!Calanus stage dynamics model based on Carlotti and Wolf 1998, as opposed to !the previous version of Calsta which was based on Fiksen 2000. This routine !calculates growth from a regular bioenergetics model with ingestion, egestion !and respiration processes for copepod stages N3 to Adult !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine calsta(tid,hour) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- use mod_CAL06_calnusparticles !include 'comcal.txt' implicit none integer, intent(in) :: tid,hour integer d,e,n,i,x,up,down,f real dev,growth,t,met,phyto,rand,rloss,owmet real Q10,QR10,AW,fmax,lamda,resp1,resp2 real i1,i2,i3,ingestion,r1,r2,r3,resp,egestion,alpha !parameters used in the new grazing formulation: real, parameter :: imax_n=0.53/24.0 , & imax_c=0.43/24.0 , & Iv_n =0.0324, & Iv_c =0.0219, & phyto0_n=0.0, & phyto0_c=0.0 open(unit=811,file='mortality_out',status='old', & form='formatted',position='append') 119 format(a12,i12,a8,i8,a45) !Bioenergetics parameters Q10 = 2.1 QR10 = 3.4 AW = 0.8 fmax = 100. lamda = 0.3 resp1 = 0.01/24. !NB Changed from per day in C&W to hourly values resp2 = 0.2 ! imaxim = 1.50/24. ! skal være 0.86 AS use value from C&W 1998 ! imaxim = 0.7/24. !Reduced maximum ingestion to accomodate development rates from Campbell 2001 alpha = 0.8 rloss = 0.1 !0.1 owmet = 0.001/24. !Calculate stage dynamics of calanoid copepods do i = 1,pop if(cfs(i)%av(0)==0.0) goto 1 d = int(cfs(i)%av(8)) e = int(cfs(i)%av(9)) n = int(cfs(i)%av(10)) up = 0 down = 0 ingestion=0 t = cfs(i)%temp phyto = cfs(i)%av(12) if (i==1) print*, 'Food conc', phyto, cfs(i)%av(12) x = int(cfs(i)%av(1)) growth = 0. ! avtemp(x) = avtemp(x) + t ! numtemp(x) = numtemp(x) + 1. if(x<3) then !Egg and nauplia 1 and 2 if(hour==23) then !Update egg and nauplia <3 only on a daily basis dev = a(x)*(t+9.11)**(-2.05) !Stage specific development cfs(i)%av(6) = cfs(i)%av(6) + 1./dev if(cfs(i)%av(6)>=1.) then cfs(i)%av(1) = cfs(i)%av(1) + 1.0 !Molting cfs(i)%av(6) = 0. agemolt(x) = agemolt(x) + cfs(i)%av(4) molters(x) = molters(x) + 1.0 cfs(i)%av(4) = 0.0 !Set stage longevity to zero endif endif elseif(x<7) then !Bioenergetics for N3-N6 i1 = imax_n*Q10**(t*0.1) i2 = cfs(i)%av(3)**AW !AS i3 = 1.1*phyto/(15.+phyto) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001, with 90% of max feeding at 70 mg C M-3 i3 = (1-exp(-Iv_n*(phyto-phyto0_n))) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001 ingestion = max(0.,i1*i2*i3) !Correct for average feeding egestion = lamda*ingestion cfs(i)%av(15) = ingestion cfs(i)%av(13) = egestion r1 = resp1*cfs(i)%av(3)**AW r2 = QR10**(t*0.1) r3 = resp2*ingestion !Active metabolism 20% of ingestion resp = r1*r2 + r3 growth = ingestion - egestion - resp cfs(i)%av(16) = growth/cfs(i)%av(3)*1. cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3) + growth if((hour==23).and.(cfs(i)%av(3)>=st_wgt(x+1))) then cfs(i)%av(1) = cfs(i)%av(1) + 1.0 !Molting agemolt(x) = agemolt(x) + cfs(i)%av(4) molters(x) = molters(x) + 1.0 cfs(i)%av(4) = 0.0 !Set stage longevity to zero endif elseif(x<11) then !Bioenergetics for C1-C4 i1 = imax_c*Q10**(t*0.1) i2 = cfs(i)%av(3)**AW !AS i3 = 1.12*phyto/(30.+phyto) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001, with 90% of max feeding at 71 mg C M-3 i3 = (1-exp(-Iv_c*(phyto-phyto0_c))) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001 ingestion = max(0.,i1*i2*i3) !Correct for average feeding egestion = lamda*ingestion cfs(i)%av(15) = ingestion cfs(i)%av(13) = egestion r1 = resp1*cfs(i)%av(3)**AW r2 = QR10**(t*0.1) r3 = resp2*ingestion !Active metabolism 20% of ingestion resp = r1*r2 + r3 growth = ingestion - egestion - resp cfs(i)%av(16) = growth/cfs(i)%av(3)*1. cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3) + growth if((hour==23).and.(cfs(i)%av(3)>=st_wgt(x+1))) then cfs(i)%av(1) = cfs(i)%av(1) + 1.0 !Molting agemolt(x) = agemolt(x) + cfs(i)%av(4) molters(x) = molters(x) + 1.0 cfs(i)%av(4) = 0.0 !Set stage longevity to zero endif elseif(x==11) then !Copepodid stage V i1 = imax_c*Q10**(t*0.1) i2 = cfs(i)%av(3)**AW !AS i3 = 1.12*phyto/(30.+phyto) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001, with 90% of max feeding at 71 mg C M-3 i3 = (1-exp(-Iv_c*(phyto-phyto0_c))) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001 ingestion = max(0.,i1*i2*i3) !Correct for average feeding egestion = lamda*ingestion cfs(i)%av(15) = ingestion cfs(i)%av(13) = egestion r1 = resp1*cfs(i)%av(3)**AW r2 = QR10**(t*0.1) r3 = resp2*ingestion resp = r1*r2 + r3 growth = ingestion - egestion - resp cfs(i)%av(16) = growth/cfs(i)%av(3)*1. cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3) + growth if((hour==23).and.(cfs(i)%av(3)>=st_wgt(x+1))) then if(tid>cfs(i)%sv(3)) then cfs(i)%av(1) = 12.0 !Moulting to overwinter agemolt(x) = agemolt(x) + cfs(i)%av(4) molters(x) = molters(x) + 1.0 cfs(i)%av(4) = 0.0 !Set stage longevity to zero else cfs(i)%av(1) = 13.0 !Moulting to mature agemolt(x) = agemolt(x) + cfs(i)%av(4) molters(x) = molters(x) + 1.0 call random_number(rand) if(cfs(i)%gender==0) then !Kill the males of the population, assuming a sex ratio of 0.5 cfs(i)%av(2) = 0. write(811,119) 'Individual #', cfs(i)%num, 'on day', tid, &! ' killed - male .... 1'! endif endif endif elseif(x==12) then !Overwintering copepodid stage V if(cfs(i)%av(11)==0.0) then !In diapause met = cfs(i)%av(3)*owmet !Diapause metabolism, 0.001 in Fiksen 2001 if(met<=cfs(i)%av(5)) then cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5)-met else cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3)-met endif if((tid==int(cfs(i)%sv(1))).and.(hour==23)) then !Wake up day from strategy vector up = 1 !Wake up from diapause in spring, go from 0 to 3 cfs(i)%av(1) = 13.0 !Mature agemolt(x) = agemolt(x) + cfs(i)%av(4) molters(x) = molters(x) + 1.0 cfs(i)%av(4) = 0.0 !Set stage longevity to zero endif elseif(cfs(i)%av(11)==1.) then !Active i1 = imax_c*Q10**(t*0.1) i2 = cfs(i)%av(3)**AW !AS i3 = 1.12*phyto/(30.+phyto) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001, with 90% of max feeding at 71 mg C M-3 i3 = (1-exp(-Iv_c*(phyto-phyto0_c))) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001 ingestion = max(0.,i1*i2*i3) !Correct for average feeding egestion = lamda*ingestion cfs(i)%av(15) = ingestion cfs(i)%av(13) = egestion r1 = resp1*cfs(i)%av(3)**AW r2 = QR10**(t*0.1) r3 = resp2*ingestion resp = r1*r2 + r3 growth = ingestion - egestion - resp cfs(i)%av(16) = growth/cfs(i)%av(3)*1. if(growth>=0.) then cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5) + growth elseif(growth<0.) then if(cfs(i)%av(5)>abs(growth)) then cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5) + growth else cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3) + growth endif endif if((cfs(i)%av(5)/cfs(i)%av(3))>=cfs(i)%sv(2)) then down = 1 !Migrating down to start diapause at fsr endif elseif(cfs(i)%av(11)==2.) then !Ascending met = cfs(i)%av(3)*owmet !Diapause metabolism, 0.001 in Fiksen 2001 cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5)-met endif elseif(x==13) then !C5->Adult females if(cfs(i)%av(11)==3.) then met = cfs(i)%av(3)*owmet !Diapause metabolism, 0.001 in Fiksen 2001 if(met<=cfs(i)%av(5)) then cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5)-met else cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3)-met endif elseif(cfs(i)%av(11)==1.0) then i1 = imax_c*Q10**(t*0.1) i2 = cfs(i)%av(3)**AW !AS i3 = 1.12*phyto/(30.+phyto) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001, with 90% of max feeding at 71 mg C M-3 i3 = (1-exp(-Iv_c*(phyto-phyto0_c))) !Fitted to Campbell et al 2001 ingestion = max(0.,i1*i2*i3) !Correct for average feeding egestion = lamda*ingestion cfs(i)%av(15) = ingestion cfs(i)%av(13) = egestion r1 = resp1*cfs(i)%av(3)**AW r2 = QR10**(t*0.1) r3 = resp2*ingestion resp = r1*r2 + r3 growth = ingestion - egestion - resp cfs(i)%av(16) = growth/cfs(i)%av(3)*1. if(cfs(i)%av(3)<=cmat) then if(growth>=0.) then cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3) + growth elseif(growth<0.) then if(cfs(i)%av(5)>abs(growth)) then cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5) + growth else cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3) + growth endif endif else !Allocation to fat if(growth>=0.) then cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5) + growth elseif(growth<0.) then if(cfs(i)%av(5)>abs(growth)) then cfs(i)%av(5) = cfs(i)%av(5) + growth else cfs(i)%av(3) = cfs(i)%av(3) + growth endif endif endif endif !av11 booolean endif !Stage boolean if(cfs(i)%av(5)<0.) cfs(i)%av(5) = 0. !Do not allow negative fat reserves !Update diapause variables and induce molting cost if(up==1) cfs(i)%av(11) = 3. if(down==1) cfs(i)%av(11) = 2. if(real(x)