subroutine inicon(mnth) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_pipe ! HYCOM debugging interface c c --- hycom version 1.0 implicit none c include 'common_blocks.h' c integer mnth c c --- ------------------------------------------------------ c --- initializatize all fields (except tracers, see initrc) c --- ------------------------------------------------------ c logical lpipe_inicon parameter (lpipe_inicon=.false.) c real pinit,pk1p5,pmin(0:kdm),realat,cenlat,tempk integer i,j,k,k1,kkap,l,m,n cdiag character text*24 character ptxt*12,utxt*12,vtxt*12 c real poflat,roflat external poflat,roflat c include 'stmt_fns.h' c if (iniflg.eq.3) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in inicon - invalid iniflg value' write(lp,*) 'iniflg = ',iniflg write(lp,*) 'use restart/src/restart_archv to convert' write(lp,*) ' an archive to a restart file (off-line).' write(lp,*) 'then rerun with this as restart_in, and with' write(lp,*) ' a positive initial value in limits' write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(inicon)') stop '(inicon)' elseif ( .or. then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in inicon - invalid iniflg value' write(lp,*) 'iniflg = ',iniflg write(lp,*) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(inicon)') stop '(inicon)' endif c margin = 0 c if (iniflg.eq.2) then call rdrlax(mnth,1) !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,k) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) do k=1,kk if (k.eq.1 .or. k.le.nhybrd) then temp(i,j,k,1)=twall(i,j,k,1) saln(i,j,k,1)=swall(i,j,k,1) th3d(i,j,k,1)=sig(temp(i,j,k,1),saln(i,j,k,1))-thbase else ! isopyc temp(i,j,k,1)=tofsig(theta(i,j,k)+thbase, + swall(i,j,k,1)) saln(i,j,k,1)=swall(i,j,k,1) th3d(i,j,k,1)=theta(i,j,k) endif c temp(i,j,k,2)=temp(i,j,k,1) saln(i,j,k,2)=saln(i,j,k,1) th3d(i,j,k,2)=th3d(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo enddo else !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,k,tempk) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do k=1,kk do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) tempk=tofsig(theta(i,j,k)+thbase,saln0) c temp(i,j,k,1)=tempk saln(i,j,k,1)=saln0 th3d(i,j,k,1)=theta(i,j,k) c temp(i,j,k,2)=tempk saln(i,j,k,2)=saln0 th3d(i,j,k,2)=theta(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_inicon) then do k= 1,kk write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,2),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,2),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,2),ip,ptxt) enddo endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'('' sigma(k):'',9f7.2/(15x,9f7.2))') & (sigma(k),k=1,kk) endif !1st tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c i = (itdm+1)/2 j = (jtdm+1)/2 call xceget(cenlat, plat, i,j) c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,k,pmin,realat,pinit) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do 54 j=1-margin,jj+margin do 54 l=1,isp(j) do 54 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) p(i,j, 1)=0.0 p(i,j,kk+1)=depths(i,j)*onem c pmin(0)=0.0 do 55 k=1,kk if (k.le.nhybrd) then pmin(k)=pmin(k-1)+min(dp0k(k),max(ds0k(k), & dssk(k)*depths(i,j))) else ! isopyc pmin(k)=pmin(k-1) endif c if (mxlmy) then q2( i,j,k,1)=smll q2l( i,j,k,2)=smll vctymy(i,j,k )=difmiw difqmy(i,j,k )=difsiw diftmy(i,j,k )=difsiw if (k.eq.kk) then q2( i,j,0 ,1)=smll q2l( i,j,0 ,2)=smll q2( i,j,k+1,1)=smll q2l( i,j,k+1,2)=smll vctymy(i,j,0 )=difmiw difqmy(i,j,0 )=difsiw diftmy(i,j,0 )=difsiw vctymy(i,j,k+1 )=difmiw difqmy(i,j,k+1 )=difsiw diftmy(i,j,k+1 )=difsiw endif endif !mxlmy c if (iniflg.le.1) then c c initial interfaces from zonal mean climatology. c if ( then if (iniflg.eq.0) then c c --- initial interfaces are flat, c --- based on zonal mean climatology at center of the basin. c realat=cenlat else ! iniflg==1 if ( then realat=plat(i,j) else realat=cenlat endif endif pinit=poflat(.5*(sigma(k)+sigma(k+1)),realat) c if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest) then write (lp,'(a,i3,2f12.3,2f10.3)') & 'k,pmin,poflat,sigma,realat = ', & k,pmin(k)*qonem, & pinit*qonem,.5*(sigma(k)+sigma(k+1)),realat call flush(lp) endif c else ! k==kk pinit=huge endif p(i,j,k+1)=max(pmin(k),pinit) if ( .and. & k.le.nhybrd+1 .and. & p(i,j,k).le.pmin(k-1) .and. & (k.eq.kk .or. p(i,j,k+1).gt.pmin(k))) then do k1=1,k pk1p5 = 0.5*(min(p(i,j,k1) ,depths(i,j)*onem)+ & min(p(i,j,k1+1),depths(i,j)*onem) ) th3d(i,j,k1,1)=roflat(pk1p5,realat) -thbase temp(i,j,k1,1)=tofsig(th3d(i,j,k1,1)+thbase,saln0) saln(i,j,k1,1)=saln0 c th3d(i,j,k1,2)=th3d(i,j,k1,1) temp(i,j,k1,2)=temp(i,j,k1,1) saln(i,j,k1,2)=saln(i,j,k1,1) c if (kapref.eq.0) then !not thermobaric thstar(i,j,k1,1)=th3d(i,j,k1,1) elseif ( then thstar(i,j,k1,1)=th3d(i,j,k1,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k1,1), & saln(i,j,k1,1), & p(i,j,k1), & kapref) else !variable kapref thstar(i,j,k1,1)=th3d(i,j,k1,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k1,1), & saln(i,j,k1,1), & p(i,j,k1), & 2) thstar(i,j,k1,2)=th3d(i,j,k1,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k1,1), & saln(i,j,k1,1), & p(i,j,k1), & kapi(i,j)) endif c if (i.eq.itest .and. j.eq.jtest) then write (lp,'(a,i3,4f12.3)') & 'k,pk+.5,roflat,realat = ', & k1,pk1p5*qonem, & th3d(i,j,k1,1)+thbase,temp(i,j,k1,1),realat call flush(lp) endif end do end if if (k.eq.kk) then do k1=1,kk p( i,j,k1+1)=min(p(i,j,k1+1),depths(i,j)*onem) dp(i,j,k1,1)= p(i,j,k1+1)-p(i,j,k1) dp(i,j,k1,2)= dp(i,j,k1,1) if (kapref.eq.0) then !not thermobaric thstar(i,j,k1,1)=th3d(i,j,k1,1) elseif ( then thstar(i,j,k1,1)=th3d(i,j,k1,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k1,1), & saln(i,j,k1,1), & p(i,j,k1), & kapref) else !variable kapref thstar(i,j,k1,1)=th3d(i,j,k1,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k1,1), & saln(i,j,k1,1), & p(i,j,k1), & 2) thstar(i,j,k1,2)=th3d(i,j,k1,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k1,1), & saln(i,j,k1,1), & p(i,j,k1), & kapi(i,j)) endif enddo endif elseif (iniflg.eq.2) then c c initial interfaces from relaxation fields. c if ( then p(i,j,k+1) = pwall(i,j,k+1,1) else p(i,j,k+1) = depths(i,j)*onem endif dp(i,j,k,1) = p(i,j,k+1)-p(i,j,k) dp(i,j,k,2) = dp(i,j,k,1) if (kapref.eq.0) then !not thermobaric thstar(i,j,k,1)=th3d(i,j,k,1) elseif ( then thstar(i,j,k,1)=th3d(i,j,k,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k,1), & saln(i,j,k,1), & p(i,j,k), & kapref) else !variable kapref thstar(i,j,k,1)=th3d(i,j,k,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k,1), & saln(i,j,k,1), & p(i,j,k), & 2) thstar(i,j,k,2)=th3d(i,j,k,1)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k,1), & saln(i,j,k,1), & p(i,j,k), & kapi(i,j)) endif endif c cdiag if (mod(k,3).ne.1) go to 55 cdiag write (text,'(''intf.pressure (m), k='',i3)') k+1 cdiag call prtmsk(ip,p(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k+1),util1,idm,ii,jj,0.,1.*qonem,text) c 55 continue c if (isopyc) then c c --- MICOM-like mixed layer no thinner than thkmin. c p( i,j,2) =max(p(i,j,2),min(depths(i,j),thkmin)*onem) dp(i,j,1,1)=p(i,j,2)-p(i,j,1) dp(i,j,1,2)=dp(i,j,1,1) do k=2,kk p( i,j,k+1)=max(p(i,j,k+1),p(i,j,k)) dp(i,j,k,1)= p(i,j,k+1)-p(i,j,k) dp(i,j,k,2)=dp(i,j,k,1) enddo endif 54 continue !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if (iniflg.eq.0) then do k= 1,kk tempk = 0.0 do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii if (ip(i,j).eq.1 .and. & abs(th3d(i,j,k,1)-th3d(ii/2,jj/2,k,1)).gt. & abs(tempk)) then write(6,*) 'inicon: i,j,k,th3d = ', & i,j,k,th3d(i,j,k,1),th3d(ii/2,jj/2,k,1), & th3d(i,j,k,1)-th3d(ii/2,jj/2,k,1) tempk = th3d(i,j,k,1)-th3d(ii/2,jj/2,k,1) endif enddo enddo if (tempk.eq.0.0) then write(6,*) 'inicon: constant layer k = ',k else write(6,*) 'inicon: variable layer k = ',k endif enddo endif c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,k) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do 50 j=1-margin,jj+margin do 51 l=1,isp(j) do 51 i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) pbavg(i,j,1)=0. pbavg(i,j,2)=0. pbavg(i,j,3)=0. pbot(i,j)=p(i,j,kk+1) c klist(i,j)=kk !for MY2.5 mixed layer c steric(i,j)=0.0 srfhgt(i,j)=0.0 montg1(i,j)=0.0 c do kkap= 1,kapnum montg(i,j,1,kkap)=0.0 do k=1,kk-1 montg(i,j,k+1,kkap)=montg(i,j,k,kkap)- & p(i,j,k+1)*(thstar(i,j,k+1,kkap)-thstar(i,j,k,kkap))*thref**2 enddo c thkk( i,j,kkap)=thstar(i,j,kk,kkap) psikk(i,j,kkap)=montg( i,j,kk,kkap) enddo !kkap c c --- start with a thin mixed layer if (hybrid) then dpmixl(i,j,1)=min(depths(i,j)*onem-onem, & max(thkmin*onem,p(i,j,2))) else ! isopyc dpmixl(i,j,1)=p(i,j,2) endif dpmixl(i,j,2)=dpmixl(i,j,1) dpbl( i,j) =dpmixl(i,j,1) dpbbl( i,j) =thkbot*onem c temice(i,j) = temp(i,j,1,1) covice(i,j) = 0.0 thkice(i,j) = 0.0 51 continue do i=1-margin,ii+margin do k= 1,3 ubavg(i,j,k) = 0.0 vbavg(i,j,k) = 0.0 enddo do k= 1,kk u(i,j,k,1) = 0.0 u(i,j,k,2) = 0.0 v(i,j,k,1) = 0.0 v(i,j,k,2) = 0.0 enddo enddo 50 continue !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c if ( .and. then write (lp,103) nstep,i0+itest,j0+jtest, & ' istate: temp saln thstar thkns dpth montg', & dpmixl(itest,jtest,1)*qonem, & (k,temp(itest,jtest,k,1),saln(itest,jtest,k,1), & thstar(itest,jtest,k,1)+thbase,dp(itest,jtest,k,1)*qonem, & (p(itest,jtest,k+1)+p(itest,jtest,k))*0.5*qonem, & montg(itest,jtest,k,1)/g,k=1,kk) write(lp,104) depths(itest,jtest) endif !test tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c if (lpipe .and. lpipe_inicon) then do k= 1,kk write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'th3d.2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(th3d(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,2),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'thstar k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(thstar(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'saln.2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(saln(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,2),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'temp.2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(temp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,2),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') ' dp.1 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1( dp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') ' dp.2 k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1( dp(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,2),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'montg k=',k call pipe_compare_sym1(montg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,k,1),ip,ptxt) enddo write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'thkk k=',kk call pipe_compare_sym1(thkk( 1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1),ip,ptxt) write (ptxt,'(a9,i3)') 'psikk k=',kk call pipe_compare_sym1(psikk(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1),ip,ptxt) endif c if(mxlkrt) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,l,i,k) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-margin,jj+margin do l=1,isp(j) do i=max(1-margin,ifp(j,l)),min(ii+margin,ilp(j,l)) do k=1,kk if(dpmixl(i,j,1).gt.p(i,j,k ) .and. & dpmixl(i,j,1).le.p(i,j,k+1)) then t1sav(i,j,1)=temp(i,j,k,1) s1sav(i,j,1)=saln(i,j,k,1) tmlb( i,j,1)=temp(i,j,k,1) smlb( i,j,1)=saln(i,j,k,1) nmlb( i,j,1)=k t1sav(i,j,2)=t1sav(i,j,1) s1sav(i,j,2)=s1sav(i,j,1) tmlb( i,j,2)=tmlb(i,j,1) smlb( i,j,2)=smlb(i,j,1) nmlb( i,j,2)=k end if enddo enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO end if c if (hybrid) then m=2 n=1 call pipe_comparall(m,n, 'inicon, step') call dpudpv(dpu(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n), & dpv(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n), & p,depthu,depthv, margin) ! p's halo extended by dpudpv if (lpipe) then do k= 1,kk write (utxt,'(a9,i3)') 'dpu k=',k write (vtxt,'(a9,i3)') 'dpv k=',k call pipe_compare_sym2(dpu(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n),iu,utxt, & dpv(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n),iv,vtxt) enddo endif call hybgen(m,n) call pipe_comparall(m,n, 'inicn1, step') m=1 n=2 call dpudpv(dpu(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n), & dpv(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n), & p,depthu,depthv, margin) ! p's halo extended by dpudpv if (lpipe) then do k= 1,kk write (utxt,'(a9,i3)') 'dpu k=',k write (vtxt,'(a9,i3)') 'dpv k=',k call pipe_compare_sym2(dpu(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n),iu,utxt, & dpv(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,n),iv,vtxt) enddo endif call hybgen(m,n) call pipe_comparall(m,n, 'inicn2, step') endif c if ( .and. then write (lp,103) nstep,i0+itest,j0+jtest, & ' istate: temp saln thstar thkns dpth montg', & dpmixl(itest,jtest,1)*qonem, & (k,temp(itest,jtest,k,1),saln(itest,jtest,k,1), & thstar(itest,jtest,k,1)+thbase,dp(itest,jtest,k,1)*qonem, & (p(itest,jtest,k+1)+p(itest,jtest,k))*0.5*qonem, & montg(itest,jtest,k,1)/g,k=1,kk) write(lp,104) depths(itest,jtest) 103 format (i9,2i5,a/23x,'mxl',32x, f8.1/ & (23x,i3,2f8.2,f8.2,2f8.1,f8.3)) 104 format ( 23x,'bot',32x, f8.1) endif !test tile call xcsync(flush_lp) c return end c c c> Revision history: c> c> Nov. 1999 - added code to initialize homogeneous values of thermodynamical c> variables near the surface c> May 2000 - conversion to SI units c> Aug. 2000 - added hybrid and isopycnic vertical coordinate options