n)*time enddo endiF c c --- Slowstart option if (lfirst) then if (mnproc==1) print '(a)','tide_hgt: lfirst' if (lslowstart) then slowstart=0.0 else slowstart=1.0 endif lfirst=.false. tfirst=time endif c if (lslowstart) then if (time-tfirst <= 1.0) then slowstart=sin((time-tfirst)*pi/2.0) else slowstart=1.0 endif endif c c --- Add up heights at boundary points from all constituents do i=1,mtot hgt=0. ugt=0. vgt=0. do n=1,nconst hgt=hgt + tide%sbc(i,2*n-1)*COS(floc(n)-tide%sbc(i,2*n)) if (tide%uv) then v1= tide%sbc_u(i,4*n-3)* COS(floc(n)+tide%sbc_u(i,4*n-1)) v2= tide%sbc_u(i,4*n-2)* SIN(floc(n)+tide%sbc_u(i,4*n-1)) vcos = COS(tide%sbc_u(i,4*n)) vsin = SIN(tide%sbc_u(i,4*n)) ugt=ugt + v1*vcos - v2 *vsin vgt=vgt + v1*vsin + v2 *vcos endif enddo tide%h(i)=hgt*slowstart if (tide%uv) then tide%u(i)=ugt*slowstart tide%v(i)=vgt*slowstart endif enddo c cdiag open(10,file='tide_hgtA.dat',status='unknown',position='append') cdiag write(10,'(100f15.5)')time,tide_time,tide%h(5)/98060.,floc(1:nconst) cdiag close(10) cdiag open(10,file='tide_hgtB.dat',status='unknown',position='append') cdiag write(10,'(100f15.5)')time,tide%sbc(5,1:2*nconst) cdiag close(10) cdiag open(10,file='tide_hgtC.dat',status='unknown',position='append') cdiag write(10,'(100f15.5)')time,tide%astro_arg(1:nconst) cdiag close(10) c end subroutine tide_hgt c --- -------------------------------------------------------------- c --- Calculate the astronomical argument at given day and year c --- partly following c --- Manual for tidal heights analysis and predictionę, by c --- M. G. G. Foreman, Rep. 77-10, IOS, 1977 c --- c --- -------------------------------------------------------------- CKAL subroutine tide_ast(day,year) CKAL implicit none CKAL integer, intent(in) :: day ! ordinal day rel. year CKAL integer, intent(in) :: year ! actual year subroutine tide_ast(dtime,yrflag) implicit none real*8, intent(in) :: dtime integer, intent(in):: yrflag c integer year, day, ihour integer, parameter :: apn=16 integer kd,kd0,k real h0,s0,p0,twopi,d1,d2 real f real aarg(nastro) c integer icc,iyy,i c c --- Update astronomical time astr_time=int(dtime) c c --- Calculate year, ordinal day from dtime call forday(dtime, yrflag, year,day,ihour) day=day-1 c twopi = datan(1.D0)*8.D0 c c --- ---------------------------- Gregorian Calender ----- c --- Partly adopted from the Foreman package c c --- The time applied is based on the 'universal' Gregorian c --- calender. A historical curiosum is that the Gregorian c --- reform of the Julian calender omitted 10 days in 1582 c --- (the day after Oct. 4, 1582 became Oct. 15, 1582) c --- in order to restore the date of the vernal equinox to c --- March 21 and revised the leap year rule so that centurial c --- years not divisible by 400 were not leap years. c c --- Note that day kd=1 corresponds to Jan. 1, year 0000.!!!!! c --- ----------------------------------------------------- icc=year/100 !Centuries iyy=year-icc*100 !Year in the century k=min(iyy,1)*MIN(icc-(icc/4)*4,1) !Leap year correction kd=-k kd=kd+icc*36524 + (icc+3)/4 !Last day of last century kd=kd+iyy*365+(iyy+3)/4 !Last day in last year !Input day is day in actual year kd=kd+day !which corresponds to !Gregorian day number kd. c --- ----------------------------------------------------- c The formulae for the ephermies are relative to 12.00 UT, 31.12.1899, c which corresponds to gregorian day: kd0=693961 - 0.5 c --- kd0=693961 d1=float(kd-kd0)-0.5d0 !Gregorian days since kd0. if (mnproc==1) then print '(a,2i5,i10)', & 'tide_ast: century, year, day (rel century) ',icc,iyy,kd print '(a,f14.2)','tide_ast: day (rel 31.12.1899) ',d1 end if c --- ------------------------------- Astronomical argument. ----- c --- Background: c c --- The astronomical argument: c --- V = i tau + j S + k H + l P + m Enp + n Pp + semi c --- where (i,j,k,l,m,n) are the Doodson numbers, semi is a c --- phase correction , (S, H, P, Enp, Pp) are the ephermies: c c --- S: mean longitide of the moon c --- H: mean longitide of the sun c --- P: mean longitide of lunar perigee c --- Enp: negative of the longitude of the mean ascending node c --- PP: mean longitide of the solar perigee (perihelion) c c --- and finaly tau= hour/24 + H - S. c --- Insertion of tau provides c c --- V = i hour/24 + (j-i)S + (k+i) + l P m Enp + n Pp + semi c c --- which is the expression used by Schwiderski(1980, 1986) c --- for hour= 0 (midnight) (he did not incl. Enp and Pp), c --- and also adopted in this rutine. The changes in the c --- astronomircal argument are relatively slow and it is c --- common practice to calculate them only once for a given c --- interval, Ti, at the time of the midinter val, Tm, and c --- and then estimate the argument from: c c --- V(t) = V(Tm) + (t-Tm)sigma for t=Tm-0.5 Ti; Tm+0.5 Ti c c --- and the tidal height ht(t) c c --- h(t) = SUM_i f_i(Tm) A_i COS{ V(t) - Grwpl_i + u_i(Tm) } c c --- where c --- i is constituent index. c --- A_i, Grepl_i are the amplitude and Greenwich Phase Lag c --- for the give location c --- f_i,u_i are nodel modulation and phase correction c --- due to influence from the satellite frequnecies c --- to time Tm. This is NOT included here. c --- V(t) is the astronomical argument as defined above c --- c --- In this routine V(Tm) is calculated, while (t-Tm)sigma is c --- calculated in routine tide_hgt.f c --- c --- The Doodson numbers, phase correction (semi) and number of c --- satellite constituents (nj) for the eight main frequencies are: c --- c --- i j k l m n semi nj c --- Q1 1 -2 0 1 0 0 -0.25 10 c --- O1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 -0.25 8 c --- P1 1 1 -2 0 0 0 -0.25 6 c --- K1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -0.75 10 c --- N2 2 -1 0 1 0 0 0.0 4 c --- M2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 9 c --- S2 2 2 -2 0 0 0 0.0 3 c --- K2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 5 c c --- Note: semi is expressed in cycles c c --- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- c c --- The formulae for calculating this ephermies are from the c --- Foreman package, who adopted this from c --- Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephermies c --- and the American Ephermis and Nautical Almanac, 1961, c --- pages 98 and 107. The day d1 is defined above. c c --- Due to uncertainies in numerical model, and the c --- relative small contribution of constituents not listed c --- here, only these eight main constituents are included. c --- c --- Since m,n= 0 for these 8 constituents Enp and Pp are c --- not included in the implementation of V. c c --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- c d2=d1*1.d-4 h0=279.696678d0+.9856473354d0*d1+.00002267d0*d2*d2 s0=270.434164d0+13.1763965268d0*d1-.000085d0*d2*d2+ . .000000039d0*d2**3 p0=334.329556d0+.1114040803d0*d1-.0007739d0*d2*d2- . .00000026d0*d2**3 c c c !pp=281.220833d0+.0000470684d0*d1+.0000339d0*d2*d2+.00000007d0*d2**3 c !np=-259.183275d0+.0529539222d0*d1-.0001557d0*d2*d2-.00000005d0*d2**3 c f=360.d0 c c --- Convert from degrees to cycles h0=h0/f s0=s0/f p0=p0/f c !pp=pp/f c !np=np/f c c --- ------------------------------ Astr. arguments at midneight (cycles) aarg(1)= ( h0 - 3.*s0 + p0 -.25) !Q1 aarg(2)= ( h0 - 2.*s0 -.25) !O1 aarg(3)= ( -h0 -.25) !P1 aarg(4)= ( h0 -.75) !K1 aarg(5)= (2.*h0 - 3.*s0 + p0 ) !N2 aarg(6)= (2.*h0 - 2.*s0 ) !M2 aarg(7)= (0. ) !S2 aarg(8)= (2.*h0 ) !K2 c c --- Convert to rad [0;2pi] do i=1,nconst tide%astro_arg(i)=MOD(aarg(tide%iastro(i))*twopi,twopi) enddo tide%astro_arg(nconst+1) = 0. c end subroutine tide_ast c -- Diagnostic routine subroutine tide_diag(n,dtime) use mod_xc use mod_forcing_nersc use mod_hycom_nersc implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n real, intent(in) :: dtime character(len=15) fname character(len= 3) tag3, cdd character(len= 2) chh character(len= 4) cyy, css integer, save :: irec=0 integer j,l,i,m, iday, ihour, iyear,iss logical, save :: lfirst=.true. real, dimension(itdm,jtdm) :: . modlon,modlat integer, parameter :: maxpkt=1000 integer, save :: npkt integer, save, dimension(maxpkt) :: ix,jx logical ex real, dimension(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & slptile logical :: dumpboundry=.true. include 'common_blocks.h' c c --- Retrieve diag points if (lfirst) then ix=0; jx=0 j=1 inquire(file='',exist=ex) if (ex) then open(10,file='') do j=1,maxpkt read(10,*,end=100)ix(j),jx(j) ix(j)=max(1,min(itdm,ix(j))) jx(j)=max(1,min(jtdm,jx(j))) if (mnproc==1)print *,'tide:',j enddo 100 close(10) npkt=j-1 else npkt=-1 endif c c --- Dump lonlat positions to diag. file call xcaget(modlon,plon,0) call xcaget(modlat,plat,0) if (npkt>0) then if (mnproc==1) then open(10,file='tidediag.dat') do j=1,npkt write(10,'(i3.3,2f13.4)')j, & modlon(ix(j),jx(j)),modlat(ix(j),jx(j)) enddo close(10) end if end if endif ! first c slptile= slp(:,:,l0)*w0+slp(:,:,l1)*w1 & +slp(:,:,l2)*w2+slp(:,:,l3)*w3 c c --- Dump some variables to diag file - if (npkt>0) then do l=1,npkt if (ix(l)==0) exit i=ix(l) j=jx(l) c --- Each MPI task is response for its local points if ( i>i0 .and. i<=i0+ii .and. j>j0 .and. j <=j0+jj) then write(tag3,'(i3.3)')l open(10,file=rungen//'tide_diag3_'//tag3//'.dat', . status='unknown',position='append') write(10,'(9f15.5)') time,plon(i-i0,j-j0),plat(i-i0,j-j0), . srfhgt(i-i0,j-j0)/onem, montg1(i-i0,j-j0)/(thref*onem), . pbavg(i-i0,j-j0,n)/onem,(slp0-slptile(i-i0,j-j0))/100., . ubavg(i-i0,j-j0,n),vbavg(i-i0,j-j0,n) close(10) end if enddo endif ! npkt > 0 c c --- generate tecplot scatterplots of tidal height along boundary. Switched c --- on by presence of if (dumpboundry.and.npkt>0) then call forday(dtime, yrflag, iyear,iday,ihour) iday=iday-1 iss=(dtime-floor(dtime))*86400.d0 -ihour*3600. write(cyy,'(i4.4)') iyear write(cdd,'(i3.3)') iday write(chh,'(i2.2)') ihour write(css,'(i4.4)') iss call xcaget(modlon,plon,0) call xcaget(modlat,plat,0) if (mnproc==1.and.dumpboundry.and.npkt>0) then open(10,file=rungen//'tide_boundry_'//cyy//'_'//cdd// & '_'//chh//'_'//css//'.tec') write(10,'(a)') 'TITLE="Tide boundary data ' & //cyy//cdd//chh//'"' write(10,'(a)') 'VARIABLES="i" "j" "lon" "lat" "tide_hgt"' write(10,'(a)') 'ZONE F=POINT' do i=1,itdm j=2 m=i write(10,'(2i5,3e15.4)') i,j,modlon(i,j),modlat(i,j), & tide%h(m) end do do i=1,itdm j=jtdm-1 m=2*itdm+jtdm+1-i write(10,'(2i5,3e15.4)') i,j,modlon(i,j),modlat(i,j), & tide%h(m) end do do j=1,jtdm i=itdm-1 m=itdm+j write(10,'(2i5,3e15.4)') i,j,modlon(i,j),modlat(i,j), & tide%h(m) end do do j=1,jtdm i=2 m=2*(itdm+jtdm)+1-j write(10,'(2i5,3e15.4)') i,j,modlon(i,j),modlat(i,j), & tide%h(m) end do close(10) end if ! mnproc==1 end if ! dumpboundr & npkt>1 c lfirst=.false. end subroutine tide_diag end module mod_tides_nersc