module mod_incupd use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface c implicit none c c --- HYCOM incremental updating (for data assimilation) c integer, save, public :: & incflg, ! incremental update flag (0=no, 1=yes, 2=full-velocity) & incstp, ! no. timesteps for full update (1=full insertion) & incupf ! number of days of incremental updating input c integer, save, private :: & ncount, ! increment time step counter & ncountd ! increment day counter c real*8, save, private :: & dtimeu ! next days increment field c real, allocatable, dimension(:,:), & save, private :: & ubinc, ! ubaro increment & vbinc ! vbaro increment c real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:), & save, private :: & tinc, ! t increment & thinc, ! th increment & dpinc, ! dp increment & uinc, ! u increment & vinc ! v increment contains subroutine incupd_init(dtime0) c real*8 dtime0 c c --- subroutine used to calculate increment field for the incremental updating c --- version: dec 2005 c integer i,j,l,k logical lopen c c --- allocate arrays c allocate( tinc(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm), & thinc(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm), & dpinc(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm), & uinc(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm), & vinc(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm), & ubinc(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & vbinc(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) ) c c --- set counter to zero c ncount=0 ncountd=0 dtimeu=1.d-6 c c --- read the target fields, and initialize the "inc" arrays. c call incupd_read(dtime0) c return end subroutine incupd_init subroutine incupd_rd(dtime0) c real*8 dtime0 c c --- subroutine used to calculate increment field for the incremental updating c --- version: dec 2005 c integer i,j,l,k logical lopen c if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) '... ended updating fields with increments ...' write(lp,*) 'ncountd= ',ncountd write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) return endif c c --- read the target fields, and initialize the "inc" arrays. c call incupd_read(dtime0) c return end subroutine incupd_rd subroutine incupd(n) c include 'common_blocks.h' C integer n c c********** c* c 1) update hycom variables with increments. c c 2) parameters: c c output: c incremental updated model variables c c 4) Ole Martin Smedstad (PSI), December 2005 c c********** c real zero,one parameter (zero=0.0, one=1.0) c integer i,j,k,l real utotij,vtotij c include 'stmt_fns.h' c c --- update counter c if ( then ncount=ncount+1 endif c margin=0 c if ( then if (ncount.eq.incstp+1) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) '... ended updating fields with increments ...' write(lp,*) 'ncount= ',ncount write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) endif !ncount==incstp+1 return endif !ncount>incstp if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) '... ended updating fields with increments ...' write(lp,*) 'ncountd= ',ncountd write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) return endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) if (incflg.eq.1) then write(lp,'(2a)') 'update fields with increments, ', & 'but not ubavg and vbavg' else !incflg.eq.2 write(lp,'(2a)') 'update fields with increments, ', & 'including ubavg and vbavg' endif !incflg write(lp,*) 'ncount= ',ncount endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c c --- incremental update of dp (dpu, dpv). c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,k,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) do k=1,kk-1 dp(i,j,k,n) = dp(i,j,k,n) + dpinc(i,j,k) p(i,j,k+1) = min( p(i,j,k) + dp(i,j,k,n), & p(i,j,kk+1) ) !min may be unnecessary enddo !k c --- dp must be non-negative. do k=1,kk-1 p(i,j,k+1) = max( p(i,j,k+1), p(i,j,k) ) dp(i,j,k,n) = p(i,j,k+1) - p(i,j,k) enddo ! k c --- layer kk always touches the bottom dp(i,j,kk,n) = p(i,j,kk+1) - p(i,j,kk) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c call dpudpv(dpu(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n), & dpv(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n), & p,depthu,depthv, 0) c c --- incremental update of the other fields. c --- salinity from updated th&S. c --- rebalance u and v via utotij and vtotij. c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,k,utotij,vtotij) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) do k=1,kk if ( tinc(i,j,k).ne.0.0 .or. & thinc(i,j,k).ne.0.0 ) then temp(i,j,k,n) = temp(i,j,k,n) + tinc(i,j,k) th3d(i,j,k,n) = th3d(i,j,k,n) + thinc(i,j,k) saln(i,j,k,n) = sofsig(th3d(i,j,k,n)+thbase, & temp(i,j,k,n) ) endif !non-zero increment enddo ! k enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) utotij = 0.0 do k=1,kk u(i,j,k,n) = u(i,j,k,n) + uinc(i,j,k) utotij = utotij + u(i,j,k,n)*dpu(i,j,k,n) enddo ! k utotij=utotij/depthu(i,j) do k=1,kk u(i,j,k,n) = u(i,j,k,n) - utotij enddo ! k if (incflg.eq.2) then !update ubavg ubavg(i,j,n) = ubavg(i,j,n) + ubinc(i,j) * ubavg(i,j,n) = ubavg(i,j,n) + ubinc(i,j) + utotij endif !incflg==2 enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) vtotij = 0.0 do k=1,kk v(i,j,k,n) = v(i,j,k,n) + vinc(i,j,k) vtotij = vtotij + v(i,j,k,n)*dpv(i,j,k,n) enddo ! k vtotij=vtotij/depthv(i,j) do k=1,kk v(i,j,k,n) = v(i,j,k,n) - vtotij enddo ! k if (incflg.eq.2) then !update vbavg vbavg(i,j,n) = vbavg(i,j,n) + vbinc(i,j) * vbavg(i,j,n) = vbavg(i,j,n) + vbinc(i,j) + vtotij endif !incflg==2 enddo !i enddo !l enddo ! j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) 'finished incupdate',ncount write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c return end subroutine incupd subroutine incupd_read(dtime) use mod_za ! HYCOM I/O interface c real*8 dtime c include 'common_blocks.h' c c --- input 3-d HYCOM fields (from an archive file) on model day dtime. c --- directly insert the input covice and thkice (if they exist). c --- calculate the increment between the input and the initial state. c c --- filenames incup/incupd.iyear_iday_ihour.[ab]. c --- I/O and array I/O unit 925 used here, but not reserved. c logical ldebug_incupd_read parameter (ldebug_incupd_read=.false.) c character flnm*24, cline*80, cvarin*6, cfield*8 integer i,idmtst,ios,j,jdmtst,k,l,layer,nskip integer iyear,iday,ihour logical nodens real tincstp * real sumdp1,sumdp2,sumdpinc c integer nstep0 real*8 dtime0 c include 'stmt_fns.h' c call forday(dtime, yrflag, iyear,iday,ihour) c write(flnm,'("incup/incupd.",i4.4,"_",i3.3,"_",i2.2)') & iyear,iday,ihour c if( then c ncountd=ncountd+1 ncount=0 c if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) '... ended updating fields with increments ...' write(lp,*) 'ncountd= ',ncountd write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) return endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) 'read incremental updating ...' write(lp,*) 'ncountd ...',ncountd write (lp,*) 'incupd_read: ',flnm write (lp,*) ' time: ',dtime write (lp,*) 'iyear,iday,ihour: ',iyear,iday,ihour endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c call zaiopf(flnm//'.a','old', 925) if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only open (unit=uoff+925,file=flnm//'.b',form='formatted', & status='old',action='read') c read(uoff+925,'(a)') cline read(uoff+925,'(a)') cline read(uoff+925,'(a)') cline read(uoff+925,'(a)') cline c read(uoff+925,'(a)') cline read(uoff+925,'(a)') cline read(uoff+925,'(a)') cline endif !1st tile c call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+925) read(cline,*) idmtst,cvarin * if (mnproc.eq.1) then * write(lp,*) cvarin,' = ',idmtst * endif !1st tile if ('idm ') then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in incupd_read - input ',cvarin, & ' but should be idm ' write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+925) read(cline,*) jdmtst,cvarin * if (mnproc.eq.1) then * write(lp,*) cvarin,' = ',jdmtst * endif !1st tile if ('jdm ') then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in incupd_read - input ',cvarin, & ' but should be jdm ' write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif c if ( .or. then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in incupd_read - input idm,jdm', & ' not consistent with parameters' write(lp,*) 'idm,jdm = ',itdm, jtdm, ' (dimensions.h)' write(lp,*) 'idm,jdm = ',idmtst,jdmtst,' (input)' write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only read (uoff+925,*) endif c c --- skip (most) surface fields. c call zaiosk(925) call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+925) i = index(cline,'=') read(cline(i+1:),*) nstep0,dtime0,layer if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) 'dtime0= ',dtime0 endif if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in incupd_read - input ',dtime0, & ' but dtime should be ',dtime write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif nodens = !new or original archive type if (nodens .and. then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in incupd_read - input ',layer, & ' sigver but should be ',sigver write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif c c assumes that there is a new incremental updating file once a day c for "incupf" days, see blkdat.input c dtimeu=dtime0+1.d0 c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'dtime, dtime0, dtimeu = ',dtime, & dtime0, dtimeu write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c if (nodens) then do i= 2,6 if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only read (uoff+925,*) endif call zaiosk(925) enddo else do i= 2,11 if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only read (uoff+925,*) endif call zaiosk(925) enddo endif c call rd_archive(ubinc, cfield,layer, 925) !u_btrop or covice if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(2a)') "surface: ",cfield endif call xcsync(flush_lp) if (cfield.eq.'covice ') then c c --- directly insert covice and thkice. c call rd_archive(util5, cfield,layer, 925) !thkice if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(2a)') "surface: ",cfield endif call xcsync(flush_lp) !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,k,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) covice(i,j)=ubinc(i,j) thkice(i,j)=util5(i,j) enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call zaiosk(925) !temice if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only read (uoff+925,*) endif call rd_archive(ubinc, cfield,layer, 925) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(2a)') "surface: ",cfield endif call xcsync(flush_lp) endif call rd_archive(vbinc, cfield,layer, 925) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(2a)') "surface: ",cfield endif call xcsync(flush_lp) c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) 'start 3-D archive file read' endif call xcsync(flush_lp) c c --- 3-d fields. c nskip = 0 do k=1,kk call rd_archive(uinc(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), cfield,layer, 925) if ('u-vel. ' .and. then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,a /)') cfield, & 'error in incupd_read - expected ','u-vel. ' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' elseif ('u-vel. ') then !k==2 c c --- count "tracer" fields (to be skipped) c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(2a)') "counting tracers: ",cfield endif do nskip= 2,99 call rd_archive(uinc(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), cfield,layer, 925) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(2a)') "counting tracers: ",cfield endif if (cfield.eq.'u-vel. ') then exit endif enddo !nskip nskip = nskip - 1 write(lp,'(a,i3)') "nskip =",nskip endif call rd_archive(vinc(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), cfield,layer, 925) if ('v-vel. ') then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,a /)') cfield, & 'error in incupd_read - expected ','v-vel. ' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then c write (lp,*) 'read v-vel archive file' c endif call rd_archive(dpinc(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), cfield,layer, 925) if ('thknss ') then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,a /)') cfield, & 'error in incupd_read - expected ','thknss ' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then c write (lp,*) 'read dpinc archive file' c endif call rd_archive(tinc(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), cfield,layer, 925) if ('temp ') then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,a /)') cfield, & 'error in incupd_read - expected ','temp ' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif if (nodens) then c --- read salinity into thinc, later convert it to density call rd_archive(thinc(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), cfield,layer, 925) if ('salin ') then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,a /)') cfield, & 'error in incupd_read - expected ','salin ' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif else c --- skip salinity, and read density if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only read (uoff+925,*) endif call zaiosk(925) call rd_archive(thinc(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k), cfield,layer, 925) if ('density ') then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,a /)') cfield, & 'error in incupd_read - expected ','density ' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(incupd_read)') stop '(incupd_read)' endif endif !nodens:else c c --- skip (nskip) tracers c do l= 1,nskip if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only read (uoff+925,*) endif call zaiosk(925) enddo !l enddo !k c if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only close( unit=uoff+925) endif call zaiocl(925) c c --- calculate increments c --- the "inc" reads, above, are full HYCOM fields (not increments yet). c if(incstp.eq.1) then tincstp=1.0 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'tincstp=1.0 ',tincstp,incstp endif else tincstp=2.0/real(incstp) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'tincstp=2.0/incstp ',tincstp,incstp endif endif !incstp c c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'calculate t,s,u,v and dp increments' endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c * if ( .and. then * write(lp,*) '*',' iutest= ',iutest+i0,' jutest= ',jutest+j0,' *' * write(lp,*) '*********** dpinc input ************' * sumdp1=0.0 * sumdp2=0.0 * sumdpinc=0.0 * write(lp,'(a)') * & 'k,dp1,dp2,dpinc=' * do k= 1,kk * sumdp1=sumdp1+dp(iutest,jutest,k,1) * sumdp2=sumdp2+dp(iutest,jutest,k,2) * sumdpinc=sumdpinc+dpinc(iutest,jutest,k) * write(lp,'(a,i3,3f20.5)') * & 'k= ', * & k,dp(iutest,jutest,k,1)*qonem, * & dp(iutest,jutest,k,2)*qonem, * & dpinc(iutest,jutest,k)*qonem * call flush(lp) * enddo !k * write(lp,*) 'sumdp1,sumdp2= ', sumdp1*qonem,sumdp2*qonem * write(lp,*) 'sumdpinc= ', sumdpinc*qonem * call flush(lp) * endif c margin=0 c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,k,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isu(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifu(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilu(j,l)) ubinc(i,j)=(ubinc(i,j) - ubavg(i,j,1))*tincstp do k=1,kk c use an approximate 2*dpu if (dpinc(i,j,k)+dpinc(i-1,j,k).gt.2.0*onem) then uinc(i,j,k)=(uinc(i,j,k) - u(i,j,k,1))*tincstp else uinc(i,j,k)=0.0 !thin target layer endif enddo !k enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isv(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifv(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilv(j,l)) vbinc(i,j)=(vbinc(i,j) - vbavg(i,j,1))*tincstp do k=1,kk c use an approximate 2*dpv if (dpinc(i,j,k)+dpinc(i,j-1,k).gt.2.0*onem) then vinc(i,j,k)=(vinc(i,j,k) - v(i,j,k,1))*tincstp else vinc(i,j,k)=0.0 !thin target layer endif enddo !k enddo !i enddo !l do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) do k=1,kk if (dpinc(i,j,k).gt.onem) then if (nodens) then thinc(i,j,k)=sig(tinc(i,j,k),thinc(i,j,k))-thbase endif thinc(i,j,k)=(thinc(i,j,k) - th3d(i,j,k,1))*tincstp tinc(i,j,k)= (tinc(i,j,k) - temp(i,j,k,1))*tincstp else tinc(i,j,k)=0.0 !thin target layer thinc(i,j,k)=0.0 !thin target layer endif dpinc(i,j,k)=(dpinc(i,j,k) - dp(i,j,k,1))*tincstp enddo !k enddo !i enddo !l enddo !j !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c * if ( .and. then * write(lp,*) '*',' iutest= ',iutest+i0,' jutest= ',jutest+j0,' *' * write(lp,*) '*********** dpinc out ************' * write(lp,'(a)') * & 'k,dp1,dp2,dpinc=' * sumdpinc=0.0 * do k= 1,kk * sumdpinc=sumdpinc+dpinc(iutest,jutest,k) * write(lp,'(a,i3,3f20.5)') * & 'k= ', * & k,dp(iutest,jutest,k,1)*qonem, * & dp(iutest,jutest,k,2)*qonem, * & dpinc(iutest,jutest,k)*qonem * call flush(lp) * enddo !k * write(lp,*) 'inc sumdpinc= ', sumdpinc*qonem * call flush(lp) * endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) '... finnished reading incupd',dtime,dtime0 endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c endif ! dtime c return end subroutine incupd_read c end module mod_incupd c c c> Revision history: c> c> Feb 2006 - 1st module version c> May 2006 - changed to read multiple increment files