subroutine latbdf(n,lll) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_tides ! HYCOM tides implicit none include 'common_blocks.h' c integer n,lll c c --- apply lateral boundary conditions to barotropic flow field c c --- port flow version: c --- NOT similar to the standard 'Browning and Kreiss' MICOM/HYCOM open c --- boundary condition. This version uses algorithms based on a c --- 1 invariant Flather boundary condition (setting the gradient c --- of the incoming characteristic to zero). c c --- The tangential velocity is not constrained. c c --- see also: latbdp c c --- the code is as similar as possible to that for the standard case. c --- so for example, 'speed' is in fact 1/SQRT(gH) which represents c --- c1/g in the notation of (Bleck and Sun, Open boundary conditions c --- for MICOM). The 1/g allows for the use of pressure fields. c c --- Note that East, West, North and South refers to the grid c --- (i.e i,j points) and NOT geographic East, West, North and South c c --- the first call is made during initialization. c c --- Iris Lohmann, Carlos Lozano, NCEP, April 2006 c logical, parameter :: ldebug_latbdf=.false. c integer, parameter :: mports=9 !maximum number of ports c integer, parameter :: nchar =120 c logical lfatal,lfatalp integer i,j,isec,ifrst,ilast,l real aline(nchar), & dline(itdm+jtdm),xline(itdm+jtdm), & pline(itdm+jtdm),uline(itdm+jtdm) real sum,svspin,fatal character*3 char3 c integer nports integer lnport(mports),kdport(mports) integer jfport(mports),jlport(mports), & ifport(mports),ilport(mports) real svpnow(mports),svport(mports) save lnport save svpnow,svport save nports,kdport,ifport,ilport,jfport,jlport c real uportw(jtdm,mports),speedw(jtdm,mports),rspedw(jtdm,mports), & uporte(jtdm,mports),speede(jtdm,mports),rspede(jtdm,mports), & vportn(itdm,mports),speedn(itdm,mports),rspedn(itdm,mports), & vports(itdm,mports),speeds(itdm,mports),rspeds(itdm,mports) save uportw,speedw,rspedw,uporte,speede,rspede, & vportn,speedn,rspedn,vports,speeds,rspeds c tides stuff integer npts_p,kdpt_p(mports), & ifpt_p(mports),ilpt_p(mports), & jfpt_p(mports),jlpt_p(mports),lnpt_p(mports) integer npts_v,kdpt_v(mports), & ifpt_v(mports),ilpt_v(mports), & jfpt_v(mports),jlpt_v(mports),lnpt_v(mports) integer npts_u,kdpt_u(mports), & ifpt_u(mports),ilpt_u(mports), & jfpt_u(mports),jlpt_u(mports),lnpt_u(mports) c the max of itdm and jtdm is ok for any port c number of tidal consituents (ncon) from mod_tides real z1r_p(mports,max(jtdm,itdm),ncon) real z1i_p(mports,max(jtdm,itdm),ncon) real z1r_u(mports,max(jtdm,itdm),ncon) real z1i_u(mports,max(jtdm,itdm),ncon) real z1r_v(mports,max(jtdm,itdm),ncon) real z1i_v(mports,max(jtdm,itdm),ncon) real tmp1, tmp2 real tmpr(max(itdm,jtdm),ncon), tmpi(max(itdm,jtdm),ncon) real upred(max(itdm,jtdm)),zpred(max(itdm,jtdm)) real udpred(max(itdm,jtdm)) real vpred(max(itdm,jtdm)) real ulow(max(itdm,jtdm),mports),plow(max(itdm,jtdm),mports) real uu(max(itdm,jtdm)),vv(max(itdm,jtdm)) integer bnd_init(mports) real*8 d_time real*8 timermp,frmp logical astroflag integer jn,in,ic save z1r_p, z1i_p save z1r_u, z1i_u save bnd_init save ulow,plow c character*13 fmt save fmt data fmt / '(i4,1x,120i1)' / c c USER-INPUT: optimization coefficients for the 1 inv algorithm. real w_1,w_1c save w_1 data w_1 / 0.1 / c integer lcount save lcount data lcount / 0 / c c Comment out the next line to run without c boundary tides d_time = time_8 + lll*dlt/86400.d0 c add 15384 for obtaining mjd lcount = lcount + 1 c c set 1-invariant coefficient w_1c=1.0-w_1 c c c --- the first call just initializes data structures. c if (lcount.eq.1) then c open(unit=uoff+99,file=trim(flnminp)//'ports.input') c c --- 'nports' = number of boundary port sections. call blkini(nports,'nports') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif if ( .or. then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdf - illegal nports value' if ( then write(lp,*) 'increase parameter mports to',nports endif write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif c c --- read in the ports one at a time c do l= 1,nports c c --- port location is w.r.t. u (EW) or v (NS) grid c --- and identifies the sea at the port c --- the minimum index is 0 c c --- 'kdport' = port orientation (1=N, 2=S, 3=E, 4=W, 5=S(Fundy)) c --- 'ifport' = first i-index c --- 'ilport' = last i-index (=ifport for N or S orientation) c --- 'jfport' = first j-index c --- 'jlport' = last j-index (=jfport for E or W orientation) c --- 'svpnow' = existing port transport in Sv (+ve towards E or S) c --- 'svport' = target port transport in Sv (+ve towards E or S) c --- 'lnport' = port length (calculated, not input) call blkini(kdport(l),'kdport') call blkini(ifport(l),'ifport') call blkini(ilport(l),'ilport') call blkini(jfport(l),'jfport') call blkini(jlport(l),'jlport') call blkinr(svpnow(l),'svpnow','(a6," =",f10.4," Sv")') call blkinr(svport(l),'svport','(a6," =",f10.4," Sv")') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif c lnport(l) = ilport(l)-ifport(l)+jlport(l)-jfport(l)+1 c c --- sanity check. c if (kdport(l).eq.3.or.kdport(l).eq.4) then if (ifport(l).ne.ilport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif else if (jfport(l).ne.jlport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif endif if (ifport(l).gt.ilport(l) .or. & jfport(l).gt.jlport(l) ) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port', & ' location is not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif enddo c close(unit=uoff+99) c ********************************************** c------ read low frequency input-file c initialize the low-frequency u and eta to zero do i = 1,max(itdm,jtdm) do j = 1,mports ulow(i,j) =0.0 plow(i,j) =0.0 enddo enddo open(unit=uoff+99,file=trim(flnminp)//'lowfreq.input') c the file is read in order west, east, south, north do l= 1,nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c western port do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) read(uoff+99,*) ulow(j,l),plow(j,l) enddo elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c eastern port do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) read(uoff+99,*) ulow(j,l),plow(j,l) enddo elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c southern port do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) read(uoff+99,*) ulow(i,l),plow(i,l) enddo elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c northern port do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) read(uoff+99,*) ulow(i,l),plow(i,l) enddo endif !kdport enddo !l=1,nports close(uoff+99) c************************************************ c ****** READ TIDAL CONSTITUENTS **************** if ( then c initialize the tidal constituents to zero do i = 1,mports do j = 1,max(itdm,jtdm) do ic = 1,ncon z1r_p(i,j,ic) = 0. z1i_p(i,j,ic) = 0. z1r_u(i,j,ic) = 0. z1i_u(i,j,ic) = 0. z1r_v(i,j,ic) = 0. z1i_v(i,j,ic) = 0. enddo enddo enddo do j = 1,max(itdm,jtdm) uu(j) = 0. vv(j) = 0. upred(j) = 0. vpred(j) = 0. zpred(j) = 0. enddo c -------------------------------------------------------- c Now the P points open(unit=uoff+99,file=trim(flnminp)//'tidalports_p.input') c --- 'nports' = number of boundary port sections. call blkini(npts_p,'npts_p') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error number of ports needs to be same' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif do l= 1,nports c c --- port location is w.r.t. u (EW) or v (NS) grid c --- and identifies the sea at the port c --- the minimum index is 0 c c --- 'kdport' = port orientation (1=N, 2=S, 3=E, 4=W, 5=Fundy(S)) c --- 'ifport' = first i-index c --- 'ilport' = last i-index (=ifport for N or S orientation) c --- 'jfport' = first j-index c --- 'jlport' = last j-index (=jfport for E or W orientation) c --- 'lnport' = port length (calculated, not input) call blkini(kdpt_p(l),'kdpt_p') if (kdpt_p(l).ne.kdport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the kdport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(ifpt_p(l),'ifpt_p') if (ifpt_p(l).ne.ifport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the ifport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(ilpt_p(l),'ilpt_p') if (ilpt_p(l).ne.ilport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the ilport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(jfpt_p(l),'jfpt_p') if (jfpt_p(l).ne.jfport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the jfport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(jlpt_p(l),'jlpt_p') if (jlpt_p(l).ne.jlport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the jlport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_p(l,j,ic) = tmp1 z1i_p(l,j,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_p(l,j,ic) = tmp1 z1i_p(l,j,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_p(l,i,ic) = tmp1 z1i_p(l,i,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_p(l,i,ic) = tmp1 z1i_p(l,i,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo endif !kdport= c Close the l = 1, nports loop enddo !nports close(uoff+99) c ------------------------------------------------------------- c Now the normal-velocity points open(unit=uoff+99,file=trim(flnminp)//'tidalports_v.input') c --- 'nports' = number of boundary port sections. call blkini(npts_u,'npts_u') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error number of ports needs to be same' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif do l= 1,nports c c --- port location is w.r.t. u (EW) or v (NS) grid c --- and identifies the sea at the port c --- the minimum index is 0 c c --- 'kdport' = port orientation (1=N, 2=S, 3=E, 4=W, 5=Fundy(S)) c --- 'ifport' = first i-index c --- 'ilport' = last i-index (=ifport for N or S orientation) c --- 'jfport' = first j-index c --- 'jlport' = last j-index (=jfport for E or W orientation) c --- 'svpnow' = existing port transport in Sv (+ve towards E or S) c --- 'svport' = target port transport in Sv (+ve towards E or S) c --- 'lnport' = port length (calculated, not input) call blkini(kdpt_u(l),'kdpt_u') if (kdpt_u(l).ne.kdport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the kdport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(ifpt_u(l),'ifpt_u') if (ifpt_u(l).ne.ifport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the ifport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(ilpt_u(l),'ilpt_u') if (ilpt_u(l).ne.ilport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the ilport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(jfpt_u(l),'jfpt_u') if (jfpt_u(l).ne.jfport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the jfport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif call blkini(jlpt_u(l),'jlpt_u') if (jlpt_u(l).ne.jlport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'Mismatch of the jlport' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_u(l,j,ic) = tmp1 z1i_u(l,j,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_u(l,j,ic) = tmp1 z1i_u(l,j,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_u(l,i,ic) = tmp1 z1i_u(l,i,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon read(uoff+99,*) tmp1, tmp2 z1r_u(l,i,ic) = tmp1 z1i_u(l,i,ic) = tmp2 enddo enddo endif !kdport= c Close the l = 1, nports loop enddo !nports close(uoff+99) c*****************END OF READING THE TIDAL CONSTITUENTS endif ! c c --- check ports against masks, c --- mark the port locations on masks and print them out. c lfatal = .false. do l= 1,nports lfatalp = .false. c if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0+1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0+2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0-1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0-2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0-1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0-2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2.or.kdport(l).eq.5) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0+1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0+2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c endif !kdport= c if (lfatalp) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port ',l,' mislocated', & ' (mnproc = ',mnproc,')' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif lfatal = lfatal .or. lfatalp enddo !nports c c local lfatal to global lfatal c if (lfatal) then fatal = 1.0 else fatal = 0.0 endif call xcmaxr(fatal) lfatal = c c --- write out -iu- and -iv- arrays, if they are not too big c --- data are written in strips nchar points wide if (lfatal .or. max(itdm,jtdm).le.2*nchar) then util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iu(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iu array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) c util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iv(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iv array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) endif ! small region c if (lfatal) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - bad port(s)' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) call xchalt('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif c c --- restore iu and iv, and zero iuopn and ivopn. c ! $OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) ! $OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii iu(i,j) = max( iu(i,j), 0 ) iv(i,j) = max( iv(i,j), 0 ) enddo enddo ! $OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) ! $OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i= 1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iuopn(i,j) = 0 ivopn(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo c c --- initialize the ports c do l= 1,nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c sum = 0.0 i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j),lnport(l), depths,i,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(xline(j),lnport(l), scuy, i, j,0,1, 0) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) sum = sum + dline(j)*xline(j) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) uportw(j,l) = sum speedw(j,l) = sqrt(1.0*thref/(onem*dline(j))) rspedw(j,l) = 1.0/speedw(j,l) if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then iuopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c sum = 0.0 i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j),lnport(l), depths,i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(xline(j),lnport(l), scuy, i+1,j,0,1, 0) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) sum = sum + dline(j)*xline(j) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) uporte(j,l) = sum speede(j,l) = sqrt(1.0*thref/(onem*dline(j))) rspede(j,l) = 1.0/speede(j,l) if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i+1.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & j .ge.j0+ 1-nbdy .and. & j .le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then iuopn(i-i0+1,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c sum = 0.0 j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i),lnport(l), depths,i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(xline(i),lnport(l), scuy, i,j+1,1,0, 0) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) sum = sum + dline(i)*xline(i) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) vportn(i,l) = sum speedn(i,l) = sqrt(1.0*thref/(onem*dline(i))) rspedn(i,l) = 1.0/speedn(i,l) if (i .ge.i0+ 1-nbdy .and. & i .le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j+1.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then ivopn(i-i0,j-j0+1) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2.or.kdport(l).eq.5) then c c southern port c sum = 0.0 j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i),lnport(l), depths,i,j,1,0, 0) call xclget(xline(i),lnport(l), scuy, i,j, 1,0, 0) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) sum = sum + dline(i)*xline(i) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) vports(i,l) = sum speeds(i,l) = sqrt(1.0*thref/(onem*dline(i))) rspeds(i,l) = 1.0/speeds(i,l) if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then ivopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c endif c enddo !nports if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif c c end of initialization c call xcsync(flush_lp) return endif !lcount=1 c c --- 'wellposed' treatment of pressure and normal velocity fields c --- not in fact wellposed with this exterior data c c --- set ramping factor c when ramp_time=0:no ramping of tide (=full tide) c when ramp_time>0: ramping of tide, if... c ...ramp_orig<=timermp<=(ramp_orig+ramp_time) if( ) then timermp=d_time if( timermp=(timermp-ramp_orig)/ramp_time c frmp=(1-exp(-10*timermp)) frmp=(1-exp(-5*timermp)) else frmp=0.0 endif else frmp=1.0 endif c do l=1,nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j), lnport(l), & depthu, i,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j,0,1, 0) if ( then !tide do jn= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(jn,ic) = z1r_u(l,jn,ic) tmpi(jn,ic) = z1i_u(l,jn,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,uu,j,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) !normal c Note!! uu and vv from tpx are transports do jn= jfport(l),jlport(l) upred(jn)=uu(jn)*frmp*onem/dline(jn) enddo do jn= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(jn,ic) = z1r_p(l,jn,ic) tmpi(jn,ic) = z1i_p(l,jn,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,zpred,j,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) zpred(j)=zpred(j)*onem*frmp enddo do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) c ----set both u and eta at boundary; 1 invariant weighted: uline(j)=ulow(j,l)+upred(j) & +w_1*speedw(j,l)*((plow(j,l)+zpred(j))-pline(j)) pline(j)=w_1c*(plow(j,l)+zpred(j))+w_1*pline(j) enddo else !no bnd-tide do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) c ---- set both u and eta; 1 invariant weighted: uline(j)=ulow(j,l)+ & w_1*speedw(j,l)*(plow(j,l)-pline(j)) pline(j)=w_1c*plow(j,l)+w_1*pline(j) enddo endif !tide/no tide j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1) call xclput(uline(j),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1) c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c eastern port c i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j), lnport(l), & depthu, i+1,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1, 0) if ( then !tide do jn= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(jn,ic) = z1r_u(l,jn,ic) tmpi(jn,ic) = z1i_u(l,jn,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,uu,j,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) !normal c Note!! uu and vv from tpx are transports do jn= jfport(l),jlport(l) upred(jn)=uu(jn)*frmp*onem/dline(jn) enddo do jn= jfport(l),jlport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(jn,ic) = z1r_p(l,jn,ic) tmpi(jn,ic) = z1i_p(l,jn,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,zpred,j,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) zpred(j) = zpred(j)*onem*frmp enddo do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) c ----set u and eta on boundary; 1 invariant weighted: uline(j)=ulow(j,l)+upred(j) & +w_1*speede(j,l)*(pline(j)-(plow(j,l)+zpred(j))) pline(j)=w_1c*(plow(j,l)+zpred(j))+w_1*pline(j) enddo else !no bnd-tide do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) c ----set u and eta on boundary; 1 invariant weighted: uline(j)=ulow(j,l) & -w_1*speede(j,l)*(plow(j,l)-pline(j)) pline(j)=w_1c*plow(j,l)+w_1*pline(j) enddo endif !tide/no tide j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1) call xclput(uline(j),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j,0,1) elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i), lnport(l), & depthv, i,j+1,1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0, 0) if ( then !tide do in= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(in,ic) = z1r_u(l,in,ic) tmpi(in,ic) = z1i_u(l,in,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,uu,i,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) !normal c Note!! uu and vv from tpx are transports do in= ifport(l),ilport(l) vpred(in)=uu(in)*frmp*onem/dline(in) enddo do in= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(in,ic) = z1r_p(l,in,ic) tmpi(in,ic) = z1i_p(l,in,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,zpred,i,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) zpred(i) =zpred(i)*onem*frmp enddo do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) c ----set u and eta at boundary; 1 invariant weighted: uline(i)=ulow(i,l)+vpred(i) & +w_1*speedn(i,l)*(pline(i)-(plow(i,l)+zpred(i))) pline(i)=w_1c*(plow(i,l)+zpred(i))+w_1*pline(i) enddo else !no bnd-tide do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) c ----set u and eta at boundary; 1 invariant weighted: uline(i)=ulow(i,l)- & w_1*speedn(i,l)*(plow(i,l)-pline(i)) pline(i)=w_1c*plow(i,l)+w_1*pline(i) enddo endif !tide/no-tide i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0) call xclput(uline(i),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j+1,1,0) c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2.or.kdport(l).eq.5) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i), lnport(l), & depthv, i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j+1,1,0, 0) if ( then !tide do in= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(in,ic) = z1r_u(l,in,ic) tmpi(in,ic) = z1i_u(l,in,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,uu,i,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) !normal c Note!! uu and vv from tpx are transports do in= ifport(l),ilport(l) vpred(in)=uu(in)*frmp*onem/dline(in) enddo do in= ifport(l),ilport(l) do ic = 1, ncon tmpr(in,ic) = z1r_p(l,in,ic) tmpi(in,ic) = z1i_p(l,in,ic) enddo enddo call tides_driver(tmpr,tmpi,d_time, & astroflag,zpred,i,max(itdm,jtdm),lnport(l)) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) zpred(i) = zpred(i)*onem*frmp enddo do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) c ----set u and eta at boundary; 1 invariant weighted: uline(i)=ulow(i,l)+vpred(i) & +w_1*speeds(i,l)*(pline(i)-(plow(i,l)+zpred(i))) pline(i)=w_1c*(plow(i,l)+zpred(i))+w_1*pline(i) enddo else !no bnd-tide do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) c ----set u and eta at boundary; 1 invariant weighted: uline(i)=ulow(i,l)+ & w_1*speeds(i,l)*(plow(i,l)-pline(i)) pline(i)=w_1c*plow(i,l)+w_1*pline(i) enddo endif !tide/no-tide i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0) call xclput(uline(i),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0) c endif !kdport enddo !nports c return end subroutine latbdp(n) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_year_info, only:rt implicit none include 'common_blocks.h' c integer n c c --- apply lateral boundary conditions to barotropic flow field c c --- port flow version: c --- similar to the standard 'Browning and Kreiss' MICOM/HYCOM open c --- boundary condition, except that the exterior normal velocity c --- is constant in time and exterior pressure = interior pressure. c --- tangential velocity is not constrained. c c --- see also: latbdp c c --- the code is as similar as possible to that for the standard case. c --- so for example, 'speed' is in fact 1/SQRT(gH) which represents c --- c1/g in the notation of (Bleck and Sun, Open boundary conditions c --- for MICOM). The 1/g allows for the use of pressure fields. c c --- Note that East, West, North and South refers to the grid c --- (i.e i,j points) and NOT geographic East, West, North and South c c --- the first call is made during initialization. c c --- Alan J. Wallcraft, NRL, November 1999. c logical, parameter :: ldebug_latbdp=.false. c integer, parameter :: mports=9 !maximum number of ports c integer, parameter :: nchar=120 c logical lfatal,lfatalp integer i,j,isec,ifrst,ilast,l real aline(nchar), & dline(itdm+jtdm),xline(itdm+jtdm), & pline(itdm+jtdm),uline(itdm+jtdm,2) real crs,fin,sum,svspin,uvscl,uvscl2,fatal real*8 tstep character*3 char3 c integer nports,kdport(mports), & ifport(mports),ilport(mports), & jfport(mports),jlport(mports),lnport(mports) real pefold,svpnow(mports),svport(mports) real*8 refold save nports,kdport,ifport,ilport,jfport,jlport,lnport save pefold,svpnow,svport,refold c real uportw(jtdm),speedw(jtdm),rspedw(jtdm), & uporte(jtdm),speede(jtdm),rspede(jtdm), & vportn(itdm),speedn(itdm),rspedn(itdm), & vports(itdm),speeds(itdm),rspeds(itdm) save uportw,speedw,rspedw,uporte,speede,rspede, & vportn,speedn,rspedn,vports,speeds,rspeds c character*13 fmt save fmt data fmt / '(i4,1x,120i1)' / c integer lcount save lcount data lcount / 0 / #if defined(NERSC_VERSION) #if defined (SEASONAL_PORT) real dummy2(365) save dummy2 #elif defined (INTERANNUAL_PORT) real dummy3(365) save dummy3 #endif #endif logical ex c lcount = lcount + 1 c c --- the first call just initializes data structures. c if (lcount.eq.1) then c open(unit=uoff+99,file=trim(flnminp)//'ports.input') c c --- 'nports' = number of boundary port sections. call blkini(nports,'nports') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif if ( .or. then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - illegal nports value' if ( then write(lp,*) 'increase parameter mports to',nports endif write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif c c --- 'pefold' = port transport e-folding time in days call blkinr(pefold,'pefold','(a6," =",f10.4," days")') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif c c --- switch units from days to baroclinic time steps c --- shift lcount to prevent underflow (lcount* c tstep = pefold*(86400.d0/batrop) refold = 1.d0/tstep lcount = lcount + int(tstep)/1000 c c --- read in the ports one at a time c do l= 1,nports c c --- port location is w.r.t. u (EW) or v (NS) grid c --- and identifies the sea at the port c --- the minimum index is 0 c c --- 'kdport' = port orientation (1=N, 2=S, 3=E, 4=W) c --- 'ifport' = first i-index c --- 'ilport' = last i-index (=ifport for N or S orientation) c --- 'jfport' = first j-index c --- 'jlport' = last j-index (=jfport for E or W orientation) c --- 'svpnow' = existing port transport in Sv (+ve towards E or S) c --- 'svport' = target port transport in Sv (+ve towards E or S) c --- 'lnport' = port length (calculated, not input) call blkini(kdport(l),'kdport') call blkini(ifport(l),'ifport') call blkini(ilport(l),'ilport') call blkini(jfport(l),'jfport') call blkini(jlport(l),'jlport') call blkinr(svpnow(l),'svpnow','(a6," =",f10.4," Sv")') call blkinr(svport(l),'svport','(a6," =",f10.4," Sv")') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif c lnport(l) = ilport(l)-ifport(l)+jlport(l)-jfport(l)+1 c c --- sanity check. c if (kdport(l).gt.2) then if (ifport(l).ne.ilport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif else if (jfport(l).ne.jlport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif endif if (ifport(l).gt.ilport(l) .or. & jfport(l).gt.jlport(l) ) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port', & ' location is not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif enddo c close(unit=uoff+99) c c --- check ports against masks, c --- mark the port locations on masks and print them out. c lfatal = .false. do l= 1,nports lfatalp = .false. c if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0+1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0+2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0-1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0-2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0-1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0-2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0+1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0+2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c endif c if (lfatalp) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - port ',l,' mislocated', & ' (mnproc = ',mnproc,')' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif lfatal = lfatal .or. lfatalp enddo c c local lfatal to global lfatal c if (lfatal) then fatal = 1.0 else fatal = 0.0 endif call xcmaxr(fatal) lfatal = c c --- write out -iu- and -iv- arrays, if they are not too big c --- data are written in strips nchar points wide if (lfatal .or. max(itdm,jtdm).le.2*nchar) then util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iu(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iu array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) c util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iv(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iv array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) endif ! small region c if (lfatal) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdp - bad port(s)' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) call xchalt('(latbdp)') stop '(latbdp)' endif c c --- restore iu and iv, and zero iuopn and ivopn. c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii iu(i,j) = max( iu(i,j), 0 ) iv(i,j) = max( iv(i,j), 0 ) enddo enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i= 1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iuopn(i,j) = 0 ivopn(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo c c --- initialize the ports c do l= 1,nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c sum = 0.0 i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j),lnport(l), depths,i+1,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(xline(j),lnport(l), scuy, i, j,0,1, 0) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) sum = sum + dline(j)*xline(j) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) uportw(j) = sum speedw(j) = sqrt(thref/(onem*dline(j))) rspedw(j) = 1.0/speedw(j) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1p2e12.5)') & 'w port: ',l,i,j,uportw(j),speedw(j) endif c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then iuopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c sum = 0.0 i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j),lnport(l), depths,i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(xline(j),lnport(l), scuy, i+1,j,0,1, 0) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) sum = sum + dline(j)*xline(j) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) uporte(j) = sum speede(j) = sqrt(thref/(onem*dline(j))) rspede(j) = 1.0/speede(j) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1p2e12.5)') & 'e port: ',l,i,j,uporte(j),speede(j) endif c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i+1.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & j .ge.j0+ 1-nbdy .and. & j .le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then iuopn(i-i0+1,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c sum = 0.0 j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i),lnport(l), depths,i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(xline(i),lnport(l), scuy, i,j+1,1,0, 0) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) sum = sum + dline(i)*xline(i) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) vportn(i) = sum speedn(i) = sqrt(thref/(onem*dline(i))) rspedn(i) = 1.0/speedn(i) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1p2e12.5)') & 'n port: ',l,i,j,vportn(i),speedn(i) endif c if (i .ge.i0+ 1-nbdy .and. & i .le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j+1.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then ivopn(i-i0,j-j0+1) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c sum = 0.0 j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i),lnport(l), depths,i,j+1,1,0, 0) call xclget(xline(i),lnport(l), scuy, i,j, 1,0, 0) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) sum = sum + dline(i)*xline(i) enddo sum = 1.e6/sum do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) vports(i) = sum speeds(i) = sqrt(thref/(onem*dline(i))) rspeds(i) = 1.0/speeds(i) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1p2e12.5)') & 's port: ',l,i,j,vports(i),speeds(i) endif c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then ivopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) 'port, now/target velocity = ', & l,svpnow(l)*sum,svport(l)*sum call flush(lp) endif enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif #if defined(NERSC_VERSION) #if defined (SEASONAL_PORT) C create an ASCII file clim_trans1.txt that contains the daily value C of the transport through the port inquire(file='clim_tran.txt',exist=ex) if (.not.ex) then print *,'File not present' stop '(latbdy)' end if open(18,file='clim_tran.txt',STATUS='OLD') read(18,'(f8.4)') (dummy2(i),i=1,365) close(18) #elif defined (INTERANNUAL_PORT) C create an ASCII file for each year clim_trans_$year.txt that contains the daily value C of the transport through the port at this specific year inquire(file='cm_tran_'//rt%cyy // '.txt',exist=ex) if (.not.ex) then print *,'File not present: cm_tran' stop '(latbdy)' end if open(18,file='cm_tran_'//rt%cyy//'.txt',STATUS='OLD') read(18,'(f6.4)') (dummy3(i),i=1,365) close(18) #endif #endif c c end of initialization c call xcsync(flush_lp) return endif c c --- 'wellposed' treatment of pressure and normal velocity fields c --- not in fact wellposed with this exterior data c tstep = lcount svspin = exp( -tstep*refold ) do l= 1,nports #if defined(NERSC_VERSION) #if defined (SEASONAL_PORT) uvscl = dummy2(rt%idd+1) + svspin*(svpnow(l)-dummy2(rt%idd+1)) #elif defined (INTERANNUAL_PORT) uvscl = dummy3(rt%idd+1) + svspin*(svpnow(l)-dummy3(rt%idd+1)) #else uvscl = svport(l) + svspin*(svpnow(l)-svport(l)) #endif #endif c if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j), lnport(l), & depthu, i+1,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(xline(j), lnport(l), & scuy, i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,2),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+2,j,0,1, 0) sum = 0.0 do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) crs=uvscl*uportw(j)+speedw(j)*pline(j) fin=1.5*uline(j,1)-.5*uline(j,2)-speedw(j)*pline(j) sum=sum+((crs+fin)-uline(j,1))*dline(j)*xline(j) enddo uvscl2 = uvscl + (uvscl - sum/(onem*1.e6)) sum = 0.0 do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) crs=uvscl2*uportw(j)+speedw(j)*pline(j) fin=1.5*uline(j,1)-.5*uline(j,2)-speedw(j)*pline(j) pline(j) =.5*(crs-fin)*rspedw(j) uline(j,1)=(crs+fin)-uline(j,1) sum=sum+uline(j,1)*dline(j)*xline(j) enddo j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1) call xclput(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1) c if (ldebug_latbdp .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(pb - ', & l,lnport(l),i, j,0,1 write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(ub - ', & l,lnport(l),i, j,0,1 call flush(lp) endif c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) call xclget(dline(j), lnport(l), & depthu, i+1,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(xline(j), lnport(l), & scuy, i+1,j,0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,2),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i-1,j,0,1, 0) sum = 0.0 do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) crs=uvscl*uporte(j)-speede(j)*pline(j) fin=1.5*uline(j,1)-.5*uline(j,2)+speede(j)*pline(j) sum=sum+((crs+fin)-uline(j,1))*dline(j)*xline(j) enddo uvscl2 = uvscl + (uvscl - sum/(onem*1.e6)) sum = 0.0 do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) crs=uvscl2*uporte(j)-speede(j)*pline(j) fin=1.5*uline(j,1)-.5*uline(j,2)+speede(j)*pline(j) pline(j) =.5*(fin-crs)*rspede(j) uline(j,1)=(fin+crs)-uline(j,1) sum=sum+uline(j,1)*dline(j)*xline(j) * if (mnproc.eq.1) then * write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1p2e12.5)') * & 'e port: ',l,i,j,pline(j),uline(j,1) * endif enddo j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j,0,1) call xclput(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j,0,1) c if (ldebug_latbdp .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(pb - ', & l,lnport(l),i, j,0,1 write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(ub - ', & l,lnport(l),i+1,j,0,1 call flush(lp) endif c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i), lnport(l), & depthv, i,j+1,1,0, 0) call xclget(xline(i), lnport(l), & scux, i,j+1,1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,2),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j-1,1,0, 0) sum = 0.0 do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) crs=uvscl*vportn(i)-speedn(i)*pline(i) fin=1.5*uline(i,1)-.5*uline(i,2)+speedn(i)*pline(i) sum=sum+((fin+crs)-uline(i,1))*dline(i)*xline(i) enddo uvscl2 = uvscl + (uvscl - sum/(onem*1.e6)) sum = 0.0 do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) crs=uvscl2*vportn(i)-speedn(i)*pline(i) fin=1.5*uline(i,1)-.5*uline(i,2)+speedn(i)*pline(i) pline(i) =.5*(fin-crs)*rspedn(i) uline(i,1)=(fin+crs)-uline(i,1) sum=sum+uline(i,1)*dline(i)*xline(i) enddo i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0) call xclput(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j+1,1,0) c if (ldebug_latbdp .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(pb - ', & l,lnport(l),i,j, 1,0 write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(vb - ', & l,lnport(l),i,j+1,1,0 call flush(lp) endif c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) call xclget(dline(i), lnport(l), & depthv, i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(xline(i), lnport(l), & scux, i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j+1,1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,2),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j+2,1,0, 0) sum = 0.0 do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) crs=uvscl*vports(i)+speeds(i)*pline(i) fin=1.5*uline(i,1)-.5*uline(i,2)-speeds(i)*pline(i) sum=sum+((crs+fin)-uline(i,1))*dline(i)*xline(i) enddo uvscl2 = uvscl + (uvscl - sum/(onem*1.e6)) sum = 0.0 do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) crs=uvscl2*vports(i)+speeds(i)*pline(i) fin=1.5*uline(i,1)-.5*uline(i,2)-speeds(i)*pline(i) pline(i) =.5*(crs-fin)*rspeds(i) uline(i,1)=(crs+fin)-uline(i,1) sum=sum+uline(i,1)*dline(i)*xline(i) enddo i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0) call xclput(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i,j, 1,0) c if (ldebug_latbdp .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(pb - ', & l,lnport(l),i,j, 1,0 write(lp,'(a,i2,3i5,2i2)') 'l,xclput(vb - ', & l,lnport(l),i,j, 1,0 call flush(lp) endif c endif c * if (mod(lcount,512).eq.0) then * if (mnproc.eq.1) then * write(lp,*) 'latbdp - l,sv,sum = ',l,uvscl,sum/(onem*1.e6) * call flush(lp) * endif * endif enddo c return end subroutine latbdt(n,lll) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface #if defined (NERSC_VERSION) use mod_tides_nersc #endif implicit none include 'common_blocks.h' c integer n,lll c c --- apply lateral boundary conditions to barotropic flow field c c --- nested sub-region version: c --- Uses the 'Browning and Kreiss' MICOM open boundary condition. c c --- Note that 'speed' is in fact thref*SQRT(gH) which represents c --- c1*thref/g in the notation of (Bleck and Sun, Open boundary conditions c --- for MICOM). The thref/g allows for the use of pressure fields. c c --- Note that East, West, North and South refers to the grid c --- (i.e i,j points) and NOT geographic East, West, North and South c c --- the first call is made during initialization. c c --- Alan J. Wallcraft, NRL, July, 2001. c logical, parameter :: ldebug_latbdt=.false. c integer, parameter :: mports=9 !maximum number of ports c integer, parameter :: nchar=120 c logical lfatal,lfatalp integer i,j,isec,ifrst,ilast,l,npf,npi,npl real aline(nchar), & pline(itdm+jtdm),uline(itdm+jtdm,2) real crs,fin,fatal character*3 char3 c integer nports,kdport(mports), & ifport(mports),ilport(mports), & jfport(mports),jlport(mports),lnport(mports) save nports,kdport,ifport,ilport,jfport,jlport,lnport c real speedw(jtdm),rspedw(jtdm), & speede(jtdm),rspede(jtdm), & speedn(itdm),rspedn(itdm), & speeds(itdm),rspeds(itdm) real plnstw(jtdm),ulnstw(jtdm),vlnstw(jtdm), & plnste(jtdm),ulnste(jtdm),vlnste(jtdm), & plnstn(itdm),ulnstn(itdm),vlnstn(itdm), & plnsts(itdm),ulnsts(itdm),vlnsts(itdm) save speedw,rspedw,plnstw,ulnstw,vlnstw, & speede,rspede,plnste,ulnste,vlnste, & speedn,rspedn,plnstn,ulnstn,vlnstn, & speeds,rspeds,plnsts,ulnsts,vlnsts c character*13 fmt save fmt data fmt / '(i4,1x,120i1)' / c integer lcount save lcount data lcount / 0 / #if defined (NERSC_VERSION) integer m_t #endif c lcount = lcount + 1 c c --- the first call just initializes data structures. c if (lcount.eq.1) then c open(unit=uoff+99,file=trim(flnminp)//'ports.input') c c --- 'nports' = number of boundary port sections. call blkini(nports,'nports') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif if ( .or. then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - illegal nports value' if ( then write(lp,*) 'increase parameter mports to',nports endif write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif c c --- read in the ports one at a time c do l= 1,nports c c --- port location is w.r.t. u (EW) or v (NS) grid c --- and identifies the sea at the port c --- the minimum index is 0 c c --- 'kdport' = port orientation (1=N, 2=S, 3=E, 4=W) c --- 'ifport' = first i-index c --- 'ilport' = last i-index (=ifport for N or S orientation) c --- 'jfport' = first j-index c --- 'jlport' = last j-index (=jfport for E or W orientation) c --- 'lnport' = port length (calculated, not input) call blkini(kdport(l),'kdport') call blkini(ifport(l),'ifport') call blkini(ilport(l),'ilport') call blkini(jfport(l),'jfport') call blkini(jlport(l),'jlport') if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) endif c lnport(l) = ilport(l)-ifport(l)+jlport(l)-jfport(l)+1 c c --- sanity check. c if (kdport(l).gt.2) then if (ifport(l).ne.ilport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif else if (jfport(l).ne.jlport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif endif if (ifport(l).gt.ilport(l) .or. & jfport(l).gt.jlport(l) ) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port', & ' location is not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif enddo c close(unit=uoff+99) c c --- check ports against masks, c --- mark the port locations on masks and print them out. c lfatal = .false. do l= 1,nports lfatalp = .false. c if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0+1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0+2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0-1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0-2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0-1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0-2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0+1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0+2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c endif c if (lfatalp) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port ',l,' mislocated', & ' (mnproc = ',mnproc,')' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif lfatal = lfatal .or. lfatalp enddo !l=1,nports c c local lfatal to global lfatal c if (lfatal) then fatal = 1.0 else fatal = 0.0 endif call xcmaxr(fatal) lfatal = c c --- write out -iu- and -iv- arrays, if they are not too big c --- data are written in strips nchar points wide c if (lfatal .or. max(itdm,jtdm).le.2*nchar) then util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iu(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iu array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) c util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iv(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iv array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) endif ! small region c if (lfatal) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - bad port(s)' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) call xchalt('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif c c --- restore iu and iv, and zero iuopn and ivopn. c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii iu(i,j) = max( iu(i,j), 0 ) iv(i,j) = max( iv(i,j), 0 ) enddo enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i= 1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iuopn(i,j) = 0 ivopn(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo c c --- define the nested boundary input mask. c do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii maskbc(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo c do l= 1,nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. else maskbc(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l)-1 do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. else maskbc(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l)-1 do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. else maskbc(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. else maskbc(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo endif enddo !l=1,nports c if (ldebug_latbdt) then util1(1:ii,1:jj) = maskbc(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'bc array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) endif !ldebug_latbdt c c --- initialize the ports c do l= 1,nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) call xclget(pline(j),lnport(l), depths,i,j,0,1, 0) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) speedw(j) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(j))) rspedw(j) = 1.0/speedw(j) if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1pe12.5)') & 'w port: ',l,i,j,speedw(j) endif c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then iuopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) call xclget(pline(j),lnport(l), depths,i,j,0,1, 0) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) speede(j) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(j))) rspede(j) = 1.0/speede(j) if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1pe12.5)') & 'e port: ',l,i,j,speede(j) endif c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i+1.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & j .ge.j0+ 1-nbdy .and. & j .le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then iuopn(i-i0+1,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) call xclget(pline(i),lnport(l), depths,i,j,1,0, 0) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) speedn(i) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(i))) rspedn(i) = 1.0/speedn(i) if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1pe12.5)') & 'n port: ',l,i,j,speedn(i) endif c if (i .ge.i0+ 1-nbdy .and. & i .le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j+1.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then ivopn(i-i0,j-j0+1) = 1 endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) call xclget(pline(i),lnport(l), depths,i,j,1,0, 0) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) speeds(i) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(i))) rspeds(i) = 1.0/speeds(i) if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i2,2i5,1pe12.5)') & 's port: ',l,i,j,speeds(i) endif c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then ivopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 1 endif enddo c endif enddo !l=1,nports if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif c c end of initialization c call xcsync(flush_lp) return endif c c --- nested input only required on first barotropic time step. c if (lll.eq.1) then do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii if (maskbc(i,j).eq.1) then util1(i,j) = ubnest(i,j,ln0)*wb0+ubnest(i,j,ln1)*wb1 util2(i,j) = vbnest(i,j,ln0)*wb0+vbnest(i,j,ln1)*wb1 util3(i,j) = pbnest(i,j,ln0)*wb0+pbnest(i,j,ln1)*wb1 util4(i,j) = ubpnst(i,j,ln0)*wb0+ubpnst(i,j,ln1)*wb1 util5(i,j) = vbpnst(i,j,ln0)*wb0+vbpnst(i,j,ln1)*wb1 endif enddo enddo #if defined (NERSC_VERSION) c --- Update tidal height and velocities in nersc tidal module c --- TODO: Consider doing this every barotropic time step if (ltides) call tide_hgt(nersctide_time + lll*dlt/86400) #endif c do l= 1,nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) call xclget(plnstw(j), lnport(l), & util3(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 0,1, 0) ! pbnest call xclget(ulnstw(j), lnport(l), & util4(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 0,1, 0) ! ubpnst call xclget(vlnstw(j+1),lnport(l)-1, & util2(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j+1,0,1, 0) ! vbnest #if defined (NERSC_VERSION) ! add tidal contribution to ex. solution- if (i==2 .and. ltides) then do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) m_t=2*(itdm+jtdm)+1-max(1,min(j,jtdm)) if (lcount==2.and.mnproc==1) & print *,'nersc_tide W ',i,j,tide%h(m_t) plnstw(j) = plnstw(j) + tide%h(m_t) if (tide%uv) then ulnstw(j) = ulnstw(j) + 0.01*tide%u(m_t) ! to m/s endif end do end if #endif elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) call xclget(plnste(j), lnport(l), & util3(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 0,1, 0) ! pbnest call xclget(ulnste(j), lnport(l), & util4(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 0,1, 0) ! ubpnst call xclget(vlnste(j+1),lnport(l)-1, & util2(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j+1,0,1, 0) ! vbnest #if defined (NERSC_VERSION) ! add tidal contribution to ex. solution- if (i==itdm-1 .and. ltides) then do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) m_t=itdm + max(1,min(j,jtdm)) plnste(j)= plnste(j) + tide%h(m_t) if (lcount==2.and.mnproc==1) & print *,'nersc_tide E ',i,j,tide%h(m_t) if (tide%uv) then ulnste(j) = ulnste(j) + 0.01*tide%u(m_t) ! to m/s endif end do endif #endif elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) call xclget(plnstn(i), lnport(l), & util3(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 1,0, 0) ! pbnest call xclget(vlnstn(i), lnport(l), & util5(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 1,0, 0) ! vbpnst call xclget(ulnstn(i+1),lnport(l)-1, & util1(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i+1,j, 1,0, 0) ! ubnest #if defined (NERSC_VERSION) ! add tidal contribution to ex. solution- if (j==jtdm-1 .and. ltides) then do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) m_t=2*itdm + jtdm + 1 -max(1,min(i,itdm)) plnstn(i)= plnstn(i) + tide%h(m_t) if (lcount==2.and.mnproc==1) & print *,'nersc_tide N ',i,j,tide%h(m_t) if (tide%uv) then ulnstn(i) = ulnstn(i) + 0.01*tide%v(m_t) ! to m/s endif end do endif #endif elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) call xclget(plnsts(i), lnport(l), & util3(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 1,0, 0) ! pbnest call xclget(vlnsts(i), lnport(l), & util5(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 1,0, 0) ! vbpnst call xclget(ulnsts(i+1),lnport(l)-1, & util1(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i+1,j, 1,0, 0) ! ubnest #if defined (NERSC_VERSION) ! add tidal contribution to ex. solution- if ( j==2 .and. ltides) then do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) m_t=max(1,min(i,itdm)) plnsts(i)= plnsts(i) + tide%h(m_t) if (lcount==2.and.mnproc==1) & print *,'nersc_tide S ',i,j,tide%h(m_t) if (tide%uv) then ulnsts(i) = ulnsts(i) + 0.01*tide%v(m_t) ! to m/s endif enddo endif #endif endif enddo !l=1,nports endif !lll.eq.1 c c --- 'wellposed' treatment of pressure and velocity fields. c --- alternate order of ports in case corners are open. c if (mod(lll,2).eq.1) then npf = 1 npl = nports npi = 1 else npf = nports npl = 1 npi = -1 endif do l= npf,npl,npi c if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c western port c i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) call xclget(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,2),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+2,j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1, 0) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) crs= ulnstw(j) +speedw(j)*plnstw(j) fin=1.5*uline(j,1)-0.5*uline(j,2)-speedw(j)*pline( j) pline(j) =0.5*(crs-fin)*rspedw(j) uline(j,1)= (crs+fin)-uline(j,1) enddo j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1) call xclput(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1) ! normal call xclput(vlnstw(j+1),lnport(l)-1, & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+1,0,1) ! tangential c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c eastern port c i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) call xclget(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,2),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i-1,j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1, 0) if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then j=jlport(l) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p2e12.5)') 'e port, uline:',j,uline(j,1:2) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'e port, pline:',j,pline(j) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'e port, plnst:',j,plnste(j) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'e port, ulnst:',j,ulnste(j) endif do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) crs= ulnste(j) -speede(j)*plnste(j) fin=1.5*uline(j,1)-0.5*uline(j,2)+speede(j)*pline( j) pline(j) =0.5*(fin-crs)*rspede(j) uline(j,1)= (fin+crs)-uline(j,1) enddo if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then j=jlport(l) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p2e12.5)') 'e port, crs:',j,crs,fin write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'e port, pbavg:',j,pline(j) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'e port, ubavg:',j,uline(j,1) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'e port, vbavg:',j,vlnste(j) write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1) call xclput(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j, 0,1) ! normal call xclput(vlnste(j+1),lnport(l)-1, & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+1,0,1) ! tangential c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c northern port c j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) call xclget(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,2),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j-1,1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0, 0) if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then i=ilport(l) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p2e12.5)') 'n port, uline:',i,uline(i,1:2) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'n port, pline:',i,pline(i) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'n port, plnst:',i,plnstn(i) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'n port, vlnst:',i,vlnstn(i) endif do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) crs= vlnstn(i) -speedn(i)*plnstn(i) fin=1.5*uline(i,1)-0.5*uline(i,2)+speedn(i)*pline( i) pline(i) =0.5*(fin-crs)*rspedn(i) uline(i,1)= (fin+crs)-uline(i,1) enddo if (ldebug_latbdt .and. mnproc.eq.1) then i=ilport(l) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p2e12.5)') 'n port, crs:',i,crs,fin write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'n port, pbavg:',i,pline(i) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'n port, vbavg:',i,uline(i,1) write(lp,'(a,i4,1p1e12.5)') 'n port, ubavg:',i,ulnstn(i) write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0) call xclput(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+1,1,0) ! normal call xclput(ulnstn(i+1),lnport(l)-1, & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j, 1,0) ! tangential c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c southern port c j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) call xclget(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+1,1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,2),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+2,1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0, 0) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) crs= vlnsts(i) +speeds(i)*plnsts(i) fin=1.5*uline(i,1)-0.5*uline(i,2)-speeds(i)*pline( i) pline(i) =0.5*(crs-fin)*rspeds(i) uline(i,1)= (crs+fin)-uline(i,1) enddo i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0) call xclput(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0) ! normal call xclput(ulnsts(i+1),lnport(l)-1, & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j, 1,0) ! tangential c endif c enddo !l=1,nports c return end c c c> Revision history: c> c> Mar. 2004 -- fixed bug in latbdp's speed calculation c> Nov. 2006 -- added latbdf