c c --- machine-specific Fortran routines c subroutine machine() c c --- always called once at the start of the program. c #if defined(SGI) #if defined(NERSC_VERSION) c-----Code not suported on Ve and Vilje #else call zunder() ! C-wrapper to flush underflow to zero on R10000 #endif #endif end #if defined(AIX) subroutine flush(iunit) implicit none integer iunit c c --- wrapper for flush system call under AIX. c integer*4 iunit4 c iunit4=iunit call flush_(iunit4) return end #endif /* AIX */ #if defined(X1) subroutine x1flush(iunit) implicit none integer iunit c c --- wrapper for flush system call on the Cray X1. c integer ierr c call FLUSH(iunit,ierr) return end #endif /* X1 */ #if defined(IFC) subroutine flush(iunit) implicit none integer iunit c c --- disable the flush system call under Intel's IFC compiler. c return end #endif /* IFC */ #if defined(SUN) subroutine ieee_retrospective() c c dummy routine to turn off ieee warning messages on a Sun. c end #endif /* SUN */ #if defined(T3E) || defined(YMP) || defined(X1) subroutine getenv(cname, cvalue) implicit none c character*(*) cname,cvalue c c this subroutine provides getenv functionality c on the t3e, using pxfgetenv. c integer iname,ivalue,ierr c iname = 0 ierr = 0 call pxfgetenv(cname,iname, cvalue,ivalue, ierr) if (ierr.ne.0) then cvalue = ' ' endif return c end of getenv. end #endif /* T3E || YMP || X1 */